blob: 6e98e8df14ace3025eb7e5092ba4f02b7cc525d5 [file] [log] [blame]
import os
import pwd
import sys
import stat
import subprocess
from pathlib import Path
from contextlib import ExitStack, contextmanager
from .. import utils
from . import SandboxFlags
from ._mount import MountMap
from .._exceptions import SandboxError
from ._sandboxchroot import SandboxChroot
from .._message import Message, MessageType
# The sandbox directory needs to fulfill a few criteria:
# - Its parents must be owned by root
# - It and its children must be owned by the user defined in the
# configuration file
# - Neither it nor its parents must be more permissive than 755
# - It cannot be in a directory mounted into the sandbox (duh)
# If we allow the user to specify this location (we probably should),
# those criteria would be nice to check for before sandbox execution.
# Although userchroot itself checks for some, the error messages are
# not particularly helpful.
SANDBOX_DIR = '/usr/local/sandboxes'
def assert_userchroot_configuration():
configured = False
user = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0]
userchroot = utils.get_host_tool('userchroot')
config = Path(userchroot).parents[1].joinpath('etc/userchroot.conf')
if config.exists():
with open(config, 'r') as configf:
for line in configf:
if line.rstrip() == '{}:{}'.format(user, SANDBOX_DIR):
configured = True
if not configured:
raise SandboxError("'userchroot' is not configured correctly. "
"Please add '{}:{}' to '{}'"
.format(user, SANDBOX_DIR, config))
class SandboxUserChroot(SandboxChroot):
def run(self, command, flags, *, cwd=None, env=None):
# Ensure sandbox default configuration
if cwd is None:
cwd = self._get_work_directory() or '/'
if env is None:
env = self._get_environment()
if isinstance(command, str):
command = [command]
stdout, stderr = self._get_output()
# Create the mount map, this will tell us where
# each mount point needs to be mounted from and to
self.mount_map = MountMap(self, True)
# Make sure userchroot is configured correctly
with ExitStack() as stack:
# Create sysroot
os.makedirs(SANDBOX_DIR, exist_ok=True)
rootfs = stack.enter_context(utils._tempdir(dir=SANDBOX_DIR))
except PermissionError as e:
raise SandboxError('Could not create sysroot in {}: {}'
.format(SANDBOX_DIR, e)) from e
stack.enter_context(self.stage_sysroot(rootfs, flags, stdout, stderr))
# Chroot!
if flags & SandboxFlags.INTERACTIVE:
stdin = sys.stdin
stdin = stack.enter_context(open(os.devnull, 'r'))
status = self.chroot(rootfs, command, stdin, stdout, stderr,
cwd, env, flags)
return status
def chroot(self, rootfs, command, stdin, stdout, stderr, cwd, env,
# Create a script in the root directory of the sysroot to
# execute the given commands.
script = "\n".join(["#!/bin/sh"] + command)
scriptpath = os.path.join(rootfs, '')
with open(scriptpath, 'w') as scriptfile:
perms = os.stat(scriptpath).st_mode
os.chmod(scriptpath, perms & stat.S_IXUSR)
# Execute the script with userchroot
command = [utils.get_host_tool('userchroot'),
return self.popen(command,
cwd=os.path.join(rootfs, cwd.lstrip(os.sep)),
start_new_session=flags & SandboxFlags.INTERACTIVE)
except subprocess.SubprocessError as e:
raise SandboxError('Could not run command {}: {}'.format(command, e)) from e
# mount_dirs()
# Since we aren't root we can't arbitrarily mount directories. Yet
# we *require* our FUSE filesystem for at least some operations.
# FUSE can be mounted by users, therefore this mount function
# attempts to safely mount our FUSE system on top of a copy of our
# sandbox files.
# This *does* mean that this platform is significantly slower than
# others, unfortunately...
def stage_sysroot(self, rootfs, flags, stdout, stderr):
def mount(d):
overrides = self._get_mount_sources()
if d in overrides:
src = overrides[d]
src = self.mount_map.get_mount_source(d)
dst = os.path.join(rootfs, d.lstrip(os.sep))'Mounting {} to {}'.format(src, dst))
with self.mount_map.mounted(rootfs):
for mark in self._get_marked_directories():
def info(self, message):
msg = Message('sandbox', MessageType.INFO, message)