blob: 74dde77c6e18d09d3441366e9bbf0230efc4d096 [file] [log] [blame]
.. _docker:
BuildStream inside Docker
The BuildStream project provides
`Docker images <>`_
containing BuildStream and its dependencies.
This gives you an easy way to get started using BuildStream on any Unix-like
platform where Docker is available, including Mac OS X.
To use BuildStream you will need to spawn a container from that image
and mount your workspace directory as a volume. You will want a second volume
to store the cache, which we can create from empty like this:
docker volume create buildstream-cache
You can now run the following command to fetch the latest official Docker image
build, and spawn a container running an interactive shell. This assumes that the
path to all the source code you need is available in ``~/src``.
docker run -it \
--cap-add SYS_ADMIN \
--device /dev/fuse \
--security-opt seccomp=unconfined \
--volume ~/src:/src \
--volume buildstream-cache:/root/.cache \
buildstream/buildstream-fedora:latest /bin/bash