blob: 0aa7206815a35766f9ee9f252b6261594162a6e2 [file] [log] [blame]
# Pylint doesn't play well with fixtures and dependency injection from pytest
# pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
import os
import sys
import shutil
import itertools
import pytest
from buildstream.testing import cli # pylint: disable=unused-import
from buildstream import _yaml
from buildstream._exceptions import ErrorDomain, LoadErrorReason
from tests.testutils import generate_junction
from . import configure_project
# Project directory
DATA_DIR = os.path.join(
@pytest.mark.datafiles(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'project'))
@pytest.mark.parametrize("target,fmt,expected", [
('import-bin.bst', '%{name}', 'import-bin.bst'),
('import-bin.bst', '%{state}', 'buildable'),
('compose-all.bst', '%{state}', 'waiting')
def test_show(cli, datafiles, target, fmt, expected):
project = str(datafiles)
result =, silent=True, args=[
'--deps', 'none',
'--format', fmt,
if result.output.strip() != expected:
raise AssertionError("Expected output:\n{}\nInstead received output:\n{}"
.format(expected, result.output))
@pytest.mark.datafiles(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'project'))
def test_show_progress_tally(cli, datafiles):
# Check that the progress reporting messages give correct tallies
project = str(datafiles)
result =, args=['show', 'compose-all.bst'])
assert " 3 subtasks processed" in result.stderr
assert "3 of 3 subtasks processed" in result.stderr
def test_show_invalid_element_path(cli, datafiles):
project = str(datafiles), silent=True, args=['show', "foo.bst"])
@pytest.mark.datafiles(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'project_default'))
def test_show_default(cli, datafiles):
project = str(datafiles)
result =, silent=True, args=[
# Get the result output of "[state sha element]" and turn into a list
results = result.output.strip().split(" ")
expected = 'target2.bst'
assert results[2] == expected
@pytest.mark.datafiles(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'project_fail'))
def test_show_fail(cli, datafiles):
project = str(datafiles)
result =, silent=True, args=[
result.assert_main_error(ErrorDomain.LOAD, LoadErrorReason.INVALID_DATA)
@pytest.mark.datafiles(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'project'))
@pytest.mark.parametrize("target,except_,expected", [
('target.bst', 'import-bin.bst', ['import-dev.bst', 'compose-all.bst', 'target.bst']),
('target.bst', 'import-dev.bst', ['import-bin.bst', 'compose-all.bst', 'target.bst']),
('target.bst', 'compose-all.bst', ['import-bin.bst', 'target.bst']),
('compose-all.bst', 'import-bin.bst', ['import-dev.bst', 'compose-all.bst'])
def test_show_except_simple(cli, datafiles, target, except_, expected):
project = str(datafiles)
result =, silent=True, args=[
'--deps', 'all',
'--format', '%{name}',
'--except', except_,
results = result.output.strip().splitlines()
if results != expected:
raise AssertionError("Expected elements:\n{}\nInstead received elements:\n{}"
.format(expected, results))
# This test checks various constructions of a pipeline
# with one or more targets and 0 or more exception elements,
# each data set provides the targets, exceptions and expected
# result list.
@pytest.mark.datafiles(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'exceptions'))
@pytest.mark.parametrize("targets,exceptions,expected", [
# Test without exceptions, lets just see the whole list here
(['build.bst'], None, [
# Test one target and excepting a part of the pipeline, this
# removes forth-level-1 and third-level-1
(['build.bst'], ['third-level-1.bst'], [
# Test one target and excepting a part of the pipeline, check that
# excepted dependencies remain in the pipeline if depended on from
# outside of the except element
(['build.bst'], ['second-level-1.bst'], [
'third-level-2.bst', # first-level-2 depends on this, so not excepted
# The same as the above test, but excluding the toplevel build.bst,
# instead only select the two toplevel dependencies as targets
(['first-level-1.bst', 'first-level-2.bst'], ['second-level-1.bst'], [
'third-level-2.bst', # first-level-2 depends on this, so not excepted
# Test one target and excepting an element outisde the pipeline
(['build.bst'], ['unrelated-1.bst'], [
'third-level-2.bst', # first-level-2 depends on this, so not excepted
# Test one target and excepting two elements
(['build.bst'], ['unrelated-1.bst', 'unrelated-2.bst'], [
def test_show_except(cli, datafiles, targets, exceptions, expected):
basedir = str(datafiles)
results = cli.get_pipeline(basedir, targets, except_=exceptions, scope='all')
if results != expected:
raise AssertionError("Expected elements:\n{}\nInstead received elements:\n{}"
.format(expected, results))
# Testing multiple targets #
@pytest.mark.datafiles(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'project'))
def test_parallel_order(cli, datafiles):
project = str(datafiles)
elements = ['multiple_targets/order/0.bst',
args = ['show', '-d', 'plan', '-f', '%{name}', *elements]
result =, args=args)
# Get the planned order
names = result.output.splitlines()
names = [name[len('multiple_targets/order/'):] for name in names]
# Create all possible 'correct' topological orderings
orderings = itertools.product(
[('5.bst', '6.bst')],
itertools.permutations(['4.bst', '7.bst']),
itertools.permutations(['3.bst', '8.bst']),
itertools.permutations(['2.bst', '9.bst']),
itertools.permutations(['0.bst', '1.bst', 'run.bst'])
orderings = [list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(perm)) for perm in orderings]
# Ensure that our order is among the correct orderings
assert names in orderings, "We got: {}".format(", ".join(names))
@pytest.mark.datafiles(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'project'))
def test_target_is_dependency(cli, datafiles):
project = str(datafiles)
elements = ['multiple_targets/dependency/zebry.bst',
args = ['show', '-d', 'plan', '-f', '%{name}', *elements]
result =, args=args)
# Get the planned order
names = result.output.splitlines()
names = [name[len('multiple_targets/dependency/'):] for name in names]
assert names == ['pony.bst', 'horsey.bst', 'zebry.bst']
@pytest.mark.datafiles(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'project'))
@pytest.mark.parametrize("ref_storage", [('inline'), ('project.refs')])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("element_name", ['junction-dep.bst', 'junction.bst:import-etc.bst'])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("workspaced", [True, False], ids=["workspace", "no-workspace"])
def test_unfetched_junction(cli, tmpdir, datafiles, ref_storage, element_name, workspaced):
project = str(datafiles)
subproject_path = os.path.join(project, 'files', 'sub-project')
junction_path = os.path.join(project, 'elements', 'junction.bst')
element_path = os.path.join(project, 'elements', 'junction-dep.bst')
configure_project(project, {
'ref-storage': ref_storage
# Create a repo to hold the subproject and generate a junction element for it
ref = generate_junction(tmpdir, subproject_path, junction_path, store_ref=(ref_storage == 'inline'))
# Create a stack element to depend on a cross junction element
element = {
'kind': 'stack',
'depends': [
'junction': 'junction.bst',
'filename': 'import-etc.bst'
_yaml.roundtrip_dump(element, element_path)
# Dump a project.refs if we're using project.refs storage
if ref_storage == 'project.refs':
project_refs = {
'projects': {
'test': {
'junction.bst': [
'ref': ref
_yaml.roundtrip_dump(project_refs, os.path.join(project, 'junction.refs'))
# Open a workspace if we're testing workspaced behavior
if workspaced:
result =, silent=True, args=[
'workspace', 'open', '--no-checkout', '--directory', subproject_path, 'junction.bst'
# Assert successful bst show (requires implicit subproject fetching)
result =, silent=True, args=[
'show', element_name])
@pytest.mark.datafiles(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'project'))
@pytest.mark.parametrize("ref_storage", [('inline'), ('project.refs')])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("workspaced", [True, False], ids=["workspace", "no-workspace"])
def test_inconsistent_junction(cli, tmpdir, datafiles, ref_storage, workspaced):
project = str(datafiles)
subproject_path = os.path.join(project, 'files', 'sub-project')
junction_path = os.path.join(project, 'elements', 'junction.bst')
element_path = os.path.join(project, 'elements', 'junction-dep.bst')
configure_project(project, {
'ref-storage': ref_storage
# Create a repo to hold the subproject and generate a junction element for it
generate_junction(tmpdir, subproject_path, junction_path, store_ref=False)
# Create a stack element to depend on a cross junction element
element = {
'kind': 'stack',
'depends': [
'junction': 'junction.bst',
'filename': 'import-etc.bst'
_yaml.roundtrip_dump(element, element_path)
# Open a workspace if we're testing workspaced behavior
if workspaced:
result =, silent=True, args=[
'workspace', 'open', '--no-checkout', '--directory', subproject_path, 'junction.bst'
# Assert the correct error when trying to show the pipeline
dep_result =, silent=True, args=[
'show', 'junction-dep.bst'])
# Assert the correct error when trying to show the pipeline
etc_result =, silent=True, args=[
'show', 'junction.bst:import-etc.bst'])
# If a workspace is open, no ref is needed
if workspaced:
# Assert that we have the expected provenance encoded into the error
element_node = _yaml.load(element_path, shortname='junction-dep.bst')
ref_node = element_node.get_sequence('depends').mapping_at(0)
provenance = ref_node.get_provenance()
assert str(provenance) in dep_result.stderr
dep_result.assert_main_error(ErrorDomain.LOAD, LoadErrorReason.SUBPROJECT_INCONSISTENT)
etc_result.assert_main_error(ErrorDomain.LOAD, LoadErrorReason.SUBPROJECT_INCONSISTENT)
@pytest.mark.datafiles(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'project'))
@pytest.mark.parametrize("element_name", ['junction-dep.bst', 'junction.bst:import-etc.bst'])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("workspaced", [True, False], ids=["workspace", "no-workspace"])
def test_fetched_junction(cli, tmpdir, datafiles, element_name, workspaced):
project = str(datafiles)
project = os.path.join(datafiles.dirname, datafiles.basename)
subproject_path = os.path.join(project, 'files', 'sub-project')
junction_path = os.path.join(project, 'elements', 'junction.bst')
element_path = os.path.join(project, 'elements', 'junction-dep.bst')
# Create a repo to hold the subproject and generate a junction element for it
generate_junction(tmpdir, subproject_path, junction_path, store_ref=True)
# Create a stack element to depend on a cross junction element
element = {
'kind': 'stack',
'depends': [
'junction': 'junction.bst',
'filename': 'import-etc.bst'
_yaml.roundtrip_dump(element, element_path)
result =, silent=True, args=[
'source', 'fetch', 'junction.bst'])
# Open a workspace if we're testing workspaced behavior
if workspaced:
result =, silent=True, args=[
'workspace', 'open', '--no-checkout', '--directory', subproject_path, 'junction.bst'
# Assert the correct error when trying to show the pipeline
result =, silent=True, args=[
'show', '--format', '%{name}-%{state}', element_name])
results = result.output.strip().splitlines()
assert 'junction.bst:import-etc.bst-buildable' in results
@pytest.mark.datafiles(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'project'))
def test_junction_tally(cli, tmpdir, datafiles):
# Check that the progress reporting messages count elements in junctions
project = str(datafiles)
subproject_path = os.path.join(project, 'files', 'sub-project')
junction_path = os.path.join(project, 'elements', 'junction.bst')
element_path = os.path.join(project, 'elements', 'junction-dep.bst')
# Create a repo to hold the subproject and generate a junction element for it
generate_junction(tmpdir, subproject_path, junction_path, store_ref=True)
# Create a stack element to depend on a cross junction element
element = {
'kind': 'stack',
'depends': [
'junction': 'junction.bst',
'filename': 'import-etc.bst'
_yaml.roundtrip_dump(element, element_path)
result =, silent=True, args=[
'source', 'fetch', 'junction.bst'])
# Assert the correct progress tallies are in the logging
result =, args=['show', 'junction-dep.bst'])
assert " 2 subtasks processed" in result.stderr
assert "2 of 2 subtasks processed" in result.stderr
# Testing recursion depth #
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dependency_depth", [100, 150, 1200])
def test_exceed_max_recursion_depth(cli, tmpdir, dependency_depth):
project_name = "recursion-test"
path = str(tmpdir)
project_path = os.path.join(path, project_name)
def setup_test():
Creates a bst project with dependencydepth + 1 elements, each of which
depends of the previous element to be created. Each element created
is of type import and has an empty source file.
result =,
args=['init', '--project-name', project_name, project_path])
sourcefiles_path = os.path.join(project_path, "files")
element_path = os.path.join(project_path, "elements")
for i in range(0, dependency_depth + 1):
element = {
'kind': 'import',
'sources': [{'kind': 'local',
'path': 'files/source{}'.format(str(i))}],
'depends': ['element{}.bst'.format(str(i - 1))]
if i == 0:
del element['depends']
_yaml.roundtrip_dump(element, os.path.join(element_path, "element{}.bst".format(str(i))))
source = os.path.join(sourcefiles_path, "source{}".format(str(i)))
open(source, 'x').close()
assert os.path.exists(source)
result =, silent=True,
args=['show', "element{}.bst".format(str(dependency_depth))])
recursion_limit = sys.getrecursionlimit()
if dependency_depth <= recursion_limit:
# Assert exception is thown and handled
assert not result.unhandled_exception
assert result.exit_code == -1
# Testing format symbols #
@pytest.mark.datafiles(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'project'))
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dep_kind, expected_deps", [
('%{deps}', '[import-dev.bst, import-bin.bst]'),
('%{build-deps}', '[import-dev.bst]'),
('%{runtime-deps}', '[import-bin.bst]')
def test_format_deps(cli, datafiles, dep_kind, expected_deps):
project = str(datafiles)
target = 'checkout-deps.bst'
result =, silent=True, args=[
'--deps', 'none',
'--format', '%{name}: ' + dep_kind,
expected = '{name}: {deps}'.format(name=target, deps=expected_deps)
if result.output.strip() != expected:
raise AssertionError("Expected output:\n{}\nInstead received output:\n{}"
.format(expected, result.output))
# This tests the resolved value of the 'max-jobs' variable,
# ensuring at least that the variables are resolved according
# to how the user has configured max-jobs
@pytest.mark.datafiles(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'project'))
@pytest.mark.parametrize("cli_value, config_value", [
(None, None),
(None, '16'),
('16', None),
('5', '16'),
('0', '16'),
('16', '0'),
def test_max_jobs(cli, datafiles, cli_value, config_value):
project = str(datafiles)
target = 'target.bst'
# Specify `--max-jobs` if this test sets it
args = []
if cli_value is not None:
args += ['--max-jobs', cli_value]
args += ['show', '--deps', 'none', '--format', '%{vars}', target]
# Specify `max-jobs` in user configuration if this test sets it
if config_value is not None:
'build': {
'max-jobs': config_value
result =, silent=True, args=args)
loaded = _yaml.load_data(result.output)
loaded_value = loaded.get_int('max-jobs')
# We expect the value provided on the command line to take
# precedence over the configuration file value, if specified.
# If neither are specified then we expect the default
expected_value = cli_value or config_value or '0'
if expected_value == '0':
# If we are expecting the automatic behavior of using the maximum
# number of cores available, just check that it is a value > 0
assert loaded_value > 0, "Automatic setting of max-jobs didnt work"
# Check that we got the explicitly set value
assert loaded_value == int(expected_value)