blob: 43a64a0c89989c89c752c0d87b331277fe6397f5 [file] [log] [blame]
import os
import pytest
import tempfile
import subprocess
from buildstream import SourceError
from buildstream import utils
from import HAVE_GIT
# import our common fixture
from .fixture import Setup
DATA_DIR = os.path.join(
# Utilities #
# Derived setup which creates a target.bst with a git source
# and url pointing to a directory indicated by setup.origin_dir
class GitSetup(Setup):
def __init__(self, datafiles, tmpdir, ref=None, track=None, bstfile=None):
if not bstfile:
bstfile = 'target.bst'
# Where we get the project from
directory = os.path.join(datafiles.dirname, datafiles.basename)
# This is where we'll put gits
self.origin_dir = os.path.join(str(tmpdir), 'origin')
if not os.path.exists(self.origin_dir):
# Generate a target file with a file:// url in the tmpdir
self.url = 'file://' + os.path.join(self.origin_dir, 'repo')
self.generate_target_bst(directory, self.url, ref=ref, track=track, bstfile=bstfile)
super().__init__(datafiles, bstfile, tmpdir)
def generate_target_bst(self, directory, url, ref=None, track=None, bstfile=None):
template = "kind: pony\n" + \
"description: This is the pony\n" + \
"sources:\n" + \
"- kind: git\n" + \
" url: {url}\n"
if track:
template += " track: {track}\n"
if url:
template += " ref: {ref}\n"
final = template.format(url=url, ref=ref, track=track)
filename = os.path.join(directory, bstfile)
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
class GitSubmoduleSetup(GitSetup):
def generate_target_bst(self, directory, url, ref=None, track=None, bstfile=None):
self.subrepo_url = 'file://' + os.path.join(self.origin_dir, 'subrepo')
template = "kind: pony\n" + \
"description: This is the pony\n" + \
"sources:\n" + \
"- kind: git\n" + \
" url: {url}\n"
if track:
template += " track: {track}\n"
if url:
template += " ref: {ref}\n"
template += "submodules:\n" + \
" subrepo:\n" + \
" url: {subrepo}\n"
final = template.format(url=url, ref=ref, track=track, subrepo=self.subrepo_url)
filename = os.path.join(directory, bstfile)
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
'GIT_AUTHOR_DATE': '1320966000 +0200',
'GIT_AUTHOR_NAME': 'tomjon',
'GIT_COMMITTER_DATE': '1320966000 +0200',
# Create a git repository at the setup.origin_dir
def git_create(setup, reponame):
repodir = os.path.join(setup.origin_dir, reponame)
os.mkdir(repodir)['git', 'init', '.'], env=GIT_ENV, cwd=repodir)
# Add a file to the git
def git_add_file(setup, reponame, filename, content):
repodir = os.path.join(setup.origin_dir, reponame)
fullname = os.path.join(repodir, filename)
with open(fullname, 'w') as f:
# We rely on deterministic commit shas for testing, so set date and author['git', 'add', filename], env=GIT_ENV, cwd=repodir)['git', 'commit', '-m', 'Added the file'], env=GIT_ENV, cwd=repodir)
# Add a submodule to the git
def git_add_submodule(setup, reponame, url, path):
repodir = os.path.join(setup.origin_dir, reponame)
# We rely on deterministic commit shas for testing, so set date and author['git', 'submodule', 'add', url, path], env=GIT_ENV, cwd=repodir)['git', 'commit', '-m', 'Added the submodule'], env=GIT_ENV, cwd=repodir)
# Tests #
@pytest.mark.skipif(HAVE_GIT is False, reason="git is not available")
@pytest.mark.datafiles(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'basic'))
def test_create_source(tmpdir, datafiles):
setup = Setup(datafiles, 'target.bst', tmpdir)
assert(setup.source.get_kind() == 'git')
@pytest.mark.skipif(HAVE_GIT is False, reason="git is not available")
@pytest.mark.datafiles(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'template'))
def test_unique_key(tmpdir, datafiles):
# Give it a ref of 12345
setup = GitSetup(datafiles, tmpdir, '12345')
assert(setup.source.get_kind() == 'git')
# Check that the key has the ref we gave it, this isn't
# much of a real test except it ensures that the fixture
# we provided so far works
unique_key = setup.source.get_unique_key()
assert(unique_key[1] == '12345')
@pytest.mark.skipif(HAVE_GIT is False, reason="git is not available")
@pytest.mark.datafiles(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'template'))
def test_fetch(tmpdir, datafiles):
# We know this is the right commit sha for the repo we create
setup = GitSetup(datafiles, tmpdir, 'a3f9511fd3e4f043692f34234b4d2c7108de61fc')
assert(setup.source.get_kind() == 'git')
git_create(setup, 'repo')
git_add_file(setup, 'repo', 'file.txt', 'pony')
# Make sure we preflight first
# This should result in the mirror being created in the git sources dir
# Check that there is now a mirrored git repository at the expected directory
directory_name = utils.url_directory_name(setup.url)
fullpath = os.path.join(setup.context.sourcedir, 'git', directory_name)
@pytest.mark.skipif(HAVE_GIT is False, reason="git is not available")
@pytest.mark.datafiles(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'template'))
def test_fetch_bad_ref(tmpdir, datafiles):
# This is a bad ref, 5 is not the tree sha for the repo we're creating !
setup = GitSetup(datafiles, tmpdir, '5')
assert(setup.source.get_kind() == 'git')
git_create(setup, 'repo')
git_add_file(setup, 'repo', 'file.txt', 'pony')
# Make sure we preflight first
# This should result result in an error, impossible to fetch ref '5'
# from the origin since it doesnt exist.
with pytest.raises(SourceError):
@pytest.mark.skipif(HAVE_GIT is False, reason="git is not available")
@pytest.mark.datafiles(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'template'))
def test_stage(tmpdir, datafiles):
# We know this is the right tree sha for the repo we create
setup = GitSetup(datafiles, tmpdir, 'a3f9511fd3e4f043692f34234b4d2c7108de61fc')
assert(setup.source.get_kind() == 'git')
git_create(setup, 'repo')
git_add_file(setup, 'repo', 'file.txt', 'pony')
# Make sure we preflight and fetch first, cant stage without fetching
# Stage the file and just check that it's there
stagedir = os.path.join(setup.context.builddir, 'repo')
assert(os.path.exists(os.path.join(stagedir, 'file.txt')))
@pytest.mark.skipif(HAVE_GIT is False, reason="git is not available")
@pytest.mark.datafiles(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'template'))
def test_fetch_new_ref_and_stage(tmpdir, datafiles):
# This tests the functionality of already having a local mirror
# but not yet having the ref which was asked for in the yaml
setup = GitSetup(datafiles, tmpdir, 'a3f9511fd3e4f043692f34234b4d2c7108de61fc')
assert(setup.source.get_kind() == 'git')
# This will get us the first ref
git_create(setup, 'repo')
git_add_file(setup, 'repo', 'file.txt', 'pony')
# This will make a new ref available in the repo
git_add_file(setup, 'repo', 'anotherfile.txt', 'pony')
# Check that there is now a mirrored git repository at the expected directory
directory_name = utils.url_directory_name(setup.url)
fullpath = os.path.join(setup.context.sourcedir, 'git', directory_name)
setup2 = GitSetup(datafiles, tmpdir, '3ac9cce94dd57e50a101e03dd6d43e0fc8a56b95', bstfile='another.bst')
assert(setup2.source.get_kind() == 'git')
# Stage the second source and just check that both files we created exist
stagedir = os.path.join(setup.context.builddir, 'repo')
assert(os.path.exists(os.path.join(stagedir, 'file.txt')))
assert(os.path.exists(os.path.join(stagedir, 'anotherfile.txt')))
@pytest.mark.skipif(HAVE_GIT is False, reason="git is not available")
@pytest.mark.datafiles(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'template'))
def test_track(tmpdir, datafiles):
# Setup with the initial ref pointing to the first commit, but tracking master
setup = GitSetup(datafiles, tmpdir, 'a3f9511fd3e4f043692f34234b4d2c7108de61fc', track='master')
assert(setup.source.get_kind() == 'git')
# Create the repo with the initial commit a3f9511fd3e4f043692f34234b4d2c7108de61fc
git_create(setup, 'repo')
git_add_file(setup, 'repo', 'file.txt', 'pony')
# Add a new commit 3ac9cce94dd57e50a101e03dd6d43e0fc8a56b95
git_add_file(setup, 'repo', 'anotherfile.txt', 'pony')
# Test that the new ref is the latest on master after tracking
assert(setup.source.mirror.ref == 'a3f9511fd3e4f043692f34234b4d2c7108de61fc')
new_ref = setup.source.track()
assert(new_ref == '3ac9cce94dd57e50a101e03dd6d43e0fc8a56b95')
@pytest.mark.skipif(HAVE_GIT is False, reason="git is not available")
@pytest.mark.datafiles(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'template'))
def test_submodule_fetch(tmpdir, datafiles):
# We cannot guess the submodule commit shas really, because we
# need to encode the submodule uri in the commit which adds the
# submodule, so let's use track() in this case.
setup = GitSubmoduleSetup(datafiles, tmpdir, track='master')
assert(setup.source.get_kind() == 'git')
git_create(setup, 'repo')
git_add_file(setup, 'repo', 'file.txt', 'pony')
git_create(setup, 'subrepo')
git_add_file(setup, 'subrepo', 'ponyfile.txt', 'file')
git_add_submodule(setup, 'repo', setup.subrepo_url, 'subrepo')
# Preflight, track and fetch
ref = setup.source.track()
setup.source.set_ref(ref, setup.source._Source__origin_node)
# Check that there is now a mirrored git repository at the expected directory
directory_name = utils.url_directory_name(setup.url)
fullpath = os.path.join(setup.context.sourcedir, 'git', directory_name)
@pytest.mark.skipif(HAVE_GIT is False, reason="git is not available")
@pytest.mark.datafiles(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'template'))
def test_submodule_stage(tmpdir, datafiles):
# We cannot guess the submodule commit shas really, because we
# need to encode the submodule uri in the commit which adds the
# submodule, so let's use track() in this case.
setup = GitSubmoduleSetup(datafiles, tmpdir, track='master')
assert(setup.source.get_kind() == 'git')
git_create(setup, 'repo')
git_add_file(setup, 'repo', 'file.txt', 'pony')
git_create(setup, 'subrepo')
git_add_file(setup, 'subrepo', 'ponyfile.txt', 'file')
git_add_submodule(setup, 'repo', setup.subrepo_url, 'subrepo')
# Preflight, track and fetch
ref = setup.source.track()
setup.source.set_ref(ref, setup.source._Source__origin_node)
# Stage the file and just check that it's there
stagedir = os.path.join(setup.context.builddir, 'repo')
assert(os.path.exists(os.path.join(stagedir, 'file.txt')))
# Assert the submodule file made it there
assert(os.path.exists(os.path.join(stagedir, 'subrepo', 'ponyfile.txt')))
@pytest.mark.skipif(HAVE_GIT is False, reason="git is not available")
@pytest.mark.datafiles(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'template'))
def test_fetch_new_ref_with_submodule(tmpdir, datafiles):
# We know this is the right commit sha for the repo before adding a submodule
setup = GitSetup(datafiles, tmpdir, 'a3f9511fd3e4f043692f34234b4d2c7108de61fc')
assert(setup.source.get_kind() == 'git')
git_create(setup, 'repo')
git_add_file(setup, 'repo', 'file.txt', 'pony')
# Check that there is now a mirrored git repository at the expected directory
directory_name = utils.url_directory_name(setup.url)
fullpath = os.path.join(setup.context.sourcedir, 'git', directory_name)
# Now add another repo and add a commit to the main repo making the
# other repo a submodule
git_create(setup, 'subrepo')
git_add_file(setup, 'subrepo', 'ponyfile.txt', 'file')
subrepo_url = 'file://' + os.path.join(setup.origin_dir, 'subrepo')
git_add_submodule(setup, 'repo', subrepo_url, 'subrepo')
# This time we need to track and use master, we can't predict this commit sha
setup2 = GitSubmoduleSetup(datafiles, tmpdir, track='master', bstfile='another.bst')
assert(setup.source.get_kind() == 'git')
# Preflight, track and fetch
ref = setup2.source.track()
setup2.source.set_ref(ref, setup2.source._Source__origin_node)
# Stage the file and just check that it's there
stagedir = os.path.join(setup.context.builddir, 'repo')
assert(os.path.exists(os.path.join(stagedir, 'file.txt')))
# Assert the submodule file made it there
assert(os.path.exists(os.path.join(stagedir, 'subrepo', 'ponyfile.txt')))