blob: bc2891e185a52e98fb054e4386fb3ea8f5ca6d9b [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (C) 2017 Codethink Limited
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library. If not, see <>.
# Authors:
# Jonathan Maw <>
"""A source implementation for staging tar files
.. code:: yaml
# Specify the tar source kind
kind: tar
# Specify the tar url. Using an alias defined in your project
# configuration is encouraged. 'bst track' will update the
# sha256sum in 'ref' to the downloaded file's sha256sum.
url: upstream:foo.tar
# Specify the ref. It's a sha256sum of the file you download.
ref: 6c9f6f68a131ec6381da82f2bff978083ed7f4f7991d931bfa767b7965ebc94b
# Specify a glob pattern to indicate the base directory to extract
# from the tarball. The first matching directory will be used.
# Note that this is '*' by default since most standard release
# tarballs contain a self named subdirectory at the root which
# contains the files one normally wants to extract to build.
# To extract the root of the tarball directly, this can be set
# to an empty string.
base-dir: '*'
import os
import urllib.request
import urllib.error
import tarfile
import tempfile
from buildstream import Source, SourceError, Consistency
from buildstream import utils
class TarSource(Source):
def configure(self, node):
project = self.get_project()
self.node_validate(node, ['url', 'ref', 'base-dir'] + Source.COMMON_CONFIG_KEYS)
self.original_url = self.node_get_member(node, str, 'url')
self.ref = self.node_get_member(node, str, 'ref', '') or None
self.base_dir = self.node_get_member(node, str, 'base-dir', '*') or None
self.url = project.translate_url(self.original_url)
def preflight(self):
def get_unique_key(self):
return [self.original_url, self.ref, self.base_dir]
def get_consistency(self):
if self.ref is None:
return Consistency.INCONSISTENT
if os.path.isfile(self._get_mirror_file()):
return Consistency.CACHED
return Consistency.RESOLVED
def get_ref(self):
return self.ref
def set_ref(self, ref, node):
node['ref'] = self.ref = ref
def track(self):
# there is no 'track' field in the source to determine what/whether
# or not to update refs, because tracking a ref is always a conscious
# decision by the user.
with self.timed_activity("Tracking {}".format(self.url),
new_ref = self._ensure_mirror()
if self.ref and self.ref != new_ref:
detail = "When tracking, new ref differs from current ref:\n" \
+ " Tracked URL: {}\n".format(self.url) \
+ " Current ref: {}\n".format(self.ref) \
+ " New ref: {}\n".format(new_ref)
self.warn("Potential man-in-the-middle attack!", detail=detail)
return new_ref
def fetch(self):
if os.path.isfile(self._get_mirror_file()):
# Download the file, raise hell if the sha256sums don't match,
# and mirror the file otherwise.
with self.timed_activity("Fetching {}".format(self.url), silent_nested=True):
sha256 = self._ensure_mirror()
if sha256 != self.ref:
raise SourceError("Tar downloaded from {} has sha256sum '{}', not '{}'!"
.format(self.url, sha256, self.ref))
def stage(self, directory):
with as tar:
base_dir = None
if self.base_dir:
base_dir = self._find_base_dir(tar, self.base_dir)
if base_dir:
tar.extractall(path=directory, members=self._extract_members(tar, base_dir))
except (tarfile.TarError, OSError) as e:
raise SourceError("{}: Error staging source: {}".format(self, e)) from e
def _ensure_mirror(self):
# Downloads from the url and caches it according to its sha256sum.
with self.tempdir() as td:
# Using basename because there needs to be a filename, and 'foo'
# would be too silly.
temp_dest = os.path.join(td, os.path.basename(self.url))
local_file, _ = urllib.request.urlretrieve(self.url, temp_dest)
if local_file != temp_dest:
raise SourceError("Expected to download file to '{}', downloaded to '{}' instead!"
.format(temp_dest, local_file))
# Make sure url-specific mirror dir exists.
if not os.path.isdir(self._get_mirror_dir()):
# Store by sha256sum
sha256 = utils.sha256sum(local_file)
# Even if the file already exists, move the new file over.
# In case the old file was corrupted somehow.
os.rename(local_file, self._get_mirror_file(sha256))
return sha256
except (urllib.error.URLError, urllib.error.ContentTooShortError, OSError) as e:
raise SourceError("{}: Error mirroring {}: {}"
.format(self, self.url, e)) from e
def _get_mirror_dir(self):
return os.path.join(self.get_mirror_directory(),
def _get_mirror_file(self, sha=None):
return os.path.join(self._get_mirror_dir(), sha or self.ref)
# Override and translate which filenames to extract
def _extract_members(self, tar, base_dir):
if not base_dir.endswith(os.sep):
base_dir = base_dir + os.sep
l = len(base_dir)
for member in tar.getmembers():
if member.path.startswith(base_dir):
member.path = member.path[l:]
yield member
# We want to iterate over all paths of a tarball, but getmembers()
# is not enough because some tarballs simply do not contain the leading
# directory paths for the archived files.
def _list_tar_paths(self, tar, dirs_only=False):
visited = {}
for member in tar.getmembers():
if not member.isdir():
# Loop over the components of a path, for a path of a/b/c/d
# we will first visit 'a', then 'a/b' and then 'a/b/c', excluding
# the final component
components ='/')
for i in range(len(components) - 1):
dir_component = '/'.join([components[j] for j in range(i + 1)])
if dir_component not in visited:
visited[dir_component] = True
# Dont yield directory members which actually do
# exist in the archive
_ = tar.getmember(dir_component)
except KeyError:
yield dir_component
if dirs_only and not member.isdir():
def _find_base_dir(self, tar, pattern):
paths = self._list_tar_paths(tar, dirs_only=True)
matches = sorted(list(utils.glob(paths, pattern)))
if not matches:
raise SourceError("{}: Could not find base directory matching pattern: {}".format(self, pattern))
return matches[0]
def setup():
return TarSource