blob: 6783742722c8511503a7decf3f4964c09e18b2f5 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (C) 2018 Codethink Limited
# Copyright (C) 2019 Bloomberg LLP
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library. If not, see <>.
# Authors:
# Tristan Van Berkom <>
# Daniel Silverstone <>
# James Ennis <>
# Benjamin Schubert <>
import sys
import string
from contextlib import ExitStack
from collections import OrderedDict
from import Mapping, Sequence
from copy import deepcopy
from ruamel import yaml
from ._exceptions import LoadError, LoadErrorReason
# Without this, pylint complains about all the `type(foo) is blah` checks
# because it feels isinstance() is more idiomatic. Sadly, it is much slower to
# do `isinstance(foo, blah)` for reasons I am unable to fathom. As such, we
# blanket disable the check for this module.
# pylint: disable=unidiomatic-typecheck
# Node()
# Container for YAML loaded data and its provenance
# All nodes returned (and all internal lists/strings) have this type (rather
# than a plain tuple, to distinguish them in things like node_sanitize)
# Members:
# value (str/list/dict): The loaded value.
# file_index (int): Index within _FILE_LIST (a list of loaded file paths).
# Negative indices indicate synthetic nodes so that
# they can be referenced.
# line (int): The line number within the file where the value appears.
# col (int): The column number within the file where the value appears.
cdef class Node:
def __init__(self, object value, int file_index, int line, int column):
self.value = value
self.file_index = file_index
self.line = line
self.column = column
def __contains__(self, what):
# Delegate to the inner value, though this will likely not work
# very well if the node is a list or string, it's unlikely that
# code which has access to such nodes would do this.
return what in self.value
# Metadata container for a yaml toplevel node.
# This class contains metadata around a yaml node in order to be able
# to trace back the provenance of a node to the file.
cdef class FileInfo:
cdef str filename, shortname, displayname
cdef Node toplevel,
cdef object project
def __init__(self, str filename, str shortname, str displayname, Node toplevel, object project):
self.filename = filename
self.shortname = shortname
self.displayname = displayname
self.toplevel = toplevel
self.project = project
# File name handling
cdef _FILE_LIST = []
# Purely synthetic node will have _SYNTHETIC_FILE_INDEX for the file number, have line number
# zero, and a negative column number which comes from inverting the next value
# out of this counter. Synthetic nodes created with a reference node will
# have a file number from the reference node, some unknown line number, and
# a negative column number from this counter.
cdef int __counter = 0
cdef int next_synthetic_counter():
global __counter
__counter -= 1
return __counter
# Returned from node_get_provenance
cdef class ProvenanceInformation:
def __init__(self, Node nodeish):
cdef FileInfo fileinfo
self.node = nodeish
if (nodeish is None) or (nodeish.file_index is None):
self.filename = ""
self.shortname = ""
self.displayname = ""
self.line = 1
self.col = 0
self.toplevel = None
self.project = None
fileinfo = <FileInfo> _FILE_LIST[nodeish.file_index]
self.filename = fileinfo.filename
self.shortname = fileinfo.shortname
self.displayname = fileinfo.displayname
# We add 1 here to convert from computerish to humanish
self.line = nodeish.line + 1
self.col = nodeish.column
self.toplevel = fileinfo.toplevel
self.project = fileinfo.project
self.is_synthetic = (self.filename == '') or (self.col < 0)
# Convert a Provenance to a string for error reporting
def __str__(self):
if self.is_synthetic:
return "{} [synthetic node]".format(self.displayname)
return "{} [line {:d} column {:d}]".format(self.displayname, self.line, self.col)
# These exceptions are intended to be caught entirely within
# the BuildStream framework, hence they do not reside in the
# public
class CompositeError(Exception):
def __init__(self, path, message):
self.path = path
self.message = message
class YAMLLoadError(Exception):
# Represents the various states in which the Representer can be
# while parsing yaml.
cdef enum RepresenterState:
ctypedef RepresenterState (*representer_action)(Representer, object)
# Representer for YAML events comprising input to the BuildStream format.
# All streams MUST represent a single document which must be a Mapping.
# Anything else is considered an error.
# Mappings must only have string keys, values are always represented as
# strings if they are scalar, or else as simple dictionaries and lists.
cdef class Representer:
cdef int _file_index
cdef RepresenterState state
cdef list output, keys
# Initialise a new representer
# The file index is used to store into the Node instances so that the
# provenance of the YAML can be tracked.
# Args:
# file_index (int): The index of this YAML file
def __init__(self, int file_index):
self._file_index = file_index
self.state = RepresenterState.init
self.output = []
self.keys = []
# Handle a YAML parse event
# Args:
# event (YAML Event): The event to be handled
# Raises:
# YAMLLoadError: Something went wrong.
cdef void handle_event(self, event) except *:
if getattr(event, "anchor", None) is not None:
raise YAMLLoadError("Anchors are disallowed in BuildStream at line {} column {}"
.format(event.start_mark.line, event.start_mark.column))
cdef str event_name = event.__class__.__name__
if event_name == "ScalarEvent":
if event.tag is not None:
if not event.tag.startswith(",2002:"):
raise YAMLLoadError(
"Non-core tag expressed in input. " +
"This is disallowed in BuildStream. At line {} column {}"
.format(event.start_mark.line, event.start_mark.column))
cdef representer_action handler = self._get_handler_for_event(event_name)
if not handler:
raise YAMLLoadError(
"Invalid input detected. No handler for {} in state {} at line {} column {}"
.format(event, self.state, event.start_mark.line, event.start_mark.column))
# Cython weirdness here, we need to pass self to the function
self.state = <RepresenterState> handler(self, event) # pylint: disable=not-callable
# Get the output of the YAML parse
# Returns:
# (Node or None): Return the Node instance of the top level mapping or
# None if there wasn't one.
cdef Node get_output(self):
if len(self.output):
return self.output[0]
return None
cdef representer_action _get_handler_for_event(self, str event_name):
if self.state == RepresenterState.wait_list_item:
if event_name == "ScalarEvent":
return self._handle_wait_list_item_ScalarEvent
elif event_name == "MappingStartEvent":
return self._handle_wait_list_item_MappingStartEvent
elif event_name == "SequenceStartEvent":
return self._handle_wait_list_item_SequenceStartEvent
elif event_name == "SequenceEndEvent":
return self._handle_wait_list_item_SequenceEndEvent
elif self.state == RepresenterState.wait_value:
if event_name == "ScalarEvent":
return self._handle_wait_value_ScalarEvent
elif event_name == "MappingStartEvent":
return self._handle_wait_value_MappingStartEvent
elif event_name == "SequenceStartEvent":
return self._handle_wait_value_SequenceStartEvent
elif self.state == RepresenterState.wait_key:
if event_name == "ScalarEvent":
return self._handle_wait_key_ScalarEvent
elif event_name == "MappingEndEvent":
return self._handle_wait_key_MappingEndEvent
elif self.state ==
if event_name == "DocumentStartEvent":
return self._handle_stream_DocumentStartEvent
elif event_name == "StreamEndEvent":
return self._handle_stream_StreamEndEvent
elif self.state == RepresenterState.doc:
if event_name == "MappingStartEvent":
return self._handle_doc_MappingStartEvent
elif event_name == "DocumentEndEvent":
return self._handle_doc_DocumentEndEvent
elif self.state == RepresenterState.init and event_name == "StreamStartEvent":
return self._handle_init_StreamStartEvent
return NULL
cdef RepresenterState _handle_init_StreamStartEvent(self, object ev):
cdef RepresenterState _handle_stream_DocumentStartEvent(self, object ev):
return RepresenterState.doc
cdef RepresenterState _handle_doc_MappingStartEvent(self, object ev):
newmap = Node({}, self._file_index, ev.start_mark.line, ev.start_mark.column)
return RepresenterState.wait_key
cdef RepresenterState _handle_wait_key_ScalarEvent(self, object ev):
return RepresenterState.wait_value
cdef RepresenterState _handle_wait_value_ScalarEvent(self, object ev):
key = self.keys.pop()
(<dict> (<Node> self.output[-1]).value)[key] = \
Node(ev.value, self._file_index, ev.start_mark.line, ev.start_mark.column)
return RepresenterState.wait_key
cdef RepresenterState _handle_wait_value_MappingStartEvent(self, object ev):
cdef RepresenterState new_state = self._handle_doc_MappingStartEvent(ev)
key = self.keys.pop()
(<dict> (<Node> self.output[-2]).value)[key] = self.output[-1]
return new_state
cdef RepresenterState _handle_wait_key_MappingEndEvent(self, object ev):
# We've finished a mapping, so pop it off the output stack
# unless it's the last one in which case we leave it
if len(self.output) > 1:
if type((<Node> self.output[-1]).value) is list:
return RepresenterState.wait_list_item
return RepresenterState.wait_key
return RepresenterState.doc
cdef RepresenterState _handle_wait_value_SequenceStartEvent(self, object ev):
self.output.append(Node([], self._file_index, ev.start_mark.line, ev.start_mark.column))
(<dict> (<Node> self.output[-2]).value)[self.keys[-1]] = self.output[-1]
return RepresenterState.wait_list_item
cdef RepresenterState _handle_wait_list_item_SequenceStartEvent(self, object ev):
self.keys.append(len((<Node> self.output[-1]).value))
self.output.append(Node([], self._file_index, ev.start_mark.line, ev.start_mark.column))
(<list> (<Node> self.output[-2]).value).append(self.output[-1])
return RepresenterState.wait_list_item
cdef RepresenterState _handle_wait_list_item_SequenceEndEvent(self, object ev):
# When ending a sequence, we need to pop a key because we retain the
# key until the end so that if we need to mutate the underlying entry
# we can.
key = self.keys.pop()
if type(key) is int:
return RepresenterState.wait_list_item
return RepresenterState.wait_key
cdef RepresenterState _handle_wait_list_item_ScalarEvent(self, object ev):
(<Node> self.output[-1]).value.append(
Node(ev.value, self._file_index, ev.start_mark.line, ev.start_mark.column))
return RepresenterState.wait_list_item
cdef RepresenterState _handle_wait_list_item_MappingStartEvent(self, object ev):
cdef RepresenterState new_state = self._handle_doc_MappingStartEvent(ev)
(<list> (<Node> self.output[-2]).value).append(self.output[-1])
return new_state
cdef RepresenterState _handle_doc_DocumentEndEvent(self, object ev):
if len(self.output) != 1:
raise YAMLLoadError("Zero, or more than one document found in YAML stream")
cdef RepresenterState _handle_stream_StreamEndEvent(self, object ev):
return RepresenterState.init
# Loads a dictionary from some YAML
# Args:
# filename (str): The YAML file to load
# shortname (str): The filename in shorthand for error reporting (or None)
# copy_tree (bool): Whether to make a copy, preserving the original toplevels
# for later serialization
# project (Project): The (optional) project to associate the parsed YAML with
# Returns (dict): A loaded copy of the YAML file with provenance information
# Raises: LoadError
cpdef Node load(str filename, str shortname=None, bint copy_tree=False, object project=None):
if not shortname:
shortname = filename
cdef str displayname
if (project is not None) and (project.junction is not None):
displayname = "{}:{}".format(, shortname)
displayname = shortname
cdef Py_ssize_t file_number = len(_FILE_LIST)
_FILE_LIST.append(FileInfo(filename, shortname, displayname, None, project))
cdef Node data
with open(filename) as f:
contents =
data = load_data(contents,
return data
except FileNotFoundError as e:
raise LoadError(LoadErrorReason.MISSING_FILE,
"Could not find file at {}".format(filename)) from e
except IsADirectoryError as e:
raise LoadError(LoadErrorReason.LOADING_DIRECTORY,
"{} is a directory. bst command expects a .bst file."
.format(filename)) from e
except LoadError as e:
raise LoadError(e.reason, "{}: {}".format(displayname, e)) from e
# Like load(), but doesnt require the data to be in a file
cpdef Node load_data(str data, int file_index=_SYNTHETIC_FILE_INDEX, str file_name=None, bint copy_tree=False):
cdef Representer rep
cdef FileInfo f_info
rep = Representer(file_index)
parser = yaml.CParser(data)
while parser.check_event():
contents = rep.get_output()
except YAMLLoadError as e:
raise LoadError(LoadErrorReason.INVALID_YAML,
"Malformed YAML:\n\n{}\n\n".format(e)) from e
except Exception as e:
raise LoadError(LoadErrorReason.INVALID_YAML,
"Severely malformed YAML:\n\n{}\n\n".format(e)) from e
if type(contents) != Node:
# Special case allowance for None, when the loaded file has only comments in it.
if contents is None:
contents = Node({}, file_index, 0, 0)
raise LoadError(LoadErrorReason.INVALID_YAML,
"YAML file has content of type '{}' instead of expected type 'dict': {}"
.format(type(contents[0]).__name__, file_name))
# Store this away because we'll use it later for "top level" provenance
if file_index is not None:
f_info = <FileInfo> _FILE_LIST[file_index]
_FILE_LIST[file_index] = FileInfo(
if copy_tree:
contents = node_copy(contents)
return contents
# dump()
# Write a YAML node structure out to disk.
# This will always call `node_sanitize` on its input, so if you wanted
# to output something close to what you read in, consider using the
# `roundtrip_load` and `roundtrip_dump` function pair instead.
# Args:
# contents (any): Content to write out
# filename (str): The (optional) file name to write out to
def dump(object contents, str filename=None):
roundtrip_dump(node_sanitize(contents), file=filename)
# node_get_provenance()
# Gets the provenance for a node
# Args:
# node (Node): a dictionary
# key (str): key in the dictionary
# indices (list of indexes): Index path, in the case of list values
# Returns: The Provenance of the dict, member or list element
cpdef ProvenanceInformation node_get_provenance(Node node, str key=None, list indices=None):
assert type(node.value) is dict
if key is None:
# Retrieving the provenance for this node directly
return ProvenanceInformation(node)
if key and not indices:
return ProvenanceInformation(node.value.get(key))
cdef Node nodeish = <Node> node.value.get(key)
for idx in indices:
nodeish = <Node> nodeish.value[idx]
return ProvenanceInformation(nodeish)
# A sentinel to be used as a default argument for functions that need
# to distinguish between a kwarg set to None and an unset kwarg.
_sentinel = object()
# node_get()
# Fetches a value from a dictionary node and checks it for
# an expected value. Use default_value when parsing a value
# which is only optionally supplied.
# Args:
# node (dict): The dictionary node
# expected_type (type): The expected type for the value being searched
# key (str): The key to get a value for in node
# indices (list of ints): Optionally decend into lists of lists
# default_value: Optionally return this value if the key is not found
# allow_none: (bool): Allow None to be a valid value
# Returns:
# The value if found in node, otherwise default_value is returned
# Raises:
# LoadError, when the value found is not of the expected type
# Note:
# Returned strings are stripped of leading and trailing whitespace
cpdef object node_get(Node node, object expected_type, str key, list indices=None, object default_value=_sentinel, bint allow_none=False):
if indices is None:
value = node.value.get(key, _sentinel)
if value is _sentinel:
if default_value is _sentinel:
provenance = node_get_provenance(node)
raise LoadError(LoadErrorReason.INVALID_DATA,
"{}: Dictionary did not contain expected key '{}'".format(provenance, key))
value = Node(default_value, _SYNTHETIC_FILE_INDEX, 0, next_synthetic_counter())
# Implied type check of the element itself
# No need to synthesise useful node content as we destructure it immediately
value = Node(node_get(node, list, key), _SYNTHETIC_FILE_INDEX, 0, 0)
for index in indices:
value = value.value[index]
if type(value) is not Node:
value = Node(value, _SYNTHETIC_FILE_INDEX, 0, 0)
# Optionally allow None as a valid value for any type
if value.value is None and (allow_none or default_value is None):
return None
if (expected_type is not None) and (type(value.value) is not expected_type):
# Attempt basic conversions if possible, typically we want to
# be able to specify numeric values and convert them to strings,
# but we dont want to try converting dicts/lists
if expected_type == bool and type(value.value) is str:
# Dont coerce booleans to string, this makes "False" strings evaluate to True
# We don't structure into full nodes since there's no need.
if value.value in ('True', 'true'):
value = Node(True, _SYNTHETIC_FILE_INDEX, 0, 0)
elif value.value in ('False', 'false'):
value = Node(False, _SYNTHETIC_FILE_INDEX, 0, 0)
raise ValueError()
elif not (expected_type == list or
expected_type == dict or
isinstance(value.value, (list, dict))):
value = Node(expected_type(value.value), _SYNTHETIC_FILE_INDEX, 0, 0)
raise ValueError()
except (ValueError, TypeError):
provenance = node_get_provenance(node, key=key, indices=indices)
if indices:
path = [key, *["[{:d}]".format(i) for i in indices]]
path = "".join(path)
path = key
raise LoadError(LoadErrorReason.INVALID_DATA,
"{}: Value of '{}' is not of the expected type '{}'"
.format(provenance, path, expected_type.__name__))
# Now collapse lists, and scalars, to their value, leaving nodes as-is
if type(value.value) is not dict:
value = value.value
# Trim it at the bud, let all loaded strings from yaml be stripped of whitespace
if type(value) is str:
value = value.strip()
elif type(value) is list:
# Now we create a fresh list which unwraps the str and list types
# semi-recursively.
value = __trim_list_provenance(value)
return value
cdef list __trim_list_provenance(list value):
cdef list ret = []
cdef Node entry
for entry in value:
if type(entry.value) is list:
elif type(entry.value) is dict:
return ret
# node_set()
# Set an item within the node. If using `indices` be aware that the entry must
# already exist, or else a KeyError will be raised. Use `node_extend_list` to
# create entries before using `node_set`
# Args:
# node (Node): The node
# key (str): The key name
# value: The value
# indices: Any indices to index into the list referenced by key, like in
# `node_get` (must be a list of integers)
cpdef void node_set(Node node, object key, object value, list indices=None) except *:
cdef int idx
if type(value) is list:
value = __new_node_from_list(value)
if indices:
node = <Node> (<dict> node.value)[key]
key = indices.pop()
for idx in indices:
node = <Node> (<list> node.value)[idx]
if type(value) is Node:
node.value[key] = value
# Need to do this just in case we're modifying a list
old_value = <Node> node.value[key]
except KeyError:
old_value = None
if old_value is None:
node.value[key] = Node(value, node.file_index, node.line, next_synthetic_counter())
node.value[key] = Node(value, old_value.file_index, old_value.line, old_value.column)
# node_extend_list()
# Extend a list inside a node to a given length, using the passed
# default value to fill it out.
# Valid default values are:
# Any string
# An empty dict
# An empty list
# Args:
# node (node): The node
# key (str): The list name in the node
# length (int): The length to extend the list to
# default (any): The default value to extend with.
def node_extend_list(Node node, str key, Py_ssize_t length, object default):
assert type(default) is str or default in ([], {})
cdef Node list_node = <Node> node.value.get(key)
if list_node is None:
list_node = node.value[key] = Node([], node.file_index, node.line, next_synthetic_counter())
cdef list the_list = list_node.value
def_type = type(default)
file_index = node.file_index
if the_list:
line_num = the_list[-1][2]
line_num = list_node.line
while length > len(the_list):
if def_type is str:
value = default
elif def_type is list:
value = []
value = {}
line_num += 1
the_list.append(Node(value, file_index, line_num, next_synthetic_counter()))
# node_items()
# A convenience generator for iterating over loaded key/value
# tuples in a dictionary loaded from project YAML.
# Args:
# node (Node): The dictionary node
# Yields:
# (str): The key name
# (anything): The value for the key
def node_items(Node node):
cdef str key
cdef Node value
for key, value in node.value.items():
if type(value.value) is dict:
yield (key, value)
elif type(value.value) is list:
yield (key, __trim_list_provenance(value.value))
yield (key, value.value)
# node_keys()
# A convenience generator for iterating over loaded keys
# in a dictionary loaded from project YAML.
# Args:
# node (Node): The dictionary node
# Yields:
# (str): The key name
cpdef list node_keys(Node node):
return list(node.value.keys())
# node_del()
# A convenience generator for iterating over loaded key/value
# tuples in a dictionary loaded from project YAML.
# Args:
# node (dict): The dictionary node
# key (str): The key we want to remove
# safe (bool): Whether to raise a KeyError if unable
cpdef void node_del(Node node, str key, bint safe=False) except *:
del node.value[key]
except KeyError:
if not safe:
# is_node()
# A test method which returns whether or not the passed in value
# is a valid YAML node. It is not valid to call this on a Node
# object which is not a Mapping.
# Args:
# maybenode (any): The object to test for nodeness
# Returns:
# (bool): Whether or not maybenode was a Node
def is_node(maybenode):
# It's a programming error to give this a Node which isn't a mapping
# so assert that.
assert (type(maybenode) is not Node) or (type(maybenode.value) is dict)
# Now return the type check
return type(maybenode) is Node
# new_synthetic_file()
# Create a new synthetic mapping node, with an associated file entry
# (in _FILE_LIST) such that later tracking can correctly determine which
# file needs writing to in order to persist the changes.
# Args:
# filename (str): The name of the synthetic file to create
# project (Project): The optional project to associate this synthetic file with
# Returns:
# (Node): An empty YAML mapping node, whose provenance is to this new
# synthetic file
def new_synthetic_file(str filename, object project=None):
cdef Py_ssize_t file_index = len(_FILE_LIST)
cdef Node node = Node({}, file_index, 0, 0)
"<synthetic {}>".format(filename),
return node
# new_empty_node()
# Args:
# ref_node (Node): Optional node whose provenance should be referenced
# Returns
# (Node): A new empty YAML mapping node
def new_empty_node(Node ref_node=None):
if ref_node is not None:
return Node({}, ref_node.file_index, ref_node.line, next_synthetic_counter())
return Node({}, _SYNTHETIC_FILE_INDEX, 0, 0)
# new_node_from_dict()
# Args:
# indict (dict): The input dictionary
# Returns:
# (Node): A new synthetic YAML tree which represents this dictionary
cpdef Node new_node_from_dict(dict indict):
cdef dict ret = {}
cdef str k
for k, v in indict.items():
vtype = type(v)
if vtype is dict:
ret[k] = new_node_from_dict(v)
elif vtype is list:
ret[k] = __new_node_from_list(v)
ret[k] = Node(str(v), _SYNTHETIC_FILE_INDEX, 0, next_synthetic_counter())
return Node(ret, _SYNTHETIC_FILE_INDEX, 0, next_synthetic_counter())
# Internal function to help new_node_from_dict() to handle lists
cdef Node __new_node_from_list(list inlist):
cdef list ret = []
for v in inlist:
vtype = type(v)
if vtype is dict:
elif vtype is list:
ret.append(Node(str(v), _SYNTHETIC_FILE_INDEX, 0, next_synthetic_counter()))
return Node(ret, _SYNTHETIC_FILE_INDEX, 0, next_synthetic_counter())
# _is_composite_list
# Checks if the given node is a Mapping with array composition
# directives.
# Args:
# node (value): Any node
# Returns:
# (bool): True if node was a Mapping containing only
# list composition directives
# Raises:
# (LoadError): If node was a mapping and contained a mix of
# list composition directives and other keys
cdef bint _is_composite_list(Node node):
cdef bint has_directives = False
cdef bint has_keys = False
cdef str key
if type(node.value) is dict:
for key in node_keys(node):
if key in ['(>)', '(<)', '(=)']: # pylint: disable=simplifiable-if-statement
has_directives = True
has_keys = True
if has_keys and has_directives:
provenance = node_get_provenance(node)
raise LoadError(LoadErrorReason.INVALID_DATA,
"{}: Dictionary contains array composition directives and arbitrary keys"
return has_directives
return False
# _compose_composite_list()
# Composes a composite list (i.e. a dict with list composition directives)
# on top of a target list which is a composite list itself.
# Args:
# target (Node): A composite list
# source (Node): A composite list
cdef void _compose_composite_list(Node target, Node source):
clobber = source.value.get("(=)")
prefix = source.value.get("(<)")
suffix = source.value.get("(>)")
if clobber is not None:
# We want to clobber the target list
# which basically means replacing the target list
# with ourselves
target.value["(=)"] = clobber
if prefix is not None:
target.value["(<)"] = prefix
elif "(<)" in target.value:
if suffix is not None:
target.value["(>)"] = suffix
elif "(>)" in target.value:
# Not clobbering, so prefix the prefix and suffix the suffix
if prefix is not None:
if "(<)" in target.value:
for v in reversed(prefix.value):
target.value["(<)"].value.insert(0, v)
target.value["(<)"] = prefix
if suffix is not None:
if "(>)" in target.value:
target.value["(>)"] = suffix
# _compose_list()
# Compose a composite list (a dict with composition directives) on top of a
# simple list.
# Args:
# target (Node): The target list to be composed into
# source (Node): The composition list to be composed from
cdef void _compose_list(Node target, Node source):
clobber = source.value.get("(=)")
prefix = source.value.get("(<)")
suffix = source.value.get("(>)")
if clobber is not None:
if prefix is not None:
for v in reversed(prefix.value):
target.value.insert(0, v)
if suffix is not None:
# composite_dict()
# Compose one mapping node onto another
# Args:
# target (Node): The target to compose into
# source (Node): The source to compose from
# path (list): The path to the current composition node
# Raises: CompositeError
cpdef void composite_dict(Node target, Node source, list path=None) except *:
cdef str k
cdef Node v, target_value
if path is None:
path = []
for k, v in source.value.items():
if type(v.value) is list:
# List clobbers anything list-like
target_value = target.value.get(k)
if not (target_value is None or
type(target_value.value) is list or
raise CompositeError(path,
"{}: List cannot overwrite {} at: {}"
.format(node_get_provenance(source, k),
node_get_provenance(target, k)))
# Looks good, clobber it
target.value[k] = v
elif _is_composite_list(v):
if k not in target.value:
# Composite list clobbers empty space
target.value[k] = v
elif type(target.value[k].value) is list:
# Composite list composes into a list
_compose_list(target.value[k], v)
elif _is_composite_list(target.value[k]):
# Composite list merges into composite list
_compose_composite_list(target.value[k], v)
# Else composing on top of normal dict or a scalar, so raise...
raise CompositeError(path,
"{}: Cannot compose lists onto {}".format(
elif type(v.value) is dict:
# We're composing a dict into target now
if k not in target.value:
# Target lacks a dict at that point, make a fresh one with
# the same provenance as the incoming dict
target.value[k] = Node({}, v.file_index, v.line, v.column)
if type(target.value) is not dict:
raise CompositeError(path,
"{}: Cannot compose dictionary onto {}".format(
composite_dict(target.value[k], v, path)
target_value = target.value.get(k)
if target_value is not None and type(target_value.value) is not str:
raise CompositeError(path,
"{}: Cannot compose scalar on non-scalar at {}".format(
target.value[k] = v
# Like composite_dict(), but raises an all purpose LoadError for convenience
cpdef void composite(Node target, Node source) except *:
assert type(source.value) is dict
assert type(target.value) is dict
composite_dict(target, source)
except CompositeError as e:
source_provenance = node_get_provenance(source)
error_prefix = ""
if source_provenance:
error_prefix = "{}: ".format(source_provenance)
raise LoadError(LoadErrorReason.ILLEGAL_COMPOSITE,
"{}Failure composing {}: {}"
e.message)) from e
# Like composite(target, source), but where target overrides source instead.
def composite_and_move(Node target, Node source):
composite(source, target)
cdef str key
cdef Node value
cdef list to_delete = [key for key in target.value.keys() if key not in source.value]
for key, value in source.value.items():
target.value[key] = value
for key in to_delete:
del target.value[key]
# Types we can short-circuit in node_sanitize for speed.
__SANITIZE_SHORT_CIRCUIT_TYPES = (int, float, str, bool)
# node_sanitize()
# Returns an alphabetically ordered recursive copy
# of the source node with internal provenance information stripped.
# Only dicts are ordered, list elements are left in order.
cpdef object node_sanitize(object node, object dict_type=OrderedDict):
node_type = type(node)
# If we have an unwrappable node, unwrap it
if node_type is Node:
node = node.value
node_type = type(node)
# Short-circuit None which occurs ca. twice per element
if node is None:
return node
# Next short-circuit integers, floats, strings, booleans, and tuples
return node
# Now short-circuit lists.
elif node_type is list:
return [node_sanitize(elt, dict_type=dict_type) for elt in node]
# Finally dict, and other Mappings need special handling
elif node_type is dict:
result = dict_type()
key_list = [key for key, _ in node.items()]
for key in sorted(key_list):
result[key] = node_sanitize(node[key], dict_type=dict_type)
return result
# Sometimes we're handed tuples and we can't be sure what they contain
# so we have to sanitize into them
elif node_type is tuple:
return tuple([node_sanitize(v, dict_type=dict_type) for v in node])
# Everything else just gets returned as-is.
return node
# node_validate()
# Validate the node so as to ensure the user has not specified
# any keys which are unrecognized by buildstream (usually this
# means a typo which would otherwise not trigger an error).
# Args:
# node (Node): A dictionary loaded from YAML
# valid_keys (list): A list of valid keys for the specified node
# Raises:
# LoadError: In the case that the specified node contained
# one or more invalid keys
cpdef void node_validate(Node node, list valid_keys) except *:
# Probably the fastest way to do this:
cdef set valid_keys_set = set(valid_keys)
cdef str key
for key in node.value:
if key not in valid_keys_set:
provenance = node_get_provenance(node, key=key)
raise LoadError(LoadErrorReason.INVALID_DATA,
"{}: Unexpected key: {}".format(provenance, key))
# Node copying
# Unfortunately we copy nodes a *lot* and `isinstance()` is super-slow when
# things from get involved. The result is the following
# intricate but substantially faster group of tuples and the use of `in`.
# If any of the {node,list}_copy routines raise a ValueError
# then it's likely additional types need adding to these tuples.
# These types just have their value copied
__QUICK_TYPES = (str, bool)
# These are the directives used to compose lists, we need this because it's
# slightly faster during the node_final_assertions checks
# node_copy()
# Make a deep copy of the given YAML node, preserving provenance.
# Args:
# source (Node): The YAML node to copy
# Returns:
# (Node): A deep copy of source with provenance preserved.
cpdef Node node_copy(Node source):
cdef dict copy = {}
cdef str key
cdef Node value
for key, value in source.value.items():
value_type = type(value.value)
if value_type is dict:
copy[key] = node_copy(value)
elif value_type is list:
copy[key] = _list_copy(value)
elif value_type in __QUICK_TYPES:
copy[key] = value
raise ValueError("Unable to be quick about node_copy of {}".format(value_type))
return Node(copy, source.file_index, source.line, source.column)
# Internal function to help node_copy() but for lists.
cdef Node _list_copy(Node source):
cdef list copy = []
cdef Node item
for item in source.value:
item_type = type(item.value)
if item_type is dict:
elif item_type is list:
elif item_type in __QUICK_TYPES:
raise ValueError("Unable to be quick about list_copy of {}".format(item_type))
return Node(copy, source.file_index, source.line, source.column)
# node_final_assertions()
# This must be called on a fully loaded and composited node,
# after all composition has completed.
# Args:
# node (Mapping): The final composited node
# Raises:
# (LoadError): If any assertions fail
cpdef void node_final_assertions(Node node) except *:
cdef str key
cdef Node value
for key, value in node.value.items():
# Assert that list composition directives dont remain, this
# indicates that the user intended to override a list which
# never existed in the underlying data
provenance = node_get_provenance(node, key)
raise LoadError(LoadErrorReason.TRAILING_LIST_DIRECTIVE,
"{}: Attempt to override non-existing list".format(provenance))
value_type = type(value.value)
if value_type is dict:
elif value_type is list:
# Helper function for node_final_assertions(), but for lists.
def _list_final_assertions(Node values):
for value in values.value:
value_type = type(value.value)
if value_type is dict:
elif value_type is list:
# assert_symbol_name()
# A helper function to check if a loaded string is a valid symbol
# name and to raise a consistent LoadError if not. For strings which
# are required to be symbols.
# Args:
# provenance (Provenance): The provenance of the loaded symbol, or None
# symbol_name (str): The loaded symbol name
# purpose (str): The purpose of the string, for an error message
# allow_dashes (bool): Whether dashes are allowed for this symbol
# Raises:
# LoadError: If the symbol_name is invalid
# Note that dashes are generally preferred for variable names and
# usage in YAML, but things such as option names which will be
# evaluated with jinja2 cannot use dashes.
def assert_symbol_name(ProvenanceInformation provenance, str symbol_name, str purpose, *, bint allow_dashes=True):
cdef str valid_chars = string.digits + string.ascii_letters + '_'
if allow_dashes:
valid_chars += '-'
cdef bint valid = True
if not symbol_name:
valid = False
elif any(x not in valid_chars for x in symbol_name):
valid = False
elif symbol_name[0] in string.digits:
valid = False
if not valid:
detail = "Symbol names must contain only alphanumeric characters, " + \
"may not start with a digit, and may contain underscores"
if allow_dashes:
detail += " or dashes"
message = "Invalid symbol name for {}: '{}'".format(purpose, symbol_name)
if provenance is not None:
message = "{}: {}".format(provenance, message)
raise LoadError(LoadErrorReason.INVALID_SYMBOL_NAME,
message, detail=detail)
# node_find_target()
# Searches the given node tree for the given target node.
# This is typically used when trying to walk a path to a given node
# for the purpose of then modifying a similar tree of objects elsewhere
# If the key is provided, then we actually hunt for the node represented by
# target[key] and return its container, rather than hunting for target directly
# Args:
# node (Node): The node at the root of the tree to search
# target (Node): The node you are looking for in that tree
# key (str): Optional string key within target node
# Returns:
# (list): A path from `node` to `target` or None if `target` is not in the subtree
cpdef list node_find_target(Node node, Node target, str key=None):
if key is not None:
target = target.value[key]
cdef list path = []
if _walk_find_target(node, path, target):
if key:
# Remove key from end of path
path = path[:-1]
return path
return None
# Helper for node_find_target() which walks a value
cdef bint _walk_find_target(Node node, list path, Node target):
if node.file_index == target.file_index and node.line == target.line and node.column == target.column:
return True
elif type(node.value) is dict:
return _walk_dict_node(node, path, target)
elif type(node.value) is list:
return _walk_list_node(node, path, target)
return False
# Helper for node_find_target() which walks a list
cdef bint _walk_list_node(Node node, list path, Node target):
cdef int i
cdef Node v
for i, v in enumerate(node.value):
if _walk_find_target(v, path, target):
return True
del path[-1]
return False
# Helper for node_find_target() which walks a mapping
cdef bint _walk_dict_node(Node node, list path, Node target):
cdef str k
cdef Node v
for k, v in node.value.items():
if _walk_find_target(v, path, target):
return True
del path[-1]
return False
# Roundtrip code
# Always represent things consistently:
# Always parse things consistently
# HardlineDumper
# This is a dumper used during roundtrip_dump which forces every scalar to be
# a plain string, in order to match the output format to the input format.
# If you discover something is broken, please add a test case to the roundtrip
# test in tests/internals/yaml/roundtrip-test.yaml
class HardlineDumper(yaml.RoundTripDumper):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
yaml.RoundTripDumper.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
# For each of YAML 1.1 and 1.2, force everything to be a plain string
for version in [(1, 1), (1, 2), None]:
# roundtrip_load()
# Load a YAML file into memory in a form which allows roundtripping as best
# as ruamel permits.
# Note, the returned objects can be treated as Mappings and Lists and Strings
# but replacing content wholesale with plain dicts and lists may result
# in a loss of comments and formatting.
# Args:
# filename (str): The file to load in
# allow_missing (bool): Optionally set this to True to allow missing files
# Returns:
# (Mapping): The loaded YAML mapping.
# Raises:
# (LoadError): If the file is missing, or a directory, this is raised.
# Also if the YAML is malformed.
def roundtrip_load(filename, *, allow_missing=False):
with open(filename, "r") as fh:
data =
contents = roundtrip_load_data(data, filename=filename)
except FileNotFoundError as e:
if allow_missing:
# Missing files are always empty dictionaries
return {}
raise LoadError(LoadErrorReason.MISSING_FILE,
"Could not find file at {}".format(filename)) from e
except IsADirectoryError as e:
raise LoadError(LoadErrorReason.LOADING_DIRECTORY,
"{} is a directory."
.format(filename)) from e
return contents
# roundtrip_load_data()
# Parse the given contents as YAML, returning them as a roundtrippable data
# structure.
# A lack of content will be returned as an empty mapping.
# Args:
# contents (str): The contents to be parsed as YAML
# filename (str): Optional filename to be used in error reports
# Returns:
# (Mapping): The loaded YAML mapping
# Raises:
# (LoadError): Raised on invalid YAML, or YAML which parses to something other
# than a Mapping
def roundtrip_load_data(contents, *, filename=None):
contents = yaml.load(contents, yaml.RoundTripLoader, preserve_quotes=True)
except (yaml.scanner.ScannerError, yaml.composer.ComposerError, yaml.parser.ParserError) as e:
raise LoadError(LoadErrorReason.INVALID_YAML,
"Malformed YAML:\n\n{}\n\n{}\n".format(e.problem, e.problem_mark)) from e
# Special case empty files at this point
if contents is None:
# We'll make them empty mappings like the main Node loader
contents = {}
if not isinstance(contents, Mapping):
raise LoadError(LoadErrorReason.INVALID_YAML,
"YAML file has content of type '{}' instead of expected type 'dict': {}"
.format(type(contents).__name__, filename))
return contents
# roundtrip_dump()
# Dumps the given contents as a YAML file. Ideally the contents came from
# parsing with `roundtrip_load` or `roundtrip_load_data` so that they will be
# dumped in the same form as they came from.
# If `file` is a string, it is the filename to write to, if `file` has a
# `write` method, it's treated as a stream, otherwise output is to stdout.
# Args:
# contents (Mapping or list): The content to write out as YAML.
# file (any): The file to write to
def roundtrip_dump(contents, file=None):
assert type(contents) is not Node
def stringify_dict(thing):
for k, v in thing.items():
if type(v) is str:
elif isinstance(v, Mapping):
elif isinstance(v, Sequence):
thing[k] = str(v)
def stringify_list(thing):
for i, v in enumerate(thing):
if type(v) is str:
elif isinstance(v, Mapping):
elif isinstance(v, Sequence):
thing[i] = str(v)
contents = deepcopy(contents)
with ExitStack() as stack:
if type(file) is str:
from . import utils
f = stack.enter_context(utils.save_file_atomic(file, 'w'))
elif hasattr(file, 'write'):
f = file
f = sys.stdout
yaml.round_trip_dump(contents, f, Dumper=HardlineDumper)