blob: 5e692eeff5dc1a04698b2d5978266e806c753593 [file] [log] [blame]
= Buildr
This is Buildr, the build system that doesn't suck.
== Get Started
=== Install Buildr
Buildr needs Ruby 1.8 or later and RubyGems 0.9 or later.
Windows users can get the one-click Ruby installer, which includes the latest
version of Ruby and RubyGems:
Make sure to set JAVA_HOME environment variable first, then:
gem install buildr
(Use sudo for Linux and OS/X)
More installation and setup instructions available online
=== RTFM
* Buildr documentation:
* More about Rake:
* Antwrap documentation:
=== Mailing list
* Users: (subscribe:, archive:
* Developers: (subscribe:, archive:
Create your own Buildfile and start living the life!
== Where's My Ruby?
Buildr needs Ruby 1.8 or later and RubyGems 0.9 or later. All other
dependencies are installed when you run:
gem install buildr
=== Windows
Windows users can get the one-click Ruby installer, which includes the latest
version of Ruby and RubyGems:
Before installing Buildr, please set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to
point to your JDK distribution. Next, use Ruby Gem to install Buildr:
> gem install buildr
When prompted for a platform, select mswin32.
=== Linux, BSD, Cygwin
On Linux/BSD/Cygwin, use your default package manager, for example, for Ubuntu:
$ sudo apt-get install ruby
$ sudo apt-get install ruby1.8-dev
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential
$ sudo apt-get install libopenssl-ruby
Before installing Buildr, please set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to
point to your JDK distribution. Next, use Ruby Gem to install Buildr:
$ sudo env JAVA_HOME=$JAVA_HOME gem install buildr
When prompted for a platform, select ruby.
=== OS/X
Leopard includes the latest version of Ruby, if you are using Tiger or an older
release, we recommend re-installing the latest:
To install Buildr:
$ sudo gem install buildr
When prompted for a platform, select ruby.
== Living On the Edge
You can check the latest sources from SVN:
svn co
Or browse the SVN repository online:
To install Buildr locally from source:
cd buildr
rake install
If the cutting edge doesn't work, make sure to check the CHANGELOG, to see
which changes might have broken your build. To run all the test cases:
rake spec
== Disclaimer
== License
== Notice