blob: 628d7c4a6e88c027760bb348e0376ff62bc86b03 [file] [log] [blame]
VCS = git
style = pep440
versionfile_source = src/buildstream/
versionfile_build = buildstream/
tag_prefix =
tag_regex = *.*.*
parentdir_prefix = BuildStream-
addopts = --verbose --basetemp ./tmp --durations=20
norecursedirs = tests/integration/project integration-cache tmp __pycache__ .eggs
python_files = tests/*/*.py
env =
markers =
integration: run test only if --integration option is specified
remoteexecution: run test only if --remote-execution option is specified
in_subprocess: run test in a Python process forked from the main one
max-line-length = 119
ignore = E129,E125,W504,W605
exclude = .git/**,.tox/**,.eggs/**,build/**,doc/source/,src/buildstream/_fuse/,src/buildstream/_protos/**/*py,tmp/**
files = src
warn_unused_configs = True
warn_no_return = True
# Ignore missing stubs for third-party packages.
# In future, these should be re-enabled if/when stubs for them become available.
# Ignore missing stubs for Cythonized modules.
# In future, these should be re-enabled by writing stubs for them.
# Ignore issues with generated files and vendored code
ignore_errors = True