Prepare for release
index 6cdda2c..1ef66e8 100644
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-1.5.4 (Pending)
+1.5.4 (2017-11-29)
 * Added:  Findbugs Addon: Upgrade to version 3.0.1 of findbugs.
 * Added:  GPG Addon: Add boolean configuration setting `project.gpg` that can be set to false via
           `project.gpg = false` to avoid signing and uploading packages. This is useful when some
diff --git a/doc/download.textile b/doc/download.textile
index 6dc34bc..073902c 100644
--- a/doc/download.textile
+++ b/doc/download.textile
@@ -18,16 +18,28 @@
 h2(#dist).  Binaries and Source Code
+h3. buildr 1.5.4 (2017-11-29)
+|_. Package |_. MD5 Checksum |_. PGP |
+| "buildr-1.5.4-x86-mswin32.gem": | "2604f5fcdef0dce9beee9ffe7fb93e2f": | "Sig": |
+| "buildr-1.5.4.gem": | "8a165524185960a5b9c92d90547631fe": | "Sig": |
+| "buildr-1.5.4-java.gem": | "ce7785a761890d63a214100e11eef946": | "Sig": |
+| "buildr-1.5.4.tgz": | "e44f8bfcee900f324af5bed40291dcd5": | "Sig": |
+| "": | "82aeda8f6951dbe41949afb1d83825ac": | "Sig": |
+p>. ("Release signing keys":
 h3. buildr 1.5.3 (2017-05-17)
 |_. Package |_. MD5 Checksum |_. PGP |
-| "buildr-1.5.3-java.gem": | "873c2bfe3060f4d074dc7464c68af837": | "Sig": |
-| "buildr-1.5.3-x86-mswin32.gem": | "5b1bb8a17b55743910c34e5f20a75b7a": | "Sig": |
-| "buildr-1.5.3.gem": | "84c063a3e5f96cd4ea614fe60fb28eac": | "Sig": |
-| "buildr-1.5.3.tgz": | "1bb3198d0f8396c02539f6620dedc098": | "Sig": |
-| "": | "f8a54f02bac10e714f6f38daca00d7e1": | "Sig": |
+| "buildr-1.5.3-java.gem": | "873c2bfe3060f4d074dc7464c68af837": | "Sig": |
+| "buildr-1.5.3-x86-mswin32.gem": | "5b1bb8a17b55743910c34e5f20a75b7a": | "Sig": |
+| "buildr-1.5.3.gem": | "84c063a3e5f96cd4ea614fe60fb28eac": | "Sig": |
+| "buildr-1.5.3.tgz": | "1bb3198d0f8396c02539f6620dedc098": | "Sig": |
+| "": | "f8a54f02bac10e714f6f38daca00d7e1": | "Sig": |
-p>. ("Release signing keys":
+p>. ("Release signing keys":
 h3. buildr 1.5.2 (2017-04-03)
diff --git a/doc/index.textile b/doc/index.textile
index 10dadf1..2fd4187 100644
--- a/doc/index.textile
+++ b/doc/index.textile
@@ -46,23 +46,31 @@
 h2(#news).  What's New
+Highlights from Buildr 1.5.4 (2017-11-29)
+* Added:  Findbugs Addon: Upgrade to version 3.0.1 of findbugs.
+* Added:  GPG Addon: Add boolean configuration setting `project.gpg` that can be set to false via
+          `project.gpg = false` to avoid signing and uploading packages. This is useful when some
+          projects are not intended for publishing.
+* Fixed:  JaCoCo Addon: Projects that have jacoco disabled will no longer appear in the JaCoCo reports.
+* Change: JaCoCo Addon: Update JaCoCo version to 0.7.9.
+* Fixed:  BUILDR-733 - Escape classpath entries in the pathing jar manifest. Submitted by Glenn Croes.
+* Fixed:  Ensure that the pom is attached to the jar artifact with empty classifier rather than the last
+          artifact of a type defined. Otherwise a project that defines multiple artifacts of the same type
+          (i.e. `package(:jar)` and `package(:jar, :classifier => :gwt)`) could have the pom named after
+          the package with the classifier rather than the package without a classifer. (i.e. the pom could
+          be incorrectly defined as `mypackage-1.0.0-gwt.pom` rather than `mypackage-1.0.0.pom`).
+* Added:  GWT Addon: Add support for GWT 2.8.2 release and make it the default version unless otherwise specified.
+* Added:  BUILDR-732 - Support bnd version 2.1.0 or more. Submitted By Eric Bruneton.
+* Added:  Support to compiling Kotlin
+* Added:  New way to concatenate file contents when merging several archives together.
+* Added:  New way to transform file contents when merging several archives together.
+* Added:  Support both Jetty 6 and Jetty 9 as addons. Added integration tests to cover their use.
 Highlights from Buildr 1.5.3 (2017-05-17)
 * Change: Add support for gwt 2.8.1 to gwt addon.
 * Fixed:  Avoid error "undefined local variable or method `pom'" when invoking the `JarTask` without it being
   registered through the `package` helper`. Reported by Dieter Vrancken.
-Highlights from Buildr 1.5.2 (2017-04-03)
-* Change: Update TestNG version to 6.11.
-* Change: BUILDR-731 - Enhance Sonar addon to support configuration of the project version. Submitted by Ross Mahony.
-* Fixed:  Fix pom generation to eliminate invalid `classifier` element from being added to POM.
-Highlights from Buildr 1.5.1 (2017-03-11)
-* Change: Add css2gss task to gwt addon to support conveting from deprecated css syntax to modern gss syntax.
-* Change: Add support for gwt 2.8.0 to gwt addon.
-* Change: Update jruby-openssl to 0.9.17
-* Change: BUILDR-719 Change User-Agent when uploading artifacts
-* Change: BUILDR-709 Integrate `buildr/custom_pom` into core and just make it the default pom generated.
 This is a partial list -- see the "CHANGELOG":CHANGELOG for full details.
 h2(#notices).  Credits & Notices
diff --git a/lib/buildr/version.rb b/lib/buildr/version.rb
index f46044a..383a37d 100644
--- a/lib/buildr/version.rb
+++ b/lib/buildr/version.rb
@@ -14,5 +14,5 @@
 # the License.
 module Buildr #:nodoc:
-  VERSION = ''.freeze
+  VERSION = '1.5.4'.freeze