blob: 1e84c282fa69ec4cd1c3b678629617323c85923d [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (C) 2018 Codethink Limited
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library. If not, see <>.
# Authors:
# Jürg Billeter <>
import hashlib
import itertools
import multiprocessing
import os
import signal
import stat
import tempfile
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import grpc
from import bytestream_pb2, bytestream_pb2_grpc
from import remote_execution_pb2, remote_execution_pb2_grpc
from .._protos.buildstream.v2 import buildstream_pb2, buildstream_pb2_grpc
from .. import _signals, utils
from .._exceptions import ArtifactError
from . import ArtifactCache
# A CASCache manages artifacts in a CAS repository as specified in the
# Remote Execution API.
# Args:
# context (Context): The BuildStream context
# enable_push (bool): Whether pushing is allowed by the platform
# Pushing is explicitly disabled by the platform in some cases,
# like when we are falling back to functioning without using
# user namespaces.
class CASCache(ArtifactCache):
def __init__(self, context, *, enable_push=True):
self.casdir = os.path.join(context.artifactdir, 'cas')
os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.casdir, 'tmp'), exist_ok=True)
self._enable_push = enable_push
# Per-project list of _CASRemote instances.
self._remotes = {}
self._has_fetch_remotes = False
self._has_push_remotes = False
# Implementation of abstract methods #
def contains(self, element, key):
refpath = self._refpath(self.get_artifact_fullname(element, key))
# This assumes that the repository doesn't have any dangling pointers
return os.path.exists(refpath)
def extract(self, element, key):
ref = self.get_artifact_fullname(element, key)
tree = self.resolve_ref(ref, update_mtime=True)
dest = os.path.join(self.extractdir, element._get_project().name, element.normal_name, tree.hash)
if os.path.isdir(dest):
# artifact has already been extracted
return dest
os.makedirs(self.extractdir, exist_ok=True)
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix='tmp', dir=self.extractdir) as tmpdir:
checkoutdir = os.path.join(tmpdir, ref)
self._checkout(checkoutdir, tree)
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(dest), exist_ok=True)
os.rename(checkoutdir, dest)
except OSError as e:
# With rename it's possible to get either ENOTEMPTY or EEXIST
# in the case that the destination path is a not empty directory.
# If rename fails with these errors, another process beat
# us to it so just ignore.
if e.errno not in [os.errno.ENOTEMPTY, os.errno.EEXIST]:
raise ArtifactError("Failed to extract artifact for ref '{}': {}"
.format(ref, e)) from e
return dest
def commit(self, element, content, keys):
refs = [self.get_artifact_fullname(element, key) for key in keys]
tree = self._create_tree(content)
for ref in refs:
self.set_ref(ref, tree)
self.cache_size = None
def diff(self, element, key_a, key_b, *, subdir=None):
ref_a = self.get_artifact_fullname(element, key_a)
ref_b = self.get_artifact_fullname(element, key_b)
tree_a = self.resolve_ref(ref_a)
tree_b = self.resolve_ref(ref_b)
if subdir:
tree_a = self._get_subdir(tree_a, subdir)
tree_b = self._get_subdir(tree_b, subdir)
added = []
removed = []
modified = []
self._diff_trees(tree_a, tree_b, added=added, removed=removed, modified=modified)
return modified, removed, added
def initialize_remotes(self, *, on_failure=None):
remote_specs = self.global_remote_specs
for project in self.project_remote_specs:
remote_specs += self.project_remote_specs[project]
remote_specs = list(utils._deduplicate(remote_specs))
remotes = {}
q = multiprocessing.Queue()
for remote_spec in remote_specs:
# Use subprocess to avoid creation of gRPC threads in main BuildStream process
p = multiprocessing.Process(target=self._initialize_remote, args=(remote_spec, q))
# Keep SIGINT blocked in the child process
with _signals.blocked([signal.SIGINT], ignore=False):
error = q.get()
except KeyboardInterrupt:
if error and on_failure:
on_failure(remote_spec.url, error)
elif error:
raise ArtifactError(error)
self._has_fetch_remotes = True
if remote_spec.push:
self._has_push_remotes = True
remotes[remote_spec.url] = _CASRemote(remote_spec)
for project in self.context.get_projects():
remote_specs = self.global_remote_specs
if project in self.project_remote_specs:
remote_specs = list(utils._deduplicate(remote_specs + self.project_remote_specs[project]))
project_remotes = []
for remote_spec in remote_specs:
# Errors are already handled in the loop above,
# skip unreachable remotes here.
if remote_spec.url not in remotes:
remote = remotes[remote_spec.url]
self._remotes[project] = project_remotes
def has_fetch_remotes(self, *, element=None):
if not self._has_fetch_remotes:
# No project has fetch remotes
return False
elif element is None:
# At least one (sub)project has fetch remotes
return True
# Check whether the specified element's project has fetch remotes
remotes_for_project = self._remotes[element._get_project()]
return bool(remotes_for_project)
def has_push_remotes(self, *, element=None):
if not self._has_push_remotes or not self._enable_push:
# No project has push remotes
return False
elif element is None:
# At least one (sub)project has push remotes
return True
# Check whether the specified element's project has push remotes
remotes_for_project = self._remotes[element._get_project()]
return any(remote.spec.push for remote in remotes_for_project)
def pull(self, element, key, *, progress=None):
ref = self.get_artifact_fullname(element, key)
project = element._get_project()
for remote in self._remotes[project]:
request = buildstream_pb2.GetReferenceRequest()
request.key = ref
response = remote.ref_storage.GetReference(request)
tree = remote_execution_pb2.Digest()
tree.hash = response.digest.hash
tree.size_bytes = response.digest.size_bytes
self._fetch_directory(remote, tree)
self.set_ref(ref, tree)
# no need to pull from additional remotes
return True
except grpc.RpcError as e:
if e.code() != grpc.StatusCode.NOT_FOUND:
return False
def link_key(self, element, oldkey, newkey):
oldref = self.get_artifact_fullname(element, oldkey)
newref = self.get_artifact_fullname(element, newkey)
tree = self.resolve_ref(oldref)
self.set_ref(newref, tree)
def push(self, element, keys):
refs = [self.get_artifact_fullname(element, key) for key in keys]
project = element._get_project()
push_remotes = [r for r in self._remotes[project] if r.spec.push]
pushed = False
for remote in push_remotes:
for ref in refs:
tree = self.resolve_ref(ref)
# Check whether ref is already on the server in which case
# there is no need to push the artifact
request = buildstream_pb2.GetReferenceRequest()
request.key = ref
response = remote.ref_storage.GetReference(request)
if response.digest.hash == tree.hash and response.digest.size_bytes == tree.size_bytes:
# ref is already on the server with the same tree
except grpc.RpcError as e:
if e.code() != grpc.StatusCode.NOT_FOUND:
missing_blobs = {}
required_blobs = self._required_blobs(tree)
# Limit size of FindMissingBlobs request
for required_blobs_group in _grouper(required_blobs, 512):
request = remote_execution_pb2.FindMissingBlobsRequest()
for required_digest in required_blobs_group:
d = request.blob_digests.add()
d.hash = required_digest.hash
d.size_bytes = required_digest.size_bytes
response = remote.cas.FindMissingBlobs(request)
for digest in response.missing_blob_digests:
d = remote_execution_pb2.Digest()
d.hash = digest.hash
d.size_bytes = digest.size_bytes
missing_blobs[d.hash] = d
# Upload any blobs missing on the server
for digest in missing_blobs.values():
def request_stream():
resource_name = os.path.join(digest.hash, str(digest.size_bytes))
with open(self.objpath(digest), 'rb') as f:
assert os.fstat(f.fileno()).st_size == digest.size_bytes
offset = 0
finished = False
remaining = digest.size_bytes
while not finished:
chunk_size = min(remaining, 64 * 1024)
remaining -= chunk_size
request = bytestream_pb2.WriteRequest()
request.write_offset = offset
# max. 64 kB chunks =
request.resource_name = resource_name
request.finish_write = remaining <= 0
yield request
offset += chunk_size
finished = request.finish_write
response = remote.bytestream.Write(request_stream())
request = buildstream_pb2.UpdateReferenceRequest()
request.digest.hash = tree.hash
request.digest.size_bytes = tree.size_bytes
pushed = True
except grpc.RpcError as e:
if e.code() != grpc.StatusCode.RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED:
raise ArtifactError("Failed to push artifact {}: {}".format(refs, e)) from e
return pushed
# API Private Methods #
# objpath():
# Return the path of an object based on its digest.
# Args:
# digest (Digest): The digest of the object
# Returns:
# (str): The path of the object
def objpath(self, digest):
return os.path.join(self.casdir, 'objects', digest.hash[:2], digest.hash[2:])
# add_object():
# Hash and write object to CAS.
# Args:
# digest (Digest): An optional Digest object to populate
# path (str): Path to file to add
# buffer (bytes): Byte buffer to add
# Returns:
# (Digest): The digest of the added object
# Either `path` or `buffer` must be passed, but not both.
def add_object(self, *, digest=None, path=None, buffer=None):
# Exactly one of the two parameters has to be specified
assert (path is None) != (buffer is None)
if digest is None:
digest = remote_execution_pb2.Digest()
h = hashlib.sha256()
# Always write out new file to avoid corruption if input file is modified
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=os.path.join(self.casdir, 'tmp')) as out:
# Set mode bits to 0644
os.chmod(, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IROTH)
if path:
with open(path, 'rb') as f:
for chunk in iter(lambda:, b""):
digest.hash = h.hexdigest()
digest.size_bytes = os.fstat(out.fileno()).st_size
# Place file at final location
objpath = self.objpath(digest)
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(objpath), exist_ok=True), objpath)
except FileExistsError as e:
# We can ignore the failed link() if the object is already in the repo.
except OSError as e:
raise ArtifactError("Failed to hash object: {}".format(e)) from e
return digest
# set_ref():
# Create or replace a ref.
# Args:
# ref (str): The name of the ref
def set_ref(self, ref, tree):
refpath = self._refpath(ref)
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(refpath), exist_ok=True)
with utils.save_file_atomic(refpath, 'wb') as f:
# resolve_ref():
# Resolve a ref to a digest.
# Args:
# ref (str): The name of the ref
# update_mtime (bool): Whether to update the mtime of the ref
# Returns:
# (Digest): The digest stored in the ref
def resolve_ref(self, ref, *, update_mtime=False):
refpath = self._refpath(ref)
with open(refpath, 'rb') as f:
if update_mtime:
digest = remote_execution_pb2.Digest()
return digest
except FileNotFoundError as e:
raise ArtifactError("Attempt to access unavailable artifact: {}".format(e)) from e
def update_atime(self, ref):
except FileNotFoundError as e:
raise ArtifactError("Attempt to access unavailable artifact: {}".format(e)) from e
def calculate_cache_size(self):
if self.cache_size is None:
self.cache_size = utils._get_dir_size(self.casdir)
self.estimated_size = self.cache_size
return self.cache_size
# list_artifacts():
# List cached artifacts in Least Recently Modified (LRM) order.
# Returns:
# (list) - A list of refs in LRM order
def list_artifacts(self):
# string of: /path/to/repo/refs/heads
ref_heads = os.path.join(self.casdir, 'refs', 'heads')
refs = []
mtimes = []
for root, _, files in os.walk(ref_heads):
for filename in files:
ref_path = os.path.join(root, filename)
refs.append(os.path.relpath(ref_path, ref_heads))
# Obtain the mtime (the time a file was last modified)
# NOTE: Sorted will sort from earliest to latest, thus the
# first element of this list will be the file modified earliest.
return [ref for _, ref in sorted(zip(mtimes, refs))]
# remove():
# Removes the given symbolic ref from the repo.
# Args:
# ref (str): A symbolic ref
# defer_prune (bool): Whether to defer pruning to the caller. NOTE:
# The space won't be freed until you manually
# call prune.
# Returns:
# (int|None) The amount of space pruned from the repository in
# Bytes, or None if defer_prune is True
def remove(self, ref, *, defer_prune=False):
refpath = self._refpath(ref)
if not os.path.exists(refpath):
raise ArtifactError("Could not find artifact for ref '{}'".format(ref))
if not defer_prune:
pruned = self.prune()
return pruned
return None
# prune():
# Prune unreachable objects from the repo.
def prune(self):
ref_heads = os.path.join(self.casdir, 'refs', 'heads')
pruned = 0
reachable = set()
# Check which objects are reachable
for root, _, files in os.walk(ref_heads):
for filename in files:
ref_path = os.path.join(root, filename)
ref = os.path.relpath(ref_path, ref_heads)
tree = self.resolve_ref(ref)
self._reachable_refs_dir(reachable, tree)
# Prune unreachable objects
for root, _, files in os.walk(os.path.join(self.casdir, 'objects')):
for filename in files:
objhash = os.path.basename(root) + filename
if objhash not in reachable:
obj_path = os.path.join(root, filename)
pruned += os.stat(obj_path).st_size
return pruned
# Local Private Methods #
def _checkout(self, dest, tree):
os.makedirs(dest, exist_ok=True)
directory = remote_execution_pb2.Directory()
with open(self.objpath(tree), 'rb') as f:
for filenode in directory.files:
# regular file, create hardlink
fullpath = os.path.join(dest,, fullpath)
if filenode.is_executable:
os.chmod(fullpath, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IXUSR |
stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IROTH | stat.S_IXOTH)
for dirnode in directory.directories:
fullpath = os.path.join(dest,
self._checkout(fullpath, dirnode.digest)
for symlinknode in directory.symlinks:
# symlink
fullpath = os.path.join(dest,
os.symlink(, fullpath)
def _refpath(self, ref):
return os.path.join(self.casdir, 'refs', 'heads', ref)
def _create_tree(self, path, *, digest=None):
directory = remote_execution_pb2.Directory()
for name in sorted(os.listdir(path)):
full_path = os.path.join(path, name)
mode = os.lstat(full_path).st_mode
if stat.S_ISDIR(mode):
dirnode = directory.directories.add() = name
self._create_tree(full_path, digest=dirnode.digest)
elif stat.S_ISREG(mode):
filenode = directory.files.add() = name
self.add_object(path=full_path, digest=filenode.digest)
filenode.is_executable = (mode & stat.S_IXUSR) == stat.S_IXUSR
elif stat.S_ISLNK(mode):
symlinknode = directory.symlinks.add() = name = os.readlink(full_path)
raise ArtifactError("Unsupported file type for {}".format(full_path))
return self.add_object(digest=digest, buffer=directory.SerializeToString())
def _get_subdir(self, tree, subdir):
head, name = os.path.split(subdir)
if head:
tree = self._get_subdir(tree, head)
directory = remote_execution_pb2.Directory()
with open(self.objpath(tree), 'rb') as f:
for dirnode in directory.directories:
if == name:
return dirnode.digest
raise ArtifactError("Subdirectory {} not found".format(name))
def _diff_trees(self, tree_a, tree_b, *, added, removed, modified, path=""):
dir_a = remote_execution_pb2.Directory()
dir_b = remote_execution_pb2.Directory()
if tree_a:
with open(self.objpath(tree_a), 'rb') as f:
if tree_b:
with open(self.objpath(tree_b), 'rb') as f:
a = 0
b = 0
while a < len(dir_a.files) or b < len(dir_b.files):
if b < len(dir_b.files) and (a >= len(dir_a.files) or
dir_a.files[a].name > dir_b.files[b].name):
added.append(os.path.join(path, dir_b.files[b].name))
b += 1
elif a < len(dir_a.files) and (b >= len(dir_b.files) or
dir_b.files[b].name > dir_a.files[a].name):
removed.append(os.path.join(path, dir_a.files[a].name))
a += 1
# File exists in both directories
if dir_a.files[a].digest.hash != dir_b.files[b].digest.hash:
modified.append(os.path.join(path, dir_a.files[a].name))
a += 1
b += 1
a = 0
b = 0
while a < len(dir_a.directories) or b < len(dir_b.directories):
if b < len(dir_b.directories) and (a >= len(dir_a.directories) or
dir_a.directories[a].name > dir_b.directories[b].name):
self._diff_trees(None, dir_b.directories[b].digest,
added=added, removed=removed, modified=modified,
path=os.path.join(path, dir_b.directories[b].name))
b += 1
elif a < len(dir_a.directories) and (b >= len(dir_b.directories) or
dir_b.directories[b].name > dir_a.directories[a].name):
self._diff_trees(dir_a.directories[a].digest, None,
added=added, removed=removed, modified=modified,
path=os.path.join(path, dir_a.directories[a].name))
a += 1
# Subdirectory exists in both directories
if dir_a.directories[a].digest.hash != dir_b.directories[b].digest.hash:
self._diff_trees(dir_a.directories[a].digest, dir_b.directories[b].digest,
added=added, removed=removed, modified=modified,
path=os.path.join(path, dir_a.directories[a].name))
a += 1
b += 1
def _reachable_refs_dir(self, reachable, tree):
if tree.hash in reachable:
directory = remote_execution_pb2.Directory()
with open(self.objpath(tree), 'rb') as f:
for filenode in directory.files:
for dirnode in directory.directories:
self._reachable_refs_dir(reachable, dirnode.digest)
def _initialize_remote(self, remote_spec, q):
remote = _CASRemote(remote_spec)
request = buildstream_pb2.StatusRequest()
response = remote.ref_storage.Status(request)
if remote_spec.push and not response.allow_updates:
q.put('Artifact server does not allow push')
# No error
except grpc.RpcError as e:
# str(e) is too verbose for errors reported to the user
except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except
# Whatever happens, we need to return it to the calling process
def _required_blobs(self, tree):
# parse directory, and recursively add blobs
d = remote_execution_pb2.Digest()
d.hash = tree.hash
d.size_bytes = tree.size_bytes
yield d
directory = remote_execution_pb2.Directory()
with open(self.objpath(tree), 'rb') as f:
for filenode in directory.files:
d = remote_execution_pb2.Digest()
d.hash = filenode.digest.hash
d.size_bytes = filenode.digest.size_bytes
yield d
for dirnode in directory.directories:
yield from self._required_blobs(dirnode.digest)
def _fetch_blob(self, remote, digest, out):
resource_name = os.path.join(digest.hash, str(digest.size_bytes))
request = bytestream_pb2.ReadRequest()
request.resource_name = resource_name
request.read_offset = 0
for response in remote.bytestream.Read(request):
assert digest.size_bytes == os.fstat(out.fileno()).st_size
def _fetch_directory(self, remote, tree):
objpath = self.objpath(tree)
if os.path.exists(objpath):
# already in local cache
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=os.path.join(self.casdir, 'tmp')) as out:
self._fetch_blob(remote, tree, out)
directory = remote_execution_pb2.Directory()
with open(, 'rb') as f:
for filenode in directory.files:
fileobjpath = self.objpath(tree)
if os.path.exists(fileobjpath):
# already in local cache
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=os.path.join(self.casdir, 'tmp')) as f:
self._fetch_blob(remote, filenode.digest, f)
digest = self.add_object(
assert digest.hash == filenode.digest.hash
for dirnode in directory.directories:
self._fetch_directory(remote, dirnode.digest)
# place directory blob only in final location when we've downloaded
# all referenced blobs to avoid dangling references in the repository
digest = self.add_object(
assert digest.hash == tree.hash
# Represents a single remote CAS cache.
class _CASRemote():
def __init__(self, spec):
self.spec = spec
self._initialized = False = None
self.bytestream = None
self.cas = None
self.ref_storage = None
def init(self):
if not self._initialized:
url = urlparse(self.spec.url)
if url.scheme == 'http':
port = url.port or 80 = grpc.insecure_channel('{}:{}'.format(url.hostname, port))
elif url.scheme == 'https':
port = url.port or 443
if self.spec.server_cert:
with open(self.spec.server_cert, 'rb') as f:
server_cert_bytes =
server_cert_bytes = None
if self.spec.client_key:
with open(self.spec.client_key, 'rb') as f:
client_key_bytes =
client_key_bytes = None
if self.spec.client_cert:
with open(self.spec.client_cert, 'rb') as f:
client_cert_bytes =
client_cert_bytes = None
credentials = grpc.ssl_channel_credentials(root_certificates=server_cert_bytes,
certificate_chain=client_cert_bytes) = grpc.secure_channel('{}:{}'.format(url.hostname, port), credentials)
raise ArtifactError("Unsupported URL: {}".format(self.spec.url))
self.bytestream = bytestream_pb2_grpc.ByteStreamStub(
self.cas = remote_execution_pb2_grpc.ContentAddressableStorageStub(
self.ref_storage = buildstream_pb2_grpc.ReferenceStorageStub(
self._initialized = True
def _grouper(iterable, n):
# pylint: disable=stop-iteration-return
while True:
yield itertools.chain([next(iterable)], itertools.islice(iterable, n - 1))