blob: 5cd65b2e6233144e348c7a2a76b470e3342bee4d [file] [log] [blame]
# Push OSTree commits to a remote repo, based on Dan Nicholson's ostree-push
# Copyright (C) 2015 Dan Nicholson <>
# Copyright (C) 2017 Tristan Van Berkom <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
import logging
import multiprocessing
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import shutil
import tarfile
import tempfile
from enum import Enum
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import click
import gi
from .. import _ostree
from .. import _signals # nopep8
from .._profile import Topics, profile_start, profile_end
gi.require_version('OSTree', '1.0')
# pylint: disable=wrong-import-position,wrong-import-order
from gi.repository import GLib, Gio, OSTree # nopep8
# An error occurred
class PushException(Exception):
# Trying to commit a ref which already exists in remote
class PushExistsException(Exception):
# Trying to push an artifact that is too large
class ArtifactTooLargeException(Exception):
class PushCommandType(Enum):
info = 0
update = 1
putobjects = 2
status = 3
done = 4
def python_to_msg_byteorder(python_byteorder=sys.byteorder):
if python_byteorder == 'little':
return 'l'
elif python_byteorder == 'big':
return 'B'
raise PushException('Unrecognized system byteorder {}'
def msg_to_python_byteorder(msg_byteorder):
if msg_byteorder == 'l':
return 'little'
elif msg_byteorder == 'B':
return 'big'
raise PushException('Unrecognized message byteorder {}'
def ostree_object_path(repo, obj):
repodir = repo.get_path().get_path()
return os.path.join(repodir, 'objects', obj[0:2], obj[2:])
class PushCommand(object):
def __init__(self, cmdtype, args):
self.cmdtype = cmdtype
self.args = args
self.validate(self.cmdtype, self.args)
self.variant = GLib.Variant('a{sv}', self.args)
def validate(command, args):
if not isinstance(command, PushCommandType):
raise PushException('Message command must be PushCommandType')
if not isinstance(args, dict):
raise PushException('Message args must be dict')
# Ensure all values are variants for a{sv} vardict
for val in args.values():
if not isinstance(val, GLib.Variant):
raise PushException('Message args values must be '
class PushMessageWriter(object):
def __init__(self, file, byteorder=sys.byteorder):
self.file = file
self.byteorder = byteorder
self.msg_byteorder = python_to_msg_byteorder(self.byteorder) # 'l' or 'B'
def encode_header(self, cmdtype, size):
header = self.msg_byteorder.encode() + \
PROTO_VERSION.to_bytes(1, self.byteorder) + \
cmdtype.value.to_bytes(1, self.byteorder) + \
size.to_bytes(2, self.byteorder)
return header
def encode_message(self, command):
if not isinstance(command, PushCommand):
raise PushException('Command must be PushCommand')
data = command.variant.get_data_as_bytes()
size = data.get_size()
# Build the header
header = self.encode_header(command.cmdtype, size)
return header + data.get_data()
def write(self, command):
msg = self.encode_message(command)
def send_hello(self):
# The 'hello' message is used to check connectivity and discover the
# cache's pull URL. It's actually transmitted as an empty info request.
args = {
'mode': GLib.Variant('i', 0),
'refs': GLib.Variant('a{ss}', {})
command = PushCommand(, args)
def send_info(self, repo, refs, pull_url=None):
cmdtype =
mode = repo.get_mode()
ref_map = {}
for ref in refs:
_, checksum = repo.resolve_rev(ref, True)
if checksum:
_, has_object = repo.has_object(OSTree.ObjectType.COMMIT, checksum, None)
if has_object:
ref_map[ref] = checksum
args = {
'mode': GLib.Variant('i', mode),
'refs': GLib.Variant('a{ss}', ref_map)
# The server sends this so clients can discover the correct pull URL
# for this cache without requiring end-users to specify it.
if pull_url:
args['pull_url'] = GLib.Variant('s', pull_url)
command = PushCommand(cmdtype, args)
def send_update(self, refs):
cmdtype = PushCommandType.update
args = {}
for branch, revs in refs.items():
args[branch] = GLib.Variant('(ss)', revs)
command = PushCommand(cmdtype, args)
def send_putobjects(self, repo, objects):'Sending {} objects'.format(len(objects)))
# Send command saying we're going to send a stream of objects
cmdtype = PushCommandType.putobjects
command = PushCommand(cmdtype, {})
# Open a TarFile for writing uncompressed tar to a stream
tar ='w|', fileobj=self.file)
for obj in objects:'Sending object {}'.format(obj))
objpath = ostree_object_path(repo, obj)
stat = os.stat(objpath)
tar_info = tarfile.TarInfo(obj)
tar_info.mtime = stat.st_mtime
tar_info.size = stat.st_size
with open(objpath, 'rb') as obj_fp:
tar.addfile(tar_info, obj_fp)
# We're done, close the tarfile
def send_status(self, result, message=''):
cmdtype = PushCommandType.status
args = {
'result': GLib.Variant('b', result),
'message': GLib.Variant('s', message)
command = PushCommand(cmdtype, args)
def send_done(self):'Sending done')
command = PushCommand(PushCommandType.done, {})
class PushMessageReader(object):
def __init__(self, file, byteorder=sys.byteorder, tmpdir=None):
self.file = file
self.byteorder = byteorder
self.tmpdir = tmpdir
def decode_header(self, header):
if len(header) != HEADER_SIZE:
raise Exception('Header is {:d} bytes, not {:d}'.format(len(header), HEADER_SIZE))
order = msg_to_python_byteorder(chr(header[0]))
version = int(header[1])
if version != PROTO_VERSION:
raise Exception('Unsupported protocol version {:d}'.format(version))
cmdtype = PushCommandType(int(header[2]))
vlen = int.from_bytes(header[3:], order)
return order, version, cmdtype, vlen
def decode_message(self, message, size, order):
if len(message) != size:
raise Exception('Expected {:d} bytes, but got {:d}'.format(size, len(message)))
data =
variant = GLib.Variant.new_from_bytes('a{sv}'),
data, False)
if order != self.byteorder:
variant = GLib.Variant.byteswap(variant)
return variant
def read(self):
header =
if not header:
# Remote end quit
return None, None
order, _, cmdtype, size = self.decode_header(header)
msg =
if len(msg) != size:
raise PushException('Did not receive full message')
args = self.decode_message(msg, size, order)
return cmdtype, args
def receive(self, allowed):
cmdtype, args =
if cmdtype is None:
raise PushException('Expected reply, got none')
if cmdtype not in allowed:
raise PushException('Unexpected reply type',
return cmdtype, args.unpack()
def receive_info(self):
_, args = self.receive([])
return args
def receive_update(self):
_, args = self.receive([PushCommandType.update])
return args
def receive_putobjects(self, repo, repopath):
received_objects = []
# Determine the available disk space, in bytes, of the file system
# which mounts the repo
stats = os.statvfs(repopath)
buffer_ = int(2e9) # Add a 2 GB buffer
free_disk_space = (stats.f_bfree * stats.f_bsize) - buffer_
total_disk_space = (stats.f_blocks * stats.f_bsize) - buffer_
# Open a TarFile for reading uncompressed tar from a stream
tar ='r|', fileobj=self.file)
# Extract every tarinfo into the temp location
# This should block while reads the next
# tar object from the stream.
while True:
filepos = tar.fileobj.tell()
tar_info =
if not tar_info:
# End of stream marker consists of two 512 Byte blocks.
# Current Python tarfile stops reading after the first block.
# Read the second block as well to ensure the stream is at
# the right position for following messages.
if tar.fileobj.tell() - filepos < 1024:
# obtain size of tar object in bytes
artifact_size = tar_info.size
if artifact_size > total_disk_space:
raise ArtifactTooLargeException("Artifact of size: {} is too large for "
"the filesystem which mounts the remote "
if artifact_size > free_disk_space:
# Clean up the cache with a buffer of 2GB
removed_size = clean_up_cache(repo, artifact_size, free_disk_space)
free_disk_space += removed_size
tar.extract(tar_info, self.tmpdir)
free_disk_space -= artifact_size
# Finished with this stream
return received_objects
def receive_status(self):
_, args = self.receive([PushCommandType.status])
return args
def receive_done(self):
_, args = self.receive([PushCommandType.done])
return args
def parse_remote_location(remotepath):
"""Parse remote artifact cache URL that's been specified in our config."""
remote_host = remote_user = remote_repo = None
url = urlparse(remotepath, scheme='file')
if url.scheme:
if url.scheme not in ['file', 'ssh']:
raise PushException('Only URL schemes file and ssh are allowed, '
'not "{}"'.format(url.scheme))
remote_host = url.hostname
remote_user = url.username
remote_repo = url.path
remote_port = url.port or 22
# Scp/git style remote (user@hostname:path)
parts = remotepath.split('@', 1)
if len(parts) > 1:
remote_user = parts[0]
remainder = parts[1]
remote_user = None
remainder = parts[0]
parts = remainder.split(':', 1)
if len(parts) != 2:
raise PushException('Remote repository "{}" does not '
'contain a hostname and path separated '
'by ":"'.format(remotepath))
remote_host, remote_repo = parts
# This form doesn't make it possible to specify a non-standard port.
remote_port = 22
return remote_host, remote_user, remote_repo, remote_port
def ssh_commandline(remote_host, remote_user=None, remote_port=22):
if remote_host is None:
return []
ssh_cmd = ['ssh']
if remote_user:
ssh_cmd += ['-l', remote_user]
if remote_port != 22:
ssh_cmd += ['-p', str(remote_port)]
ssh_cmd += [remote_host]
return ssh_cmd
def foo_run(func, args, stdin_fd, stdout_fd, stderr_fd):
sys.stdin = open(stdin_fd, 'r')
sys.stdout = open(stdout_fd, 'w')
sys.stderr = open(stderr_fd, 'w')
class ProcessWithPipes(object):
def __init__(self, func, args, *, stderr=None):
# Create a pipe and return a pair of file descriptors (r, w)
r0, w0 = os.pipe()
r1, w1 = os.pipe()
if stderr is None:
r2, w2 = os.pipe()
w2 = stderr.fileno()
self.proc = multiprocessing.Process(target=foo_run, args=(func, args, r0, w1, w2))
self.stdin = open(w0, 'wb')
self.stdout = open(r1, 'rb')
if stderr is None:
self.stderr = open(r2, 'rb')
# The eventual return code
self.returncode = -1
def wait(self):
self.returncode = self.proc.exitcode
class OSTreePusher(object):
def __init__(self, repopath, remotepath, branches=None, verbose=False,
debug=False, output=None):
self.repopath = repopath
self.remotepath = remotepath
self.verbose = verbose
self.debug = debug
self.output = output
self.remote_host, self.remote_user, self.remote_repo, self.remote_port = \
if self.repopath is None:
self.repo = OSTree.Repo.new_default()
self.repo =
# Enumerate branches to push
if branches is None:
# obtain a dict of 'refs': 'checksums'
_, self.refs = self.repo.list_refs(None, None)
self.refs = {}
for branch in branches:
# branch is a ref, now find its checksum (i.e. rev)
_, rev = self.repo.resolve_rev(branch, False)
self.refs[branch] = rev
# Start ssh
ssh_cmd = ssh_commandline(self.remote_host, self.remote_user, self.remote_port)
ssh_cmd += ['bst-artifact-receive']
if self.verbose:
ssh_cmd += ['--verbose']
if self.debug:
ssh_cmd += ['--debug']
if not self.remote_host:
ssh_cmd += ['--pull-url', self.remote_repo]
ssh_cmd += [self.remote_repo]'Executing {}'.format(' '.join(ssh_cmd)))
if self.remote_host:
# subprocess.Popen(args, bufsize=-1,...)
# Executes a child program in a new process which returns an open file
# object connected to the pipe.
self.ssh = subprocess.Popen(ssh_cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
self.ssh = ProcessWithPipes(receive_main, ssh_cmd[1:], stderr=self.output)
self.writer = PushMessageWriter(self.ssh.stdin)
self.reader = PushMessageReader(self.ssh.stdout)
def needed_commits(self, remote, local, needed):
parent = local
if remote == '0' * 64:
# Nonexistent remote branch, use None for convenience
remote = None
while parent != remote:
_, commit = self.repo.load_variant_if_exists(OSTree.ObjectType.COMMIT,
if commit is None:
raise PushException('Shallow history from commit {} does '
'not contain remote commit {}'.format(local, remote))
parent = OSTree.commit_get_parent(commit)
if parent is None:
if remote is not None and parent != remote:
raise PushExistsException('Remote commit {} not descendent of '
'commit {}'.format(remote, local))
def needed_objects(self, commits):
objects = set()
for rev in commits:
_, reachable = self.repo.traverse_commit(rev, 0, None)
for obj in reachable:
objname = OSTree.object_to_string(obj[0], obj[1])
if obj[1] == OSTree.ObjectType.FILE:
# Make this a filez since we're archive-z2
objname += 'z'
elif obj[1] == OSTree.ObjectType.COMMIT:
# Add in detached metadata
metaobj = objname + 'meta'
metapath = ostree_object_path(self.repo, metaobj)
if os.path.exists(metapath):
# Add in Endless compat files
for suffix in ['sig', 'sizes2']:
metaobj = obj[0] + '.' + suffix
metapath = ostree_object_path(self.repo, metaobj)
if os.path.exists(metapath):
return objects
def close(self):
return self.ssh.wait()
def run(self):
remote_refs = {}
update_refs = {}
# Send info immediately
self.writer.send_info(self.repo, list(self.refs.keys()))
# Receive remote info'Receiving repository information')
args = self.reader.receive_info()
remote_mode = args['mode']
if remote_mode != OSTree.RepoMode.ARCHIVE_Z2:
raise PushException('Can only push to archive-z2 repos')
remote_refs = args['refs']
for branch, rev in self.refs.items():
remote_rev = remote_refs.get(branch, '0' * 64)
if rev != remote_rev:
# if the checksums for a branch aren't equal add a tuple of
# the remote_rev and local rev to a new dictionary.
update_refs[branch] = remote_rev, rev
if not update_refs:'Nothing to update')
raise PushExistsException('Nothing to update')
# Send update command'Sending update request')
# Receive status for update request
args = self.reader.receive_status()
if not args['result']:
raise PushException(args['message'])
# Collect commits and objects to push
commits = set()
exc_info = None
ref_count = 0
# update the remote checksum with the local one
for branch, revs in update_refs.items():'Updating {} {} to {}'.format(branch, revs[0], revs[1]))
# obtain a set of the commits needed to be pushed
self.needed_commits(revs[0], revs[1], commits)
ref_count += 1
except PushExistsException:
if exc_info is None:
exc_info = sys.exc_info()
# Re-raise PushExistsException if all refs exist already
if ref_count == 0 and exc_info:
raise exc_info[0].with_traceback(exc_info[1], exc_info[2])'Enumerating objects to send')
# obtain a set of the objects which need to be pushed to the server
objects = self.needed_objects(commits)
# Send all the objects to receiver, checking status after each
self.writer.send_putobjects(self.repo, objects)
except BrokenPipeError:
# If the remote closes, we receive a BrokenPipeError
# Return 1 to notify the frontend that something went
# wrong on the server.
return 1
# Inform receiver that all objects have been sent
# Wait until receiver has completed
return self.close()
# OSTreeReceiver is on the receiving end of an OSTree push.
# Args:
# repopath (str): On-disk location of the receiving repository.
# pull_url (str): Redirection for clients who want to pull, not push.
class OSTreeReceiver(object):
def __init__(self, repopath, pull_url):
self.repopath = repopath
self.pull_url = pull_url
if self.repopath is None:
self.repo = OSTree.Repo.new_default()
self.repopath = self.repo.get_path().get_path()
# NOTE: OSTree.Repo.get_path() returns Gio.File
# Gio.File.get_path() returns a string of the pathway
self.repo =
repo_tmp = os.path.join(self.repopath, 'tmp')
self.tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=repo_tmp, prefix='bst-push-')
self.writer = PushMessageWriter(sys.stdout.buffer)
self.reader = PushMessageReader(sys.stdin.buffer, tmpdir=self.tmpdir)
# Set a sane umask before writing any objects
def close(self):
return 0
def run(self):
exit_code = self.do_run()
except ArtifactTooLargeException as e:
exit_code = 0
# BLIND EXCEPT - Just abort if we receive any exception, this
# can be a broken pipe, a tarfile read error when the remote
# connection is closed, a bug; whatever happens we want to cleanup.
return exit_code
def do_run(self):
# Receive remote info
args = self.reader.receive_info()
remote_refs = args['refs']
# Send info back
self.writer.send_info(self.repo, list(remote_refs.keys()),
# Wait for update or done command
cmdtype, args = self.reader.receive([PushCommandType.update,
if cmdtype == PushCommandType.done:
return 0
update_refs = args
profile_names = set()
for update_ref in update_refs:
# Strip off the SHA256 sum on the right of the reference,
# leaving the project and element name
project_and_element_name = re.sub(r"/[a-z0-9]+$", '', update_ref)
profile_name = '_'.join(profile_names)
profile_start(Topics.ARTIFACT_RECEIVE, profile_name)
# Wait for putobjects or done
cmdtype, args = self.reader.receive([PushCommandType.putobjects,
if cmdtype == PushCommandType.done:
logging.debug('Received done before any objects, exiting')
return 0
# Receive the actual objects
received_objects = self.reader.receive_putobjects(self.repo, self.repopath)
# Ensure that pusher has sent all objects
# If we didn't get any objects, we're done
if not received_objects:
return 0
# Got all objects, move them to the object store
for obj in received_objects:
tmp_path = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, obj)
obj_path = ostree_object_path(self.repo, obj)
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(obj_path), exist_ok=True)
logging.debug('Renaming {} to {}'.format(tmp_path, obj_path))
os.rename(tmp_path, obj_path)
# Verify that we have the specified commit objects
for branch, revs in update_refs.items():
_, has_object = self.repo.has_object(OSTree.ObjectType.COMMIT, revs[1], None)
if not has_object:
raise PushException('Missing commit {} for ref {}'.format(revs[1], branch))
# Finally, update the refs
for branch, revs in update_refs.items():
logging.debug('Setting ref {} to {}'.format(branch, revs[1]))
self.repo.set_ref_immediate(None, branch, revs[1], None)
# Inform pusher that everything is in place
profile_end(Topics.ARTIFACT_RECEIVE, profile_name)
return 0
# initialize_push_connection()
# Test that we can connect to the remote bst-artifact-receive program, and
# receive the pull URL for this artifact cache.
# We don't want to make the user wait until the first artifact has been built
# to discover that they actually cannot push, so this should be called early.
# The SSH push protocol doesn't allow pulling artifacts. We don't want to
# require users to specify two URLs for a single cache, so we have the push
# protocol return the corresponding pull URL as part of the 'hello' response.
# Args:
# remote: The ssh remote url to push to
# Returns:
# (str): The URL that should be used for pushing to this cache.
# Raises:
# PushException if there was an issue connecting to the remote.
def initialize_push_connection(remote):
remote_host, remote_user, remote_repo, remote_port = parse_remote_location(remote)
ssh_cmd = ssh_commandline(remote_host, remote_user, remote_port)
if remote_host:
# We need a short timeout here because if 'remote' isn't reachable at
# all, the process will hang until the connection times out.
ssh_cmd += ['-oConnectTimeout=3']
ssh_cmd += ['bst-artifact-receive', remote_repo]
if remote_host:
ssh = subprocess.Popen(ssh_cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
ssh_cmd += ['--pull-url', remote_repo]
ssh = ProcessWithPipes(receive_main, ssh_cmd[1:])
writer = PushMessageWriter(ssh.stdin)
reader = PushMessageReader(ssh.stdout)
args = reader.receive_info()
if 'pull_url' in args:
pull_url = args['pull_url']
raise PushException(
"Remote cache did not tell us its pull URL. This cache probably "
"requires updating to a newer version of `bst-artifact-receive`.")
except PushException as protocol_error:
# If we get a read error on the wire, let's first see if SSH reported
# an error such as 'Permission denied'. If so this will be much more
# useful to the user than the "Expected reply, got none" sort of
# message that reader.receive_info() will have raised.
if ssh.returncode != 0:
ssh_error ='unicode-escape').strip()
raise PushException("{}".format(ssh_error))
raise protocol_error
return pull_url
# push()
# Run the pusher in process, with logging going to the output file
# Args:
# repo: The local repository path
# remote: The ssh remote url to push to
# branches: The refs to push
# output: The output where logging should go
# Returns:
# (bool): True if the remote was updated, False if it already existed
# and no updated was required
# Raises:
# PushException if there was an error
def push(repo, remote, branches, output):
logging.basicConfig(format='%(module)s: %(levelname)s: %(message)s',
level=logging.INFO, stream=output)
pusher = OSTreePusher(repo, remote, branches, True, False, output=output)
def terminate_push():
with _signals.terminator(terminate_push):
return True
except ConnectionError as e:
# Connection attempt failed or connection was terminated unexpectedly
raise PushException("Connection failed") from e
except PushException:
except PushExistsException:
# If the commit already existed, just bail out
# on the push and dont bother re-raising the error"Ref {} was already present in remote {}".format(branches, remote))
return False
# clean_up_cache()
# Keep removing Least Recently Pushed (LRP) artifacts in a cache until there
# is enough space for the incoming artifact
# Args:
# repo: OSTree.Repo object
# free_disk_space: The available disk space on the file system in bytes
# artifact_size: The size of the artifact in bytes
# Returns:
# int: The total bytes removed on the filesystem
def clean_up_cache(repo, artifact_size, free_disk_space):
# obtain a list of LRP artifacts
LRP_artifacts = _ostree.list_artifacts(repo)
removed_size = 0 # in bytes
while artifact_size - removed_size > free_disk_space:
to_remove = LRP_artifacts.pop(0) # The first element in the list is the LRP artifact
except IndexError:
# This exception is caught if there are no more artifacts in the list
# LRP_artifacts. This means the the artifact is too large for the filesystem
# so we abort the process
raise ArtifactTooLargeException("Artifact of size {} is too large for "
"the filesystem which mounts the remote "
removed_size += _ostree.remove(repo, to_remove, defer_prune=False)
if removed_size > 0:"Successfully removed {} bytes from the cache".format(removed_size))
else:"No artifacts were removed from the cache.")
return removed_size
@click.command(short_help="Receive pushed artifacts over ssh")
@click.option('--verbose', '-v', is_flag=True, default=False, help="Verbose mode")
@click.option('--debug', '-d', is_flag=True, default=False, help="Debug mode")
@click.option('--pull-url', type=str, required=True,
help="Clients who try to pull over SSH will be redirected here")
@click.argument('repo', type=click.Path(file_okay=False, dir_okay=True, writable=True, exists=True))
def receive_main(verbose, debug, pull_url, repo):
"""A BuildStream sister program for receiving artifacts send to a shared artifact cache
loglevel = logging.WARNING
if verbose:
loglevel = logging.INFO
if debug:
loglevel = logging.DEBUG
logging.basicConfig(format='%(module)s: %(levelname)s: %(message)s',
level=loglevel, stream=sys.stderr)
receiver = OSTreeReceiver(repo, pull_url)