WIP: win32: WINDOWS.md: repro instructions
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+Running on Windows
+This is a temporary doc tied to the lifetime of the `aevri/win32` branch,
+intended to help you repro the results.
+First, make sure you have Python 3 installed.
+Next, you probably want to create a venv to install BuildStream into, for
+Then, clone and install BuildStream:
+    git clone  --branch aevri/win32 https://gitlab.com/buildstream/buildstream.git
+    pip install -e ./buildstream
+Next, install some additional dependencies for proper display:
+    pip install colorama windows-curses
+Finally, make sure you have the build tools installed:
+- Download the installer from: https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/downloads/#build-tools-for-visual-studio-2017
+- Run the installer.
+- Select to install "Visual C++ build tools". Possibly need to include these
+  optional items:
+    - Windows 10 SDK
+    - Visual C++ tools for CMake
+    - Testing tools core feature - Build Tools
+Hello World
+Here is how to build the "Hello World" example.
+First, launch a "Developer Command Prompt for VS 2017". This ensures that you
+have the correct environment variables for building. The next instructions
+assume you are running inside this prompt.
+Next, make sure you have activated any virtual environment for BuildStream.
+Then, change directory to the buildstream git repository.
+Finally, build and run like so:
+    bst --help
+    cd doc\examples\running-commands
+    bst show hello.bst
+    bst build hello.bst
+    bst artifact checkout hello.bst --directory checkout
+    cd checkout
+    hello.exe