blob: a77a9cf62b692e136c1cb77284fdbba927aa868b [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
import "brpc/options.proto";
package brpc;
option java_package="com.brpc";
option java_outer_classname="Span";
enum SpanType {
// We don't unify RpczSpan and TracingSpan as one because the former one needs
// to be as lightweight as possible, say `info' equals span_name + annotations
// in TracingSpan which needs heavier memory allocations.
message RpczSpan {
required uint64 trace_id = 1;
required uint64 span_id = 2;
required uint64 parent_span_id = 3;
optional uint64 log_id = 4;
optional uint64 base_cid = 5;
optional uint64 ending_cid = 6;
// We don't use additional message for EndPoint to save a memory allocation.
optional uint32 remote_ip = 7;
optional uint32 remote_port = 8;
optional SpanType type = 9;
optional bool async = 10;
optional ProtocolType protocol = 11;
optional int32 error_code = 12;
optional int32 request_size = 13;
optional int32 response_size = 14;
optional int64 received_real_us = 15;
optional int64 start_parse_real_us = 16;
optional int64 start_callback_real_us = 17;
optional int64 start_send_real_us = 18;
optional int64 sent_real_us = 19;
optional bytes info = 20;
repeated RpczSpan client_spans = 21;
optional bytes full_method_name = 22;
message BriefSpan {
required uint64 trace_id = 1;
required uint64 span_id = 2;
optional uint64 log_id = 3;
optional SpanType type = 4;
optional int32 error_code = 5;
optional int32 request_size = 6;
optional int32 response_size = 7;
optional int64 start_real_us = 8;
optional int64 latency_us = 9;
optional bytes full_method_name = 10;
message SpanAnnotation {
required int64 realtime_us = 1;
required string content = 2;
message TracingSpan {
required uint64 trace_id = 1;
required uint64 span_id = 2;
required uint64 parent_span_id = 3;
optional uint64 log_id = 4;
optional uint32 remote_ip = 5;
optional uint32 remote_port = 6;
optional SpanType type = 7;
optional ProtocolType protocol = 8;
optional int32 error_code = 9;
optional int32 request_size = 10;
optional int32 response_size = 11;
optional int64 received_real_us = 12;
optional int64 start_parse_real_us = 13;
optional int64 start_callback_real_us = 14;
optional int64 start_send_real_us = 15;
optional int64 sent_real_us = 16;
optional string span_name = 17;
repeated SpanAnnotation annotations = 18;
repeated TracingSpan client_spans = 19;