blob: 9b2c4cc1d2be3c993d6a2031910661ab96c04106 [file] [log] [blame]
import sys
from contextlib import contextmanager
from .. import ElementError
from .. import utils, _signals
# A class to wrap the `mount` and `umount` commands
class Mount(object):
def _mount(cls, dest, src=None, mount_type=None,
stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr, options=None,
argv = [utils.get_host_tool('mount')]
if mount_type:
argv.extend(['-t', mount_type])
if options:
argv.extend(['-o', options])
if flags:
if src is not None:
argv += [src]
argv += [dest]
status, _ = utils._call(
if status != 0:
raise ElementError('`{}` failed with exit code {}'
.format(' '.join(argv), status))
return dest
def _umount(cls, path, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr):
cmd = [utils.get_host_tool('umount'), '-R', path]
status, _ = utils._call(
if status != 0:
raise ElementError('`{}` failed with exit code {}'
.format(' '.join(cmd), status))
# mount()
# A wrapper for the `mount` command. The device is unmounted when
# the context is left.
# Args:
# dest (str) - The directory to mount to
# src (str) - The directory to mount
# stdout (file) - stdout
# stderr (file) - stderr
# mount_type (str|None) - The mount type (can be omitted or None)
# kwargs - Arguments to pass to the mount command, such as `ro=True`
# Yields:
# (str) The path to the destination
def mount(cls, dest, src=None, stdout=sys.stdout,
stderr=sys.stderr, mount_type=None, **kwargs):
def kill_proc():
cls._umount(dest, stdout, stderr)
options = ','.join([key for key, val in kwargs.items() if val])
with _signals.terminator(kill_proc):
yield cls._mount(dest, src, mount_type, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, options=options)
cls._umount(dest, stdout, stderr)
# bind_mount()
# Mount a directory to a different location (a hardlink for all
# intents and purposes). The directory is unmounted when the
# context is left.
# Args:
# dest (str) - The directory to mount to
# src (str) - The directory to mount
# stdout (file) - stdout
# stderr (file) - stderr
# kwargs - Arguments to pass to the mount command, such as `ro=True`
# Yields:
# (str) The path to the destination
# While this is equivalent to `mount --rbind`, this option may not
# exist and can be dangerous, requiring careful cleanupIt is
# recommended to use this function over a manual mount invocation.
def bind_mount(cls, dest, src=None, stdout=sys.stdout,
stderr=sys.stderr, **kwargs):
def kill_proc():
cls._umount(dest, stdout, stderr)
kwargs['rbind'] = True
options = ','.join([key for key, val in kwargs.items() if val])
path = cls._mount(dest, src, None, stdout, stderr, options)
with _signals.terminator(kill_proc):
# Make the rbind a slave to avoid unmounting vital devices in
# /proc
cls._mount(dest, flags=['--make-rslave'])
yield path
cls._umount(dest, stdout, stderr)