blob: 1b05bf607d115be69f2d7a628acbd35f6ac04d6c [file] [log] [blame]
Creating and using a git mirror
This is an example of how to create a git mirror using git's
`git-http-backend <>`_ and
`lighttpd <>`_.
You will need git installed, and git-http-backend must be present. It is assumed
that the git-http-backend binary exists at `/usr/lib/git-core/git-http-backend`.
You will need `lighttpd` installed, and at the bare minimum has the modules
`mod_alias`, `mod_cgi`, and `mod_setenv`.
I will be using gnome-modulesets as an example, which can be cloned from
Starting a git http server
1. Set up a directory containing mirrors
Choose a suitable directory to hold your mirrors, e.g. `/var/www/git`.
Place the git repositories you want to use as mirrors in the mirror dir, e.g.
``git clone --mirror /var/www/git/yelp-xsl.git``.
2. Configure lighttpd
Write out a lighttpd.conf as follows:
server.document-root = "/var/www/git/"
server.port = 3000
server.modules = (
alias.url += ( "/git" => "/usr/lib/git-core/git-http-backend" )
$HTTP["url"] =~ "^/git" {
cgi.assign = ("" => "")
setenv.add-environment = (
"GIT_PROJECT_ROOT" => "/var/www/git",
.. note::
If you have your mirrors in another directory, replace /var/www/git/ with that directory.
3. Start lighttpd
lighttpd can be invoked with the command-line ``lighttpd -D -f lighttpd.conf``.
4. Test that you can fetch from it
We can then clone the mirrored repo using git via http with
``git clone``.
.. note::
If you have set server.port to something other than the default, you will
need to replace the '3000' in the command-line.
5. Configure the project to use the mirror
To add this local http server as a mirror, add the following to the project.conf:
.. code:: yaml
- name: local-mirror
6. Test that the mirror works
We can make buildstream use the mirror by setting the alias to an invalid URL, e.g.
.. code:: yaml
Now, if you build an element that uses the source you placed in the mirror
(e.g. ``bst build core-deps/yelp-xsl.bst``), you will see that it uses your mirror.
.. _lighttpd_git_tar_conf:
Bonus: lighttpd conf for git and tar
For those who have also used the :ref:`tar-mirror tutorial <using_tar_mirror>`,
a combined lighttpd.conf is below:
server.document-root = "/var/www/"
server.port = 3000
server.modules = (
alias.url += ( "/git" => "/usr/lib/git-core/git-http-backend" )
$HTTP["url"] =~ "^/git" {
cgi.assign = ("" => "")
setenv.add-environment = (
"GIT_PROJECT_ROOT" => "/var/www/git",
} else $HTTP["url"] =~ "^/tar" {
dir-listing.activate = "enable"
Further reading
If this mirror isn't being used exclusively in a secure network, it is strongly
recommended you `use SSL <>`_.
This is the bare minimum required to set up a git mirror. A large, public project
would prefer to set it up using the
`git protocol <>`_,
and a security-conscious project would be configured to use
`git over SSH <>`_.
Lighttpd is documented on `its wiki <>`_.