blob: a547d4e8c48efdb1c578d7591da7bf672865f012 [file] [log] [blame]
.. _install_linux_distro:
Installing from distro packages
BuildStream is available on some linux distributions, here are
some install instructions for the linux distributions which
have packaged BuildStream.
Arch Linux
Packages for Arch exist in `AUR <>`_.
Two different package versions are available:
* Latest release: `buildstream <>`_
* Latest development snapshot: `buildstream-git <>`_
BuildStream is not yet in the official Fedora repositories, but you can
install it from a Copr::
sudo dnf copr enable bochecha/buildstream
sudo dnf install buildstream
Optionally, install the ``buildstream-docs`` package to have the BuildStream
documentation in Devhelp or GNOME Builder.