blob: 5fd313af25cb138ebf21204d79bb39f4d5014e97 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.bval.jsr;
import org.apache.bval.jsr.xml.AnnotationIgnores;
import org.apache.bval.jsr.xml.MetaConstraint;
import org.apache.bval.jsr.xml.ValidationMappingParser;
import org.apache.bval.util.AccessStrategy;
import org.apache.bval.util.reflection.Reflection;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.ClassUtils;
import org.apache.commons.weaver.privilizer.Privilizing;
import org.apache.commons.weaver.privilizer.Privilizing.CallTo;
import javax.validation.ConstraintValidatorFactory;
import javax.validation.MessageInterpolator;
import javax.validation.ParameterNameProvider;
import javax.validation.TraversableResolver;
import javax.validation.Validation;
import javax.validation.ValidationException;
import javax.validation.Validator;
import javax.validation.ValidatorFactory;
import javax.validation.spi.ConfigurationState;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
* Description: a factory is a complete configurated object that can create
* validators.<br/>
* This instance is not thread-safe.<br/>
public class ApacheValidatorFactory implements ValidatorFactory, Cloneable {
private static volatile ApacheValidatorFactory DEFAULT_FACTORY;
private static final ConstraintDefaults DEFAULT_CONSTRAINTS = new ConstraintDefaults();
private MessageInterpolator messageResolver;
private TraversableResolver traversableResolver;
private ConstraintValidatorFactory constraintValidatorFactory;
private ParameterNameProvider parameterNameProvider;
private final Map<String, String> properties;
* information from xml parsing
private final AnnotationIgnores annotationIgnores = new AnnotationIgnores();
private final ConstraintCached constraintsCache = new ConstraintCached();
private final Map<Class<?>, Class<?>[]> defaultSequences;
* access strategies for properties with cascade validation @Valid support
private final ConcurrentMap<Class<?>, List<AccessStrategy>> validAccesses;
private final ConcurrentMap<Class<?>, List<MetaConstraint<?, ? extends Annotation>>> constraintMap;
private final Collection<Closeable> toClose = new ArrayList<Closeable>();
* Convenience method to retrieve a default global ApacheValidatorFactory
* @return {@link ApacheValidatorFactory}
public static ApacheValidatorFactory getDefault() {
if (DEFAULT_FACTORY == null) {
synchronized (ApacheValidatorFactory.class) {
if (DEFAULT_FACTORY == null) {
DEFAULT_FACTORY = Validation.byProvider(ApacheValidationProvider.class).configure()
* Set a particular {@link ApacheValidatorFactory} instance as the default.
* @param aDefaultFactory
public static void setDefault(ApacheValidatorFactory aDefaultFactory) {
DEFAULT_FACTORY = aDefaultFactory;
* Create a new ApacheValidatorFactory instance.
public ApacheValidatorFactory(ConfigurationState configurationState) {
properties = new HashMap<String, String>();
defaultSequences = new HashMap<Class<?>, Class<?>[]>();
validAccesses = new ConcurrentHashMap<Class<?>, List<AccessStrategy>>();
constraintMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<Class<?>, List<MetaConstraint<?, ? extends Annotation>>>();
* Configure this {@link ApacheValidatorFactory} from a
* {@link ConfigurationState}.
* @param configuration
protected void configure(final ConfigurationState configuration) {
parameterNameProvider = configuration.getParameterNameProvider();
messageResolver = configuration.getMessageInterpolator();
traversableResolver = configuration.getTraversableResolver();
constraintValidatorFactory = configuration.getConstraintValidatorFactory();
if (ConfigurationImpl.class.isInstance(configuration)) {
final ConfigurationImpl impl = ConfigurationImpl.class.cast(configuration);
new ValidationMappingParser(this).processMappingConfig(configuration.getMappingStreams());
* Get the property map of this {@link ApacheValidatorFactory}.
* @return Map<String, String>
public Map<String, String> getProperties() {
return properties;
* Shortcut method to create a new Validator instance with factory's
* settings
* @return the new validator instance
public Validator getValidator() {
return usingContext().getValidator();
* {@inheritDoc}
* @return the validator factory's context
public ApacheFactoryContext usingContext() {
return new ApacheFactoryContext(this);
* {@inheritDoc}
public synchronized ApacheValidatorFactory clone() {
try {
return (ApacheValidatorFactory) super.clone();
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
throw new InternalError(); // VM bug.
* Set the {@link MessageInterpolator} used.
* @param messageResolver
public final void setMessageInterpolator(MessageInterpolator messageResolver) {
if (messageResolver != null) {
this.messageResolver = messageResolver;
* {@inheritDoc}
public MessageInterpolator getMessageInterpolator() {
return messageResolver;
* Set the {@link TraversableResolver} used.
* @param traversableResolver
public final void setTraversableResolver(
TraversableResolver traversableResolver) {
if (traversableResolver != null) {
this.traversableResolver = traversableResolver;
public void setParameterNameProvider(final ParameterNameProvider parameterNameProvider) {
if (parameterNameProvider != null) {
this.parameterNameProvider = parameterNameProvider;
* {@inheritDoc}
public TraversableResolver getTraversableResolver() {
return traversableResolver;
* Set the {@link ConstraintValidatorFactory} used.
* @param constraintValidatorFactory
public final void setConstraintValidatorFactory(
ConstraintValidatorFactory constraintValidatorFactory) {
if (constraintValidatorFactory != null) {
this.constraintValidatorFactory = constraintValidatorFactory;
if (DefaultConstraintValidatorFactory.class.isInstance(constraintValidatorFactory)) {
* {@inheritDoc}
public ConstraintValidatorFactory getConstraintValidatorFactory() {
return constraintValidatorFactory;
public ParameterNameProvider getParameterNameProvider() {
return parameterNameProvider;
public void close() {
try {
for (final Closeable c : toClose) {
} catch (final Exception e) {
// no-op
* Return an object of the specified type to allow access to the
* provider-specific API. If the Bean Validation provider implementation
* does not support the specified class, the ValidationException is thrown.
* @param type the class of the object to be returned.
* @return an instance of the specified class
* @throws ValidationException if the provider does not support the call.
public <T> T unwrap(final Class<T> type) {
if (type.isInstance(this)) {
final T result = (T) this;
return result;
// FIXME 2011-03-27 jw:
// This code is unsecure.
// It should allow only a fixed set of classes.
// Can't fix this because don't know which classes this method should support.
if (!(type.isInterface() || Modifier.isAbstract(type
.getModifiers()))) {
return newInstance(type);
try {
final Class<?> cls = ClassUtils.getClass(type.getName() + "Impl");
if (type.isAssignableFrom(cls)) {
T result = (T) newInstance(cls);
return result;
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
// do nothing
throw new ValidationException("Type " + type + " not supported");
private <T> T newInstance(final Class<T> cls) {
try {
return Reflection.newInstance(cls);
} catch (final RuntimeException e) {
throw new ValidationException(e.getCause());
* Get the detected {@link ConstraintDefaults}.
* @return ConstraintDefaults
public ConstraintDefaults getDefaultConstraints() {
* Get the detected {@link AnnotationIgnores}.
* @return AnnotationIgnores
public AnnotationIgnores getAnnotationIgnores() {
return annotationIgnores;
* Get the constraint cache used.
* @return {@link ConstraintCached}
public ConstraintCached getConstraintsCache() {
return constraintsCache;
* Add a meta-constraint to this {@link ApacheValidatorFactory}'s runtime
* customizations.
* @param beanClass
* @param metaConstraint
public void addMetaConstraint(final Class<?> beanClass,
final MetaConstraint<?, ?> metaConstraint) {
List<MetaConstraint<?, ? extends Annotation>> slot = constraintMap.get(beanClass);
if (slot == null) {
slot = new ArrayList<MetaConstraint<?, ? extends Annotation>>();
final List<MetaConstraint<?, ? extends Annotation>> old = constraintMap.putIfAbsent(beanClass, slot);
if (old != null) {
slot = old;
* Mark a property of <code>beanClass</code> for nested validation.
* @param beanClass
* @param accessStrategy
* defining the property to validate
public void addValid(Class<?> beanClass, AccessStrategy accessStrategy) {
List<AccessStrategy> slot = validAccesses.get(beanClass);
if (slot == null) {
slot = new ArrayList<AccessStrategy>();
final List<AccessStrategy> old = validAccesses.putIfAbsent(beanClass, slot);
if (old != null) {
slot = old;
* Set the default group sequence for a particular bean class.
* @param beanClass
* @param groupSequence
public void addDefaultSequence(Class<?> beanClass, Class<?>... groupSequence) {
defaultSequences.put(beanClass, safeArray(groupSequence));
* Retrieve the runtime constraint configuration for a given class.
* @param <T>
* @param beanClass
* @return List of {@link MetaConstraint}s applicable to
* <code>beanClass</code>
public <T> List<MetaConstraint<T, ? extends Annotation>> getMetaConstraints(
Class<T> beanClass) {
final List<MetaConstraint<?, ? extends Annotation>> slot = constraintMap.get(beanClass);
if (slot == null) {
return Collections.emptyList();
// noinspection RedundantCast
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
final List<MetaConstraint<T, ? extends Annotation>> result = (List) slot;
return Collections.unmodifiableList(result);
* Get the {@link AccessStrategy} {@link List} indicating nested bean
* validations that must be triggered in the course of validating a
* <code>beanClass</code> graph.
* @param beanClass
* @return {@link List} of {@link AccessStrategy}
public List<AccessStrategy> getValidAccesses(Class<?> beanClass) {
final List<AccessStrategy> slot = validAccesses.get(beanClass);
return slot == null ? Collections.<AccessStrategy> emptyList() : Collections.unmodifiableList(slot);
* Get the default group sequence configured for <code>beanClass</code>.
* @param beanClass
* @return group Class array
public Class<?>[] getDefaultSequence(Class<?> beanClass) {
return safeArray(defaultSequences.get(beanClass));
private static Class<?>[] safeArray(Class<?>... array) {
return ArrayUtils.isEmpty(array) ? ArrayUtils.EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY : ArrayUtils.clone(array);