blob: 6351619aa2db3b8c1de35557fc9aa5a135799cf7 [file] [log] [blame]
# Default BuildStream user configuration.
# Work Directories
# Note that BuildStream forces the XDG Base Directory names
# into the environment if they are not already set, and allows
# expansion of '~' and environment variables when specifying
# paths.
# Location to store sources
sourcedir: ${XDG_CACHE_HOME}/buildstream/sources
# Location to perform builds
builddir: ${XDG_CACHE_HOME}/buildstream/build
# Location to store local binary artifacts
artifactdir: ${XDG_CACHE_HOME}/buildstream/artifacts
# Location to store build logs
logdir: ${XDG_CACHE_HOME}/buildstream/logs
# Default root location for workspaces, blank for no default set.
workspacedir: .
# Cache
# Size of the artifact cache in bytes - BuildStream will attempt to keep the
# artifact cache within this size.
# If the value is suffixed with K, M, G or T, the specified memory size is
# parsed as Kilobytes, Megabytes, Gigabytes, or Terabytes (with the base
# 1024), respectively.
# Alternatively, a percentage value may be specified, which is taken relative
# to the isize of the file system containing the cache.
quota: infinity
# Whether to pull build trees when downloading element artifacts
pull-buildtrees: False
# Scheduler
# Maximum number of simultaneous downloading tasks.
fetchers: 10
# Maximum number of simultaneous build tasks.
builders: 4
# Maximum number of simultaneous uploading tasks.
pushers: 4
# Maximum number of retries for network tasks.
network-retries: 2
# What to do when an element fails, if not running in
# interactive mode:
# continue - Continue queueing jobs as much as possible
# quit - Exit after all ongoing jobs complete
# terminate - Terminate any ongoing jobs and exit
on-error: quit
# Logging
# The abbreviated cache key length to display in the UI
key-length: 8
# Whether to show extra detailed messages
verbose: True
# Maximum number of lines to print from the
# end of a failing build log
error-lines: 20
# Maximum number of lines to print in a detailed
# message on the console or in the master log (the full
# messages are always recorded in the individual build
# logs)
message-lines: 20
# Whether to enable debugging messages
debug: False
# Format string for printing the pipeline at startup, this
# also determines the default display format for `bst show`
element-format: |
%{state: >12} %{full-key} %{name} %{workspace-dirs}
# Format string for all log messages.
message-format: |
[%{elapsed}][%{key}][%{element}] %{action} %{message}
# Prompt overrides
# Here you can suppress 'are you sure?' and other kinds of prompts by supplying
# override values. Note that e.g. 'yes' and 'no' have the same meaning here as
# they do in the actual cli prompt.
# Whether to really proceed with 'bst workspace close --remove-dir' removing
# a workspace directory, potentially losing changes.
# ask - Ask the user if they are sure.
# yes - Always remove, without asking.
really-workspace-close-remove-dir: ask
# Whether to really proceed with 'bst workspace close' when doing so would
# stop them from running bst commands in this workspace.
# ask - Ask the user if they are sure.
# yes - Always close, without asking.
really-workspace-close-project-inaccessible: ask
# Whether to really proceed with 'bst workspace reset' doing a hard reset of
# a workspace, potentially losing changes.
# ask - Ask the user if they are sure.
# yes - Always hard reset, without asking.
really-workspace-reset-hard: ask