blob: 8dde091d30b8a38ff7b7da1a94efd4b8773718d7 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Codethink Limited
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library. If not, see <>.
# Authors:
# Tristan Van Berkom <>
import os
import datetime
from collections import deque, Mapping
from contextlib import contextmanager
from . import utils
from . import _cachekey
from . import _signals
from . import _site
from . import _yaml
from ._exceptions import LoadError, LoadErrorReason, BstError
from ._message import Message, MessageType
from ._profile import Topics, profile_start, profile_end
from ._artifactcache import ArtifactCache
from ._workspaces import Workspaces
from .plugin import Plugin
# Context()
# The Context object holds all of the user preferences
# and context for a given invocation of BuildStream.
# This is a collection of data from configuration files and command
# line arguments and consists of information such as where to store
# logs and artifacts, where to perform builds and cache downloaded sources,
# verbosity levels and basically anything pertaining to the context
# in which BuildStream was invoked.
class Context():
def __init__(self):
# Filename indicating which configuration file was used, or None for the defaults
self.config_origin = None
# The directory where various sources are stored
self.sourcedir = None
# The directory where build sandboxes will be created
self.builddir = None
# The local binary artifact cache directory
self.artifactdir = None
# The locations from which to push and pull prebuilt artifacts
self.artifact_cache_specs = []
# The directory to store build logs
self.logdir = None
# The abbreviated cache key length to display in the UI
self.log_key_length = 0
# Whether debug mode is enabled
self.log_debug = False
# Whether verbose mode is enabled
self.log_verbose = False
# Maximum number of lines to print from build logs
self.log_error_lines = 0
# Maximum number of lines to print in the master log for a detailed message
self.log_message_lines = 0
# Format string for printing the pipeline at startup time
self.log_element_format = None
# Format string for printing message lines in the master log
self.log_message_format = None
# Maximum number of fetch or refresh tasks
self.sched_fetchers = 4
# Maximum number of build tasks
self.sched_builders = 4
# Maximum number of push tasks
self.sched_pushers = 4
# Maximum number of retries for network tasks
self.sched_network_retries = 2
# What to do when a build fails in non interactive mode
self.sched_error_action = 'continue'
# Whether elements must be rebuilt when their dependencies have changed
self._strict_build_plan = None
# Make sure the XDG vars are set in the environment before loading anything
# Private variables
self._cache_key = None
self._message_handler = None
self._message_depth = deque()
self._projects = []
self._project_overrides = {}
self._workspaces = None
self._log_handle = None
self._log_filename = None
self.config_cache_quota = 'infinity'
self.artifactdir_volume = None
# load()
# Loads the configuration files
# Args:
# config (filename): The user specified configuration file, if any
# Raises:
# LoadError
# This will first load the BuildStream default configuration and then
# override that configuration with the configuration file indicated
# by *config*, if any was specified.
def load(self, config=None):
profile_start(Topics.LOAD_CONTEXT, 'load')
# If a specific config file is not specified, default to trying
# a $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/buildstream.conf file
if not config:
default_config = os.path.join(os.environ['XDG_CONFIG_HOME'],
if os.path.exists(default_config):
config = default_config
# Load default config
defaults = _yaml.load(_site.default_user_config)
if config:
self.config_origin = os.path.abspath(config)
user_config = _yaml.load(config)
_yaml.composite(defaults, user_config)
_yaml.node_validate(defaults, [
'sourcedir', 'builddir', 'artifactdir', 'logdir',
'scheduler', 'artifacts', 'logging', 'projects',
for directory in ['sourcedir', 'builddir', 'artifactdir', 'logdir']:
# Allow the ~ tilde expansion and any environment variables in
# path specification in the config files.
path = _yaml.node_get(defaults, str, directory)
path = os.path.expanduser(path)
path = os.path.expandvars(path)
path = os.path.normpath(path)
setattr(self, directory, path)
# Load quota configuration
# We need to find the first existing directory in the path of
# our artifactdir - the artifactdir may not have been created
# yet.
cache = _yaml.node_get(defaults, Mapping, 'cache')
_yaml.node_validate(cache, ['quota'])
self.config_cache_quota = _yaml.node_get(cache, str, 'quota', default_value='infinity')
# Load artifact share configuration
self.artifact_cache_specs = ArtifactCache.specs_from_config_node(defaults)
# Load logging config
logging = _yaml.node_get(defaults, Mapping, 'logging')
_yaml.node_validate(logging, [
'key-length', 'verbose',
'error-lines', 'message-lines',
'debug', 'element-format', 'message-format'
self.log_key_length = _yaml.node_get(logging, int, 'key-length')
self.log_debug = _yaml.node_get(logging, bool, 'debug')
self.log_verbose = _yaml.node_get(logging, bool, 'verbose')
self.log_error_lines = _yaml.node_get(logging, int, 'error-lines')
self.log_message_lines = _yaml.node_get(logging, int, 'message-lines')
self.log_element_format = _yaml.node_get(logging, str, 'element-format')
self.log_message_format = _yaml.node_get(logging, str, 'message-format')
# Load scheduler config
scheduler = _yaml.node_get(defaults, Mapping, 'scheduler')
_yaml.node_validate(scheduler, [
'on-error', 'fetchers', 'builders',
'pushers', 'network-retries'
self.sched_error_action = _yaml.node_get(scheduler, str, 'on-error')
self.sched_fetchers = _yaml.node_get(scheduler, int, 'fetchers')
self.sched_builders = _yaml.node_get(scheduler, int, 'builders')
self.sched_pushers = _yaml.node_get(scheduler, int, 'pushers')
self.sched_network_retries = _yaml.node_get(scheduler, int, 'network-retries')
# Load per-projects overrides
self._project_overrides = _yaml.node_get(defaults, Mapping, 'projects', default_value={})
# Shallow validation of overrides, parts of buildstream which rely
# on the overrides are expected to validate elsewhere.
for _, overrides in _yaml.node_items(self._project_overrides):
_yaml.node_validate(overrides, ['artifacts', 'options', 'strict', 'default-mirror'])
profile_end(Topics.LOAD_CONTEXT, 'load')
valid_actions = ['continue', 'quit']
if self.sched_error_action not in valid_actions:
provenance = _yaml.node_get_provenance(scheduler, 'on-error')
raise LoadError(LoadErrorReason.INVALID_DATA,
"{}: on-error should be one of: {}".format(
provenance, ", ".join(valid_actions)))
# add_project():
# Add a project to the context.
# Args:
# project (Project): The project to add
def add_project(self, project):
if not self._projects:
self._workspaces = Workspaces(project)
# get_projects():
# Return the list of projects in the context.
# Returns:
# (list): The list of projects
def get_projects(self):
return self._projects
# get_toplevel_project():
# Return the toplevel project, the one which BuildStream was
# invoked with as opposed to a junctioned subproject.
# Returns:
# (list): The list of projects
def get_toplevel_project(self):
return self._projects[0]
def get_workspaces(self):
return self._workspaces
# get_overrides():
# Fetch the override dictionary for the active project. This returns
# a node loaded from YAML and as such, values loaded from the returned
# node should be loaded using the _yaml.node_get() family of functions.
# Args:
# project_name (str): The project name
# Returns:
# (Mapping): The overrides dictionary for the specified project
def get_overrides(self, project_name):
return _yaml.node_get(self._project_overrides, Mapping, project_name, default_value={})
# get_strict():
# Fetch whether we are strict or not
# Returns:
# (bool): Whether or not to use strict build plan
def get_strict(self):
# If it was set by the CLI, it overrides any config
if self._strict_build_plan is not None:
return self._strict_build_plan
toplevel = self.get_toplevel_project()
overrides = self.get_overrides(
return _yaml.node_get(overrides, bool, 'strict', default_value=True)
# get_cache_key():
# Returns the cache key, calculating it if necessary
# Returns:
# (str): A hex digest cache key for the Context
def get_cache_key(self):
if self._cache_key is None:
# Anything that alters the build goes into the unique key
self._cache_key = _cachekey.generate_key({})
return self._cache_key
# set_message_handler()
# Sets the handler for any status messages propagated through
# the context.
# The message handler should have the same signature as
# the message() method
def set_message_handler(self, handler):
self._message_handler = handler
# silent_messages():
# Returns:
# (bool): Whether messages are currently being silenced
def silent_messages(self):
for silent in self._message_depth:
if silent:
return True
return False
# message():
# Proxies a message back to the caller, this is the central
# point through which all messages pass.
# Args:
# message: A Message object
def message(self, message):
# Tag message only once
if message.depth is None:
message.depth = len(list(self._message_depth))
# If we are recording messages, dump a copy into the open log file.
# Send it off to the log handler (can be the frontend,
# or it can be the child task which will propagate
# to the frontend)
assert self._message_handler
self._message_handler(message, context=self)
# silence()
# A context manager to silence messages, this behaves in
# the same way as the `silent_nested` argument of the
# Context._timed_activity() context manager: especially
# important messages will not be silenced.
def silence(self):
# timed_activity()
# Context manager for performing timed activities and logging those
# Args:
# context (Context): The invocation context object
# activity_name (str): The name of the activity
# detail (str): An optional detailed message, can be multiline output
# silent_nested (bool): If specified, nested messages will be silenced
def timed_activity(self, activity_name, *, unique_id=None, detail=None, silent_nested=False):
starttime =
stopped_time = None
def stop_time():
nonlocal stopped_time
stopped_time =
def resume_time():
nonlocal stopped_time
nonlocal starttime
sleep_time = - stopped_time
starttime += sleep_time
with _signals.suspendable(stop_time, resume_time):
# Push activity depth for status messages
message = Message(unique_id, MessageType.START, activity_name, detail=detail)
except BstError:
# Note the failure in status messages and reraise, the scheduler
# expects an error when there is an error.
elapsed = - starttime
message = Message(unique_id, MessageType.FAIL, activity_name, elapsed=elapsed)
elapsed = - starttime
message = Message(unique_id, MessageType.SUCCESS, activity_name, elapsed=elapsed)
# recorded_messages()
# Records all messages in a log file while the context manager
# is active.
# In addition to automatically writing all messages to the
# specified logging file, an open file handle for process stdout
# and stderr will be available via the Context.get_log_handle() API,
# and the full logfile path will be available via the
# Context.get_log_filename() API.
# Args:
# filename (str): A logging directory relative filename,
# the pid and .log extension will be automatically
# appended
# Yields:
# (str): The fully qualified log filename
def recorded_messages(self, filename):
# We dont allow recursing in this context manager, and
# we also do not allow it in the main process.
assert self._log_handle is None
assert self._log_filename is None
assert not utils._is_main_process()
# Create the fully qualified logfile in the log directory,
# appending the pid and .log extension at the end.
self._log_filename = os.path.join(self.logdir,
'{}.{}.log'.format(filename, os.getpid()))
# Ensure the directory exists first
directory = os.path.dirname(self._log_filename)
os.makedirs(directory, exist_ok=True)
with open(self._log_filename, 'a') as logfile:
# Write one last line to the log and flush it to disk
def flush_log():
# If the process currently had something happening in the I/O stack
# then trying to reenter the I/O stack will fire a runtime error.
# So just try to flush as well as we can at SIGTERM time
logfile.write('\n\nForcefully terminated\n')
except RuntimeError:
self._log_handle = logfile
with _signals.terminator(flush_log):
yield self._log_filename
self._log_handle = None
self._log_filename = None
# get_log_handle()
# Fetches the active log handle, this will return the active
# log file handle when the Context.recorded_messages() context
# manager is active
# Returns:
# (file): The active logging file handle, or None
def get_log_handle(self):
return self._log_handle
# get_log_filename()
# Fetches the active log filename, this will return the active
# log filename when the Context.recorded_messages() context
# manager is active
# Returns:
# (str): The active logging filename, or None
def get_log_filename(self):
return self._log_filename
# _record_message()
# Records the message if recording is enabled
# Args:
# message (Message): The message to record
def _record_message(self, message):
if self._log_handle is None:
INDENT = " "
EMPTYTIME = "--:--:--"
template = "[{timecode: <8}] {type: <7}"
# If this message is associated with a plugin, print what
# we know about the plugin.
plugin_name = ""
if message.unique_id:
template += " {plugin}"
plugin = Plugin._lookup(message.unique_id)
plugin_name =
template += ": {message}"
detail = ''
if message.detail is not None:
template += "\n\n{detail}"
detail = message.detail.rstrip('\n')
detail = INDENT + INDENT.join(detail.splitlines(True))
timecode = EMPTYTIME
if message.message_type in (MessageType.SUCCESS, MessageType.FAIL):
hours, remainder = divmod(int(message.elapsed.total_seconds()), 60**2)
minutes, seconds = divmod(remainder, 60)
timecode = "{0:02d}:{1:02d}:{2:02d}".format(hours, minutes, seconds)
text = template.format(timecode=timecode,
# Write to the open log file
# _push_message_depth() / _pop_message_depth()
# For status messages, send the depth of timed
# activities inside a given task through the message
def _push_message_depth(self, silent_nested):
def _pop_message_depth(self):
assert self._message_depth
# Force the resolved XDG variables into the environment,
# this is so that they can be used directly to specify
# preferred locations of things from user configuration
# files.
def _init_xdg(self):
if not os.environ.get('XDG_CACHE_HOME'):
os.environ['XDG_CACHE_HOME'] = os.path.expanduser('~/.cache')
if not os.environ.get('XDG_CONFIG_HOME'):
os.environ['XDG_CONFIG_HOME'] = os.path.expanduser('~/.config')
if not os.environ.get('XDG_DATA_HOME'):
os.environ['XDG_DATA_HOME'] = os.path.expanduser('~/.local/share')