blob: f28fe394f1a99e52f28ea78e81ad84421892f5df [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Codethink Limited
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library. If not, see <>.
# Authors:
# Tristan Maat <>
import os
import string
from collections import Mapping, namedtuple
from ..element_enums import _KeyStrength
from .._exceptions import ArtifactError, ImplError, LoadError, LoadErrorReason
from .._message import Message, MessageType
from .. import utils
from .. import _yaml
CACHE_SIZE_FILE = "cache_size"
# An ArtifactCacheSpec holds the user configuration for a single remote
# artifact cache.
# Args:
# url (str): Location of the remote artifact cache
# push (bool): Whether we should attempt to push artifacts to this cache,
# in addition to pulling from it.
class ArtifactCacheSpec(namedtuple('ArtifactCacheSpec', 'url push server_cert client_key client_cert')):
# _new_from_config_node
# Creates an ArtifactCacheSpec() from a YAML loaded node
def _new_from_config_node(spec_node, basedir=None):
_yaml.node_validate(spec_node, ['url', 'push', 'server-cert', 'client-key', 'client-cert'])
url = _yaml.node_get(spec_node, str, 'url')
push = _yaml.node_get(spec_node, bool, 'push', default_value=False)
if not url:
provenance = _yaml.node_get_provenance(spec_node)
raise LoadError(LoadErrorReason.INVALID_DATA,
"{}: empty artifact cache URL".format(provenance))
server_cert = _yaml.node_get(spec_node, str, 'server-cert', default_value=None)
if server_cert and basedir:
server_cert = os.path.join(basedir, server_cert)
client_key = _yaml.node_get(spec_node, str, 'client-key', default_value=None)
if client_key and basedir:
client_key = os.path.join(basedir, client_key)
client_cert = _yaml.node_get(spec_node, str, 'client-cert', default_value=None)
if client_cert and basedir:
client_cert = os.path.join(basedir, client_cert)
return ArtifactCacheSpec(url, push, server_cert, client_key, client_cert)
ArtifactCacheSpec.__new__.__defaults__ = (None, None, None)
# An ArtifactCache manages artifacts.
# Args:
# context (Context): The BuildStream context
class ArtifactCache():
def __init__(self, context):
self.context = context
self.required_artifacts = set()
self.extractdir = os.path.join(context.artifactdir, 'extract')
self.tmpdir = os.path.join(context.artifactdir, 'tmp')
self.estimated_size = None
self.global_remote_specs = []
self.project_remote_specs = {}
self._local = False
self.cache_size = None
self.cache_quota = None
self.cache_lower_threshold = None
os.makedirs(self.extractdir, exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(self.tmpdir, exist_ok=True)
# Methods implemented on the abstract class #
# get_artifact_fullname()
# Generate a full name for an artifact, including the
# project namespace, element name and cache key.
# This can also be used as a relative path safely, and
# will normalize parts of the element name such that only
# digits, letters and some select characters are allowed.
# Args:
# element (Element): The Element object
# key (str): The element's cache key
# Returns:
# (str): The relative path for the artifact
def get_artifact_fullname(self, element, key):
project = element._get_project()
# Normalize ostree ref unsupported chars
valid_chars = string.digits + string.ascii_letters + '-._'
element_name = ''.join([
x if x in valid_chars else '_'
for x in element.normal_name
assert key is not None
# assume project and element names are not allowed to contain slashes
return '{0}/{1}/{2}'.format(, element_name, key)
# setup_remotes():
# Sets up which remotes to use
# Args:
# use_config (bool): Whether to use project configuration
# remote_url (str): Remote artifact cache URL
# This requires that all of the projects which are to be processed in the session
# have already been loaded and are observable in the Context.
def setup_remotes(self, *, use_config=False, remote_url=None):
# Initialize remote artifact caches. We allow the commandline to override
# the user config in some cases (for example `bst push --remote=...`).
has_remote_caches = False
if remote_url:
self._set_remotes([ArtifactCacheSpec(remote_url, push=True)])
has_remote_caches = True
if use_config:
for project in self.context.get_projects():
artifact_caches = _configured_remote_artifact_cache_specs(self.context, project)
if artifact_caches: # artifact_caches is a list of ArtifactCacheSpec instances
self._set_remotes(artifact_caches, project=project)
has_remote_caches = True
if has_remote_caches:
# specs_from_config_node()
# Parses the configuration of remote artifact caches from a config block.
# Args:
# config_node (dict): The config block, which may contain the 'artifacts' key
# basedir (str): The base directory for relative paths
# Returns:
# A list of ArtifactCacheSpec instances.
# Raises:
# LoadError, if the config block contains invalid keys.
def specs_from_config_node(config_node, basedir=None):
cache_specs = []
artifacts = config_node.get('artifacts', [])
if isinstance(artifacts, Mapping):
cache_specs.append(ArtifactCacheSpec._new_from_config_node(artifacts, basedir))
elif isinstance(artifacts, list):
for spec_node in artifacts:
cache_specs.append(ArtifactCacheSpec._new_from_config_node(spec_node, basedir))
provenance = _yaml.node_get_provenance(config_node, key='artifacts')
raise _yaml.LoadError(_yaml.LoadErrorReason.INVALID_DATA,
"%s: 'artifacts' must be a single 'url:' mapping, or a list of mappings" %
return cache_specs
# append_required_artifacts():
# Append to the list of elements whose artifacts are required for
# the current run. Artifacts whose elements are in this list will
# be locked by the artifact cache and not touched for the duration
# of the current pipeline.
# Args:
# elements (iterable): A set of elements to mark as required
def append_required_artifacts(self, elements):
# We lock both strong and weak keys - deleting one but not the
# other won't save space in most cases anyway, but would be a
# user inconvenience.
for element in elements:
strong_key = element._get_cache_key(strength=_KeyStrength.STRONG)
weak_key = element._get_cache_key(strength=_KeyStrength.WEAK)
for key in (strong_key, weak_key):
if key and key not in self.required_artifacts:
# We also update the usage times of any artifacts
# we will be using, which helps preventing a
# buildstream process that runs in parallel with
# this one from removing artifacts in-use.
except ArtifactError:
# clean():
# Clean the artifact cache as much as possible.
def clean(self):
artifacts = self.list_artifacts()
while self.calculate_cache_size() >= self.cache_quota - self.cache_lower_threshold:
to_remove = artifacts.pop(0)
except IndexError:
# If too many artifacts are required, and we therefore
# can't remove them, we have to abort the build.
# FIXME: Asking the user what to do may be neater
default_conf = os.path.join(os.environ['XDG_CONFIG_HOME'],
detail = ("There is not enough space to build the given element.\n"
"Please increase the cache-quota in {}."
.format(self.context.config_origin or default_conf))
if self.calculate_cache_size() > self.cache_quota:
raise ArtifactError("Cache too full. Aborting.",
key = to_remove.rpartition('/')[2]
if key not in self.required_artifacts:
size = self.remove(to_remove)
if size:
self.cache_size -= size
# This should be O(1) if implemented correctly
return self.calculate_cache_size()
# get_approximate_cache_size()
# A cheap method that aims to serve as an upper limit on the
# artifact cache size.
# The cache size reported by this function will normally be larger
# than the real cache size, since it is calculated using the
# pre-commit artifact size, but for very small artifacts in
# certain caches additional overhead could cause this to be
# smaller than, but close to, the actual size.
# Nonetheless, in practice this should be safe to use as an upper
# limit on the cache size.
# If the cache has built-in constant-time size reporting, please
# feel free to override this method with a more accurate
# implementation.
# Returns:
# (int) An approximation of the artifact cache size.
def get_approximate_cache_size(self):
# If we don't currently have an estimate, figure out the real
# cache size.
if self.estimated_size is None:
stored_size = self._read_cache_size()
if stored_size is not None:
self.estimated_size = stored_size
self.estimated_size = self.calculate_cache_size()
return self.estimated_size
# Abstract methods for subclasses to implement #
# update_atime()
# Update the atime of an artifact.
# Args:
# key (str): The key of the artifact.
def update_atime(self, key):
raise ImplError("Cache '{kind}' does not implement contains()"
# initialize_remotes():
# This will contact each remote cache.
# Args:
# on_failure (callable): Called if we fail to contact one of the caches.
def initialize_remotes(self, *, on_failure=None):
# contains():
# Check whether the artifact for the specified Element is already available
# in the local artifact cache.
# Args:
# element (Element): The Element to check
# key (str): The cache key to use
# Returns: True if the artifact is in the cache, False otherwise
def contains(self, element, key):
raise ImplError("Cache '{kind}' does not implement contains()"
# list_artifacts():
# List artifacts in this cache in LRU order.
# Returns:
# ([str]) - A list of artifact names as generated by
# `ArtifactCache.get_artifact_fullname` in LRU order
def list_artifacts(self):
raise ImplError("Cache '{kind}' does not implement list_artifacts()"
# remove():
# Removes the artifact for the specified ref from the local
# artifact cache.
# Args:
# ref (artifact_name): The name of the artifact to remove (as
# generated by
# `ArtifactCache.get_artifact_fullname`)
def remove(self, artifact_name):
raise ImplError("Cache '{kind}' does not implement remove()"
# extract():
# Extract cached artifact for the specified Element if it hasn't
# already been extracted.
# Assumes artifact has previously been fetched or committed.
# Args:
# element (Element): The Element to extract
# key (str): The cache key to use
# Raises:
# ArtifactError: In cases there was an OSError, or if the artifact
# did not exist.
# Returns: path to extracted artifact
def extract(self, element, key):
raise ImplError("Cache '{kind}' does not implement extract()"
# commit():
# Commit built artifact to cache.
# Args:
# element (Element): The Element commit an artifact for
# content (str): The element's content directory
# keys (list): The cache keys to use
def commit(self, element, content, keys):
raise ImplError("Cache '{kind}' does not implement commit()"
# diff():
# Return a list of files that have been added or modified between
# the artifacts described by key_a and key_b.
# Args:
# element (Element): The element whose artifacts to compare
# key_a (str): The first artifact key
# key_b (str): The second artifact key
# subdir (str): A subdirectory to limit the comparison to
def diff(self, element, key_a, key_b, *, subdir=None):
raise ImplError("Cache '{kind}' does not implement diff()"
# has_fetch_remotes():
# Check whether any remote repositories are available for fetching.
# Args:
# element (Element): The Element to check
# Returns: True if any remote repositories are configured, False otherwise
def has_fetch_remotes(self, *, element=None):
return False
# has_push_remotes():
# Check whether any remote repositories are available for pushing.
# Args:
# element (Element): The Element to check
# Returns: True if any remote repository is configured, False otherwise
def has_push_remotes(self, *, element=None):
return False
# push():
# Push committed artifact to remote repository.
# Args:
# element (Element): The Element whose artifact is to be pushed
# keys (list): The cache keys to use
# Returns:
# (bool): True if any remote was updated, False if no pushes were required
# Raises:
# (ArtifactError): if there was an error
def push(self, element, keys):
raise ImplError("Cache '{kind}' does not implement push()"
# pull():
# Pull artifact from one of the configured remote repositories.
# Args:
# element (Element): The Element whose artifact is to be fetched
# key (str): The cache key to use
# progress (callable): The progress callback, if any
# Returns:
# (bool): True if pull was successful, False if artifact was not available
def pull(self, element, key, *, progress=None):
raise ImplError("Cache '{kind}' does not implement pull()"
# link_key():
# Add a key for an existing artifact.
# Args:
# element (Element): The Element whose artifact is to be linked
# oldkey (str): An existing cache key for the artifact
# newkey (str): A new cache key for the artifact
def link_key(self, element, oldkey, newkey):
raise ImplError("Cache '{kind}' does not implement link_key()"
# calculate_cache_size()
# Return the real artifact cache size.
# Implementations should also use this to update estimated_size.
# Returns:
# (int) The size of the artifact cache.
def calculate_cache_size(self):
raise ImplError("Cache '{kind}' does not implement calculate_cache_size()"
# Local Private Methods #
# _message()
# Local message propagator
def _message(self, message_type, message, **kwargs):
args = dict(kwargs)
Message(None, message_type, message, **args))
# _set_remotes():
# Set the list of remote caches. If project is None, the global list of
# remote caches will be set, which is used by all projects. If a project is
# specified, the per-project list of remote caches will be set.
# Args:
# remote_specs (list): List of ArtifactCacheSpec instances, in priority order.
# project (Project): The Project instance for project-specific remotes
def _set_remotes(self, remote_specs, *, project=None):
if project is None:
# global remotes
self.global_remote_specs = remote_specs
self.project_remote_specs[project] = remote_specs
# _initialize_remotes()
# An internal wrapper which calls the abstract method and
# reports takes care of messaging
def _initialize_remotes(self):
def remote_failed(url, error):
self._message(MessageType.WARN, "Failed to initialize remote {}: {}".format(url, error))
with self.context.timed_activity("Initializing remote caches", silent_nested=True):
# _add_artifact_size()
# Since we cannot keep track of the cache size between threads,
# this method will be called by the main process every time a
# process that added something to the cache finishes.
# This will then add the reported size to
# ArtifactCache.estimated_size.
def _add_artifact_size(self, artifact_size):
if not self.estimated_size:
self.estimated_size = self.calculate_cache_size()
self.estimated_size += artifact_size
# _set_cache_size()
# Similarly to the above method, when we calculate the actual size
# in a child thread, we can't update it. We instead pass the value
# back to the main thread and update it there.
def _set_cache_size(self, cache_size):
self.estimated_size = cache_size
# set_cache_size is called in cleanup, where it may set the cache to None
if self.estimated_size is not None:
# _write_cache_size()
# Writes the given size of the artifact to the cache's size file
def _write_cache_size(self, size):
assert isinstance(size, int)
size_file_path = os.path.join(self.context.artifactdir, CACHE_SIZE_FILE)
with open(size_file_path, "w") as f:
# _read_cache_size()
# Reads and returns the size of the artifact cache that's stored in the
# cache's size file
def _read_cache_size(self):
size_file_path = os.path.join(self.context.artifactdir, CACHE_SIZE_FILE)
if not os.path.exists(size_file_path):
return None
with open(size_file_path, "r") as f:
size =
num_size = int(size)
except ValueError as e:
raise ArtifactError("Size '{}' parsed from '{}' was not an integer".format(
size, size_file_path)) from e
return num_size
# _calculate_cache_quota()
# Calculates and sets the cache quota and lower threshold based on the
# quota set in Context.
# It checks that the quota is both a valid expression, and that there is
# enough disk space to satisfy that quota
def _calculate_cache_quota(self):
# Headroom intended to give BuildStream a bit of leeway.
# This acts as the minimum size of cache_quota and also
# is taken from the user requested cache_quota.
if 'BST_TEST_SUITE' in os.environ:
headroom = 0
headroom = 2e9
artifactdir_volume = self.context.artifactdir
while not os.path.exists(artifactdir_volume):
artifactdir_volume = os.path.dirname(artifactdir_volume)
cache_quota = utils._parse_size(self.context.config_cache_quota, artifactdir_volume)
except utils.UtilError as e:
raise LoadError(LoadErrorReason.INVALID_DATA,
"{}\nPlease specify the value in bytes or as a % of full disk space.\n"
"\nValid values are, for example: 800M 10G 1T 50%\n"
.format(str(e))) from e
stat = os.statvfs(artifactdir_volume)
available_space = (stat.f_bsize * stat.f_bavail)
cache_size = self.get_approximate_cache_size()
# Ensure system has enough storage for the cache_quota
# If cache_quota is none, set it to the maximum it could possibly be.
# Also check that cache_quota is atleast as large as our headroom.
if cache_quota is None: # Infinity, set to max system storage
cache_quota = cache_size + available_space
if cache_quota < headroom: # Check minimum
raise LoadError(LoadErrorReason.INVALID_DATA,
"Invalid cache quota ({}): ".format(utils._pretty_size(cache_quota)) +
"BuildStream requires a minimum cache quota of 2G.")
elif cache_quota > cache_size + available_space: # Check maximum
raise LoadError(LoadErrorReason.INVALID_DATA,
("Your system does not have enough available " +
"space to support the cache quota specified.\n" +
"You currently have:\n" +
"- {used} of cache in use at {local_cache_path}\n" +
"- {available} of available system storage").format(
# Place a slight headroom (2e9 (2GB) on the cache_quota) into
# cache_quota to try and avoid exceptions.
# Of course, we might still end up running out during a build
# if we end up writing more than 2G, but hey, this stuff is
# already really fuzzy.
self.cache_quota = cache_quota - headroom
self.cache_lower_threshold = self.cache_quota / 2
# _configured_remote_artifact_cache_specs():
# Return the list of configured artifact remotes for a given project, in priority
# order. This takes into account the user and project configuration.
# Args:
# context (Context): The BuildStream context
# project (Project): The BuildStream project
# Returns:
# A list of ArtifactCacheSpec instances describing the remote artifact caches.
def _configured_remote_artifact_cache_specs(context, project):
project_overrides = context.get_overrides(
project_extra_specs = ArtifactCache.specs_from_config_node(project_overrides)
return list(utils._deduplicate(
project_extra_specs + project.artifact_cache_specs + context.artifact_cache_specs))