blob: 38bafc6b614606e55daef02bdf63dc242a00349f [file] [log] [blame]
import os
from buildstream import _yaml
from buildstream import utils
from buildstream.testing import create_repo
# create_element_size()
# Creates an import element with a git repo, using random
# data to create a file in that repo of the specified size,
# such that building it will add an artifact of the specified
# size to the artifact cache.
# Args:
# name: (str) of the element name (e.g. target.bst)
# project_dir (str): The path to the project
# element_path (str): The element path within the project
# dependencies: A list of strings (can also be an empty list)
# size: (int) size of the element in bytes
# Returns:
# (Repo): A git repo which can be used to introduce trackable changes
# by using the update_element_size() function below.
def create_element_size(name, project_dir, elements_path, dependencies, size):
full_elements_path = os.path.join(project_dir, elements_path)
os.makedirs(full_elements_path, exist_ok=True)
# Create a git repo
repodir = os.path.join(project_dir, 'repos')
repo = create_repo('git', repodir, subdir=name)
with utils._tempdir(dir=project_dir) as tmp:
# We use a data/ subdir in the git repo we create,
# and we set the import element to only extract that
# part; this ensures we never include a .git/ directory
# in the cached artifacts for these sized elements.
datadir = os.path.join(tmp, 'data')
# Use /dev/urandom to create the sized file in the datadir
with open(os.path.join(datadir, name), 'wb+') as f:
# Create the git repo from the temp directory
ref = repo.create(tmp)
element = {
'kind': 'import',
'sources': [
'config': {
# Extract only the data directory
'source': 'data'
'depends': dependencies
_yaml.dump(element, os.path.join(project_dir, elements_path, name))
# Return the repo, so that it can later be used to add commits
return repo
# update_element_size()
# Updates a repo returned by create_element_size() such that
# the newly added commit is completely changed, and has the newly
# specified size.
# The name and project_dir arguments must match the arguments
# previously given to create_element_size()
# Args:
# name: (str) of the element name (e.g. target.bst)
# project_dir (str): The path to the project
# repo: (Repo) The Repo returned by create_element_size()
# size: (int) The new size which the element generates, in bytes
# Returns:
# (Repo): A git repo which can be used to introduce trackable changes
# by using the update_element_size() function below.
def update_element_size(name, project_dir, repo, size):
with utils._tempdir(dir=project_dir) as tmp:
new_file = os.path.join(tmp, name)
# Use /dev/urandom to create the sized file in the datadir
with open(new_file, 'wb+') as f:
# Modify the git repo with a new commit to the same path,
# replacing the original file with a new one.
repo.modify_file(new_file, os.path.join('data', name))