blob: 64aefd772fe4d9d30277f8b6caf6b3cac764343b [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (C) 2016 Codethink Limited
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library. If not, see <>.
# Authors:
# Tristan Van Berkom <>
The :class:`.Project` object holds all of the project settings from
the project configuration file including the project directory it
was loaded from.
import os
import multiprocessing # for cpu_count()
from collections import Mapping
from ._yaml import CompositePolicy, CompositeTypeError, CompositeOverrideError
from . import utils
from . import _site
from . import _yaml
from . import _loader # For resolve_arch()
from ._profile import Topics, profile_start, profile_end
from . import LoadError, LoadErrorReason
from ._options import OptionPool
"""The base BuildStream format version
This version is bumped whenever enhancements are made
to the ``project.conf`` format or the format in general.
"""The base BuildStream artifact version
The artifact version changes whenever the cache key
calculation algorithm changes in an incompatible way
or if buildstream was changed in a way which can cause
the same cache key to produce something that is no longer
the same.
# The separator we use for user specified aliases
class Project():
The Project Configuration
def __init__(self, directory, context): = None
"""str: The project name""" = os.path.abspath(directory)
"""str: The project directory"""
self.element_path = None
"""str: Absolute path to where elements are loaded from within the project"""
self._context = context # The invocation Context
self._variables = {} # The default variables overridden with project wide overrides
self._environment = {} # The base sandbox environment
self._elements = {} # Element specific configurations
self._aliases = {} # Aliases dictionary
self._workspaces = {} # Workspaces
self._plugin_source_paths = [] # Paths to custom sources
self._plugin_element_paths = [] # Paths to custom plugins
self._options = None # Project options, the OptionPool
self._cache_key = None
self._source_format_versions = {}
self._element_format_versions = {}
profile_start(Topics.LOAD_PROJECT,, '-'))
profile_end(Topics.LOAD_PROJECT,, '-'))
def translate_url(self, url):
"""Translates the given url which may be specified with an alias
into a fully qualified url.
url (str): A url, which may be using an alias
str: The fully qualified url, with aliases resolved
This method is provided for :class:`.Source` objects to resolve
fully qualified urls based on the shorthand which is allowed
to be specified in the YAML
if url and _ALIAS_SEPARATOR in url:
url_alias, url_body = url.split(_ALIAS_SEPARATOR, 1)
alias_url = self._aliases.get(url_alias)
if alias_url:
url = alias_url + url_body
return url
# _load():
# Loads the project configuration file in the project directory.
# Raises: LoadError if there was a problem with the project.conf
def _load(self):
# Load builtin default
projectfile = os.path.join(, "project.conf")
config = _yaml.load(_site.default_project_config)
# Load project local config and override the builtin
project_conf = _yaml.load(projectfile)
_yaml.composite(config, project_conf, typesafe=True)
_yaml.node_validate(config, [
'element-path', 'variables',
'environment', 'environment-nocache',
'split-rules', 'elements', 'plugins',
'aliases', 'name',
'arches', 'host-arches',
'artifacts', 'options',
# The project name, element path and option declarations
# are constant and cannot be overridden by option conditional statements = _yaml.node_get(config, str, 'name')
self.element_path = os.path.join(,
_yaml.node_get(config, str, 'element-path', default_value='.')
# Load project options
options_node = _yaml.node_get(config, Mapping, 'options', default_value={})
self._options = OptionPool(self.element_path)
# Collect option values specified in the user configuration
overrides = self._context._get_overrides(
override_options = _yaml.node_get(overrides, Mapping, 'options', default_value={})
self._options.load_values(override_options, self._context._cli_options)
# We're done modifying options, now we can use them for substitutions
# Now resolve any conditionals in the remaining configuration,
# any conditionals specified for project option declarations,
# or conditionally specifying the project name; will be ignored.
# Resolve arches keyword, project may have arch conditionals
_loader.resolve_arch(config, self._context.host_arch, self._context.target_arch)
# Now all YAML composition is done, from here on we just load
# the values from our loaded configuration dictionary.
# Load artifacts pull/push configuration for this project
artifacts = _yaml.node_get(config, Mapping, 'artifacts', default_value={})
_yaml.node_validate(artifacts, ['pull-url', 'push-url', 'push-port'])
self.artifact_pull = _yaml.node_get(artifacts, str, 'pull-url', default_value='') or None
self.artifact_push = _yaml.node_get(artifacts, str, 'push-url', default_value='') or None
self.artifact_push_port = _yaml.node_get(artifacts, int, 'push-port', default_value=22)
# Workspace configurations
self._workspaces = self._load_workspace_config()
# Version requirements
versions = _yaml.node_get(config, Mapping, 'required-versions', default_value={})
_yaml.node_validate(versions, ['project', 'elements', 'sources'])
# Assert project version first
format_version = _yaml.node_get(versions, int, 'project', default_value=0)
if BST_FORMAT_VERSION < format_version:
major, minor = utils.get_bst_version()
raise LoadError(
"Project requested format version {}, but BuildStream {}.{} only supports up until format version {}"
.format(format_version, major, minor, BST_FORMAT_VERSION))
# The source versions
source_versions = _yaml.node_get(versions, Mapping, 'sources', default_value={})
for key, _ in _yaml.node_items(source_versions):
self._source_format_versions[key] = _yaml.node_get(source_versions, int, key)
# The element versions
element_versions = _yaml.node_get(versions, Mapping, 'elements', default_value={})
for key, _ in _yaml.node_items(element_versions):
self._element_format_versions[key] = _yaml.node_get(element_versions, int, key)
# Load the plugin paths
plugins = _yaml.node_get(config, Mapping, 'plugins', default_value={})
_yaml.node_validate(plugins, ['elements', 'sources'])
self._plugin_source_paths = [os.path.join(, path)
for path in self._extract_plugin_paths(plugins, 'sources')]
self._plugin_element_paths = [os.path.join(, path)
for path in self._extract_plugin_paths(plugins, 'elements')]
# Source url aliases
self._aliases = _yaml.node_get(config, Mapping, 'aliases', default_value={})
# Load base variables
self._variables = _yaml.node_get(config, Mapping, 'variables')
# Extend variables with automatic variables and option exports
self._variables['max-jobs'] = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
# Export options into variables, if that was requested
for _, option in self._options.options.items():
if option.variable:
self._variables[option.variable] = option.get_value()
# This is to be removed with arches
self._variables['bst-host-arch'] = self._context.host_arch
self._variables['bst-target-arch'] = self._context.target_arch
self._variables['bst-arch'] = self._context.host_arch
# Load sandbox configuration
self._environment = _yaml.node_get(config, Mapping, 'environment')
self._env_nocache = _yaml.node_get(config, list, 'environment-nocache')
# Load project split rules
self._splits = _yaml.node_get(config, Mapping, 'split-rules')
# Element configurations
self._elements = _yaml.node_get(config, Mapping, 'elements', default_value={})
# _list_workspaces()
# Generator function to enumerate workspaces.
# Yields:
# A tuple in the following format: (element, source, path).
def _list_workspaces(self):
for element, _ in _yaml.node_items(self._workspaces):
for source, _ in _yaml.node_items(self._workspaces[element]):
yield (element, int(source), self._workspaces[element][source])
# _get_workspace()
# Get the path of the workspace source associated with the given
# element's source at the given index
# Args:
# element (str) - The element name
# index (int) - The source index
# Returns:
# None if no workspace is open, the path to the workspace
# otherwise
def _get_workspace(self, element, index):
return self._workspaces[element][index]
except KeyError:
return None
# _set_workspace()
# Set the path of the workspace associated with the given
# element's source at the given index
# Args:
# element (str) - The element name
# index (int) - The source index
# path (str) - The path to set the workspace to
def _set_workspace(self, element, index, path):
if not in self._workspaces:
self._workspaces[] = {}
self._workspaces[][index] = path
element._set_source_workspace(index, path)
# _delete_workspace()
# Remove the workspace from the workspace element. Note that this
# does *not* remove the workspace from the stored yaml
# configuration, call _save_workspace_config() afterwards.
# Args:
# element (str) - The element name
# index (int) - The source index
def _delete_workspace(self, element, index):
del self._workspaces[element][index]
# Contains a provenance object
if len(self._workspaces[element]) == 1:
del self._workspaces[element]
# _load_workspace_config()
# Load the workspace configuration and return a node containing
# all open workspaces for the project
# Returns:
# A node containing a dict that assigns projects to their
# workspaces. For example:
# amhello.bst: {
# 0: /home/me/automake,
# 1: /home/me/amhello
# }
def _load_workspace_config(self):
os.makedirs(os.path.join(, ".bst"), exist_ok=True)
workspace_file = os.path.join(, ".bst", "workspaces.yml")
open(workspace_file, "a").close()
except IOError as e:
raise LoadError(LoadErrorReason.MISSING_FILE,
"Could not load workspace config: {}".format(e)) from e
return _yaml.load(workspace_file)
# _save_workspace_config()
# Dump the current workspace element to the project configuration
# file. This makes any changes performed with _delete_workspace or
# _set_workspace permanent
def _save_workspace_config(self):
os.path.join(, ".bst", "workspaces.yml"))
def _extract_plugin_paths(self, node, name):
if not node:
path_list = _yaml.node_get(node, list, name, default_value=[])
for i in range(len(path_list)):
path = _yaml.node_get(node, str, name, indices=[i])
yield path
# _get_cache_key():
# Returns the cache key, calculating it if necessary
# Returns:
# (str): A hex digest cache key for the Context
def _get_cache_key(self):
if self._cache_key is None:
# Anything that alters the build goes into the unique key
# (currently nothing here)
self._cache_key = utils._generate_key({})
return self._cache_key