blob: 048f09cc63a8b4bdb0693e0454569890e6cca902 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (C) 2019 Codethink Limited
# Copyright (C) 2019 Bloomberg Finance LP
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library. If not, see <>.
# Authors:
# Tom Pollard <>
# Tristan Van Berkom <>
Implementation of the Artifact class which aims to 'abstract' direct
artifact composite interaction away from Element class
import os
from ._protos.buildstream.v2.artifact_pb2 import Artifact as ArtifactProto
from . import _yaml
from . import utils
from .types import _Scope
from .storage._casbaseddirectory import CasBasedDirectory
# An Artifact class to abstract artifact operations
# from the Element class
# Args:
# element (Element): The Element object
# context (Context): The BuildStream context
# strong_key (str): The elements strong cache key, dependent on context
# weak_key (str): The elements weak cache key
class Artifact:
version = 0
def __init__(self, element, context, *, strong_key=None, weak_key=None):
self._element = element
self._context = context
self._cache_key = strong_key
self._weak_cache_key = weak_key
self._artifactdir = context.artifactdir
self._cas = context.get_cascache()
self._tmpdir = context.tmpdir
self._proto = None
self._metadata_keys = None # Strong and weak key tuple extracted from the artifact
self._metadata_dependencies = None # Dictionary of dependency strong keys from the artifact
self._metadata_workspaced = None # Boolean of whether it's a workspaced artifact
self._metadata_workspaced_dependencies = None # List of which dependencies are workspaced from the artifact
self._cached = None # Boolean of whether the artifact is cached
# get_files():
# Get a virtual directory for the artifact files content
# Returns:
# (Directory): The virtual directory object
def get_files(self):
files_digest = self._get_field_digest("files")
return CasBasedDirectory(self._cas, digest=files_digest)
# get_buildtree():
# Get a virtual directory for the artifact buildtree content
# Returns:
# (Directory): The virtual directory object
def get_buildtree(self):
buildtree_digest = self._get_field_digest("buildtree")
return CasBasedDirectory(self._cas, digest=buildtree_digest)
# get_sources():
# Get a virtual directory for the artifact sources
# Returns:
# (Directory): The virtual directory object
def get_sources(self):
sources_digest = self._get_field_digest("sources")
return CasBasedDirectory(self._cas, digest=sources_digest)
# get_logs():
# Get the paths of the artifact's logs
# Returns:
# (list): A list of object paths
def get_logs(self):
artifact = self._get_proto()
logfile_paths = []
for logfile in artifact.logs:
return logfile_paths
# get_extract_key():
# Get the key used to extract the artifact
# Returns:
# (str): The key
def get_extract_key(self):
return self._cache_key or self._weak_cache_key
# cache():
# Create the artifact and commit to cache
# Args:
# sandbox_build_dir (Directory): Virtual Directory object for the sandbox build-root
# collectvdir (Directory): Virtual Directoy object from within the sandbox for collection
# sourcesvdir (Directory): Virtual Directoy object for the staged sources
# buildresult (tuple): bool, short desc and detailed desc of result
# publicdata (dict): dict of public data to commit to artifact metadata
# Returns:
# (int): The size of the newly cached artifact
def cache(self, sandbox_build_dir, collectvdir, sourcesvdir, buildresult, publicdata):
context = self._context
element = self._element
size = 0
filesvdir = None
buildtreevdir = None
artifact = ArtifactProto()
artifact.version = self.version
# Store result
artifact.build_success = buildresult[0]
artifact.build_error = buildresult[1]
artifact.build_error_details = "" if not buildresult[2] else buildresult[2]
# Store keys
artifact.strong_key = self._cache_key
artifact.weak_key = self._weak_cache_key
artifact.was_workspaced = bool(element._get_workspace())
properties = ["mtime"] if artifact.was_workspaced else []
# Store files
if collectvdir:
filesvdir = CasBasedDirectory(cas_cache=self._cas)
filesvdir.import_files(collectvdir, properties=properties)
size += filesvdir.get_size()
# Store public data
with utils._tempnamedfile_name(dir=self._tmpdir) as tmpname:
_yaml.roundtrip_dump(publicdata, tmpname)
public_data_digest = self._cas.add_object(path=tmpname, link_directly=True)
size += public_data_digest.size_bytes
# store build dependencies
for e in element._dependencies(_Scope.BUILD):
new_build = artifact.build_deps.add()
new_build.project_name = e.project_name
new_build.element_name =
new_build.cache_key = e._get_cache_key()
new_build.was_workspaced = bool(e._get_workspace())
# Store log file
log_filename = context.messenger.get_log_filename()
if log_filename:
digest = self._cas.add_object(path=log_filename)
log = artifact.logs.add() = os.path.basename(log_filename)
size += log.digest.size_bytes
# Store build tree
if sandbox_build_dir:
buildtreevdir = CasBasedDirectory(cas_cache=self._cas)
buildtreevdir.import_files(sandbox_build_dir, properties=properties)
size += buildtreevdir.get_size()
# Store sources
if sourcesvdir:
size += sourcesvdir.get_size()
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(os.path.join(self._artifactdir, element.get_artifact_name())), exist_ok=True)
keys = utils._deduplicate([self._cache_key, self._weak_cache_key])
for key in keys:
path = os.path.join(self._artifactdir, element.get_artifact_name(key=key))
with utils.save_file_atomic(path, mode="wb") as f:
return size
# cached_buildtree()
# Check if artifact is cached with expected buildtree. A
# buildtree will not be present if the rest of the partial artifact
# is not cached.
# Returns:
# (bool): True if artifact cached with buildtree, False if
# missing expected buildtree. Note this only confirms
# if a buildtree is present, not its contents.
def cached_buildtree(self):
buildtree_digest = self._get_field_digest("buildtree")
if buildtree_digest:
return self._cas.contains_directory(buildtree_digest, with_files=True)
return False
# buildtree_exists()
# Check if artifact was created with a buildtree. This does not check
# whether the buildtree is present in the local cache.
# Returns:
# (bool): True if artifact was created with buildtree
def buildtree_exists(self):
artifact = self._get_proto()
return bool(str(artifact.buildtree))
# cached_sources()
# Check if artifact is cached with sources.
# Returns:
# (bool): True if artifact is cached with sources, False if sources
# are not available.
def cached_sources(self):
sources_digest = self._get_field_digest("sources")
if sources_digest:
return self._cas.contains_directory(sources_digest, with_files=True)
return False
# load_public_data():
# Loads the public data from the cached artifact
# Returns:
# (dict): The artifacts cached public data
def load_public_data(self):
# Load the public data from the artifact
artifact = self._get_proto()
meta_file = self._cas.objpath(artifact.public_data)
data = _yaml.load(meta_file, shortname="public.yaml")
return data
# load_build_result():
# Load the build result from the cached artifact
# Returns:
# (bool): Whether the artifact of this element present in the artifact cache is of a success
# (str): Short description of the result
# (str): Detailed description of the result
def load_build_result(self):
artifact = self._get_proto()
build_result = (artifact.build_success, artifact.build_error, artifact.build_error_details)
return build_result
# get_metadata_keys():
# Retrieve the strong and weak keys from the given artifact.
# Returns:
# (str): The strong key
# (str): The weak key
def get_metadata_keys(self):
if self._metadata_keys is not None:
return self._metadata_keys
# Extract proto
artifact = self._get_proto()
strong_key = artifact.strong_key
weak_key = artifact.weak_key
self._metadata_keys = (strong_key, weak_key)
return self._metadata_keys
# get_metadata_workspaced():
# Retrieve the hash of dependency from the given artifact.
# Returns:
# (bool): Whether the given artifact was workspaced
def get_metadata_workspaced(self):
if self._metadata_workspaced is not None:
return self._metadata_workspaced
# Extract proto
artifact = self._get_proto()
self._metadata_workspaced = artifact.was_workspaced
return self._metadata_workspaced
# get_metadata_workspaced_dependencies():
# Retrieve the hash of workspaced dependencies keys from the given artifact.
# Returns:
# (list): List of which dependencies are workspaced
def get_metadata_workspaced_dependencies(self):
if self._metadata_workspaced_dependencies is not None:
return self._metadata_workspaced_dependencies
# Extract proto
artifact = self._get_proto()
self._metadata_workspaced_dependencies = [
dep.element_name for dep in artifact.build_deps if dep.was_workspaced
return self._metadata_workspaced_dependencies
# get_dependency_artifact_names()
# Retrieve the artifact names of all of the dependencies in _Scope.BUILD
# Returns:
# (list [str]): A list of refs of all build dependencies in staging order.
def get_dependency_artifact_names(self):
# XXX: The pylint disable is necessary due to upstream issue:
from .element import _get_normal_name # pylint: disable=cyclic-import
artifact = self._get_proto()
dependency_refs = [
os.path.join(dep.project_name, _get_normal_name(dep.element_name), dep.cache_key)
for dep in artifact.build_deps
except AttributeError:
# If the artifact has no dependencies, the build_deps attribute
# will be missing from the proto.
dependency_refs = []
return dependency_refs
# cached():
# Check whether the artifact corresponding to the stored cache key is
# available. This also checks whether all required parts of the artifact
# are available, which may depend on command and configuration. The cache
# key used for querying is dependent on the current context.
# Returns:
# (bool): Whether artifact is in local cache
def cached(self):
if self._cached is not None:
return self._cached
context = self._context
artifact = self._load_proto()
if not artifact:
self._cached = False
return False
# Determine whether directories are required
require_directories = context.require_artifact_directories
# Determine whether file contents are required as well
require_files = context.require_artifact_files or self._element._artifact_files_required()
# Check whether 'files' subdirectory is available, with or without file contents
if (
and str(artifact.files)
and not self._cas.contains_directory(artifact.files, with_files=require_files)
self._cached = False
return False
# Check whether public data and logs are available
logfile_digests = [logfile.digest for logfile in artifact.logs]
digests = [artifact.public_data] + logfile_digests
if not self._cas.contains_files(digests):
self._cached = False
return False
self._proto = artifact
self._cached = True
return True
# cached_logs()
# Check if the artifact is cached with log files.
# Returns:
# (bool): True if artifact is cached with logs, False if
# element not cached or missing logs.
def cached_logs(self):
# Log files are currently considered an essential part of an artifact.
# If the artifact is cached, its log files are available as well.
return self._element._cached()
# reset_cached()
# Allow the Artifact to query the filesystem to determine whether it
# is cached or not.
def reset_cached(self):
self._proto = None
self._cached = None
# set_cached()
# Mark the artifact as cached without querying the filesystem.
# This is used as optimization when we know the artifact is available.
def set_cached(self):
self._proto = self._load_proto()
self._cached = True
# load_proto()
# Returns:
# (Artifact): Artifact proto
def _load_proto(self):
key = self.get_extract_key()
proto_path = os.path.join(self._artifactdir, self._element.get_artifact_name(key=key))
artifact = ArtifactProto()
with open(proto_path, mode="r+b") as f:
except FileNotFoundError:
return None
return artifact
# _get_proto()
# Returns:
# (Artifact): Artifact proto
def _get_proto(self):
return self._proto
# _get_field_digest()
# Returns:
# (Digest): Digest of field specified
def _get_field_digest(self, field):
artifact_proto = self._get_proto()
digest = getattr(artifact_proto, field)
if not str(digest):
return None
return digest