blob: d8c46ce0c3a461c62fda5786bf909e56ddc5eb26 [file] [log] [blame]
import os
import sys
from contextlib import ExitStack
from functools import partial
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
import click
from .. import _yaml
from .._exceptions import BstError, LoadError, AppError
from .._versions import BST_FORMAT_VERSION
from .complete import main_bashcomplete, complete_path, CompleteUnhandled
# Override of click's main entry point #
# search_command()
# Helper function to get a command and context object
# for a given command.
# Args:
# commands (list): A list of command words following `bst` invocation
# context (click.Context): An existing toplevel context, or None
# Returns:
# context (click.Context): The context of the associated command, or None
def search_command(args, *, context=None):
if context is None:
context = cli.make_context('bst', args, resilient_parsing=True)
# Loop into the deepest command
command = cli
command_ctx = context
for cmd in args:
command = command_ctx.command.get_command(command_ctx, cmd)
if command is None:
return None
command_ctx = command.make_context(, [],
return command_ctx
# Completion for completing command names as help arguments
def complete_commands(cmd, args, incomplete):
command_ctx = search_command(args[1:])
if command_ctx and command_ctx.command and isinstance(command_ctx.command, click.MultiCommand):
return [subcommand + " " for subcommand in command_ctx.command.list_commands(command_ctx)
if not command_ctx.command.get_command(command_ctx, subcommand).hidden]
return []
# Special completion for completing the bst elements in a project dir
def complete_target(args, incomplete):
:param args: full list of args typed before the incomplete arg
:param incomplete: the incomplete text to autocomplete
:return: all the possible user-specified completions for the param
from .. import utils
project_conf = 'project.conf'
# First resolve the directory, in case there is an
# active --directory/-C option
base_directory = '.'
idx = -1
idx = args.index('-C')
except ValueError:
idx = args.index('--directory')
except ValueError:
if idx >= 0 and len(args) > idx + 1:
base_directory = args[idx + 1]
# Check if this directory or any of its parent directories
# contain a project config file
base_directory, _ = utils._search_upward_for_files(base_directory, [project_conf])
# Now parse the project.conf just to find the element path,
# this is unfortunately a bit heavy.
project_file = os.path.join(base_directory, project_conf)
project = _yaml.load(project_file)
except LoadError:
# If there is no project directory in context, just dont
# even bother trying to complete anything.
return []
# The project is not required to have an element-path
element_directory = project.get('element-path')
# If a project was loaded, use its element-path to
# adjust our completion's base directory
if element_directory:
base_directory = os.path.join(base_directory, element_directory)
complete_list = []
for p in complete_path("File", incomplete, base_directory=base_directory):
if p.endswith(".bst ") or p.endswith("/"):
return complete_list
def complete_artifact(orig_args, args, incomplete):
from .._context import Context
ctx = Context()
config = None
if orig_args:
for i, arg in enumerate(orig_args):
if arg in ('-c', '--config'):
config = orig_args[i + 1]
except IndexError:
if args:
for i, arg in enumerate(args):
if arg in ('-c', '--config'):
config = args[i + 1]
except IndexError:
# element targets are valid artifact names
complete_list = complete_target(args, incomplete)
complete_list.extend(ref for ref in ctx.artifactcache.cas.list_refs() if ref.startswith(incomplete))
return complete_list
def override_completions(orig_args, cmd, cmd_param, args, incomplete):
:param orig_args: original, non-completion args
:param cmd_param: command definition
:param args: full list of args typed before the incomplete arg
:param incomplete: the incomplete text to autocomplete
:return: all the possible user-specified completions for the param
if == 'help':
return complete_commands(cmd, args, incomplete)
# We can't easily extend click's data structures without
# modifying click itself, so just do some weak special casing
# right here and select which parameters we want to handle specially.
if isinstance(cmd_param.type, click.Path):
if ( == 'elements' or == 'element' or == 'except_' or
cmd_param.opts == ['--track'] or
cmd_param.opts == ['--track-except']):
return complete_target(args, incomplete)
if == 'artifacts':
return complete_artifact(orig_args, args, incomplete)
raise CompleteUnhandled()
def override_main(self, args=None, prog_name=None, complete_var=None,
standalone_mode=True, **extra):
# Hook for the Bash completion. This only activates if the Bash
# completion is actually enabled, otherwise this is quite a fast
# noop.
if main_bashcomplete(self, prog_name, partial(override_completions, args)):
# If we're running tests we cant just go calling exit()
# from the main process.
# The below is a quicker exit path for the sake
# of making completions respond faster.
if 'BST_TEST_SUITE' not in os.environ:
# Regular client return for test cases
original_main(self, args=args, prog_name=prog_name, complete_var=None,
standalone_mode=standalone_mode, **extra)
original_main = click.BaseCommand.main
click.BaseCommand.main = override_main
# Main Options #
def print_version(ctx, param, value):
if not value or ctx.resilient_parsing:
from .. import __version__
ctx.exit()['-h', '--help']))
@click.option('--version', is_flag=True, callback=print_version,
expose_value=False, is_eager=True)
@click.option('--config', '-c',
type=click.Path(exists=True, dir_okay=False, readable=True),
help="Configuration file to use")
@click.option('--directory', '-C', default=os.getcwd(),
type=click.Path(file_okay=False, readable=True),
help="Project directory (default: current directory)")
@click.option('--on-error', default=None,
type=click.Choice(['continue', 'quit', 'terminate']),
help="What to do when an error is encountered")
@click.option('--fetchers', type=click.INT, default=None,
help="Maximum simultaneous download tasks")
@click.option('--builders', type=click.INT, default=None,
help="Maximum simultaneous build tasks")
@click.option('--pushers', type=click.INT, default=None,
help="Maximum simultaneous upload tasks")
@click.option('--network-retries', type=click.INT, default=None,
help="Maximum retries for network tasks")
@click.option('--no-interactive', is_flag=True, default=False,
help="Force non interactive mode, otherwise this is automatically decided")
@click.option('--verbose/--no-verbose', default=None,
help="Be extra verbose")
@click.option('--debug/--no-debug', default=None,
help="Print debugging output")
@click.option('--error-lines', type=click.INT, default=None,
help="Maximum number of lines to show from a task log")
@click.option('--message-lines', type=click.INT, default=None,
help="Maximum number of lines to show in a detailed message")
type=click.File(mode='w', encoding='UTF-8'),
help="A file to store the main log (allows storing the main log while in interactive mode)")
@click.option('--colors/--no-colors', default=None,
help="Force enable/disable ANSI color codes in output")
@click.option('--strict/--no-strict', default=None, is_flag=True,
help="Elements must be rebuilt when their dependencies have changed")
@click.option('--option', '-o', type=click.Tuple([str, str]), multiple=True, metavar='OPTION VALUE',
help="Specify a project option")
@click.option('--default-mirror', default=None,
help="The mirror to fetch from first, before attempting other mirrors")
@click.option('--pull-buildtrees', is_flag=True, default=None,
help="Include an element's build tree when pulling remote element artifacts")
@click.option('--cache-buildtrees', default=None,
type=click.Choice(['always', 'failure', 'never']),
help="Cache artifact build tree content on creation")
def cli(context, **kwargs):
"""Build and manipulate BuildStream projects
Most of the main options override options in the
user preferences configuration file.
from .app import App
# Create the App, giving it the main arguments
context.obj = App.create(dict(kwargs))
# Help Command #
@cli.command(name="help", short_help="Print usage information",
context_settings={"help_option_names": []})
@click.argument("command", nargs=-1, metavar='COMMAND')
def help_command(ctx, command):
"""Print usage information about a given command
command_ctx = search_command(command, context=ctx.parent)
if not command_ctx:
click.echo("Not a valid command: '{} {}'"
.format(ctx.parent.info_name, " ".join(command)), err=True)
click.echo(command_ctx.command.get_help(command_ctx), err=True)
# Hint about available sub commands
if isinstance(command_ctx.command, click.MultiCommand):
detail = " "
if command:
detail = " {} ".format(" ".join(command))
click.echo("\nFor usage on a specific command: {} help{}COMMAND"
.format(ctx.parent.info_name, detail), err=True)
# Init Command #
@cli.command(short_help="Initialize a new BuildStream project")
@click.option('--project-name', type=click.STRING,
help="The project name to use")
@click.option('--format-version', type=click.INT, default=BST_FORMAT_VERSION,
help="The required format version (default: {})".format(BST_FORMAT_VERSION))
@click.option('--element-path', type=click.Path(), default="elements",
help="The subdirectory to store elements in (default: elements)")
@click.option('--force', '-f', default=False, is_flag=True,
help="Allow overwriting an existing project.conf")
def init(app, project_name, format_version, element_path, force):
"""Initialize a new BuildStream project
Creates a new BuildStream project.conf in the project
Unless `--project-name` is specified, this will be an
interactive session.
app.init_project(project_name, format_version, element_path, force)
# Build Command #
@cli.command(short_help="Build elements in a pipeline")
@click.option('--all', 'all_', default=False, is_flag=True,
help="Build elements that would not be needed for the current build plan")
@click.option('--track', 'track_', multiple=True,
help="Specify elements to track during the build. Can be used "
"repeatedly to specify multiple elements")
@click.option('--track-all', default=False, is_flag=True,
help="Track all elements in the pipeline")
@click.option('--track-except', multiple=True,
help="Except certain dependencies from tracking")
@click.option('--track-cross-junctions', '-J', default=False, is_flag=True,
help="Allow tracking to cross junction boundaries")
@click.option('--track-save', default=False, is_flag=True,
help="Deprecated: This is ignored")
@click.option('--remote', '-r', default=None,
help="The URL of the remote cache (defaults to the first configured cache)")
@click.argument('elements', nargs=-1,
def build(app, elements, all_, track_, track_save, track_all, track_except, track_cross_junctions, remote):
"""Build elements in a pipeline
Specifying no elements will result in building the default targets
of the project. If no default targets are configured, all project
elements will be built.
When this command is executed from a workspace directory, the default
is to build the workspace element.
if (track_except or track_cross_junctions) and not (track_ or track_all):
click.echo("ERROR: The --track-except and --track-cross-junctions options "
"can only be used with --track or --track-all", err=True)
if track_save:
click.echo("WARNING: --track-save is deprecated, saving is now unconditional", err=True)
with app.initialized(session_name="Build"):
ignore_junction_targets = False
if not elements:
elements = app.project.get_default_targets()
# Junction elements cannot be built, exclude them from default targets
ignore_junction_targets = True
if track_all:
track_ = elements,
# Show Command #
@cli.command(short_help="Show elements in the pipeline")
@click.option('--except', 'except_', multiple=True,
help="Except certain dependencies")
@click.option('--deps', '-d', default='all',
type=click.Choice(['none', 'plan', 'run', 'build', 'all']),
help='The dependencies to show (default: all)')
@click.option('--order', default="stage",
type=click.Choice(['stage', 'alpha']),
help='Staging or alphabetic ordering of dependencies')
@click.option('--format', '-f', 'format_', metavar='FORMAT', default=None,
help='Format string for each element')
@click.argument('elements', nargs=-1,
def show(app, elements, deps, except_, order, format_):
"""Show elements in the pipeline
Specifying no elements will result in showing the default targets
of the project. If no default targets are configured, all project
elements will be shown.
When this command is executed from a workspace directory, the default
is to show the workspace element.
By default this will show all of the dependencies of the
specified target element.
Specify `--deps` to control which elements to show:
none: No dependencies, just the element itself
plan: Dependencies required for a build plan
run: Runtime dependencies, including the element itself
build: Build time dependencies, excluding the element itself
all: All dependencies
The --format option controls what should be printed for each element,
the following symbols can be used in the format string:
%{name} The element name
%{key} The abbreviated cache key (if all sources are consistent)
%{full-key} The full cache key (if all sources are consistent)
%{state} cached, buildable, waiting or inconsistent
%{config} The element configuration
%{vars} Variable configuration
%{env} Environment settings
%{public} Public domain data
%{workspaced} If the element is workspaced
%{workspace-dirs} A list of workspace directories
%{deps} A list of all dependencies
%{build-deps} A list of build dependencies
%{runtime-deps} A list of runtime dependencies
The value of the %{symbol} without the leading '%' character is understood
as a pythonic formatting string, so python formatting features apply,
bst show target.bst --format \\
'Name: %{name: ^20} Key: %{key: ^8} State: %{state}'
If you want to use a newline in a format string in bash, use the '$' modifier:
bst show target.bst --format \\
$'---------- %{name} ----------\\n%{vars}'
with app.initialized():
if not elements:
elements = app.project.get_default_targets()
dependencies =,
if order == "alpha":
dependencies = sorted(dependencies)
if not format_:
format_ = app.context.log_element_format
report = app.logger.show_pipeline(dependencies, format_)
click.echo(report, color=app.colors)
# Shell Command #
@cli.command(short_help="Shell into an element's sandbox environment")
@click.option('--build', '-b', 'build_', is_flag=True, default=False,
help='Stage dependencies and sources to build')
@click.option('--sysroot', '-s', default=None,
type=click.Path(exists=True, file_okay=False, readable=True),
help="An existing sysroot")
@click.option('--mount', type=click.Tuple([click.Path(exists=True), str]), multiple=True,
metavar='HOSTPATH PATH',
help="Mount a file or directory into the sandbox")
@click.option('--isolate', is_flag=True, default=False,
help='Create an isolated build sandbox')
@click.option('--use-buildtree', '-t', 'cli_buildtree', type=click.Choice(['ask', 'try', 'always', 'never']),
help='Defaults to ask but if set to always the function will fail if a build tree is not available')
@click.argument('element', required=False,
@click.argument('command', type=click.STRING, nargs=-1)
def shell(app, element, sysroot, mount, isolate, build_, cli_buildtree, command):
"""Run a command in the target element's sandbox environment
When this command is executed from a workspace directory, the default
is to shell into the workspace element.
This will stage a temporary sysroot for running the target
element, assuming it has already been built and all required
artifacts are in the local cache.
Use '--' to separate a command from the options to bst,
otherwise bst may respond to them instead. e.g.
bst shell example.bst -- df -h
Use the --build option to create a temporary sysroot for
building the element instead.
Use the --sysroot option with an existing failed build
directory or with a checkout of the given target, in order
to use a specific sysroot.
If no COMMAND is specified, the default is to attempt
to run an interactive shell.
from ..element import Scope
from .._project import HostMount
from .._pipeline import PipelineSelection
if build_:
scope = Scope.BUILD
scope = Scope.RUN
use_buildtree = None
with app.initialized():
if not element:
element = app.project.get_default_target()
if not element:
raise AppError('Missing argument "ELEMENT".')
dependencies =,), selection=PipelineSelection.NONE,
element = dependencies[0]
prompt = app.shell_prompt(element)
mounts = [
HostMount(path, host_path)
for host_path, path in mount
cached = element._cached_buildtree()
if cli_buildtree in ("always", "try"):
use_buildtree = cli_buildtree
if not cached and use_buildtree == "always":
click.echo("WARNING: buildtree is not cached locally, will attempt to pull from available remotes",
# If the value has defaulted to ask and in non interactive mode, don't consider the buildtree, this
# being the default behaviour of the command
if app.interactive and cli_buildtree == "ask":
if cached and bool(click.confirm('Do you want to use the cached buildtree?')):
use_buildtree = "always"
elif not cached:
choice = click.prompt("Do you want to pull & use a cached buildtree?",
type=click.Choice(['try', 'always', 'never']),
err=True, show_choices=True)
except click.Abort:
click.echo('Aborting', err=True)
if choice != "never":
use_buildtree = choice
# Raise warning if the element is cached in a failed state
if use_buildtree and element._cached_failure():
click.echo("WARNING: using a buildtree from a failed build.", err=True)
exitcode =, scope, prompt,
except BstError as e:
raise AppError("Error launching shell: {}".format(e), detail=e.detail) from e
# If there were no errors, we return the shell's exit code here.
# Source Command #
##################################################################"Manipulate sources for an element")
def source():
"""Manipulate sources for an element"""
# Source Fetch Command #
@source.command(name="fetch", short_help="Fetch sources in a pipeline")
@click.option('--except', 'except_', multiple=True,
help="Except certain dependencies from fetching")
@click.option('--deps', '-d', default='plan',
type=click.Choice(['none', 'plan', 'all']),
help='The dependencies to fetch (default: plan)')
@click.option('--track', 'track_', default=False, is_flag=True,
help="Track new source references before fetching")
@click.option('--track-cross-junctions', '-J', default=False, is_flag=True,
help="Allow tracking to cross junction boundaries")
@click.argument('elements', nargs=-1,
def source_fetch(app, elements, deps, track_, except_, track_cross_junctions):
"""Fetch sources required to build the pipeline
Specifying no elements will result in fetching the default targets
of the project. If no default targets are configured, all project
elements will be fetched.
When this command is executed from a workspace directory, the default
is to fetch the workspace element.
By default this will only try to fetch sources which are
required for the build plan of the specified target element,
omitting sources for any elements which are already built
and available in the artifact cache.
Specify `--deps` to control which sources to fetch:
none: No dependencies, just the element itself
plan: Only dependencies required for the build plan
all: All dependencies
from .._pipeline import PipelineSelection
if track_cross_junctions and not track_:
click.echo("ERROR: The --track-cross-junctions option can only be used with --track", err=True)
if track_ and deps == PipelineSelection.PLAN:
click.echo("WARNING: --track specified for tracking of a build plan\n\n"
"Since tracking modifies the build plan, all elements will be tracked.", err=True)
deps = PipelineSelection.ALL
with app.initialized(session_name="Fetch"):
if not elements:
elements = app.project.get_default_targets(),
# Source Track Command #
@source.command(name="track", short_help="Track new source references")
@click.option('--except', 'except_', multiple=True,
help="Except certain dependencies from tracking")
@click.option('--deps', '-d', default='none',
type=click.Choice(['none', 'all']),
help='The dependencies to track (default: none)')
@click.option('--cross-junctions', '-J', default=False, is_flag=True,
help="Allow crossing junction boundaries")
@click.argument('elements', nargs=-1,
def source_track(app, elements, deps, except_, cross_junctions):
"""Consults the specified tracking branches for new versions available
to build and updates the project with any newly available references.
Specifying no elements will result in tracking the default targets
of the project. If no default targets are configured, all project
elements will be tracked.
When this command is executed from a workspace directory, the default
is to track the workspace element.
If no default is declared, all elements in the project will be tracked
By default this will track just the specified element, but you can also
update a whole tree of dependencies in one go.
Specify `--deps` to control which sources to track:
none: No dependencies, just the specified elements
all: All dependencies of all specified elements
with app.initialized(session_name="Track"):
if not elements:
elements = app.project.get_default_targets()
# Substitute 'none' for 'redirect' so that element redirections
# will be done
if deps == 'none':
deps = 'redirect',
# Source Checkout Command #
@source.command(name='checkout', short_help='Checkout sources for an element')
@click.option('--force', '-f', default=False, is_flag=True,
help="Allow files to be overwritten")
@click.option('--except', 'except_', multiple=True,
help="Except certain dependencies")
@click.option('--deps', '-d', default='none',
type=click.Choice(['build', 'none', 'run', 'all']),
help='The dependencies whose sources to checkout (default: none)')
@click.option('--fetch', 'fetch_', default=False, is_flag=True,
help='Fetch elements if they are not fetched')
@click.option('--tar', 'tar', default=False, is_flag=True,
help='Create a tarball from the element\'s sources instead of a '
'file tree.')
@click.option('--include-build-scripts', 'build_scripts', is_flag=True)
@click.argument('element', required=False, type=click.Path(readable=False))
@click.argument('location', type=click.Path(), required=False)
def source_checkout(app, element, location, force, deps, fetch_, except_,
tar, build_scripts):
"""Checkout sources of an element to the specified location
When this command is executed from a workspace directory, the default
is to checkout the sources of the workspace element.
if not element and not location:
click.echo("ERROR: LOCATION is not specified", err=True)
if element and not location:
# Nasty hack to get around click's optional args
location = element
element = None
with app.initialized():
if not element:
element = app.project.get_default_target()
if not element:
raise AppError('Missing argument "ELEMENT".'),
# Workspace Command #
##################################################################"Manipulate developer workspaces")
def workspace():
"""Manipulate developer workspaces"""
# Workspace Open Command #
@workspace.command(name='open', short_help="Open a new workspace")
@click.option('--no-checkout', default=False, is_flag=True,
help="Do not checkout the source, only link to the given directory")
@click.option('--force', '-f', default=False, is_flag=True,
help="The workspace will be created even if the directory in which it will be created is not empty " +
"or if a workspace for that element already exists")
@click.option('--track', 'track_', default=False, is_flag=True,
help="Track and fetch new source references before checking out the workspace")
@click.option('--directory', type=click.Path(file_okay=False), default=None,
help="Only for use when a single Element is given: Set the directory to use to create the workspace")
@click.argument('elements', nargs=-1, type=click.Path(readable=False), required=True)
def workspace_open(app, no_checkout, force, track_, directory, elements):
"""Open a workspace for manual source modification"""
with app.initialized():,
# Workspace Close Command #
@workspace.command(name='close', short_help="Close workspaces")
@click.option('--remove-dir', default=False, is_flag=True,
help="Remove the path that contains the closed workspace")
@click.option('--all', '-a', 'all_', default=False, is_flag=True,
help="Close all open workspaces")
@click.argument('elements', nargs=-1,
def workspace_close(app, remove_dir, all_, elements):
"""Close a workspace"""
removed_required_element = False
with app.initialized():
if not (all_ or elements):
# NOTE: I may need to revisit this when implementing multiple projects
# opening one workspace.
element = app.project.get_default_target()
if element:
elements = (element,)
raise AppError('No elements specified')
# Early exit if we specified `all` and there are no workspaces
if all_ and not
click.echo('No open workspaces to close', err=True)
if all_:
elements = [element_name for element_name, _ in app.context.get_workspaces().list()]
elements =
# Check that the workspaces in question exist, and that it's safe to
# remove them.
nonexisting = []
for element_name in elements:
if not
if nonexisting:
raise AppError("Workspace does not exist", detail="\n".join(nonexisting))
for element_name in elements:, remove_dir=remove_dir)
removed_required_element = True
# This message is echo'd last, as it's most relevant to the next
# thing the user will type.
if removed_required_element:
"Removed '{}', therefore you can no longer run BuildStream "
"commands from the current directory.".format(element_name), err=True)
# Workspace Reset Command #
@workspace.command(name='reset', short_help="Reset a workspace to its original state")
@click.option('--soft', default=False, is_flag=True,
help="Reset workspace state without affecting its contents")
@click.option('--track', 'track_', default=False, is_flag=True,
help="Track and fetch the latest source before resetting")
@click.option('--all', '-a', 'all_', default=False, is_flag=True,
help="Reset all open workspaces")
@click.argument('elements', nargs=-1,
def workspace_reset(app, soft, track_, all_, elements):
"""Reset a workspace to its original state"""
# Check that the workspaces in question exist
with app.initialized():
if not (all_ or elements):
element = app.project.get_default_target()
if element:
elements = (element,)
raise AppError('No elements specified to reset')
if all_ and not
raise AppError("No open workspaces to reset")
if all_:
elements = tuple(element_name for element_name, _ in app.context.get_workspaces().list()), soft=soft, track_first=track_)
# Workspace List Command #
@workspace.command(name='list', short_help="List open workspaces")
def workspace_list(app):
"""List open workspaces"""
with app.initialized():
# Artifact Commands #
#############################################################"Manipulate cached artifacts")
def artifact():
"""Manipulate cached artifacts"""
# Artifact Checkout Command #
@artifact.command(name='checkout', short_help="Checkout contents of an artifact")
@click.option('--force', '-f', default=False, is_flag=True,
help="Allow files to be overwritten")
@click.option('--deps', '-d', default=None,
type=click.Choice(['run', 'build', 'none']),
help='The dependencies to checkout (default: run)')
@click.option('--integrate/--no-integrate', default=None, is_flag=True,
help="Whether to run integration commands")
@click.option('--hardlinks', default=False, is_flag=True,
help="Checkout hardlinks instead of copying if possible")
@click.option('--tar', default=None, metavar='LOCATION',
help="Create a tarball from the artifact contents instead "
"of a file tree. If LOCATION is '-', the tarball "
"will be dumped to the standard output.")
@click.option('--directory', default=None,
help="The directory to checkout the artifact to")
@click.argument('element', required=False,
def artifact_checkout(app, force, deps, integrate, hardlinks, tar, directory, element):
"""Checkout contents of an artifact
When this command is executed from a workspace directory, the default
is to checkout the artifact of the workspace element.
from ..element import Scope
if hardlinks and tar is not None:
click.echo("ERROR: options --hardlinks and --tar conflict", err=True)
if tar is None and directory is None:
click.echo("ERROR: One of --directory or --tar must be provided", err=True)
if tar is not None and directory is not None:
click.echo("ERROR: options --directory and --tar conflict", err=True)
if tar is not None:
location = tar
tar = True
location = os.getcwd() if directory is None else directory
tar = False
if deps == "build":
scope = Scope.BUILD
elif deps == "none":
scope = Scope.NONE
scope = Scope.RUN
with app.initialized():
if not element:
element = app.project.get_default_target()
if not element:
raise AppError('Missing argument "ELEMENT".'),
integrate=True if integrate is None else integrate,
# Artifact Pull Command #
@artifact.command(name="pull", short_help="Pull a built artifact")
@click.option('--deps', '-d', default='none',
type=click.Choice(['none', 'all']),
help='The dependency artifacts to pull (default: none)')
@click.option('--remote', '-r', default=None,
help="The URL of the remote cache (defaults to the first configured cache)")
@click.argument('elements', nargs=-1,
def artifact_pull(app, elements, deps, remote):
"""Pull a built artifact from the configured remote artifact cache.
Specifying no elements will result in pulling the default targets
of the project. If no default targets are configured, all project
elements will be pulled.
When this command is executed from a workspace directory, the default
is to pull the workspace element.
By default the artifact will be pulled one of the configured caches
if possible, following the usual priority order. If the `--remote` flag
is given, only the specified cache will be queried.
Specify `--deps` to control which artifacts to pull:
none: No dependencies, just the element itself
all: All dependencies
with app.initialized(session_name="Pull"):
ignore_junction_targets = False
if not elements:
elements = app.project.get_default_targets()
# Junction elements cannot be pulled, exclude them from default targets
ignore_junction_targets = True, selection=deps, remote=remote,
# Artifact Push Command #
@artifact.command(name="push", short_help="Push a built artifact")
@click.option('--deps', '-d', default='none',
type=click.Choice(['none', 'all']),
help='The dependencies to push (default: none)')
@click.option('--remote', '-r', default=None,
help="The URL of the remote cache (defaults to the first configured cache)")
@click.argument('elements', nargs=-1,
def artifact_push(app, elements, deps, remote):
"""Push a built artifact to a remote artifact cache.
Specifying no elements will result in pushing the default targets
of the project. If no default targets are configured, all project
elements will be pushed.
When this command is executed from a workspace directory, the default
is to push the workspace element.
The default destination is the highest priority configured cache. You can
override this by passing a different cache URL with the `--remote` flag.
If bst has been configured to include build trees on artifact pulls,
an attempt will be made to pull any required build trees to avoid the
skipping of partial artifacts being pushed.
Specify `--deps` to control which artifacts to push:
none: No dependencies, just the element itself
all: All dependencies
with app.initialized(session_name="Push"):
ignore_junction_targets = False
if not elements:
elements = app.project.get_default_targets()
# Junction elements cannot be pushed, exclude them from default targets
ignore_junction_targets = True, selection=deps, remote=remote,
# Artifact Log Command #
@artifact.command(name='log', short_help="Show logs of an artifact")
@click.argument('artifacts', type=click.Path(), nargs=-1)
def artifact_log(app, artifacts):
"""Show logs of all artifacts"""
with app.initialized():
logsdirs =
with ExitStack() as stack:
extractdirs = []
for logsdir in logsdirs:
# NOTE: If reading the logs feels unresponsive, here would be a good place
# to provide progress information.
td = stack.enter_context(TemporaryDirectory())
logsdir.export_files(td, can_link=True)
for extractdir in extractdirs:
for log in (os.path.join(extractdir, log) for log in os.listdir(extractdir)):
# NOTE: Should click gain the ability to pass files to the pager this can be optimised.
with open(log) as f:
data =
# Artifact Delete Command #
@artifact.command(name='delete', short_help="Remove artifacts from the local cache")
@click.option('--no-prune', 'no_prune', default=False, is_flag=True,
help="Do not prune the local cache of unreachable refs")
@click.argument('artifacts', type=click.Path(), nargs=-1)
def artifact_delete(app, artifacts, no_prune):
"""Remove artifacts from the local cache"""
with app.initialized():, no_prune)
# DEPRECATED Commands #
# XXX: The following commands are now obsolete, but they are kept
# here along with all the options so that we can provide nice error
# messages when they are called.
# Also, note that these commands are hidden from the top-level help.
# Fetch Command #
@cli.command(short_help="COMMAND OBSOLETE - Fetch sources in a pipeline", hidden=True)
@click.option('--except', 'except_', multiple=True,
help="Except certain dependencies from fetching")
@click.option('--deps', '-d', default='plan',
type=click.Choice(['none', 'plan', 'all']),
help='The dependencies to fetch (default: plan)')
@click.option('--track', 'track_', default=False, is_flag=True,
help="Track new source references before fetching")
@click.option('--track-cross-junctions', '-J', default=False, is_flag=True,
help="Allow tracking to cross junction boundaries")
@click.argument('elements', nargs=-1,
def fetch(app, elements, deps, track_, except_, track_cross_junctions):
click.echo("This command is now obsolete. Use `bst source fetch` instead.", err=True)
# Track Command #
@cli.command(short_help="COMMAND OBSOLETE - Track new source references", hidden=True)
@click.option('--except', 'except_', multiple=True,
help="Except certain dependencies from tracking")
@click.option('--deps', '-d', default='none',
type=click.Choice(['none', 'all']),
help='The dependencies to track (default: none)')
@click.option('--cross-junctions', '-J', default=False, is_flag=True,
help="Allow crossing junction boundaries")
@click.argument('elements', nargs=-1,
def track(app, elements, deps, except_, cross_junctions):
click.echo("This command is now obsolete. Use `bst source track` instead.", err=True)
# Checkout Command #
@cli.command(short_help="COMMAND OBSOLETE - Checkout a built artifact", hidden=True)
@click.option('--force', '-f', default=False, is_flag=True,
help="Allow files to be overwritten")
@click.option('--deps', '-d', default='run',
type=click.Choice(['run', 'build', 'none']),
help='The dependencies to checkout (default: run)')
@click.option('--integrate/--no-integrate', default=True, is_flag=True,
help="Whether to run integration commands")
@click.option('--hardlinks', default=False, is_flag=True,
help="Checkout hardlinks instead of copies (handle with care)")
@click.option('--tar', default=False, is_flag=True,
help="Create a tarball from the artifact contents instead "
"of a file tree. If LOCATION is '-', the tarball "
"will be dumped to the standard output.")
@click.argument('element', required=False,
@click.argument('location', type=click.Path(), required=False)
def checkout(app, element, location, force, deps, integrate, hardlinks, tar):
click.echo("This command is now obsolete. Use `bst artifact checkout` instead " +
"and use the --directory option to specify LOCATION", err=True)
# Pull Command #
@cli.command(short_help="COMMAND OBSOLETE - Pull a built artifact", hidden=True)
@click.option('--deps', '-d', default='none',
type=click.Choice(['none', 'all']),
help='The dependency artifacts to pull (default: none)')
@click.option('--remote', '-r',
help="The URL of the remote cache (defaults to the first configured cache)")
@click.argument('elements', nargs=-1,
def pull(app, elements, deps, remote):
click.echo("This command is now obsolete. Use `bst artifact pull` instead.", err=True)
# Push Command #
@cli.command(short_help="COMMAND OBSOLETE - Push a built artifact", hidden=True)
@click.option('--deps', '-d', default='none',
type=click.Choice(['none', 'all']),
help='The dependencies to push (default: none)')
@click.option('--remote', '-r', default=None,
help="The URL of the remote cache (defaults to the first configured cache)")
@click.argument('elements', nargs=-1,
def push(app, elements, deps, remote):
click.echo("This command is now obsolete. Use `bst artifact push` instead.", err=True)