blob: edf4ddf3610f40491c168f1c85f0fbe9ef5ab977 [file] [log] [blame]
.. _committers:
Full committ access
List of people with full commit access, i.e. blanket commit access to
the BuildStream codebase. Note that this is not a full list of all
contributors, and may not even be a full list of all people who have
blanket commit access.
If you have a question or comment, it's probably best to email
the BuildStream mailing list, rather than any of these people
| Full Name |Email Address |GitLab User |
| Tristan Van Berkom | <> | tristanvb |
| Juerg Billeter | <> | juergbi |
| Ben Schubert | <> | BenjaminSchubert |
| Chandan Singh | <> | cs-shadow |
| Angelos Evripiotis | <> | aevri |
| James Ennis | <> | jennis |
| Tristan Maat | <> | tlater |
| Jonathan Maw | <> | jonathanmaw |
| Will Salmon | <> | willsalmon |
| Valentin David | <> | valentindavid |
| Abderrahim Kitouni | | abderrahimk |
| Gökçen Nurlu | | gokcennurlu |
| Javier Jardon | | jjardon |
| Phil Dawson | | phildawson |
| Qinusty | | Qinusty |
| Tiago Gomes | | tacgomes |
| Paul Sherwood | | devcurmudgeon |
| Sam Thursfield | | samthursfield |
| Mathieu Bridon | | bochecha |
| Valentin David | | valentindavid |
| Tom Pollard | | tpollard |
| Will Salmon | | willsalmon |
| Benjamin Schubert | | BenjaminSchubert |
| Raoul Hidalgo Charman | | raoul.hidalgocharman |
| Daniel Silverstone | | danielsilverstone-ct |
| Sander Striker | | sstriker |
| Laurence Urehgyi | | LaurenceUrhegyi |