blob: a97fb2bbfdcc5274f839c459a913a9dd1f17b4ce [file] [log] [blame]
#dpkg_deploy default configuration
# packages' default value will be automatically replaced with
# defaultscalculated from the input's split-rules. Replace this
# with a space-separated list of packages to have more control
# over what gets generated.
packages: <PACKAGES>
buildpkg: |
for package in %{packages}; do
dpkg-deb --build %{build-root}/$package %{install-root}
# The element that should be staged into "/". It must contain
# all the tools required to generate the image
# base: image-tools.bst
# The element that should be staged into %{build-root}. It is
# expected to be the system that you're planning to turn into
# an image.
# input: foo-system.bst
- |