blob: 49af39fe1d09b5a2cf8fc6db57f476811cf26d62 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Automatically create or update the .expected files in the
# cache key test directory.
# Simply run without any arguments, from anywhere, e.g.:
# PYTHONPATH=. ./tests/cachekey/
# After this, add any files which were newly created and commit
# the result in order to adjust the cache key test to changed
# keys.
import os
import tempfile
from unittest import mock
from buildstream.testing.runcli import Cli
# This weird try / except is needed, because this will be imported differently
# when pytest runner imports them vs when you run the updater directly from
# this directory.
from cachekey import element_filename, parse_output_keys, load_expected_keys
except ImportError:
from .cachekey import element_filename, parse_output_keys, load_expected_keys
# Project directory
PROJECT_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "project",)
def write_expected_key(element_name, actual_key):
expected_file = element_filename(PROJECT_DIR, element_name, "expected")
with open(expected_file, "w") as f:
def update_keys():
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir=PROJECT_DIR) as tmpdir:
directory = os.path.join(tmpdir, "cache")
cli = Cli(directory, verbose=True)
# Run bst show
result =
args=["--no-colors", "show", "--format", "%{name}::%{full-key}", "target.bst"],
# Load the actual keys, and the expected ones if they exist
if not result.output:
print("No results from parsing {}:target.bst".format(PROJECT_DIR))
actual_keys = parse_output_keys(result.output)
expected_keys = load_expected_keys(PROJECT_DIR, actual_keys, raise_error=False)
for element_name in actual_keys:
expected = element_filename(PROJECT_DIR, element_name, "expected")
if actual_keys[element_name] != expected_keys[element_name]:
if not expected_keys[element_name]:
print("Creating new expected file: {}".format(expected))
print("Updating expected file: {}".format(expected))
write_expected_key(element_name, actual_keys[element_name])
if __name__ == "__main__":
# patch the environment BST_TEST_SUITE value to something if it's not
# present. This avoids an exception thrown at the cli level
mock_bst = os.environ.get(bst, "True")
with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {**os.environ, bst: mock_bst}):