blob: 8fa1e8244c20f0666934d85a7ddc3fd1effc3bb9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "brpc/nshead_service.h" // NsheadService
#include "brpc/nshead_meta.pb.h" // NsheadMeta
namespace brpc {
class NsheadPbServiceAdaptor;
extern const size_t SendNsheadPbResponseSize;
// Adapt nshead requests to use protobuf-based service.
// What RPC does:
// * Call ParseNsheadMeta() to understand the nshead header, user must
// tell RPC which pb method to call in the callback.
// * Call ParseRequestFromIOBuf() to convert the body after nshead header
// to pb request, then call the pb method.
// * When user calls server's done to end the RPC, SerializeResponseToIOBuf()
// is called to convert pb response to binary data that will be appended
// after nshead header and sent back to client.
class NsheadPbServiceAdaptor : public NsheadService {
NsheadPbServiceAdaptor() : NsheadService(
NsheadServiceOptions(false, SendNsheadPbResponseSize)) {}
virtual ~NsheadPbServiceAdaptor() {}
// Fetch meta from `nshead_req' into `meta'.
// Params:
// server: where the RPC runs.
// nshead_req: the nshead request that server received.
// controller: If something goes wrong, call controller->SetFailed()
// meta: Set meta information into this structure. `full_method_name'
// must be set if controller is not SetFailed()-ed
// FIXME: server is not needed anymore, controller->server() is same
virtual void ParseNsheadMeta(const Server& server,
const NsheadMessage& nshead_req,
Controller* controller,
NsheadMeta* meta) const = 0;
// Transform `nshead_req' to `pb_req'.
// Params:
// meta: was set by ParseNsheadMeta()
// nshead_req: the nshead request that server received.
// controller: you can set attachment into the controller. If something
// goes wrong, call controller->SetFailed()
// pb_req: the pb request should be set by your implementation.
virtual void ParseRequestFromIOBuf(const NsheadMeta& meta,
const NsheadMessage& nshead_req,
Controller* controller,
google::protobuf::Message* pb_req) const = 0;
// Transform `pb_res' (and controller) to `nshead_res'.
// Params:
// meta: was set by ParseNsheadMeta()
// controller: If something goes wrong, call controller->SetFailed()
// pb_res: the pb response that returned by pb method. [NOTE] `pb_res'
// can be NULL or uninitialized when RPC failed (indicated by
// Controller::Failed()), in which case you may put error
// information into `nshead_res'.
// nshead_res: the nshead response that will be sent back to client.
virtual void SerializeResponseToIOBuf(const NsheadMeta& meta,
Controller* controller,
const google::protobuf::Message* pb_res,
NsheadMessage* nshead_res) const = 0;
void ProcessNsheadRequest(
const Server& server, Controller* controller,
const NsheadMessage& request, NsheadMessage* response,
NsheadClosure* done);
} // namespace brpc