diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index 1c605bd..e4a9a7f 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -1,19 +1,5 @@
-  - template: Code-Quality.gitlab-ci.yml
-  - template: License-Management.gitlab-ci.yml
-  - template: SAST.gitlab-ci.yml
-image: registry.gitlab.com/buildstream/buildstream-docker-images/testsuite-debian:10-${DOCKER_IMAGE_VERSION}
-  key: "$CI_JOB_NAME-"
-  paths:
-    - cache/
   - test
-  - post
-  - publish
   # SAST related variables
@@ -24,12 +10,11 @@
   # Our own variables
   # Version of the docker images we should use for all the images.
   # This is taken from buildstream/buildstream-docker-images
-  DOCKER_IMAGE_VERSION: master-103717922
+  DOCKER_IMAGE_VERSION: master-105004115
   PYTEST_ADDOPTS: "--color=yes"
   INTEGRATION_CACHE: "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/cache/integration-cache"
   PYTEST_ARGS: "--color=yes --integration -n 2"
-  EXTERNAL_TESTS_COMMAND: "tox -e py35-external,py36-external,py37-external -- ${PYTEST_ARGS}"
+  TEST_COMMAND: "tox -e py38-nocover --develop -- ${PYTEST_ARGS}"
@@ -55,7 +40,6 @@
   # Run the tests as a simple user to test for permission issues
   - su buildstream -c "${TEST_COMMAND}"
-  - su buildstream -c "${EXTERNAL_TESTS_COMMAND}"
@@ -64,437 +48,6 @@
     - .coverage-reports
-  image: registry.gitlab.com/buildstream/buildstream-docker-images/testsuite-debian:9-${DOCKER_IMAGE_VERSION}
+  image: registry.gitlab.com/buildstream/buildstream-docker-images/testsuite-python:3.8-buster-${DOCKER_IMAGE_VERSION}
   <<: *tests
-  image: registry.gitlab.com/buildstream/buildstream-docker-images/testsuite-debian:10-${DOCKER_IMAGE_VERSION}
-  <<: *tests
-  image: registry.gitlab.com/buildstream/buildstream-docker-images/testsuite-fedora:30-${DOCKER_IMAGE_VERSION}
-  <<: *tests
-  image: registry.gitlab.com/buildstream/buildstream-docker-images/testsuite-fedora:31-${DOCKER_IMAGE_VERSION}
-  <<: *tests
-  image: registry.gitlab.com/buildstream/buildstream-docker-images/testsuite-ubuntu:18.04-${DOCKER_IMAGE_VERSION}
-  <<: *tests
-  <<: *tests
-  image: registry.gitlab.com/buildstream/buildstream-docker-images/testsuite-centos:7.6.1810-${DOCKER_IMAGE_VERSION}
-  image: registry.gitlab.com/buildstream/buildstream-docker-images/testsuite-python:3.8-buster-chandan-python3-8-89265968
-  <<: *tests
-  variables:
-    TOXENV: py38
-  image: registry.gitlab.com/buildstream/buildstream-docker-images/testsuite-fedora:aarch64-30-${DOCKER_IMAGE_VERSION}
-  tags:
-    - aarch64
-  <<: *tests
-  # We need to override the exclusion from the template
-  # in order to run on schedules
-  except: []
-  only:
-  - schedules
-  # Use fedora here, to a) run a test on fedora and b) ensure that we
-  # can get rid of ostree - this is not possible with debian-8
-  image: registry.gitlab.com/buildstream/buildstream-docker-images/testsuite-fedora:31-${DOCKER_IMAGE_VERSION}
-  <<: *tests
-  variables:
-    BST_FORCE_SANDBOX: "chroot"
-  script:
-    # We remove the Bubblewrap and OSTree packages here so that we catch any
-    # codepaths that try to use them. Removing OSTree causes fuse-libs to
-    # disappear unless we mark it as user-installed.
-    - dnf mark install fuse-libs systemd-udev
-    - dnf erase -y bubblewrap ostree
-    # Since the unix platform is required to run as root, no user change required
-    - ${TEST_COMMAND}
-  image: registry.gitlab.com/buildstream/buildstream-docker-images/testsuite-fedora:31-${DOCKER_IMAGE_VERSION}
-  <<: *tests
-  variables:
-    BST_FORCE_SANDBOX: "buildbox-run"
-  image: registry.gitlab.com/buildstream/buildstream-docker-images/testsuite-fedora:31-${DOCKER_IMAGE_VERSION}
-  <<: *tests
-  variables:
-    BST_FORCE_SANDBOX: "buildbox-run"
-    BST_CAS_STAGING_ROOT: "/builds/userchroot"
-  script:
-    - mkdir -p "${INTEGRATION_CACHE}"
-    - useradd -Um buildstream
-    # Use buildbox-run-userchroot and hardlinking
-    - ln -svf buildbox-run-userchroot /usr/local/bin/buildbox-run
-    - rm -vf /usr/local/bin/buildbox-fuse
-    # When using userchroot, buildbox-casd must run as a separate user
-    - useradd -g buildstream buildbox-casd
-    - chown buildbox-casd:buildstream /usr/local/bin/buildbox-casd
-    - chmod u+s /usr/local/bin/buildbox-casd
-    # Set up staging root with permissions required by userchroot,
-    # must be on same filesystem as current directory to support hardlinks
-    - mkdir -p "${BST_CAS_STAGING_ROOT}"
-    - chown -R buildbox-casd:buildstream "${BST_CAS_STAGING_ROOT}"
-    # userchroot doesn't allow group/world-writable base directory
-    - chmod go-w /builds
-    - echo buildbox-casd:${BST_CAS_STAGING_ROOT} > /etc/userchroot.conf
-    - chown -R buildstream:buildstream .
-    # Run the tests as a simple user to test for permission issues
-    - su buildstream -c "umask 002 && ${TEST_COMMAND}"
-    - su buildstream -c "umask 002 && ${EXTERNAL_TESTS_COMMAND}"
-  # Ensure that tests behave nicely while missing bwrap and ostree
-  image: registry.gitlab.com/buildstream/buildstream-docker-images/testsuite-fedora:31-${DOCKER_IMAGE_VERSION}
-  <<: *tests
-  script:
-    # We remove the Bubblewrap and OSTree packages here so that we catch any
-    # codepaths that try to use them. Removing OSTree causes fuse-libs to
-    # disappear unless we mark it as user-installed.
-    - dnf mark install fuse-libs systemd-udev
-    - dnf erase -y bubblewrap ostree
-    - useradd -Um buildstream
-    - chown -R buildstream:buildstream .
-    - ${TEST_COMMAND}
-  # Check if the tests pass after updating requirements to their latest
-  # allowed version.
-  allow_failure: true
-  image: registry.gitlab.com/buildstream/buildstream-docker-images/testsuite-fedora:31-${DOCKER_IMAGE_VERSION}
-  <<: *tests
-  script:
-    - useradd -Um buildstream
-    - chown -R buildstream:buildstream .
-    - make --always-make --directory requirements
-    - cat requirements/*.txt
-    - su buildstream -c "${TEST_COMMAND}"
-  allow_failure: true
-  image: registry.gitlab.com/buildstream/buildstream-docker-images/testsuite-fedora:31-${DOCKER_IMAGE_VERSION}
-  <<: *tests
-  before_script:
-    - dnf install -y docker docker-compose
-    - docker-compose --file ${COMPOSE_MANIFEST} up --detach
-  after_script:
-    - docker-compose --file ${COMPOSE_MANIFEST} stop
-    - docker-compose --file ${COMPOSE_MANIFEST} logs
-    - docker-compose --file ${COMPOSE_MANIFEST} down
-  services:
-    - docker:stable-dind
-  variables:
-    DOCKER_HOST: tcp://docker:2375
-    DOCKER_DRIVER: overlay2
-    # Required to be able to connect to the docker daemon. See https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-runner/issues/4501
-    COMPOSE_MANIFEST: .gitlab-ci/buildgrid-compose.yml
-    ARTIFACT_CACHE_SERVICE: http://docker:50052
-    REMOTE_EXECUTION_SERVICE: http://docker:50051
-    SOURCE_CACHE_SERVICE: http://docker:50052
-    PYTEST_ARGS: "--color=yes --remote-execution"
-  image: registry.gitlab.com/buildstream/buildstream-docker-images/testsuite-fedora:31-${DOCKER_IMAGE_VERSION}
-  <<: *tests
-  variables:
-  script:
-    # FIXME: Until all the tests pass as normal, override which tests will run here.
-    - mkdir -p "${INTEGRATION_CACHE}"
-    - useradd -Um buildstream
-    - chown -R buildstream:buildstream .
-    - su buildstream -c "tox -- ${PYTEST_ARGS} tests/{artifactcache,cachekey,elements,format,frontend,internals,plugins,sourcecache}"
-# Run type checkers
-  stage: test
-  script:
-  - tox -e mypy
-  except:
-  - schedules
-# Lint separately from testing
-  # We can't use the default debian:9 based image here since that comes with
-  # Python 3.5, and Black requires Python >= 3.6.
-  image: registry.gitlab.com/buildstream/buildstream-docker-images/testsuite-fedora:31-${DOCKER_IMAGE_VERSION}
-  stage: test
-  before_script:
-  # Diagnostics
-  - python3 --version
-  script:
-  - tox -e format-check,lint
-  except:
-  - schedules
-# Catch regressions in native windows support
-  stage: test
-  variables:
-    LC_ALL: C.UTF-8
-    LANG: C.UTF-8
-  tags:
-  - win32
-  script:
-  - tox -e win32
-  only:
-  - master
-# Optional test to catch regressions in native windows support on non-master branches
-  stage: test
-  variables:
-    LC_ALL: C.UTF-8
-    LANG: C.UTF-8
-  tags:
-  - win32
-  script:
-  - tox -e win32
-  except:
-  - master
-  when: manual
-  stage: test
-  variables:
-    LC_ALL: C.UTF-8
-    LANG: C.UTF-8
-  tags:
-  - wsl
-  before_script:
-  - mount
-  - df -h
-  - PATH=/root/.local/bin:$PATH tox --version
-  script:
-  # Install static buildbox-casd binary
-  - wget https://buildbox-casd-binaries.nyc3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/buildbox-casd-x86_64-linux-20191104-598100dd.tar.xz
-  - tar -C /root/.local/bin -xf buildbox-casd-x86_64-linux-20191104-598100dd.tar.xz
-  - PATH=/root/.local/bin:$PATH ${TEST_COMMAND}
-  only:
-  - master
-  stage: test
-  variables:
-    LC_ALL: C.UTF-8
-    LANG: C.UTF-8
-  tags:
-  - wsl
-  before_script:
-  - mount
-  - df -h
-  - PATH=/root/.local/bin:$PATH tox --version
-  script:
-  # Install static buildbox-casd binary
-  - wget https://buildbox-casd-binaries.nyc3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/buildbox-casd-x86_64-linux-20191104-598100dd.tar.xz
-  - tar -C /root/.local/bin -xf buildbox-casd-x86_64-linux-20191104-598100dd.tar.xz
-  - PATH=/root/.local/bin:$PATH ${TEST_COMMAND}
-  when: manual
-  except:
-  - master
-# Automatically build documentation for every commit, we want to know
-# if building documentation fails even if we're not deploying it.
-  stage: test
-  variables:
-  script:
-  - env BST_SOURCE_CACHE="$(pwd)/cache/integration-cache/sources" tox -e docs
-  - mv doc/build/html public
-  except:
-  - schedules
-  artifacts:
-    paths:
-    - public/
-.overnight-tests: &overnight-tests-template
-  stage: test
-  image: registry.gitlab.com/buildstream/buildstream-docker-images/testsuite-fedora:31-${DOCKER_IMAGE_VERSION}
-  variables:
-    BST_EXT_URL: git+https://gitlab.com/BuildStream/bst-plugins-experimental.git
-    BST_EXT_REF: 0.12.0-173-gbe5ac19#egg=bst_plugins_experimental[ostree,cargo]
-    FD_SDK_REF: freedesktop-sdk-19.08.5-buildstream2-0-g22588e2f41acecbcfc555942eb3086296bc14c6c
-  before_script:
-  - |
-    mkdir -p "${HOME}/.config"
-    cat <<EOF >"${HOME}/.config/buildstream.conf"
-    scheduler:
-      fetchers: 2
-    EOF
-  - dnf install -y ostree python3-gobject-base
-  - pip3 install -r requirements/requirements.txt -r requirements/plugin-requirements.txt
-  - pip3 wheel --wheel-dir wheels/ --no-deps .
-  - pip3 install --no-index wheels/*
-  - pip3 install --user -e ${BST_EXT_URL}@${BST_EXT_REF}
-  - git clone https://gitlab.com/freedesktop-sdk/freedesktop-sdk.git
-  - git -C freedesktop-sdk checkout ${FD_SDK_REF}
-  artifacts:
-    paths:
-    - "${HOME}/.cache/buildstream/logs"
-  only:
-  - schedules
-  <<: *overnight-tests-template
-  script:
-  - make -C freedesktop-sdk
-  tags:
-  - overnight-tests
-  <<: *overnight-tests-template
-  script:
-  - sed -i '/artifacts:/,+1 d' freedesktop-sdk/project.conf
-  - make -C freedesktop-sdk
-  tags:
-  - overnight-tests
-# These tests might be a bit more flaky since they randomize the order
-# They will also take longer to run. Hence run them only nightly
-  image: registry.gitlab.com/buildstream/buildstream-docker-images/testsuite-fedora:31-master-97748867
-  <<: *tests
-  script:
-  - mkdir -p "${INTEGRATION_CACHE}"
-  - useradd -Um buildstream
-  - chown -R buildstream:buildstream .
-  # Don't run tests multiprocessed here, the randomized order doesn't like that
-  - su buildstream -c "tox -e py35-randomized,py36-randomized,py37-randomized -- --color=yes --integration"
-  - su buildstream -c "tox -e py35-randomized,py36-randomized,py37-randomized-external -- --color=yes --integration"
-  # We need to override the exclusion from the template in order to run on schedules
-  except: []
-  only:
-  - schedules
-#                    Post stage                     #
-  stage: post
-  script:
-  - |
-    pip3 install radon
-    mkdir analysis
-  - |
-    echo "Calculating Maintainability Index"
-    radon mi -s -j src/buildstream > analysis/mi.json
-    radon mi -s src/buildstream
-  - |
-    echo "Calculating Cyclomatic Complexity"
-    radon cc -a -s -j src/buildstream > analysis/cc.json
-    radon cc -a -s src/buildstream
-  - |
-    echo "Calculating Raw Metrics"
-    radon raw -s -j src/buildstream > analysis/raw.json
-    radon raw -s src/buildstream
-  except:
-  - schedules
-  artifacts:
-    paths:
-    - analysis/
-# Collate coverage reports
-  stage: post
-  coverage: '/TOTAL +\d+ +\d+ +(\d+\.\d+)%/'
-  script:
-    - cp -a .coverage-reports/ ./coverage-sources
-    - tox -e coverage
-    - cp -a .coverage-reports/ ./coverage-report
-  dependencies:
-  - tests-buildbox-run
-  - tests-centos-7.6
-  - tests-debian-9
-  - tests-debian-10
-  - tests-fedora-30
-  - tests-fedora-31
-  - tests-fedora-missing-deps
-  - tests-fedora-update-deps
-  - tests-remote-execution
-  - tests-ubuntu-18.04
-  - tests-unix
-  - tests-userchroot
-  except:
-  - schedules
-  artifacts:
-    paths:
-    - coverage-sources/
-    - coverage-report/
-# Deploy, only for merges which land on master branch.
-  stage: publish
-  dependencies:
-  - coverage
-  - docs
-  variables:
-    ACME_DIR: public/.well-known/acme-challenge
-    COVERAGE_DIR: public/coverage
-  script:
-  - mkdir -p ${ACME_DIR}
-    # Required to finish the creation of the Let's Encrypt certificate,
-    # which allows using https://docs.buildstream.build/ for accessing
-    # the documentation.
-  - echo ${ACME_CHALLENGE} > ${ACME_DIR}/$(echo ${ACME_CHALLENGE} | cut -c1-43)
-  - mkdir -p ${COVERAGE_DIR}
-  - cp -a ./coverage-report/ ${COVERAGE_DIR}
-  artifacts:
-    paths:
-    - public/
-  only:
-  #
-  # FIXME:
-  #
-  # Ideally we want to publish to a different subdir of
-  # pages depending on which stable branch we are building here,
-  # not currently automatically supported but can be worked around.
-  #
-  # See https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/35141
-  #
-  - master
-  except:
-  - schedules