blob: 785a50c98dd9a4ce76578391bf3353b52205df77 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Codethink Limited
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library. If not, see <>.
# Authors:
# Tristan Maat <>
import os
from collections import Mapping, namedtuple
from .._exceptions import ImplError, LoadError, LoadErrorReason
from .. import utils
from .. import _yaml
# An ArtifactCacheSpec holds the user configuration for a single remote
# artifact cache.
# Args:
# url (str): Location of the remote artifact cache
# push (bool): Whether we should attempt to push artifacts to this cache,
# in addition to pulling from it.
class ArtifactCacheSpec(namedtuple('ArtifactCacheSpec', 'url push')):
def new_from_config_node(spec_node):
_yaml.node_validate(spec_node, ['url', 'push'])
url = _yaml.node_get(spec_node, str, 'url')
push = _yaml.node_get(spec_node, bool, 'push', default_value=False)
if len(url) == 0:
provenance = _yaml.node_get_provenance(spec_node)
raise LoadError(LoadErrorReason.INVALID_DATA,
"{}: empty artifact cache URL".format(provenance))
return ArtifactCacheSpec(url, push)
# artifact_cache_specs_from_config_node()
# Parses the configuration of remote artifact caches from a config block.
# Args:
# config_node (dict): The config block, which may contain the 'artifacts' key
# Returns:
# A list of ArtifactCacheSpec instances.
# Raises:
# LoadError, if the config block contains invalid keys.
def artifact_cache_specs_from_config_node(config_node):
cache_specs = []
artifacts = config_node.get('artifacts', [])
if isinstance(artifacts, Mapping):
elif isinstance(artifacts, list):
for spec_node in artifacts:
provenance = _yaml.node_get_provenance(config_node, key='artifacts')
raise _yaml.LoadError(_yaml.LoadErrorReason.INVALID_DATA,
"%s: 'artifacts' must be a single 'url:' mapping, or a list of mappings" %
return cache_specs
# configured_remote_artifact_cache_specs():
# Return the list of configured artifact remotes for a given project, in priority
# order. This takes into account the user and project configuration.
# Args:
# context (Context): The BuildStream context
# project (Project): The BuildStream project
# Returns:
# A list of ArtifactCacheSpec instances describing the remote artifact caches.
def configured_remote_artifact_cache_specs(context, project):
project_overrides = context._get_overrides(
project_extra_specs = artifact_cache_specs_from_config_node(project_overrides)
return list(utils._deduplicate(
project_extra_specs + project.artifact_cache_specs + context.artifact_cache_specs))
# An ArtifactCache manages artifacts.
# Args:
# context (Context): The BuildStream context
class ArtifactCache():
def __init__(self, context):
self.context = context
os.makedirs(context.artifactdir, exist_ok=True)
self.extractdir = os.path.join(context.artifactdir, 'extract')
self._local = False
self.global_remote_specs = []
self.project_remote_specs = {}
# set_remotes():
# Set the list of remote caches. If project is None, the global list of
# remote caches will be set, which is used by all projects. If a project is
# specified, the per-project list of remote caches will be set.
# Args:
# remote_specs (list): List of ArtifactCacheSpec instances, in priority order.
# project (Project): The Project instance for project-specific remotes
def set_remotes(self, remote_specs, *, project=None):
if project is None:
# global remotes
self.global_remote_specs = remote_specs
self.project_remote_specs[project] = remote_specs
# initialize_remotes():
# This will contact each remote cache.
# Args:
# on_failure (callable): Called if we fail to contact one of the caches.
def initialize_remotes(self, *, on_failure=None):
# contains():
# Check whether the artifact for the specified Element is already available
# in the local artifact cache.
# Args:
# element (Element): The Element to check
# strength (_KeyStrength): Either STRONG or WEAK key strength, or None
# Returns: True if the artifact is in the cache, False otherwise
def contains(self, element, strength=None):
raise ImplError("Cache '{kind}' does not implement contains()"
# extract():
# Extract cached artifact for the specified Element if it hasn't
# already been extracted.
# Assumes artifact has previously been fetched or committed.
# Args:
# element (Element): The Element to extract
# Raises:
# ArtifactError: In cases there was an OSError, or if the artifact
# did not exist.
# Returns: path to extracted artifact
def extract(self, element):
raise ImplError("Cache '{kind}' does not implement extract()"
# commit():
# Commit built artifact to cache.
# Args:
# element (Element): The Element commit an artifact for
# content (str): The element's content directory
def commit(self, element, content):
raise ImplError("Cache '{kind}' does not implement commit()"
# has_fetch_remotes():
# Check whether any remote repositories are available for fetching.
# Returns: True if any remote repositories are configured, False otherwise
def has_fetch_remotes(self):
return False
# has_push_remotes():
# Check whether any remote repositories are available for pushing.
# Args:
# element (Element): The Element to check
# Returns: True if any remote repository is configured, False otherwise
def has_push_remotes(self, *, element=None):
return False
# remote_contains_key():
# Check whether the artifact for the specified Element is already available
# in any remote artifact cache.
# Args:
# element (Element): The Element to check
# strength (_KeyStrength): Either STRONG or WEAK key strength, or None
# Returns: True if the artifact is in the cache, False otherwise
def remote_contains(self, element, strength=None):
return False