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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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// distributed with this work for additional information
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// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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// bthread - An M:N threading library to make applications more concurrent.
// Date: Mon Jun 20 11:57:23 CST 2016
#include <deque>
#include <vector>
#include "butil/macros.h"
namespace bthread {
// A container for storing identifiers that may be invalidated.
// [Basic Idea]
// identifiers are remembered for error notifications. While insertions are
// easy, removals are hard to be done in O(1) time. More importantly,
// insertions are often done in one thread, while removals come from many
// threads simultaneously. Think about the usage in brpc::Socket, most
// bthread_id_t are inserted by one thread (the thread calling non-contended
// Write or the KeepWrite thread), but removals are from many threads
// processing responses simultaneously.
// [The approach]
// Don't remove old identifiers eagerly, replace them when new ones are inserted.
// IdTraits MUST have {
// // #identifiers in each block
// static const size_t BLOCK_SIZE = 63;
// // Max #entries. Often has close relationship with concurrency, 65536
// // is "huge" for most apps.
// static const size_t MAX_ENTRIES = 65536;
// // Initial GC length, when the number of blocks reaches this length,
// // start to initiate list GC operation. It will release useless blocks
// static const size_t INIT_GC_SIZE = 4096;
// // Initial value of id. Id with the value is treated as invalid.
// static const Id ID_INIT = ...;
// // Returns true if the id is valid. The "validness" must be permanent or
// // stable for a very long period (to make the id ABA-free).
// static bool exists(Id id);
// }
// This container is NOT thread-safe right now, and shouldn't be
// an issue in current usages throughout brpc.
template <typename Id, typename IdTraits>
class ListOfABAFreeId {
// Add an identifier into the list.
int add(Id id);
// Apply fn(id) to all identifiers.
template <typename Fn>
void apply(const Fn& fn);
// Put #entries of each level into `counts'
// Returns #levels.
size_t get_sizes(size_t* counts, size_t n);
struct IdBlock {
Id ids[IdTraits::BLOCK_SIZE];
IdBlock* next;
void forward_index();
struct TempIdBlock {
IdBlock* block;
uint32_t index;
uint32_t nblock;
int gc();
int add_to_temp_list(TempIdBlock* temp_list, Id id);
template <typename Fn>
int for_each(const Fn& fn);
void free_list(IdBlock* block);
IdBlock* _cur_block;
uint32_t _cur_index;
uint32_t _nblock;
IdBlock _head_block;
uint32_t _next_gc_size;
// [impl.]
template <typename Id, typename IdTraits>
ListOfABAFreeId<Id, IdTraits>::ListOfABAFreeId()
: _cur_block(&_head_block), _cur_index(0), _nblock(1), _next_gc_size(IdTraits::INIT_GC_SIZE) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < IdTraits::BLOCK_SIZE; ++i) {
_head_block.ids[i] = IdTraits::ID_INIT;
} = NULL;
template <typename Id, typename IdTraits>
ListOfABAFreeId<Id, IdTraits>::~ListOfABAFreeId() {
_cur_block = NULL;
_cur_index = 0;
_nblock = 0;
for (IdBlock* p =; p != NULL;) {
IdBlock* saved_next = p->next;
delete p;
p = saved_next;
} = NULL;
template <typename Id, typename IdTraits>
inline void ListOfABAFreeId<Id, IdTraits>::forward_index() {
if (++_cur_index >= IdTraits::BLOCK_SIZE) {
_cur_index = 0;
if (_cur_block->next) {
_cur_block = _cur_block->next;
} else {
_cur_block = &_head_block;
template <typename Id, typename IdTraits>
int ListOfABAFreeId<Id, IdTraits>::add(Id id) {
// Scan for at most 4 positions, if any of them is empty, use the position.
Id* saved_pos[4];
for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(saved_pos); ++i) {
Id* const pos = _cur_block->ids + _cur_index;
// The position is not used.
if (*pos == IdTraits::ID_INIT || !IdTraits::exists(*pos)) {
*pos = id;
return 0;
saved_pos[i] = pos;
// If we don't expect a GC to occur in abalist, then an error is reported and EAGAIN is returned.
if (_nblock * IdTraits::BLOCK_SIZE > IdTraits::MAX_ENTRIES) {
return EAGAIN;
// If the number of blocks exceeds the minimum GC length, start the GC operation
if (_nblock * IdTraits::BLOCK_SIZE > _next_gc_size) {
uint32_t before_gc_blocks = _nblock;
int rc = gc();
// To avoid frequent GC operations, we only let the GC be effective enough to continue the GC.
// otherwise we let the next GC occur length * 2.
// Condition for a GC to be sufficiently efficient: the number of blocks
// retained after the GC is 1/4 of the previous one.
if ((before_gc_blocks - _nblock) * IdTraits::BLOCK_SIZE < (_next_gc_size - (_next_gc_size >> 2))) {
_next_gc_size <<= 1;
// We want to make sure that GC must occur before MAX_ENTRIES.
static_assert(IdTraits::MAX_ENTRIES > IdTraits::BLOCK_SIZE * 2, "MAX_ENTRIES should be greater than 2 * IdTraits::BLOCK_SIZE");
if (_next_gc_size >= IdTraits::MAX_ENTRIES) {
_next_gc_size = IdTraits::MAX_ENTRIES - IdTraits::BLOCK_SIZE * 2;
return rc;
// The list is considered to be "crowded", add a new block and scatter
// the conflict identifiers by inserting an empty entry after each of
// them, so that even if the identifiers are still valid when we walk
// through the area again, we can find an empty entry.
// The new block is inserted as if it's inserted between xxxx and yyyy,
// where xxxx are the 4 conflict identifiers.
// [..xxxxyyyy] -> [..........]
// block A block B
// [..xxxx....] -> [......yyyy] -> [..........]
// block A new block block B
IdBlock* new_block = new (std::nothrow) IdBlock;
if (NULL == new_block) {
return ENOMEM;
for (size_t i = 0; i < _cur_index; ++i) {
new_block->ids[i] = IdTraits::ID_INIT;
for (size_t i = _cur_index; i < IdTraits::BLOCK_SIZE; ++i) {
new_block->ids[i] = _cur_block->ids[i];
_cur_block->ids[i] = IdTraits::ID_INIT;
new_block->next = _cur_block->next;
_cur_block->next = new_block;
// Scatter the conflict identifiers.
// [..xxxx....] -> [......yyyy] -> [..........]
// block A new block block B
// [..x.x.x.x.] -> [......yyyy] -> [..........]
// block A new block block B
_cur_block->ids[_cur_index] = *saved_pos[2];
*saved_pos[2] = *saved_pos[1];
*saved_pos[1] = IdTraits::ID_INIT;
_cur_block->ids[_cur_index] = *saved_pos[3];
*saved_pos[3] = IdTraits::ID_INIT;
_cur_block->ids[_cur_index] = id;
return 0;
template <typename Id, typename IdTraits>
int ListOfABAFreeId<Id, IdTraits>::gc() {
IdBlock* new_block = new (std::nothrow) IdBlock;
if (NULL == new_block) {
return ENOMEM;
// reset head block
for (size_t i = 0; i < IdTraits::BLOCK_SIZE; ++i) {
new_block->ids[i] = IdTraits::ID_INIT;
new_block->next = NULL;
TempIdBlock tmp_id_block;
tmp_id_block.block = new_block;
tmp_id_block.nblock = 1;
tmp_id_block.index = 0;
// Add each element of the old list to the new list
int rc = for_each([&](Id id) {
int rc;
rc = add_to_temp_list(&tmp_id_block, id);
if (rc != 0) {
return rc;
rc = add_to_temp_list(&tmp_id_block, IdTraits::ID_INIT);
if (rc != 0) {
return rc;
return 0;
if (rc != 0) {
return rc;
// reset head block
for (size_t i = 0; i < IdTraits::BLOCK_SIZE; ++i) {
_head_block.ids[i] = IdTraits::ID_INIT;
_cur_block = tmp_id_block.block;
_cur_index = tmp_id_block.index;
// nblock and head_block
_nblock = tmp_id_block.nblock + 1; = new_block;
return 0;
template <typename Id, typename IdTraits>
int ListOfABAFreeId<Id, IdTraits>::add_to_temp_list(TempIdBlock* block_list, Id id) {
block_list->block->ids[block_list->index++] = id;
// add new list
if (block_list->index == IdTraits::BLOCK_SIZE) {
block_list->index = 0;
block_list->block->next = new (std::nothrow) IdBlock;
if (NULL == block_list->block->next) {
return ENOMEM;
block_list->block = block_list->block->next;
for (size_t i = 0; i < IdTraits::BLOCK_SIZE; ++i) {
block_list->block->ids[i] = IdTraits::ID_INIT;
block_list->block->next = NULL;
return 0;
template <typename Id, typename IdTraits>
template <typename Fn>
int ListOfABAFreeId<Id, IdTraits>::for_each(const Fn& fn) {
for (IdBlock* p = &_head_block; p != NULL; p = p->next) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < IdTraits::BLOCK_SIZE; ++i) {
if (p->ids[i] != IdTraits::ID_INIT && IdTraits::exists(p->ids[i])) {
int rc = fn(p->ids[i]);
if (rc != 0) {
return rc;
return 0;
template <typename Id, typename IdTraits>
template <typename Fn>
void ListOfABAFreeId<Id, IdTraits>::apply(const Fn& fn) {
for (IdBlock* p = &_head_block; p != NULL; p = p->next) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < IdTraits::BLOCK_SIZE; ++i) {
if (p->ids[i] != IdTraits::ID_INIT && IdTraits::exists(p->ids[i])) {
template <typename Id, typename IdTraits>
void ListOfABAFreeId<Id, IdTraits>::free_list(IdBlock* p) {
for (; p != NULL;) {
IdBlock* saved_next = p->next;
delete p;
p = saved_next;
template <typename Id, typename IdTraits>
size_t ListOfABAFreeId<Id, IdTraits>::get_sizes(size_t* cnts, size_t n) {
if (n == 0) {
return 0;
// Current impl. only has one level.
cnts[0] = _nblock * IdTraits::BLOCK_SIZE;
return 1;
} // namespace bthread