blob: b9e056376ab283f9b3751cc45762802bcdd91d0a [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <ostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <gflags/gflags.h>
#include "butil/string_printf.h"
#include "butil/string_splitter.h"
#include "butil/macros.h"
#include "butil/time.h"
#include "brpc/closure_guard.h" // ClosureGuard
#include "brpc/controller.h" // Controller
#include "brpc/builtin/common.h"
#include "brpc/server.h"
#include "brpc/errno.pb.h"
#include "brpc/span.h"
#include "brpc/builtin/rpcz_service.h"
namespace brpc {
// Defined in span.cpp
bool has_span_db();
DEFINE_bool(enable_rpcz, false, "Turn on rpcz");
BRPC_VALIDATE_GFLAG(enable_rpcz, PassValidate);
DEFINE_bool(rpcz_hex_log_id, false, "Show log_id in hexadecimal");
BRPC_VALIDATE_GFLAG(rpcz_hex_log_id, PassValidate);
struct Hex {
explicit Hex(uint64_t val) : _val(val) {}
uint64_t _val;
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Hex& h) {
const std::ios::fmtflags old_flags =
os.setf(std::ios::hex, std::ios::basefield);
os << h._val;
return os;
void RpczService::enable(::google::protobuf::RpcController* cntl_base,
const ::brpc::RpczRequest*,
::google::protobuf::Closure* done) {
ClosureGuard done_guard(done);
Controller *cntl = static_cast<Controller*>(cntl_base);
const bool use_html = UseHTML(cntl->http_request());
use_html ? "text/html" : "text/plain");
if (!GFLAGS_NS::SetCommandLineOption("enable_rpcz", "true").empty()) {
if (use_html) {
// Redirect to /rpcz
"<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>"
"<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0; url=/rpcz\" />"
cntl->response_attachment().append("rpcz is enabled");
} else {
if (use_html) {
cntl->response_attachment().append("<!DOCTYPE html><html><body>");
cntl->response_attachment().append("Fail to set --enable_rpcz");
if (use_html) {
void RpczService::disable(::google::protobuf::RpcController* cntl_base,
const ::brpc::RpczRequest*,
::google::protobuf::Closure* done) {
ClosureGuard done_guard(done);
Controller *cntl = static_cast<Controller*>(cntl_base);
const bool use_html = UseHTML(cntl->http_request());
use_html ? "text/html" : "text/plain");
if (!GFLAGS_NS::SetCommandLineOption("enable_rpcz", "false").empty()) {
if (use_html) {
// Redirect to /rpcz
"<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>"
"<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0; url=/rpcz\" />"
cntl->response_attachment().append("rpcz is disabled");
} else {
if (use_html) {
cntl->response_attachment().append("<!DOCTYPE html><html><body>");
cntl->response_attachment().append("Fail to set --enable_rpcz");
if (use_html) {
void RpczService::hex_log_id(::google::protobuf::RpcController* cntl_base,
const ::brpc::RpczRequest*,
::google::protobuf::Closure* done) {
ClosureGuard done_guard(done);
Controller *cntl = static_cast<Controller*>(cntl_base);
FLAGS_rpcz_hex_log_id = true;
cntl->response_attachment().append("log_id is hexadecimal");
void RpczService::dec_log_id(::google::protobuf::RpcController* cntl_base,
const ::brpc::RpczRequest*,
::google::protobuf::Closure* done) {
ClosureGuard done_guard(done);
Controller *cntl = static_cast<Controller*>(cntl_base);
FLAGS_rpcz_hex_log_id = false;
cntl->response_attachment().append("log_id is decimal");
void RpczService::stats(::google::protobuf::RpcController* cntl_base,
const ::brpc::RpczRequest*,
::google::protobuf::Closure* done) {
ClosureGuard done_guard(done);
Controller *cntl = static_cast<Controller*>(cntl_base);
if (!FLAGS_enable_rpcz && !has_span_db()) {
"rpcz is not enabled yet. You can turn on/off rpcz by accessing "
"/rpcz/enable and /rpcz/disable respectively");
butil::IOBufBuilder os;
inline void PrintRealTime(std::ostream& os, int64_t tm) {
char buf[16];
const time_t tm_s = tm / 1000000L;
struct tm lt;
strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%H:%M:%S.", localtime_r(&tm_s, &lt));
const char old_fill = os.fill('0');
os << buf << std::setw(6) << tm % 1000000L;
static void PrintElapse(std::ostream& os, int64_t cur_time,
int64_t* last_time) {
const int64_t elp = cur_time - *last_time;
*last_time = cur_time;
if (elp < 0) {
os << std::fixed << std::setw(11) << std::setprecision(6)
<< elp / 1000000.0;
} else {
if (elp >= 1000000L) {
os << std::setw(4) << elp / 1000000L << '.';
} else {
os << " .";
os << std::setw(6) << (elp % 1000000L);
static void PrintAnnotations(
std::ostream& os, int64_t cur_time, int64_t* last_time,
SpanInfoExtractor** extractors, int num_extr) {
int64_t anno_time;
std::string a;
// TODO: Going through all extractors is not strictly correct because
// later extractors may have earlier annotations.
for (int i = 0; i < num_extr; ++i) {
while (extractors[i]->PopAnnotation(cur_time, &anno_time, &a)) {
PrintRealTime(os, anno_time);
PrintElapse(os, anno_time, last_time);
os << ' ' << WebEscape(a);
if (a.empty() || butil::back_char(a) != '\n') {
os << '\n';
static bool PrintAnnotationsAndRealTimeSpan(
std::ostream& os, int64_t cur_time, int64_t* last_time,
SpanInfoExtractor** extr, int num_extr) {
if (cur_time == 0) {
// the field was not set.
return false;
PrintAnnotations(os, cur_time, last_time, extr, num_extr);
PrintRealTime(os, cur_time);
PrintElapse(os, cur_time, last_time);
return true;
inline int64_t GetStartRealTime(const RpczSpan& span) {
return span.type() == SPAN_TYPE_SERVER ?
span.received_real_us() : span.start_send_real_us();
struct CompareByStartRealTime {
bool operator()(const RpczSpan& s1, const RpczSpan& s2) const {
return GetStartRealTime(s1) < GetStartRealTime(s2);
static butil::ip_t loopback_ip = butil::IP_ANY;
static int ALLOW_UNUSED init_loopback_ip_dummy = butil::str2ip("", &loopback_ip);
static void PrintClientSpan(
std::ostream& os, const RpczSpan& span,
int64_t* last_time, SpanInfoExtractor* server_extr, bool use_html) {
SpanInfoExtractor client_extr(;
int num_extr = 0;
SpanInfoExtractor* extr[2];
if (server_extr) {
extr[num_extr++] = server_extr;
extr[num_extr++] = &client_extr;
// start_send_us is always set for client spans.
CHECK(PrintAnnotationsAndRealTimeSpan(os, span.start_send_real_us(),
last_time, extr, num_extr));
const Protocol* protocol = FindProtocol(span.protocol());
const char* protocol_name = (protocol ? protocol->name : "Unknown");
const butil::EndPoint remote_side(butil::int2ip(span.remote_ip()), span.remote_port());
butil::EndPoint abs_remote_side = remote_side;
if (abs_remote_side.ip == loopback_ip) {
abs_remote_side.ip = butil::my_ip();
os << " Requesting " << WebEscape(span.full_method_name()) << '@' << remote_side
<< ' ' << protocol_name << ' ' << LOG_ID_STR << '=';
if (FLAGS_rpcz_hex_log_id) {
os << Hex(span.log_id());
} else {
os << span.log_id();
os << " call_id=" << span.base_cid()
<< ' ' << TRACE_ID_STR << '=' << Hex(span.trace_id())
<< ' ' << SPAN_ID_STR << '=';
if (use_html) {
os << "<a href=\"http://" << abs_remote_side
<< "/rpcz?" << TRACE_ID_STR << '=' << Hex(span.trace_id())
<< '&' << SPAN_ID_STR << '=' << Hex(span.span_id()) << "\">";
os << Hex(span.span_id());
if (use_html) {
os << "</a>";
os << std::endl;
if (PrintAnnotationsAndRealTimeSpan(os, span.sent_real_us(),
last_time, extr, num_extr)) {
os << " Requested(" << span.request_size() << ") [1]" << std::endl;
if (PrintAnnotationsAndRealTimeSpan(os, span.received_real_us(),
last_time, extr, num_extr)) {
os << " Received response(" << span.response_size() << ")";
if (span.base_cid() != 0 && span.ending_cid() != 0) {
int64_t ver = span.ending_cid() - span.base_cid();
if (ver >= 1) {
os << " of request[" << ver << "]";
} else {
os << " of invalid version=" << ver;
os << std::endl;
if (PrintAnnotationsAndRealTimeSpan(os, span.start_parse_real_us(),
last_time, extr, num_extr)) {
os << " Processing the response in a new bthread" << std::endl;
if (PrintAnnotationsAndRealTimeSpan(
os, span.start_callback_real_us(),
last_time, extr, num_extr)) {
os << (span.async() ? " Enter user's done" : " Back to user's callsite") << std::endl;
PrintAnnotations(os, std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max(),
last_time, extr, num_extr);
static void PrintClientSpan(std::ostream& os,const RpczSpan& span,
bool use_html) {
int64_t last_time = span.start_send_real_us();
PrintClientSpan(os, span, &last_time, NULL, use_html);
static void PrintBthreadSpan(std::ostream& os, const RpczSpan& span, int64_t* last_time,
SpanInfoExtractor* server_extr, bool use_html) {
SpanInfoExtractor client_extr(;
int num_extr = 0;
SpanInfoExtractor* extr[2];
if (server_extr) {
extr[num_extr++] = server_extr;
extr[num_extr++] = &client_extr;
PrintAnnotations(os, std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max(), last_time, extr, num_extr);
static void PrintServerSpan(std::ostream& os, const RpczSpan& span,
bool use_html) {
SpanInfoExtractor server_extr(;
SpanInfoExtractor* extr[1] = { &server_extr };
int64_t last_time = span.received_real_us();
const butil::EndPoint remote_side(
butil::int2ip(span.remote_ip()), span.remote_port());
PrintRealDateTime(os, last_time);
const Protocol* protocol = FindProtocol(span.protocol());
const char* protocol_name = (protocol ? protocol->name : "Unknown");
os << " Received request(" << span.request_size() << ") from "
<< remote_side << ' ' << protocol_name << ' ' << LOG_ID_STR << '=';
if (FLAGS_rpcz_hex_log_id) {
os << Hex(span.log_id());
} else {
os << span.log_id();
// TODO: We can't hyperlink parent_span now because there's no generic
// way to get the port of upstream server yet.
os << ' ' << TRACE_ID_STR << '=' << Hex(span.trace_id())
<< ' ' << SPAN_ID_STR << '=' << Hex(span.span_id());
if (span.parent_span_id() != 0) {
os << " parent_span=" << Hex(span.parent_span_id());
os << std::endl;
if (PrintAnnotationsAndRealTimeSpan(
os, span.start_parse_real_us(),
&last_time, extr, ARRAY_SIZE(extr))) {
os << " Processing the request in a new bthread" << std::endl;
bool entered_user_method = false;
if (PrintAnnotationsAndRealTimeSpan(
os, span.start_callback_real_us(),
&last_time, extr, ARRAY_SIZE(extr))) {
entered_user_method = true;
os << " Enter " << WebEscape(span.full_method_name()) << std::endl;
const int nclient = span.client_spans_size();
for (int i = 0; i < nclient; ++i) {
auto& client_span = span.client_spans(i);
if (client_span.type() == SPAN_TYPE_CLIENT) {
PrintClientSpan(os, client_span, &last_time, &server_extr, use_html);
} else {
PrintBthreadSpan(os, client_span, &last_time, &server_extr, use_html);
if (PrintAnnotationsAndRealTimeSpan(
os, span.start_send_real_us(),
&last_time, extr, ARRAY_SIZE(extr))) {
if (entered_user_method) {
os << " Leave " << WebEscape(span.full_method_name()) << std::endl;
} else {
os << " Responding" << std::endl;
if (PrintAnnotationsAndRealTimeSpan(
os, span.sent_real_us(),
&last_time, extr, ARRAY_SIZE(extr))) {
os << " Responded(" << span.response_size() << ')' << std::endl;
PrintAnnotations(os, std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max(),
&last_time, extr, ARRAY_SIZE(extr));
class RpczSpanFilter : public SpanFilter {
: _min_latency(std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min())
, _min_request_size(std::numeric_limits<int>::min())
, _min_response_size(std::numeric_limits<int>::min())
, _log_id(0)
, _check_log_id(false)
, _check_error_code(false)
, _error_code(0)
void CheckLatency(int64_t min_latency) { _min_latency = min_latency; }
void CheckRequest(int64_t min_request_size) {
_min_request_size = min_request_size;
void CheckResponse(int64_t min_response_size) {
_min_response_size = min_response_size;
void CheckLogId(uint64_t log_id) {
_check_log_id = true;
_log_id = log_id;
void CheckErrorCode(int error_code) {
_check_error_code = true;
_error_code = error_code;
bool Keep(const BriefSpan& span) {
return span.latency_us() >= _min_latency &&
span.request_size() >= _min_request_size &&
span.response_size() >= _min_response_size &&
(!_check_log_id || span.log_id() == _log_id) &&
(!_check_error_code || span.error_code() == _error_code);
int64_t _min_latency;
int _min_request_size;
int _min_response_size;
uint64_t _log_id;
bool _check_log_id;
bool _check_error_code;
int _error_code;
static int64_t ParseDateTime(const std::string& time_str) {
struct tm timeinfo;
int64_t microseconds = 999999;
char* endptr = strptime(time_str.c_str(), "%Y/%m/%d-%H:%M:%S", &timeinfo);
if (endptr == NULL) {
time_t now;
if (localtime_r(&now, &timeinfo) == NULL) {
return -1;
endptr = strptime(time_str.c_str(), "%H:%M:%S", &timeinfo);
if (endptr == NULL) {
return -1;
if (*endptr == '.') {
char* endptr2;
microseconds = strtol(endptr + 1, &endptr2, 10);
if (*endptr2 != '\0') {
microseconds = 999999;
return timelocal(&timeinfo) * 1000000L + microseconds;
static bool ParseUint64(const std::string* str, uint64_t* val) {
if (NULL == str) {
return false;
const char* p = str->c_str();
char* endptr = NULL;
if (p[0] == '0' && (p[1] == 'x' || p[1] == 'X')) {
*val = strtoull(p + 2, &endptr, 16);
return (*endptr == '\0');
*val = strtoull(p, &endptr, 10);
if (*endptr == '\0') {
return true;
if ((*endptr >= 'a' && *endptr <= 'f') ||
(*endptr >= 'A' && *endptr <= 'F')) {
*val = strtoull(p, &endptr, 16);
return (*endptr == '\0');
return false;
void RpczService::default_method(::google::protobuf::RpcController* cntl_base,
const ::brpc::RpczRequest*,
::google::protobuf::Closure* done) {
ClosureGuard done_guard(done);
Controller *cntl = static_cast<Controller*>(cntl_base);
uint64_t trace_id = 0;
const bool use_html = UseHTML(cntl->http_request());
use_html ? "text/html" : "text/plain");
butil::IOBufBuilder os;
if (use_html) {
os << "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>\n"
<< "<script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"/js/jquery_min\"></script>\n"
<< TabsHead()
<< "</head><body>";
cntl->server()->PrintTabsBody(os, "rpcz");
if (!FLAGS_enable_rpcz && !has_span_db()) {
if (use_html) {
os << "<input type='button' "
"onclick='location.href=\"/rpcz/enable\";' value='enable' />"
" rpcz to track recent RPC calls with small overhead, "
"you can turn it off at any time.";
} else {
os << "rpcz is not enabled yet. You can turn on/off rpcz by accessing "
"/rpcz/enable and /rpcz/disable respectively.";
butil::EndPoint my_addr(butil::my_ip(),
const std::string* trace_id_str =
if (trace_id_str) {
char* endptr;
trace_id = strtoull(trace_id_str->c_str(), &endptr, 16);
if (*endptr != '\0') {
trace_id = 0;
if (trace_id != 0) { // Point search
uint64_t span_id = 0;
const std::string* span_id_str =
if (span_id_str) {
char* endptr;
span_id = strtoull(span_id_str->c_str(), &endptr, 16);
if (*endptr != '\0') {
span_id = 0;
std::deque<RpczSpan> spans;
if (span_id == 0) {
FindSpans(trace_id, &spans);
std::sort(spans.begin(), spans.end(), CompareByStartRealTime());
} else {
if (FindSpan(trace_id, span_id, &spans[0]) != 0) {
if (spans.empty()) {
os << "Fail to find any spans"
<< (use_html ? "</body></html>" : "");
if (use_html) {
os << "<pre>\n";
for (size_t i = 0; i < spans.size(); ++i) {
RpczSpan& span = spans[i];
if (span.type() == SPAN_TYPE_SERVER) {
PrintServerSpan(os, span, use_html);
} else {
PrintClientSpan(os, span, use_html);
os << std::endl;
if (use_html) {
os << "</pre></body></html>";
} else {
const std::string* time_str =
int64_t start_tm;
if (time_str == NULL) {
start_tm = butil::gettimeofday_us();
} else {
start_tm = ParseDateTime(*time_str);
if (start_tm < 0) {
os << "Invalid " << TIME_STR << "=`" << time_str << '\''
<< (use_html ? "</body></html>" : "");
int max_count = 100;
const std::string* max_scan_str =
if (max_scan_str) {
char* endptr;
int max_count2 = strtol(max_scan_str->c_str(), &endptr, 10);
if (*endptr == '\0') {
max_count = max_count2;
// Set up SpanFilter.
RpczSpanFilter filter;
const std::string* min_latency_str =
if (min_latency_str) {
char* endptr;
filter.CheckLatency(strtoll(min_latency_str->c_str(), &endptr, 10));
const std::string* min_reqsize_str =
if (min_reqsize_str) {
char* endptr;
filter.CheckRequest(strtol(min_reqsize_str->c_str(), &endptr, 10));
const std::string* min_respsize_str =
if (min_respsize_str) {
char* endptr;
filter.CheckResponse(strtol(min_respsize_str->c_str(), &endptr, 10));
uint64_t log_id = 0;
if (ParseUint64(cntl->http_request().uri().GetQuery(LOG_ID_STR),
&log_id)) {
const std::string* error_code_str =
if (error_code_str) {
char* endptr;
filter.CheckErrorCode(strtol(error_code_str->c_str(), &endptr, 10));
max_count = std::max(std::min(max_count, 10000), 1);
std::deque<BriefSpan> spans;
ListSpans(start_tm, max_count, &spans, &filter);
if (spans.empty()) {
os << "Fail to find matched spans"
<< (use_html ? "</body></html>" : "");
if (use_html) {
const char* action = (FLAGS_enable_rpcz ? "disable" : "enable");
os << "<div><input type='button' onclick='location.href=\"/rpcz/"
<< action << "\";' value='" << action << "' /></div>" "<pre>\n";
for (size_t i = 0; i < spans.size(); ++i) {
BriefSpan& span = spans[i];
int64_t last_time = span.start_real_us();
PrintRealDateTime(os, last_time);
PrintElapse(os, span.latency_us() + last_time, &last_time);
os << ' ' << (span.type() == SPAN_TYPE_SERVER ? 'S' : 'C')
<< ' ' << TRACE_ID_STR << '=';
if (use_html) {
os << "<a href=\"/rpcz?" << TRACE_ID_STR
<< '=' << Hex(span.trace_id()) << "\">";
os << Hex(span.trace_id());
if (use_html) {
os << "</a>";
os << ' ' << SPAN_ID_STR << '=';
if (use_html) {
os << "<a href=\"/rpcz?" << TRACE_ID_STR << '='
<< Hex(span.trace_id())
<< '&' << SPAN_ID_STR << '=' << Hex(span.span_id()) << "\">";
os << Hex(span.span_id());
if (use_html) {
os << "</a>";
os << ' ' << LOG_ID_STR << '=';
if (FLAGS_rpcz_hex_log_id) {
os << Hex(span.log_id());
} else {
os << span.log_id();
os << ' ' << WebEscape(span.full_method_name()) << '(' << span.request_size()
<< ")=" << span.response_size();
if (span.error_code() == 0) {
os << " [OK]";
} else {
os << " [" << berror(span.error_code()) << "] ";
os << std::endl;
if (use_html) {
os << "</pre></body></html>";
void RpczService::GetTabInfo(TabInfoList* info_list) const {
TabInfo* info = info_list->add();
info->path = "/rpcz";
info->tab_name = "rpcz";
} // namespace brpc