blob: bb6121995ab16a4383c0d46726b680737839ae0b [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (C) 2016 Codethink Limited
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library. If not, see <>.
# Authors:
# Tristan Van Berkom <>
import os
import hashlib
import tempfile
import shutil
from contextlib import contextmanager
from . import _yaml, _signals, utils
from . import ImplError, LoadError, LoadErrorReason
from . import Plugin
class Consistency():
Inconsistent sources have no explicit reference set. They cannot
produce a cache key, be fetched or staged. They can only be tracked.
Resolved sources have a reference and can produce a cache key and
be fetched, however they cannot be staged.
Cached sources have a reference which is present in the local
source cache. Only cached sources can be staged.
class Source(Plugin):
Base Source class.
All Sources derive from this class, this interface defines how
the core will be interacting with Sources.
def __init__(self, context, project, meta):
provenance = _yaml.node_get_provenance(meta.config)
super().__init__(, context, project, provenance, "source")
self.__directory = # Staging relative directory
self.__origin_node = meta.origin_node # YAML node this Source was loaded from
self.__origin_toplevel = meta.origin_toplevel # Toplevel YAML node for the file
self.__origin_filename = meta.origin_filename # Filename of the file the source was loaded from
self.__consistency = None # Cached consistency state
self.__workspace = None # Directory of the currently active workspace
def get_mirror_directory(self):
"""Fetches the directory where this source should store things
(str): The directory belonging to this source
# Create the directory if it doesnt exist
context = self.get_context()
directory = os.path.join(context.sourcedir, self.get_kind())
os.makedirs(directory, exist_ok=True)
return directory
def tempdir(self):
"""Context manager for working in a temporary directory
(str): A path to a temporary directory
This should be used by source plugins directly instead of the
tempfile module, as it will take care of cleaning up the temporary
directory in the case of forced termination.
mirrordir = self.get_mirror_directory()
with utils._tempdir(dir=mirrordir) as tempdir:
yield tempdir
def get_consistency(self):
"""Report whether the source has a resolved reference
(:class:`.Consistency`): The source consistency
raise ImplError("Source plugin '%s' does not implement get_consistency()" % self.get_kind())
def get_ref(self):
"""Fetch the internal ref, however it is represented
(simple object): The internal source reference
The reference is the user provided (or track resolved) value
the plugin uses to represent a specific input, like a commit
in a VCS or a tarball's checksum. Usually the reference is a string,
but the plugin may choose to represent it with a tuple or such.
raise ImplError("Source plugin '%s' does not implement get_ref()" % self.get_kind())
def set_ref(self, ref, node):
"""Applies the internal ref, however it is represented
ref (simple object): The internal source reference to set
node (dict): The same dictionary which was previously passed
to :func:`~buildstream.source.Source.configure`
See :func:`~buildstream.source.Source.get_ref` for a discussion on
the *ref* parameter.
raise ImplError("Source plugin '%s' does not implement set_ref()" % self.get_kind())
def track(self):
"""Resolve a new ref from the plugin's track option
(simple object): A new internal source reference, or None
If the backend in question supports resolving references from
a symbolic tracking branch or tag, then this should be implemented
to perform this task on behalf of ``build-stream track`` commands.
This usually requires fetching new content from a remote origin
to see if a new ref has appeared for your branch or tag. If the
backend store allows one to query for a new ref from a symbolic
tracking data without downloading then that is desirable.
See :func:`~buildstream.source.Source.get_ref` for a discussion on
the *ref* parameter.
# Allow a non implementation
return None
def fetch(self):
"""Fetch remote sources and mirror them locally, ensuring at least
that the specific reference is cached locally.
Implementors should raise :class:`.SourceError` if the there is some
network error or if the source reference could not be matched.
raise ImplError("Source plugin '%s' does not implement fetch()" % self.get_kind())
def stage(self, directory):
"""Stage the sources to a directory
directory (str): Path to stage the source
Implementors should assume that *directory* already exists
and stage already cached sources to the passed directory.
Implementors should raise :class:`.SourceError` when encountering
some system error.
raise ImplError("Source plugin '%s' does not implement stage()" % self.get_kind())
# Private Methods used in BuildStream #
# Wrapper for get_consistency() api which caches the result
def _get_consistency(self, recalculate=False):
if recalculate or self.__consistency is None:
self.__consistency = self.get_consistency()
if self._has_workspace() and \
self.__consistency > Consistency.INCONSISTENT:
# A workspace is considered inconsistent in the case
# that it's directory went missing
fullpath = os.path.join(self.get_project().directory, self.__workspace)
if not os.path.exists(fullpath):
self.__consistency = Consistency.INCONSISTENT
return self.__consistency
# Bump local cached consistency state, this is done from
# the pipeline after the successful completion of fetch
# and track jobs.
def _bump_consistency(self, consistency):
if (self.__consistency is None or
consistency > self.__consistency):
self.__consistency = consistency
# Force a source to appear to be in an inconsistent state.
# This is used across the pipeline in sessions where the
# source in question are going to be tracked. This is important
# as it will prevent depending elements from producing cache
# keys until the source is RESOLVED and also prevent depending
# elements from being assembled until the source is CACHED.
def _force_inconsistent(self):
self.__consistency = Consistency.INCONSISTENT
# Wrapper function around plugin provided fetch method
def _fetch(self):
# Wrapper for stage() api which gives the source
# plugin a fully constructed path considering the
# 'directory' option
def _stage(self, directory):
if self.__directory is not None:
directory = os.path.join(directory, self.__directory.lstrip(os.sep))
os.makedirs(directory, exist_ok=True)
if self._has_workspace():
# Wrapper for get_unique_key() api
# This adds any core attributes to the key and
# also calculates something different if workspaces
# are active.
def _get_unique_key(self):
key = {}
key['directory'] = self.__directory
if self._has_workspace():
key['workspace'] = self._get_workspace_key()
key['unique'] = self.get_unique_key()
return key
# Wrapper for set_ref(), also returns whether it changed.
def _set_ref(self, ref, node):
current_ref = self.get_ref()
changed = False
# This comparison should work even for tuples and lists,
# but we're mostly concerned about simple strings anyway.
if current_ref != ref:
self.set_ref(ref, node)
changed = True
return changed
# Wrapper for track()
def _track(self):
new_ref = self.track()
current_ref = self.get_ref()
# It's consistent unless it reported an error
if current_ref != new_ref:"Found new revision: {}".format(new_ref))
return new_ref
# Set the current workspace directory
def _set_workspace(self, directory):
self.__workspace = directory
# Return the current workspace directory
def _get_workspace(self):
return self.__workspace
# Delete the workspace
def _del_workspace(self):
self.__workspace = None
# Whether the source has a set workspace
def _has_workspace(self):
return self.__workspace is not None
# Stage the workspace
def _stage_workspace(self, directory):
fullpath = os.path.join(self.get_project().directory, self.__workspace)
with self.timed_activity("Staging local files at {}".format(self.__workspace)):
if os.path.isdir(fullpath):
utils.copy_files(fullpath, directory)
destfile = os.path.join(directory, os.path.basename(self.__workspace))
utils.safe_copy(fullpath, destfile)
# Get a unique key for the workspace
def _get_workspace_key(self):
fullpath = os.path.join(self.get_project().directory, self.__workspace)
# Get a list of tuples of the the project relative paths and fullpaths
if os.path.isdir(fullpath):
filelist = utils.list_relative_paths(fullpath)
filelist = [(relpath, os.path.join(fullpath, relpath)) for relpath in filelist]
filelist = [(self.__workspace, fullpath)]
# Return a list of (relative filename, sha256 digest) tuples, a sorted list
# has already been returned by list_relative_paths()
return [(relpath, _sha256sum(fullpath)) for relpath, fullpath in filelist]
# Get the sha256 sum for the content of a file
def _sha256sum(filename):
# If it's a directory or symlink, just return 0 string
if os.path.isdir(filename) or os.path.islink(filename):
return "0"
h = hashlib.sha256()
with open(filename, "rb") as f:
for chunk in iter(lambda:, b""):
except FileNotFoundError as e:
raise LoadError(LoadErrorReason.MISSING_FILE,
"Failed loading workspace. Did you remove the workspace directory? {}".format(e))
return h.hexdigest()