blob: c31a10bca2944c74958feb0c77262e6d0f88e862 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import os
from typing import Optional, Tuple, List, cast
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import grpc
from grpc import ChannelCredentials, Channel
from ._exceptions import LoadError, RemoteError
from .exceptions import LoadErrorReason
from .types import FastEnum
from .node import MappingNode
# RemoteType():
# Defines the different types of remote.
class RemoteType(FastEnum):
INDEX = "index"
STORAGE = "storage"
ENDPOINT = "endpoint"
ALL = "all"
def __str__(self) -> str:
return"_", "-")
return ""
# RemoteSpecPurpose():
# What a RemoteSpec is going to be used for.
# This is currently only used to control the behavior
# of RemoteSpec.new_from_string(), after that, a RemoteSpec
# has a `push` attribute which is either True or False.
class RemoteSpecPurpose(FastEnum):
ALL = 0 # Pushing and pulling
PUSH = 1 # Only pushing
PULL = 2 # Only pulling
# RemoteSpec():
# This data structure holds all of the details required to
# connect to and communicate with the various grpc remote
# services, like the artifact cache, source cache and remote
# execution service.
class RemoteSpec:
def __init__(
remote_type: str,
url: str,
push: bool = False,
server_cert: str = None,
client_key: str = None,
client_cert: str = None,
instance_name: Optional[str] = None,
spec_node: Optional[MappingNode] = None,
) -> None:
# Public members
# The remote type
self.remote_type: str = remote_type
# Whether we are allowed to push (for asset caches only)
self.push: bool = push
# The url of the remote, this may contain a port number
self.url: str = url
# The name of the grpc service to talk to at this remote url
self.instance_name: Optional[str] = instance_name
# The credentials
self.server_cert_file: Optional[str] = server_cert
self.client_key_file: Optional[str] = client_key
self.client_cert_file: Optional[str] = client_cert
# Private members
# The provenance node for error reporting
self._spec_node: Optional[MappingNode] = spec_node
# The credentials loaded from disk, and whether they were loaded
self._server_cert: Optional[bytes] = None
self._client_key: Optional[bytes] = None
self._client_cert: Optional[bytes] = None
self._cred_files_loaded: bool = False
# The grpc credentials object
self._credentials: Optional[ChannelCredentials] = None
# Implement dunder methods to support hashing and
# comparisons.
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
return hash(self) == hash(other)
def __hash__(self) -> int:
return hash(
def __str__(self) -> str:
string = self.url + "\n"
string += "push: {} type: {} instance: {}\n".format(self.push, self.remote_type, self.instance_name)
if self._spec_node:
provenance = str(self._spec_node.get_provenance())
provenance = "command line"
string += "loaded from: {}".format(provenance)
return string
# server_cert()
def server_cert(self) -> Optional[bytes]:
return self._server_cert
# client_key()
def client_key(self) -> Optional[bytes]:
return self._client_key
# client_cert()
def client_cert(self) -> Optional[bytes]:
return self._client_cert
# credentials()
def credentials(self) -> ChannelCredentials:
if not self._credentials:
self._credentials = grpc.ssl_channel_credentials(
return self._credentials
# open_channel()
# Opens a gRPC channel based on this spec.
def open_channel(self) -> Channel:
url = urlparse(self.url)
# Assert port number for RE endpoints
if self.remote_type == RemoteType.ENDPOINT and not url.port:
message = (
"Remote execution endpoints must specify the port number, for example: http://buildservice:50051."
if self._spec_node:
message = "{}: {}".format(self._spec_node.get_provenance(), message)
raise RemoteError(message)
if url.scheme == "http":
channel = grpc.insecure_channel("{}:{}".format(url.hostname, url.port or 80))
elif url.scheme == "https":
channel = grpc.secure_channel("{}:{}".format(url.hostname, url.port or 443), self.credentials)
message = "Only 'http' and 'https' protocols are supported, but '{}' was supplied.".format(url.scheme)
if self._spec_node:
message = "{}: {}".format(self._spec_node.get_provenance(), message)
raise RemoteError(message)
return channel
# new_from_node():
# Creates a RemoteSpec() from a YAML loaded node.
# Args:
# spec_node: The configuration node describing the spec.
# basedir: The base directory from which to find certificates.
# remote_execution: Whether this spec is used for remote execution (some keys are invalid)
# Returns:
# The described RemoteSpec instance.
# Raises:
# LoadError: If the node is malformed.
def new_from_node(
cls, spec_node: MappingNode, basedir: Optional[str] = None, *, remote_execution: bool = False
) -> "RemoteSpec":
server_cert: Optional[str] = None
client_key: Optional[str] = None
client_cert: Optional[str] = None
push: bool = False
remote_type: str = RemoteType.ENDPOINT
valid_keys: List[str] = ["url", "instance-name", "auth"]
if not remote_execution:
remote_type = cast(str, spec_node.get_enum("type", RemoteType, default=RemoteType.ALL))
push = spec_node.get_bool("push", default=False)
valid_keys += ["push", "type"]
# FIXME: This explicit error message should not be necessary, instead
# we should be able to inform Node.get_str() that an empty string
# is not acceptable, and have Node do the work of raising this error.
url = spec_node.get_str("url")
if not url:
provenance = spec_node.get_node("url").get_provenance()
raise LoadError("{}: empty artifact cache URL".format(provenance), LoadErrorReason.INVALID_DATA)
instance_name = spec_node.get_str("instance-name", default=None)
auth_node = spec_node.get_mapping("auth", None)
if auth_node:
server_cert, client_key, client_cert = cls._parse_auth(auth_node, basedir)
return cls(
# new_from_string():
# Creates a RemoteSpec() from a string, used to parse CLI parameters
# If certificates are passed, they are interpreted as relative to the
# current working directory.
# Args:
# string: The user provided string
# purpose: The purpose this RemoteSpec is intended for (RemoteSpecPurpose)
# Returns:
# The described RemoteSpec instance.
# Raises:
# RemoteError: In case parsing the string fails
def new_from_string(cls, string: str, purpose: int = RemoteSpecPurpose.ALL) -> "RemoteSpec":
url: Optional[str] = None
instance_name: Optional[str] = None
remote_type: str = RemoteType.ALL
push: bool = True
server_cert: Optional[str] = None
client_key: Optional[str] = None
client_cert: Optional[str] = None
if purpose == RemoteSpecPurpose.PULL:
push = False
split = string.split(",")
if len(split) > 1:
for split_string in split:
subsplit = split_string.split("=")
if len(subsplit) != 2:
raise RemoteError(
"Invalid format '{}' found in remote specification: {}".format(split_string, string)
key: str = subsplit[0]
val: str = subsplit[1]
if key == "url":
url = val
elif key == "instance-name":
instance_name = val
elif key == "type":
remote_type = val
if remote_type not in [RemoteType.INDEX, RemoteType.STORAGE, RemoteType.ALL]:
raise RemoteError(
"Value for remote 'type' must be one of: {}".format(
", ".join([RemoteType.INDEX, RemoteType.STORAGE, RemoteType.ALL])
elif key == "push":
# Provide a sensible error for `bst artifact push --remote url=,push=False ...`
if purpose != RemoteSpecPurpose.ALL:
raise RemoteError("The 'push' key is invalid and assumed to be {}".format(push))
if val in ("True", "true"):
push = True
elif val in ("False", "false"):
push = False
raise RemoteError("Value for 'push' must be 'True' or 'False'")
elif key == "server-cert":
server_cert = cls._resolve_path(val, os.getcwd())
elif key == "client-key":
client_key = cls._resolve_path(val, os.getcwd())
elif key == "client-cert":
client_cert = cls._resolve_path(val, os.getcwd())
raise RemoteError("Unexpected key '{}' encountered".format(key))
# No commas, only the URL was specified
url = string
if not url:
raise RemoteError("No URL specified in remote")
return cls(
# _resolve_path()
# Resolve a path relative to the base directory
# Args:
# path: The path
# basedir: The base directory
# Returns:
# The resolved path
def _resolve_path(cls, path: str, basedir: Optional[str]) -> str:
path = os.path.expanduser(path)
if basedir:
path = os.path.join(basedir, path)
return path
# _parse_auth():
# Parse the "auth" data
# Args:
# auth_node: The auth node
# basedir: The base directory which cert files are relative to, or None
# Returns:
# A 3 tuple containing the filenames for the server-cert,
# the client-key and the client-cert
def _parse_auth(
cls, auth_node: MappingNode, basedir: Optional[str] = None
) -> Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[str], Optional[str]]:
auth_keys = ["server-cert", "client-key", "client-cert"]
auth_values = {}
for key in auth_keys:
value = auth_node.get_str(key, None)
if value:
value = cls._resolve_path(value, basedir)
auth_values[key] = value
server_cert = auth_values["server-cert"]
client_key = auth_values["client-key"]
client_cert = auth_values["client-cert"]
if client_key and not client_cert:
provenance = auth_node.get_node("client-key").get_provenance()
raise LoadError(
"{}: 'client-key' was specified without 'client-cert'".format(provenance), LoadErrorReason.INVALID_DATA
if client_cert and not client_key:
provenance = auth_node.get_node("client-cert").get_provenance()
raise LoadError(
"{}: 'client-cert' was specified without 'client-key'".format(provenance), LoadErrorReason.INVALID_DATA
return server_cert, client_key, client_cert
# _load_credential_files():
# A helper method to load the credentials files, ignoring any input
# arguments that are None.
def _load_credential_files(self) -> None:
def maybe_read_file(filename: Optional[str]) -> Optional[bytes]:
if filename:
with open(filename, "rb") as f:
except IOError as e:
message = "Failed to load credentials file: {}".format(filename)
if self._spec_node:
message = "{}: {}".format(self._spec_node.get_provenance(), message)
raise RemoteError(message, detail=str(e), reason="load-remote-creds-failed") from e
return None
if not self._cred_files_loaded:
self._server_cert = maybe_read_file(self.server_cert_file)
self._client_key = maybe_read_file(self.client_key_file)
self._client_cert = maybe_read_file(self.client_cert_file)
self._cred_files_loaded = True
# RemoteExecutionSpec():
# This data structure holds all of the details required to
# connect to a remote execution cluster, it is essentially
# comprised of 3 RemoteSpec objects which are used to
# communicate with various components of an RE build cluster.
class RemoteExecutionSpec:
def __init__(
self, exec_spec: RemoteSpec, storage_spec: Optional[RemoteSpec], action_spec: Optional[RemoteSpec]
) -> None:
self.exec_spec: RemoteSpec = exec_spec
self.storage_spec: Optional[RemoteSpec] = storage_spec
self.action_spec: Optional[RemoteSpec] = action_spec
# new_from_node():
# Creates a RemoteExecutionSpec() from a YAML loaded node.
# Args:
# node: The node to parse
# basedir: The base directory from which to find certificates.
# Returns:
# The described RemoteSpec instance.
# Raises:
# LoadError: If the node is malformed.
def new_from_node(
cls, node: MappingNode, basedir: Optional[str] = None, *, remote_cache: bool = False
) -> "RemoteExecutionSpec":
node.validate_keys(["execution-service", "storage-service", "action-cache-service"])
exec_node = node.get_mapping("execution-service")
storage_node = node.get_mapping("storage-service", default=None)
if not storage_node and not remote_cache:
provenance = node.get_provenance()
raise LoadError(
"{}: Remote execution requires 'storage-service' to be specified in the 'remote-execution' section if not already specified globally in the 'cache' section".format(
action_node = node.get_mapping("action-cache-service", default=None)
exec_spec = RemoteSpec.new_from_node(exec_node, basedir, remote_execution=True)
storage_spec: Optional[RemoteSpec]
if storage_node:
storage_spec = RemoteSpec.new_from_node(storage_node, basedir, remote_execution=True)
storage_spec = None
action_spec: Optional[RemoteSpec]
if action_node:
action_spec = RemoteSpec.new_from_node(action_node, basedir, remote_execution=True)
action_spec = None
return cls(exec_spec, storage_spec, action_spec)