blob: 7fbd54ec4eeac8f9a956ca123336daf2843c138d [file] [log] [blame]
# Pylint doesn't play well with fixtures and dependency injection from pytest
# pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
import os
import sys
import pytest
from buildstream import _yaml
from buildstream.exceptions import ErrorDomain, LoadErrorReason
from buildstream._testing.runcli import cli # pylint: disable=unused-import
from import pip_sample_packages # pylint: disable=unused-import
# Project directory
DATA_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "variables")
# List of BuildStream protected variables
PROTECTED_VARIABLES = [("project-name"), ("element-name"), ("max-jobs")]
def print_warning(msg):
RED, END = "\033[91m", "\033[0m"
print(("\n{}{}{}").format(RED, msg, END), file=sys.stderr)
# Test proper loading of some default commands from plugins #
[("autotools.bst", "make-install", 'make -j1 DESTDIR="/buildstream-install" install')],
@pytest.mark.datafiles(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "defaults"))
@pytest.mark.skipif("not pip_sample_packages()", reason=SAMPLE_PACKAGES_SKIP_REASON)
def test_defaults(cli, datafiles, target, varname, expected):
project = str(datafiles)
result =, silent=True, args=["show", "--deps", "none", "--format", "%{vars}", target])
result_vars = _yaml.load_data(result.output)
assert result_vars.get_str(varname) == expected
# Test overriding of variables to produce different commands #
[("autotools.bst", "make-install", 'make -j1 DESTDIR="/custom/install/root" install')],
@pytest.mark.datafiles(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "overrides"))
@pytest.mark.skipif("not pip_sample_packages()", reason=SAMPLE_PACKAGES_SKIP_REASON)
def test_overrides(cli, datafiles, target, varname, expected):
project = str(datafiles)
result =, silent=True, args=["show", "--deps", "none", "--format", "%{vars}", target])
result_vars = _yaml.load_data(result.output)
assert result_vars.get_str(varname) == expected
# This test makes a reference to an undefined variable in a build command
("manual.bst", "manual.bst [line 5 column 6]"),
# This test makes a reference to an undefined variable by another variable,
# ensuring that we validate variables even when they are unused
("manual2.bst", "manual2.bst [line 4 column 8]"),
# This test uses a build command to refer to some variables which ultimately
# refer to an undefined variable, testing a more complex case.
("manual3.bst", "manual3.bst [line 6 column 8]"),
ids=["build-command", "variables", "complex"],
@pytest.mark.datafiles(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "missing_variables"))
def test_undefined(cli, datafiles, element, provenance):
project = str(datafiles)
result =, silent=True, args=["show", "--deps", "none", "--format", "%{config}", element])
result.assert_main_error(ErrorDomain.LOAD, LoadErrorReason.UNRESOLVED_VARIABLE)
assert provenance in result.stderr
# Test a simple a -> b and b -> a reference
("simple-cyclic.bst", ["simple-cyclic.bst [line 4 column 5]", "simple-cyclic.bst [line 5 column 5]"]),
# Test a simple a -> b and b -> a reference with some text involved
("cyclic.bst", ["cyclic.bst [line 5 column 10]", "cyclic.bst [line 4 column 5]"]),
# Test an indirect circular dependency
"indirect-cyclic.bst [line 5 column 5]",
"indirect-cyclic.bst [line 6 column 5]",
"indirect-cyclic.bst [line 7 column 5]",
"indirect-cyclic.bst [line 8 column 5]",
# Test an indirect circular dependency
("self-reference.bst", ["self-reference.bst [line 4 column 5]"]),
ids=["simple", "simple-text", "indirect", "self-reference"],
@pytest.mark.timeout(30, method="signal")
@pytest.mark.datafiles(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "cyclic_variables"))
def test_circular_reference(cli, datafiles, element, provenances):
print_warning("Performing cyclic test, if this test times out it will exit the test sequence")
project = str(datafiles)
result =, silent=True, args=["build", element])
result.assert_main_error(ErrorDomain.LOAD, LoadErrorReason.CIRCULAR_REFERENCE_VARIABLE)
for provenance in provenances:
assert provenance in result.stderr
# Test that variables which refer to eachother very deeply are
# still resolved correctly, this ensures that we are not relying
# on a recursive algorithm limited by stack depth.
[50, 500, 5000],
@pytest.mark.datafiles(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "defaults"))
@pytest.mark.skipif("not pip_sample_packages()", reason=SAMPLE_PACKAGES_SKIP_REASON)
def test_deep_references(cli, datafiles, maxvars):
project = str(datafiles)
# Generate an element with very, very many variables to resolve,
# each which expand to the value of the previous variable.
# The bottom variable defines a test value which we check for
# in the top variable in `bst show` output.
topvar = "var{}".format(maxvars)
bottomvar = "var0"
testvalue = "testvalue {}".format(maxvars)
# Generate
variables = {"var{}".format(idx + 1): "%{var" + str(idx) + "}" for idx in range(maxvars)}
variables[bottomvar] = testvalue
element = {"kind": "manual", "variables": variables}
_yaml.roundtrip_dump(element, os.path.join(project, "test.bst"))
# Run `bst show`
result =, args=["show", "--format", "%{vars}", "test.bst"])
# Test results
result_vars = _yaml.load_data(result.output)
assert result_vars.get_str(topvar) == testvalue
@pytest.mark.parametrize("protected_var", PROTECTED_VARIABLES)
@pytest.mark.datafiles(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "protected-vars"))
def test_use_of_protected_var_project_conf(cli, datafiles, protected_var):
project = str(datafiles)
conf = {"name": "test", "min-version": "2.0", "variables": {protected_var: "some-value"}}
_yaml.roundtrip_dump(conf, os.path.join(project, "project.conf"))
element = {
"kind": "import",
"sources": [{"kind": "local", "path": "foo.txt"}],
_yaml.roundtrip_dump(element, os.path.join(project, "target.bst"))
result =, args=["build", "target.bst"])
result.assert_main_error(ErrorDomain.LOAD, LoadErrorReason.PROTECTED_VARIABLE_REDEFINED)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("protected_var", PROTECTED_VARIABLES)
@pytest.mark.datafiles(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "protected-vars"))
def test_use_of_protected_var_element_overrides(cli, datafiles, protected_var):
project = str(datafiles)
conf = {"name": "test", "min-version": "2.0", "elements": {"manual": {"variables": {protected_var: "some-value"}}}}
_yaml.roundtrip_dump(conf, os.path.join(project, "project.conf"))
element = {
"kind": "manual",
"sources": [{"kind": "local", "path": "foo.txt"}],
_yaml.roundtrip_dump(element, os.path.join(project, "target.bst"))
result =, args=["build", "target.bst"])
result.assert_main_error(ErrorDomain.LOAD, LoadErrorReason.PROTECTED_VARIABLE_REDEFINED)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("protected_var", PROTECTED_VARIABLES)
@pytest.mark.datafiles(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "protected-vars"))
def test_use_of_protected_var_in_element(cli, datafiles, protected_var):
project = str(datafiles)
element = {
"kind": "import",
"sources": [{"kind": "local", "path": "foo.txt"}],
"variables": {protected_var: "some-value"},
_yaml.roundtrip_dump(element, os.path.join(project, "target.bst"))
result =, args=["build", "target.bst"])
result.assert_main_error(ErrorDomain.LOAD, LoadErrorReason.PROTECTED_VARIABLE_REDEFINED)
@pytest.mark.datafiles(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "shared_variables"))
def test_variables_are_resolved_in_elements_context(cli, datafiles):
project = str(datafiles)
result =, args=["build"])
checkout_dir = os.path.join(project, "checkout")
for elem in ["one", "two"]:
result =
args=["artifact", "checkout", "--directory", os.path.join(checkout_dir, elem), "{}.bst".format(elem)],
assert (os.listdir(os.path.join(checkout_dir, "one")), os.listdir(os.path.join(checkout_dir, "two"))) == (
@pytest.mark.datafiles(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "public_data_variables"))
def test_variables_are_resolved_in_public_section(cli, datafiles):
project = str(datafiles)
result =, args=["show", "--format", "%{public}", "public.bst"])
output = _yaml.load_data(result.output).strip_node_info()
expected = {"integration-commands": ["echo expanded"], "test": "expanded"}
assert {k: v for k, v in output.items() if k in expected} == expected
@pytest.mark.datafiles(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "public_data_variables"))
def test_variables_resolving_errors_in_public_section(cli, datafiles):
project = str(datafiles)
result =, args=["show", "--format", "%{public}", "public_unresolved.bst"])
result.assert_main_error(ErrorDomain.LOAD, LoadErrorReason.UNRESOLVED_VARIABLE)
@pytest.mark.datafiles(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "partial_context"))
def test_partial_context_junctions(cli, datafiles):
project = str(datafiles)
result =, args=["show", "--format", "%{vars}", "test.bst"])
result_vars = _yaml.load_data(result.output)
assert result_vars.get_str("eltvar") == "/bar/foo/baz"
# The notparallel tests use a custom plugin which recreates a situation where
# a plugin substitutes an environment variable with the protected %{max-jobs}
# variable, which is set depending on whether the plugin declared notparallel.
# These are a regression test against issue #1360, where we found variable
# substitution at the plugin default YAML was buggy when multiple instances
# were not getting the correct results.
@pytest.mark.datafiles(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "notparallel"))
def test_notparallel(cli, datafiles):
project = str(datafiles)
# Test the vars
result =, args=["show", "--format", "%{vars}%{env}", "notparallel.bst"])
result_vars = _yaml.load_data(result.output)
assert result_vars.get_str("element-name") == "notparallel.bst"
assert result_vars.get_str("max-jobs") == "1"
assert result_vars.get_str("MAKEFLAGS") == "-j1"
@pytest.mark.datafiles(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "notparallel"))
def test_notparallel_twice(cli, datafiles):
project = str(datafiles)
# Explicitly configure default max-jobs using user configuration
cli.configure({"build": {"max-jobs": 2}})
# Fetch the variables and environment of both elements, where parallel.bst depends on notparallel.bst
result =, args=["show", "--format", "%{vars}%{env}", "parallel.bst"])
# Split on the empty line, which separates elements in bst show output
groups = result.output.split("\n\n")
assert len(groups) >= 2
notparallel_vars = _yaml.load_data(groups[0])
parallel_vars = _yaml.load_data(groups[1])
# Test the first group for the expected notparallel state
assert notparallel_vars.get_str("element-name") == "notparallel.bst"
assert notparallel_vars.get_str("max-jobs") == "1"
assert notparallel_vars.get_str("MAKEFLAGS") == "-j1"
# Test the second group for the expected !notparallel state
assert parallel_vars.get_str("element-name") == "parallel.bst"
assert parallel_vars.get_str("max-jobs") == "2"
assert parallel_vars.get_str("MAKEFLAGS") == "-j2"