blob: f2af428c30d20c7dc305afdd1c76b63322e7c102 [file] [log] [blame]
# elements/image-x86_64.bst
# Specify the plugin reference - we want to import the x86image plugin
# from buildstream-external
kind: x86image
description: Create a deployment of a Linux system
- filename: image/system.bst
type: build
- filename: base.bst
type: build
# Boot image settings; the defaults can work, but you almost certainly
# want to customize them to match your image requirements.
# These settings are tailored to this specific project, don't just
# blindly copy.
# Size of the disk to create
# Should be able to calculate this based on the space
# used, however it must be a multiple of (63 * 512) bytes
# as mtools wants a size that is divisible by sectors (512 bytes)
# per track (63).
boot-size: 16M
rootfs-size: 69M
sector-size: 512
swap-size: 40K
kernel-args: root=/dev/sda2 rootfstype=ext4 init=/sbin/init console=ttyS0
kernel-name: vmlinuz-4.14.3
# The element that should be staged into "/". It must contain
# all the tools required to generate the image
base: base.bst
# The element that should be staged into %{build-root}. It is expected
# to be the system that you're planning to turn into an image.
input: image/system.bst
# This is technically not necessary, but convenient for trying
# things out :)
- |
cat > %{install-root}/ << EOF
qemu-system-x86_64 -drive file=sda.img,format=raw -nographic
chmod +x %{install-root}/