Default the sourcepath passed to the javadoc tool
index ffaccb5..2aaa819 100644
@@ -6,6 +6,12 @@
           avoid adding GWT dependencies to the project directly and thus the associated POM. This will be
           required to support GWT3.x and GWT2.x simultaneously as well as making it easier to manage
           dependencies in the POMs.
+* Change: Javadoc: If the user does not supply an explicit `:sourcepath` to the doc/javadoc tool then
+          default the value to `project.compile.sources`. This will stop javadoc from scanning the classpath
+          for `*.java` files which can cause issues with projects that include `sources` classifier artifacts
+          on the classpath. This is particularly relevant for GWT based projects that include artifacts with
+          source embedded in the artifacts. This change also made it possible to remove an ugly hack in the
+          GWT addon that removed the gwt artifacts from the javadoc path.
 1.5.6 (2018-05-10)
 * Fixed:  Ensure that the username and passwords declared for repositories are correctly url encoded for
diff --git a/addon/buildr/gwt.rb b/addon/buildr/gwt.rb
index 7c29667..22cd964 100644
--- a/addon/buildr/gwt.rb
+++ b/addon/buildr/gwt.rb
@@ -236,11 +236,6 @@
     module ProjectExtension
       include Extension
-      after_define(:doc) do |project|
-        # Remove gwt artifacts when performing javadocs as the gwt jars have invalid source files
-        project.doc.classpath.delete_if { |f| f.to_s =~ /.*\/com\/google\/gwt\/gwt-.*/ }
-      end
       first_time do
         desc 'Run C22 to GSS converter. Set css files via environment variable CSS_FILES'
         task('css2gss') do
diff --git a/lib/buildr/java/doc.rb b/lib/buildr/java/doc.rb
index 0f478ed..123e46a 100644
--- a/lib/buildr/java/doc.rb
+++ b/lib/buildr/java/doc.rb
@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@
         [:sourcepath, :classpath].each do |option|
           Array(options[option]).flatten.tap do |paths|
+            paths = project.compile.sources if :sourcepath == option && options[option].nil?
             cmd_args << "-#{option}" << unless paths.empty?