blob: 9d2d5d1a287cb070c4570d02cdff12d905f24c36 [file] [log] [blame]
import os
import shutil
import pytest
from tests.testutils import cli, create_artifact_share, generate_junction
# Project directory
DATA_DIR = os.path.join(
# Assert that a given artifact is in the share
def assert_shared(cli, share, project, element_name):
# NOTE: 'test' here is the name of the project
# specified in the project.conf we are testing with.
cache_key = cli.get_element_key(project, element_name)
if not share.has_artifact('test', element_name, cache_key):
raise AssertionError("Artifact share at {} does not contain the expected element {}"
.format(share.repo, element_name))
# Assert that a given artifact is NOT in the share
def assert_not_shared(cli, share, project, element_name):
# NOTE: 'test' here is the name of the project
# specified in the project.conf we are testing with.
cache_key = cli.get_element_key(project, element_name)
if share.has_artifact('test', element_name, cache_key):
raise AssertionError("Artifact share at {} unexpectedly contains the element {}"
.format(share.repo, element_name))
# Tests that:
# * `bst build` pushes all build elements to configured 'push' cache
# * `bst pull --deps all` downloads everything from cache after local deletion
def test_push_pull_all(cli, tmpdir, datafiles):
project = os.path.join(datafiles.dirname, datafiles.basename)
with create_artifact_share(os.path.join(str(tmpdir), 'artifactshare')) as share:
# First build the target element and push to the remote.
'artifacts': {'url': share.repo, 'push': True}
result =, args=['build', 'target.bst'])
assert cli.get_element_state(project, 'target.bst') == 'cached'
# Assert that everything is now cached in the remote.
all_elements = ['target.bst', 'import-bin.bst', 'import-dev.bst', 'compose-all.bst']
for element_name in all_elements:
assert_shared(cli, share, project, element_name)
# Now we've pushed, delete the user's local artifact cache
# directory and try to redownload it from the share
artifacts = os.path.join(, 'artifacts')
# Assert that nothing is cached locally anymore
for element_name in all_elements:
assert cli.get_element_state(project, element_name) != 'cached'
# Now try bst pull
result =, args=['pull', '--deps', 'all', 'target.bst'])
# And assert that it's again in the local cache, without having built
for element_name in all_elements:
assert cli.get_element_state(project, element_name) == 'cached'
# Tests that:
# * `bst build` pushes all build elements ONLY to configured 'push' cache
# * `bst pull` finds artifacts that are available only in the secondary cache
def test_pull_secondary_cache(cli, tmpdir, datafiles):
project = os.path.join(datafiles.dirname, datafiles.basename)
with create_artifact_share(os.path.join(str(tmpdir), 'artifactshare1')) as share1,\
create_artifact_share(os.path.join(str(tmpdir), 'artifactshare2')) as share2:
# Build the target and push it to share2 only.
'artifacts': [
{'url': share1.repo, 'push': False},
{'url': share2.repo, 'push': True},
result =, args=['build', 'target.bst'])
assert_not_shared(cli, share1, project, 'target.bst')
assert_shared(cli, share2, project, 'target.bst')
# Delete the user's local artifact cache.
artifacts = os.path.join(, 'artifacts')
# Assert that the element is not cached anymore.
assert cli.get_element_state(project, 'target.bst') != 'cached'
# Now try bst pull
result =, args=['pull', 'target.bst'])
# And assert that it's again in the local cache, without having built,
# i.e. we found it in share2.
assert cli.get_element_state(project, 'target.bst') == 'cached'
# Tests that:
# * `bst push --remote` pushes to the given remote, not one from the config
# * `bst pull --remote` pulls from the given remote
def test_push_pull_specific_remote(cli, tmpdir, datafiles):
project = os.path.join(datafiles.dirname, datafiles.basename)
with create_artifact_share(os.path.join(str(tmpdir), 'goodartifactshare')) as good_share,\
create_artifact_share(os.path.join(str(tmpdir), 'badartifactshare')) as bad_share:
# Build the target so we have it cached locally only.
result =, args=['build', 'target.bst'])
state = cli.get_element_state(project, 'target.bst')
assert state == 'cached'
# Configure the default push location to be bad_share; we will assert that
# nothing actually gets pushed there.
'artifacts': {'url': bad_share.repo, 'push': True},
# Now try `bst push` to the good_share.
result =, args=[
'push', 'target.bst', '--remote', good_share.repo
# Assert that all the artifacts are in the share we pushed
# to, and not the other.
assert_shared(cli, good_share, project, 'target.bst')
assert_not_shared(cli, bad_share, project, 'target.bst')
# Now we've pushed, delete the user's local artifact cache
# directory and try to redownload it from the good_share.
artifacts = os.path.join(, 'artifacts')
result =, args=['pull', 'target.bst', '--remote',
# And assert that it's again in the local cache, without having built
assert cli.get_element_state(project, 'target.bst') == 'cached'
# Tests that:
# * In non-strict mode, dependency changes don't block artifact reuse
def test_push_pull_non_strict(cli, tmpdir, datafiles):
project = os.path.join(datafiles.dirname, datafiles.basename)
with create_artifact_share(os.path.join(str(tmpdir), 'artifactshare')) as share:
workspace = os.path.join(str(tmpdir), 'workspace')
# First build the target element and push to the remote.
'artifacts': {'url': share.repo, 'push': True},
'projects': {
'test': {'strict': False}
result =, args=['build', 'target.bst'])
assert cli.get_element_state(project, 'target.bst') == 'cached'
# Assert that everything is now cached in the remote.
all_elements = ['target.bst', 'import-bin.bst', 'import-dev.bst', 'compose-all.bst']
for element_name in all_elements:
assert_shared(cli, share, project, element_name)
# Now we've pushed, delete the user's local artifact cache
# directory and try to redownload it from the share
artifacts = os.path.join(, 'artifacts')
# Assert that nothing is cached locally anymore
for element_name in all_elements:
assert cli.get_element_state(project, element_name) != 'cached'
# Add a file to force change in strict cache key of import-bin.bst
with open(os.path.join(str(project), 'files', 'bin-files', 'usr', 'bin', 'world'), 'w') as f:
# Assert that the workspaced element requires a rebuild
assert cli.get_element_state(project, 'import-bin.bst') == 'buildable'
# Assert that the target is still waiting due to --no-strict
assert cli.get_element_state(project, 'target.bst') == 'waiting'
# Now try bst pull
result =, args=['pull', '--deps', 'all', 'target.bst'])
# And assert that the target is again in the local cache, without having built
assert cli.get_element_state(project, 'target.bst') == 'cached'
# Regression test for
def test_push_pull_track_non_strict(cli, tmpdir, datafiles):
project = os.path.join(datafiles.dirname, datafiles.basename)
with create_artifact_share(os.path.join(str(tmpdir), 'artifactshare')) as share:
# First build the target element and push to the remote.
'artifacts': {'url': share.repo, 'push': True},
'projects': {
'test': {'strict': False}
result =, args=['build', 'target.bst'])
assert cli.get_element_state(project, 'target.bst') == 'cached'
# Assert that everything is now cached in the remote.
all_elements = {'target.bst', 'import-bin.bst', 'import-dev.bst', 'compose-all.bst'}
for element_name in all_elements:
assert_shared(cli, share, project, element_name)
# Now we've pushed, delete the user's local artifact cache
# directory and try to redownload it from the share
artifacts = os.path.join(, 'artifacts')
# Assert that nothing is cached locally anymore
for element_name in all_elements:
assert cli.get_element_state(project, element_name) != 'cached'
# Now try bst build with tracking and pulling.
# Tracking will be skipped for target.bst as it doesn't have any sources.
# With the non-strict build plan target.bst immediately enters the pull queue.
# However, pulling has to be deferred until the dependencies have been
# tracked as the strict cache key needs to be calculated before querying
# the caches.
result =, args=['build', '--track-all', '--all', 'target.bst'])
assert set(result.get_pulled_elements()) == all_elements
def test_push_pull_cross_junction(cli, tmpdir, datafiles):
project = os.path.join(datafiles.dirname, datafiles.basename)
with create_artifact_share(os.path.join(str(tmpdir), 'artifactshare')) as share:
subproject_path = os.path.join(project, 'files', 'sub-project')
junction_path = os.path.join(project, 'elements', 'junction.bst')
generate_junction(tmpdir, subproject_path, junction_path, store_ref=True)
# First build the target element and push to the remote.
'artifacts': {'url': share.repo, 'push': True}
result =, args=['build', 'junction.bst:import-etc.bst'])
assert cli.get_element_state(project, 'junction.bst:import-etc.bst') == 'cached'
cache_dir = os.path.join(project, 'cache', 'artifacts')
assert cli.get_element_state(project, 'junction.bst:import-etc.bst') == 'buildable'
# Now try bst pull
result =, args=['pull', 'junction.bst:import-etc.bst'])
# And assert that it's again in the local cache, without having built
assert cli.get_element_state(project, 'junction.bst:import-etc.bst') == 'cached'
def test_pull_missing_blob(cli, tmpdir, datafiles):
project = os.path.join(datafiles.dirname, datafiles.basename)
with create_artifact_share(os.path.join(str(tmpdir), 'artifactshare')) as share:
# First build the target element and push to the remote.
'artifacts': {'url': share.repo, 'push': True}
result =, args=['build', 'target.bst'])
assert cli.get_element_state(project, 'target.bst') == 'cached'
# Assert that everything is now cached in the remote.
all_elements = ['target.bst', 'import-bin.bst', 'import-dev.bst', 'compose-all.bst']
for element_name in all_elements:
assert_shared(cli, share, project, element_name)
# Now we've pushed, delete the user's local artifact cache
# directory and try to redownload it from the share
artifacts = os.path.join(, 'artifacts')
# Assert that nothing is cached locally anymore
for element_name in all_elements:
assert cli.get_element_state(project, element_name) != 'cached'
# Now delete blobs in the remote without deleting the artifact ref.
# This simulates scenarios with concurrent artifact expiry.
remote_objdir = os.path.join(share.repodir, 'cas', 'objects')
# Now try bst build
result =, args=['build', 'target.bst'])
# Assert that no artifacts were pulled
assert len(result.get_pulled_elements()) == 0