blob: c972775322459e8285fec08bc3aee0166572746b [file] [log] [blame]
.. glossary::
``.bst`` file
The configuration for an :term:`Element <Element>`, represented
in YAML format.
The output collected after building an :term:`Element`.
Artifacts can be built from :term:`Sources <Source>`, or pulled from a
:term:`Remote Cache <Remote Cache>`, if available.
BuildStream leverages various caching techniques in order to avoid
duplicating work.
Depending on context, "Cache" might refer to BuildStream's :term:`local
cache <Local Cache>` or a :term:`Remote Cache <Remote Cache>`.
Core plugin
A :term:`Plugin <Plugin>` that is contained in the BuildStream
package. These are built-in and don't need to be defined in the
project configuration.
See :ref:`plugin documentation <plugins>` for more details on core
:term:`Elements <Element>` in a BuildStream project can depend
on other elements from the same project. The element dependent upon is
called a dependency.
See :ref:`Dependencies document <format_dependencies>` for more
An atom of a :term:`BuildStream project <Project>`. Projects consist of
zero or more elements.
During the build process, BuildStream transforms :term:`Sources
<Source>` and :term:`Dependencies <Dependency>` of an
element into its output. The output is called an
:term:`Artifact <Artifact>`.
Configuration for elements is stored in form of :term:`.bst files
<.bst file>`. See :ref:`Declaring Elements document <format_basics>`
for more details on element configurtion.
External Plugin
A :term:`Plugin <Plugin>` that is defined in some package other
than BuildStream.
External plugins must be declared in :ref:`the project configuration
For a list of known external plugin repositories, see
A special kind of :term:`Element <Element>`, that allows you to
depend on elements from another project.
See :mod:`Junction reference <elements.junction>` for details on how to
configure junction elements.
See :ref:`Junction guide <junction_elements>` for details on how to use
junction elements.
Local Cache
To avoid duplicating work, BuildStream will cache sources, artifacts,
logs, buildtrees etc. in a local cache directory. If these sources or
artifacts are needed another time, BuildStream will use them from the
See :ref:`Local cache expiry <config_local_cache>` section of the user
guide for details on how to configure the local cache.
BuildStream Plugins define types of :term:`Elements <Element>`
and :term:`Sources <Source>`. Hence, they come in two distinct
varities - Element Plugins and Source Plugins.
BuildStream supports some plugins :term:`out of the box
<Core plugin>`. It also has support for :term:`third party
plugins <External Plugin>`.
A collection of :term:`Elements <Element>`.
Elements in a project share some central configuration. See
:ref:`projectconf` to learn how to configure BuildStream projects.
Remote Cache
A server setup for sharing BuildStream :term:`Sources <Source>`
and/or :term:`Artifacts <Artifact>`.
See :ref:`cache server documentation <cache_servers>` for details on
artifact caches.
Sources describe the input to the build of an :term:`Element`.
In general, an element can have zero or more sources. But, certain
element plugins may restrict the number of allowed sources.
Sources are defined in the :ref:`Sources <format_sources>` section of
:term:`Element <Element>` configuration.
Subprojects are :term:`projects <Project>` which are referred
to by a :term:`Junction`.
Workspaces allow building one or more elements using a local, and
potentially modified, copy of their sources.
See :ref:`Workspaces guide <developing_workspaces>` for more details on
how to use workspaces.