blob: 2f8a2921d8d3519daed4bb017d64d76f36f52b91 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (C) 2016 Codethink Limited
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library. If not, see <>.
# Authors:
# Tristan Van Berkom <>
import sys
import collections
from copy import deepcopy
from contextlib import ExitStack
from ruamel import yaml
from ruamel.yaml.representer import SafeRepresenter, RoundTripRepresenter
from ruamel.yaml.constructor import RoundTripConstructor
from ._exceptions import LoadError, LoadErrorReason
# This overrides the ruamel constructor to treat everything as a string
RoundTripConstructor.add_constructor(u',2002:int', RoundTripConstructor.construct_yaml_str)
RoundTripConstructor.add_constructor(u',2002:float', RoundTripConstructor.construct_yaml_str)
# We store information in the loaded yaml on a DictProvenance
# stored in all dictionaries under this key
PROVENANCE_KEY = '__bst_provenance_info'
# Provenance tracks the origin of a given node in the parsed dictionary.
# Args:
# node (dict, list, value): A binding to the originally parsed value
# filename (string): The filename the node was loaded from
# toplevel (dict): The toplevel of the loaded file, suitable for later dumps
# line (int): The line number where node was parsed
# col (int): The column number where node was parsed
class Provenance():
def __init__(self, filename, node, toplevel, line=0, col=0):
self.filename = filename
self.node = node
self.toplevel = toplevel
self.line = line
self.col = col
# Convert a Provenance to a string for error reporting
def __str__(self):
return "{} [line {:d} column {:d}]".format(self.filename, self.line, self.col)
# Abstract method
def clone(self):
pass # pragma: nocover
# A Provenance for dictionaries, these are stored in the copy of the
# loaded YAML tree and track the provenance of all members
class DictProvenance(Provenance):
def __init__(self, filename, node, toplevel, line=None, col=None):
if line is None or col is None:
# Special case for loading an empty dict
if hasattr(node, 'lc'):
line = + 1
col =
line = 1
col = 0
super(DictProvenance, self).__init__(filename, node, toplevel, line=line, col=col)
self.members = {}
def clone(self):
provenance = DictProvenance(self.filename, self.node, self.toplevel,
line=self.line, col=self.col)
provenance.members = {
member_name: member.clone()
for member_name, member in self.members.items()
return provenance
# A Provenance for dict members
class MemberProvenance(Provenance):
def __init__(self, filename, parent_dict, member_name, toplevel,
node=None, line=None, col=None):
if parent_dict is not None:
node = parent_dict[member_name]
line, col =
line += 1
super(MemberProvenance, self).__init__(
filename, node, toplevel, line=line, col=col)
# Only used if member is a list
self.elements = []
def clone(self):
provenance = MemberProvenance(self.filename, None, None, self.toplevel,
node=self.node, line=self.line, col=self.col)
provenance.elements = [e.clone() for e in self.elements]
return provenance
# A Provenance for list elements
class ElementProvenance(Provenance):
def __init__(self, filename, parent_list, index, toplevel,
node=None, line=None, col=None):
if parent_list is not None:
node = parent_list[index]
line, col =
line += 1
super(ElementProvenance, self).__init__(
filename, node, toplevel, line=line, col=col)
# Only used if element is a list
self.elements = []
def clone(self):
provenance = ElementProvenance(self.filename, None, None, self.toplevel,
node=self.node, line=self.line, col=self.col)
provenance.elements = [e.clone for e in self.elements]
return provenance
# These exceptions are intended to be caught entirely within
# the BuildStream framework, hence they do not reside in the
# public
class CompositeError(Exception):
def __init__(self, path, message):
super(CompositeError, self).__init__(message)
self.path = path
class CompositeTypeError(CompositeError):
def __init__(self, path, expected_type, actual_type):
super(CompositeTypeError, self).__init__(
"Error compositing dictionary key '{}', expected source type '{}' "
"but received type '{}'"
.format(path, expected_type.__name__, actual_type.__name__))
self.expected_type = expected_type
self.actual_type = actual_type
# Loads a dictionary from some YAML
# Args:
# filename (str): The YAML file to load
# shortname (str): The filename in shorthand for error reporting (or None)
# copy_tree (bool): Whether to make a copy, preserving the original toplevels
# for later serialization
# Returns (dict): A loaded copy of the YAML file with provenance information
# Raises: LoadError
def load(filename, shortname=None, copy_tree=False):
if not shortname:
shortname = filename
with open(filename) as f:
return load_data(f, shortname=shortname, copy_tree=copy_tree)
except FileNotFoundError as e:
raise LoadError(LoadErrorReason.MISSING_FILE,
"Could not find file at {}".format(filename)) from e
# Like load(), but doesnt require the data to be in a file
def load_data(data, shortname=None, copy_tree=False):
contents = yaml.load(data, yaml.loader.RoundTripLoader, preserve_quotes=True)
except (yaml.scanner.ScannerError, yaml.composer.ComposerError, yaml.parser.ParserError) as e:
raise LoadError(LoadErrorReason.INVALID_YAML,
"Malformed YAML:\n\n{}\n\n{}\n".format(e.problem, e.problem_mark)) from e
if not isinstance(contents, dict):
# Special case allowance for None, when the loaded file has only comments in it.
if contents is None:
contents = {}
raise LoadError(LoadErrorReason.INVALID_YAML,
"YAML file has content of type '{}' instead of expected type 'dict': {}"
.format(type(contents).__name__, shortname))
return node_decorated_copy(shortname, contents, copy_tree=copy_tree)
# Dumps a previously loaded YAML node to a file
# Args:
# node (dict): A node previously loaded with _yaml.load() above
# filename (str): The YAML file to load
def dump(node, filename=None):
with ExitStack() as stack:
if filename:
from . import utils
f = stack.enter_context(utils.save_file_atomic(filename, 'w'))
f = sys.stdout
yaml.round_trip_dump(node, f)
# node_decorated_copy()
# Create a copy of a loaded dict tree decorated with Provenance
# information, used directly after loading yaml
# Args:
# filename (str): The filename
# toplevel (node): The toplevel dictionary node
# copy_tree (bool): Whether to load a copy and preserve the original
# Returns: A copy of the toplevel decorated with Provinance
def node_decorated_copy(filename, toplevel, copy_tree=False):
if copy_tree:
result = deepcopy(toplevel)
result = toplevel
node_decorate_dict(filename, result, toplevel, toplevel)
return result
def node_decorate_dict(filename, target, source, toplevel):
provenance = DictProvenance(filename, source, toplevel)
target[PROVENANCE_KEY] = provenance
for key, value in node_items(source):
member = MemberProvenance(filename, source, key, toplevel)
provenance.members[key] = member
target_value = target.get(key)
if isinstance(value, collections.Mapping):
node_decorate_dict(filename, target_value, value, toplevel)
elif isinstance(value, list):
member.elements = node_decorate_list(filename, target_value, value, toplevel)
def node_decorate_list(filename, target, source, toplevel):
elements = []
for item in source:
idx = source.index(item)
target_item = target[idx]
element = ElementProvenance(filename, source, idx, toplevel)
if isinstance(item, collections.Mapping):
node_decorate_dict(filename, target_item, item, toplevel)
elif isinstance(item, list):
element.elements = node_decorate_list(filename, target_item, item, toplevel)
return elements
# node_get_provenance()
# Gets the provenance for a node
# Args:
# node (dict): a dictionary
# key (str): key in the dictionary
# indices (list of indexes): Index path, in the case of list values
# Returns: The Provenance of the dict, member or list element
def node_get_provenance(node, key=None, indices=None):
provenance = node.get(PROVENANCE_KEY)
if provenance and key:
provenance = provenance.members.get(key)
if provenance and indices is not None:
for index in indices:
provenance = provenance.elements[index]
return provenance
# node_get()
# Fetches a value from a dictionary node and checks it for
# an expected value. Use default_value when parsing a value
# which is only optionally supplied.
# Args:
# node (dict): The dictionary node
# expected_type (type): The expected type for the value being searched
# key (str): The key to get a value for in node
# indices (list of ints): Optionally decend into lists of lists
# Returns:
# The value if found in node, otherwise default_value is returned
# Raises:
# LoadError, when the value found is not of the expected type
# Note:
# Returned strings are stripped of leading and trailing whitespace
def node_get(node, expected_type, key, indices=None, default_value=None):
value = node.get(key, default_value)
provenance = node_get_provenance(node)
if value is None:
raise LoadError(LoadErrorReason.INVALID_DATA,
"{}: Dictionary did not contain expected key '{}'".format(provenance, key))
path = key
if indices is not None:
# Implied type check of the element itself
value = node_get(node, list, key)
for index in indices:
value = value[index]
path += '[{:d}]'.format(index)
if not isinstance(value, expected_type):
# Attempt basic conversions if possible, typically we want to
# be able to specify numeric values and convert them to strings,
# but we dont want to try converting dicts/lists
if (expected_type == bool and isinstance(value, str)):
# Dont coerce booleans to string, this makes "False" strings evaluate to True
if value == 'true' or value == 'True':
value = True
elif value == 'false' or value == 'False':
value = False
raise ValueError()
elif not (expected_type == list or
expected_type == dict or
isinstance(value, (list, dict))):
value = expected_type(value)
raise ValueError()
except (ValueError, TypeError):
provenance = node_get_provenance(node, key=key, indices=indices)
raise LoadError(LoadErrorReason.INVALID_DATA,
"{}: Value of '{}' is not of the expected type '{}'"
.format(provenance, path, expected_type.__name__))
# Trim it at the bud, let all loaded strings from yaml be stripped of whitespace
if isinstance(value, str):
value = value.strip()
return value
# node_items()
# A convenience generator for iterating over loaded key/value
# tuples in a dictionary loaded from project YAML.
# Args:
# node (dict): The dictionary node
# Yields:
# (str): The key name
# (anything): The value for the key
def node_items(node):
for key, value in node.items():
yield (key, value)
# Gives a node a dummy provenance, in case of compositing dictionaries
# where the target is an empty {}
def ensure_provenance(node):
provenance = node.get(PROVENANCE_KEY)
if not provenance:
provenance = DictProvenance('', node, node)
node[PROVENANCE_KEY] = provenance
return provenance
# is_ruamel_str():
# Args:
# value: A value loaded from ruamel
# This returns if the value is "stringish", since ruamel
# has some complex types to represent strings, this is needed
# to avoid compositing exceptions in order to allow various
# string types to be interchangable and acceptable
def is_ruamel_str(value):
if isinstance(value, str):
return True
elif isinstance(value, yaml.scalarstring.ScalarString):
return True
return False
# is_composite_list
# Checks if the given node is a Mapping with array composition
# directives.
# Args:
# node (value): Any node
# Returns:
# (bool): True if node was a Mapping containing only
# list composition directives
# Raises:
# (LoadError): If node was a mapping and contained a mix of
# list composition directives and other keys
def is_composite_list(node):
if isinstance(node, collections.Mapping):
has_directives = False
has_keys = False
for key, _ in node_items(node):
if key in ['(>)', '(<)', '(=)']: # pylint: disable=simplifiable-if-statement
has_directives = True
has_keys = True
if has_keys and has_directives:
provenance = node_get_provenance(node)
raise LoadError(LoadErrorReason.INVALID_DATA,
"{}: Dictionary contains array composition directives and arbitrary keys"
return has_directives
return False
# composite_list_prepend
# Internal helper for list composition
# Args:
# target_node (dict): A simple dictionary
# target_key (dict): The key indicating a literal array to prepend to
# source_node (dict): Another simple dictionary
# source_key (str): The key indicating an array to prepend to the target
# Returns:
# (bool): True if a source list was found and compositing occurred
def composite_list_prepend(target_node, target_key, source_node, source_key):
source_list = node_get(source_node, list, source_key, default_value=[])
if not source_list:
return False
target_provenance = node_get_provenance(target_node)
source_provenance = node_get_provenance(source_node)
if target_node.get(target_key) is None:
target_node[target_key] = []
source_list = list_chain_copy(source_list)
target_list = target_node[target_key]
for element in reversed(source_list):
target_list.insert(0, element)
if not target_provenance.members.get(target_key):
target_provenance.members[target_key] = source_provenance.members[source_key].clone()
for p in reversed(source_provenance.members[source_key].elements):
target_provenance.members[target_key].elements.insert(0, p.clone())
return True
# composite_list_append
# Internal helper for list composition
# Args:
# target_node (dict): A simple dictionary
# target_key (dict): The key indicating a literal array to append to
# source_node (dict): Another simple dictionary
# source_key (str): The key indicating an array to append to the target
# Returns:
# (bool): True if a source list was found and compositing occurred
def composite_list_append(target_node, target_key, source_node, source_key):
source_list = node_get(source_node, list, source_key, default_value=[])
if not source_list:
return False
target_provenance = node_get_provenance(target_node)
source_provenance = node_get_provenance(source_node)
if target_node.get(target_key) is None:
target_node[target_key] = []
source_list = list_chain_copy(source_list)
target_list = target_node[target_key]
if not target_provenance.members.get(target_key):
target_provenance.members[target_key] = source_provenance.members[source_key].clone()
p.clone() for p in source_provenance.members[source_key].elements
return True
# composite_list_overwrite
# Internal helper for list composition
# Args:
# target_node (dict): A simple dictionary
# target_key (dict): The key indicating a literal array to overwrite
# source_node (dict): Another simple dictionary
# source_key (str): The key indicating an array to overwrite the target with
# Returns:
# (bool): True if a source list was found and compositing occurred
def composite_list_overwrite(target_node, target_key, source_node, source_key):
# We need to handle the legitimate case of overwriting a list with an empty
# list, hence the slightly odd default_value of [None] rather than [].
source_list = node_get(source_node, list, source_key, default_value=[None])
if source_list == [None]:
return False
target_provenance = node_get_provenance(target_node)
source_provenance = node_get_provenance(source_node)
target_node[target_key] = list_chain_copy(source_list)
target_provenance.members[target_key] = source_provenance.members[source_key].clone()
return True
# composite_list():
# Composite the source value onto the target value, if either
# sides are lists, or dictionaries containing list compositing directives
# Args:
# target_node (dict): A simple dictionary
# source_node (dict): Another simple dictionary
# key (str): The key to compose on
# Returns:
# (bool): True if both sides were logical lists
# Raises:
# (LoadError): If one side was a logical list and the other was not
def composite_list(target_node, source_node, key):
target_value = target_node.get(key)
source_value = source_node[key]
target_key_provenance = node_get_provenance(target_node, key)
source_key_provenance = node_get_provenance(source_node, key)
# Whenever a literal list is encountered in the source, it
# overwrites the target values and provenance completely.
if isinstance(source_value, list):
source_provenance = node_get_provenance(source_node)
target_provenance = node_get_provenance(target_node)
# Assert target type
if not (target_value is None or
isinstance(target_value, list) or
raise LoadError(LoadErrorReason.INVALID_DATA,
"{}: List cannot overwrite value at: {}"
.format(source_key_provenance, target_key_provenance))
composite_list_overwrite(target_node, key, source_node, key)
return True
# When a composite list is encountered in the source, then
# multiple outcomes can occur...
elif is_composite_list(source_value):
# If there is nothing there, then the composite list
# is copied in it's entirety as is, and preserved
# for later composition
if target_value is None:
source_provenance = node_get_provenance(source_node)
target_provenance = node_get_provenance(target_node)
target_node[key] = node_chain_copy(source_value)
target_provenance.members[key] = source_provenance.members[key].clone()
# If the target is a literal list, then composition
# occurs directly onto that target, leaving the target
# as a literal list to overwrite anything in later composition
elif isinstance(target_value, list):
composite_list_overwrite(target_node, key, source_value, '(=)')
composite_list_prepend(target_node, key, source_value, '(<)')
composite_list_append(target_node, key, source_value, '(>)')
# If the target is a composite list, then composition
# occurs in the target composite list, and the composite
# target list is preserved in dictionary form for further
# composition.
elif is_composite_list(target_value):
if composite_list_overwrite(target_value, '(=)', source_value, '(=)'):
# When overwriting a target with composition directives, remove any
# existing prepend/append directives in the target before adding our own
target_provenance = node_get_provenance(target_value)
for directive in ['(<)', '(>)']:
del target_value[directive]
del target_provenance.members[directive]
except KeyError:
# Ignore errors from deletion of non-existing keys
# Prepend to the target prepend array, and append to the append array
composite_list_prepend(target_value, '(<)', source_value, '(<)')
composite_list_append(target_value, '(>)', source_value, '(>)')
raise LoadError(LoadErrorReason.INVALID_DATA,
"{}: List cannot overwrite value at: {}"
.format(source_key_provenance, target_key_provenance))
# We handled list composition in some way
return True
# Source value was not a logical list
return False
# composite_dict():
# Composites values in target with values from source
# Args:
# target (dict): A simple dictionary
# source (dict): Another simple dictionary
# Raises: CompositeError
# Unlike the dictionary update() method, nested values in source
# will not obsolete entire subdictionaries in target, instead both
# dictionaries will be recursed and a composition of both will result
# This is useful for overriding configuration files and element
# configurations.
def composite_dict(target, source, path=None):
target_provenance = ensure_provenance(target)
source_provenance = ensure_provenance(source)
for key, source_value in node_items(source):
# Track the full path of keys, only for raising CompositeError
if path:
thispath = path + '.' + key
thispath = key
# Handle list composition separately
if composite_list(target, source, key):
target_value = target.get(key)
if isinstance(source_value, collections.Mapping):
# Handle creating new dicts on target side
if target_value is None:
target_value = {}
target[key] = target_value
# Give the new dict provenance
value_provenance = source_value.get(PROVENANCE_KEY)
if value_provenance:
target_value[PROVENANCE_KEY] = value_provenance.clone()
# Add a new provenance member element to the containing dict
target_provenance.members[key] = source_provenance.members[key]
if not isinstance(target_value, collections.Mapping):
raise CompositeTypeError(thispath, type(target_value), type(source_value))
# Recurse into matching dictionary
composite_dict(target_value, source_value, path=thispath)
if target_value is not None:
# Exception here: depending on how strings were declared ruamel may
# use a different type, but for our purposes, any stringish type will do.
if not (is_ruamel_str(source_value) and is_ruamel_str(target_value)) \
and not isinstance(source_value, type(target_value)):
raise CompositeTypeError(thispath, type(target_value), type(source_value))
# Overwrite simple values, lists and mappings have already been handled
target_provenance.members[key] = source_provenance.members[key].clone()
target[key] = source_value
# Like composite_dict(), but raises an all purpose LoadError for convenience
def composite(target, source):
assert hasattr(source, 'get')
source_provenance = node_get_provenance(source)
composite_dict(target, source)
except CompositeTypeError as e:
error_prefix = ""
if source_provenance:
error_prefix = "{}: ".format(source_provenance)
raise LoadError(LoadErrorReason.ILLEGAL_COMPOSITE,
"{}Expected '{}' type for configuration '{}', instead received '{}'"
e.actual_type.__name__)) from e
# SanitizedDict is an OrderedDict that is dumped as unordered mapping.
# This provides deterministic output for unordered mappings.
class SanitizedDict(collections.OrderedDict):
# node_sanitize()
# Returnes an alphabetically ordered recursive copy
# of the source node with internal provenance information stripped.
# Only dicts are ordered, list elements are left in order.
def node_sanitize(node):
if isinstance(node, collections.Mapping):
result = SanitizedDict()
key_list = [key for key, _ in node_items(node)]
for key in sorted(key_list):
result[key] = node_sanitize(node[key])
return result
elif isinstance(node, list):
return [node_sanitize(elt) for elt in node]
return node
# node_validate()
# Validate the node so as to ensure the user has not specified
# any keys which are unrecognized by buildstream (usually this
# means a typo which would otherwise not trigger an error).
# Args:
# node (dict): A dictionary loaded from YAML
# valid_keys (list): A list of valid keys for the specified node
# Raises:
# LoadError: In the case that the specified node contained
# one or more invalid keys
def node_validate(node, valid_keys):
# Probably the fastest way to do this:
valid_keys = set(valid_keys)
invalid = next((key for key in node if key not in valid_keys), None)
if invalid:
provenance = node_get_provenance(node, key=invalid)
raise LoadError(LoadErrorReason.INVALID_DATA,
"{}: Unexpected key: {}".format(provenance, invalid))
# ChainMap
# This is a derivative of collections.ChainMap(), but supports
# explicit deletions of keys.
# The purpose of this is to create a virtual copy-on-write
# copy of a dictionary, so that mutating it in any way does
# not effect the underlying dictionaries.
# collections.ChainMap covers this already mostly, but fails
# to record internal state so as to hide keys which have been
# explicitly deleted.
class ChainMap(collections.ChainMap):
def __init__(self, *maps):
self.__deletions = set()
def __getitem__(self, key):
# Honor deletion state of 'key'
if key in self.__deletions:
return self.__missing__(key)
return super().__getitem__(key)
def __len__(self):
return len(set().union(*self.maps) - self.__deletions)
def __iter__(self):
return iter(set().union(*self.maps) - self.__deletions)
def __contains__(self, key):
if key in self.__deletions:
return False
return any(key in m for m in self.maps)
def __bool__(self):
# Attempt to preserve 'any' optimization
any_keys = any(self.maps)
# Something existed, try again with deletions subtracted
if any_keys:
return any(set().union(*self.maps) - self.__deletions)
return False
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
super().__setitem__(key, value)
def __delitem__(self, key):
if key in self.__deletions:
raise KeyError('Key was already deleted from this mapping: {!r}'.format(key))
# Ignore KeyError if it's not in the first map, just save the deletion state
except KeyError:
# Store deleted state
def popitem(self):
poppable = set().union(*self.maps) - self.__deletions
for key in poppable:
return self.pop(key)
raise KeyError('No keys found.')
__marker = object()
def pop(self, key, default=__marker):
# Reimplement MutableMapping's behavior here
value = self[key]
except KeyError:
if default is self.__marker:
return default
del self[key]
return value
def clear(self):
clearable = set().union(*self.maps) - self.__deletions
for key in clearable:
del self[key]
def node_chain_copy(source):
copy = ChainMap({}, source)
for key, value in source.items():
if isinstance(value, collections.Mapping):
copy[key] = node_chain_copy(value)
elif isinstance(value, list):
copy[key] = list_chain_copy(value)
elif isinstance(value, Provenance):
copy[key] = value.clone()
return copy
def list_chain_copy(source):
copy = []
for item in source:
if isinstance(item, collections.Mapping):
elif isinstance(item, list):
elif isinstance(item, Provenance):
return copy
def node_copy(source):
copy = {}
for key, value in source.items():
if isinstance(value, collections.Mapping):
copy[key] = node_copy(value)
elif isinstance(value, list):
copy[key] = list_copy(value)
elif isinstance(value, Provenance):
copy[key] = value.clone()
copy[key] = value
return copy
def list_copy(source):
copy = []
for item in source:
if isinstance(item, collections.Mapping):
elif isinstance(item, list):
elif isinstance(item, Provenance):
return copy
# node_final_assertions()
# This must be called on a fully loaded and composited node,
# after all composition has completed.
# Args:
# node (Mapping): The final composited node
# Raises:
# (LoadError): If any assertions fail
def node_final_assertions(node):
for key, value in node_items(node):
# Assert that list composition directives dont remain, this
# indicates that the user intended to override a list which
# never existed in the underlying data
if key in ['(>)', '(<)', '(=)']:
provenance = node_get_provenance(node, key)
raise LoadError(LoadErrorReason.TRAILING_LIST_DIRECTIVE,
"{}: Attempt to override non-existing list".format(provenance))
if isinstance(value, collections.Mapping):
elif isinstance(value, list):
def list_final_assertions(values):
for value in values:
if isinstance(value, collections.Mapping):
elif isinstance(value, list):