blob: 825c05cd8171366203a73f4b7a8b71ba8a7bde87 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <signal.h>
#include <openssl/md5.h>
#include <google/protobuf/descriptor.h>
#include <gflags/gflags.h>
#include "bthread/bthread.h"
#include "butil/build_config.h" // OS_MACOSX
#include "butil/string_printf.h"
#include "butil/logging.h"
#include "butil/time.h"
#include "bthread/bthread.h"
#include "bthread/unstable.h"
#include "bvar/bvar.h"
#include "brpc/socket.h"
#include "brpc/socket_map.h"
#include "brpc/channel.h"
#include "brpc/load_balancer.h"
#include "brpc/closure_guard.h"
#include "brpc/details/controller_private_accessor.h"
#include "brpc/controller.h"
#include "brpc/span.h"
#include "brpc/server.h" // Server::_session_local_data_pool
#include "brpc/simple_data_pool.h"
#include "brpc/retry_policy.h"
#include "brpc/stream_impl.h"
#include "brpc/policy/streaming_rpc_protocol.h" // FIXME
#include "brpc/rpc_dump.h"
#include "brpc/details/usercode_backup_pool.h" // RunUserCode
#include "brpc/mongo_service_adaptor.h"
// Force linking the .o in UT (which analysis deps by inclusions)
#include "brpc/parallel_channel.h"
#include "brpc/selective_channel.h"
#include "bthread/task_group.h"
namespace bthread {
extern BAIDU_THREAD_LOCAL TaskGroup* tls_task_group;
// This is the only place that both client/server must link, so we put
// registrations of errno here.
BAIDU_REGISTER_ERRNO(brpc::ENOSERVICE, "No such service");
BAIDU_REGISTER_ERRNO(brpc::ENOMETHOD, "No such method");
BAIDU_REGISTER_ERRNO(brpc::ERPCAUTH, "Authentication failed");
BAIDU_REGISTER_ERRNO(brpc::ETOOMANYFAILS, "Too many sub channels failed");
BAIDU_REGISTER_ERRNO(brpc::EPCHANFINISH, "ParallelChannel finished");
BAIDU_REGISTER_ERRNO(brpc::EBACKUPREQUEST, "Sending backup request");
BAIDU_REGISTER_ERRNO(brpc::ERPCTIMEDOUT, "RPC call is timed out");
BAIDU_REGISTER_ERRNO(brpc::EHTTP, "Bad http call");
BAIDU_REGISTER_ERRNO(brpc::EOVERCROWDED, "The server is overcrowded");
BAIDU_REGISTER_ERRNO(brpc::ERTMPPUBLISHABLE, "RtmpRetryingClientStream is publishable");
BAIDU_REGISTER_ERRNO(brpc::ERTMPCREATESTREAM, "createStream was rejected by the RTMP server");
BAIDU_REGISTER_ERRNO(brpc::EUNUSED, "The socket was not needed");
BAIDU_REGISTER_ERRNO(brpc::ESSL, "SSL related operation failed");
BAIDU_REGISTER_ERRNO(brpc::EH2RUNOUTSTREAMS, "The H2 socket was run out of streams");
BAIDU_REGISTER_ERRNO(brpc::EINTERNAL, "General internal error");
BAIDU_REGISTER_ERRNO(brpc::ELOGOFF, "Server is stopping");
BAIDU_REGISTER_ERRNO(brpc::ELIMIT, "Reached server's max_concurrency");
BAIDU_REGISTER_ERRNO(brpc::ECLOSE, "Close socket initiatively");
BAIDU_REGISTER_ERRNO(brpc::EITP, "Bad Itp response");
BAIDU_REGISTER_ERRNO(brpc::ERDMA, "RDMA verbs error");
BAIDU_REGISTER_ERRNO(brpc::ERDMAMEM, "Memory not registered for RDMA");
namespace brpc {
DEFINE_bool(graceful_quit_on_sigterm, false,
"Register SIGTERM handle func to quit graceful");
DEFINE_bool(graceful_quit_on_sighup, false,
"Register SIGHUP handle func to quit graceful");
const IdlNames idl_single_req_single_res = { "req", "res" };
const IdlNames idl_single_req_multi_res = { "req", "" };
const IdlNames idl_multi_req_single_res = { "", "res" };
const IdlNames idl_multi_req_multi_res = { "", "" };
extern const int64_t IDL_VOID_RESULT = 12345678987654321LL;
// For definitely false branch in src/brpc/profiler_link.h
static void PrintRevision(std::ostream& os, void*) {
#if defined(BRPC_REVISION)
os << "undefined";
static bvar::PassiveStatus<std::string> s_rpc_revision(
"rpc_revision", PrintRevision, NULL);
static const int RETRY_AVOIDANCE = 8;
// Defined in parallel_channel.cpp
void DestroyParallelChannelDone(google::protobuf::Closure* c);
const Controller* GetSubControllerOfParallelChannel(
const google::protobuf::Closure* done, int index);
const Controller* GetSubControllerOfSelectiveChannel(
const RPCSender* sender, int index);
static const int MAX_RETRY_COUNT = 1000;
static bvar::Adder<int64_t>* g_ncontroller = NULL;
static pthread_once_t s_create_vars_once = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;
static void CreateVars() {
g_ncontroller = new bvar::Adder<int64_t>("rpc_controller_count");
Controller::Controller() {
CHECK_EQ(0, pthread_once(&s_create_vars_once, CreateVars));
*g_ncontroller << 1;
Controller::Controller(const Inheritable& parent_ctx) {
CHECK_EQ(0, pthread_once(&s_create_vars_once, CreateVars));
*g_ncontroller << 1;
_inheritable = parent_ctx;
struct SessionKVFlusher {
Controller* cntl;
static std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const SessionKVFlusher& f) {
return os;
Controller::~Controller() {
*g_ncontroller << -1;
if (_session_kv != nullptr && _session_kv->Count() != 0) {
LOG(INFO) << SessionKVFlusher{ this };
class IgnoreAllRead : public ProgressiveReader {
// @ProgressiveReader
butil::Status OnReadOnePart(const void* /*data*/, size_t /*length*/) {
return butil::Status::OK();
void OnEndOfMessage(const butil::Status&) {}
static IgnoreAllRead* s_ignore_all_read = NULL;
static pthread_once_t s_ignore_all_read_once = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;
static void CreateIgnoreAllRead() { s_ignore_all_read = new IgnoreAllRead; }
// If resource needs to be destroyed or memory needs to be deleted (both
// directly and indirectly referenced), do them in this method. Notice that
// you don't have to set the fields to initial state after deletion since
// they'll be set uniformly after this method is called.
void Controller::ResetNonPods() {
if (_span) {
Span::Submit(_span, butil::cpuwide_time_us());
_remote_side = butil::EndPoint();
_local_side = butil::EndPoint();
if (_session_local_data) {
delete _sampled_request;
if (!is_used_by_rpc() && _correlation_id != INVALID_BTHREAD_ID) {
CHECK_NE(EPERM, bthread_id_cancel(_correlation_id));
if (_oncancel_id != INVALID_BTHREAD_ID) {
bthread_id_error(_oncancel_id, 0);
if (_pchan_sub_count > 0) {
delete _sender;
delete _http_request;
delete _http_response;
delete _request_user_fields;
delete _response_user_fields;
if (_wpa) {
if (_rpa != NULL) {
if (!has_progressive_reader()) {
// Never called ReadProgressiveAttachmentBy (successfully), the data
// is probably being buffered and a full buffer may block parse
// handler of the protocol. We need to set a reader to consume
// the buffer.
pthread_once(&s_ignore_all_read_once, CreateIgnoreAllRead);
delete _remote_stream_settings;
_after_rpc_resp_fn = nullptr;
CHECK(_unfinished_call == NULL);
void Controller::ResetPods() {
// NOTE: Make the sequence of assignments same with the order that they're
// defined in header. Better for cpu cache and faster for lookup.
_span = NULL;
_flags = 0;
_error_code = 0;
_session_local_data = NULL;
_server = NULL;
_oncancel_id = INVALID_BTHREAD_ID;
_auth_context = NULL;
_sampled_request = NULL;
_request_protocol = PROTOCOL_UNKNOWN;
_max_retry = UNSET_MAGIC_NUM;
_retry_policy = NULL;
_correlation_id = INVALID_BTHREAD_ID;
_connection_type = CONNECTION_TYPE_UNKNOWN;
_timeout_ms = UNSET_MAGIC_NUM;
_backup_request_ms = UNSET_MAGIC_NUM;
_connect_timeout_ms = UNSET_MAGIC_NUM;
_real_timeout_ms = UNSET_MAGIC_NUM;
_deadline_us = -1;
_timeout_id = 0;
_begin_time_us = 0;
_end_time_us = 0;
_tos = 0;
_preferred_index = -1;
_request_compress_type = COMPRESS_TYPE_NONE;
_response_compress_type = COMPRESS_TYPE_NONE;
_fail_limit = UNSET_MAGIC_NUM;
_pipelined_count = 0;
_pchan_sub_count = 0;
_response = NULL;
_done = NULL;
_sender = NULL;
_request_code = 0;
_single_server_id = INVALID_SOCKET_ID;
_unfinished_call = NULL;
_stream_creator = NULL;
_accessed = NULL;
_pack_request = NULL;
_method = NULL;
_auth = NULL;
_idl_names = idl_single_req_single_res;
_idl_result = IDL_VOID_RESULT;
_http_request = NULL;
_http_response = NULL;
_request_user_fields = NULL;
_response_user_fields = NULL;
_request_stream = INVALID_STREAM_ID;
_response_stream = INVALID_STREAM_ID;
_remote_stream_settings = NULL;
_auth_flags = 0;
Controller::Call::Call(Controller::Call* rhs)
: nretry(rhs->nretry)
, need_feedback(rhs->need_feedback)
, enable_circuit_breaker(rhs->enable_circuit_breaker)
, peer_id(rhs->peer_id)
, begin_time_us(rhs->begin_time_us)
, sending_sock(rhs->sending_sock.release())
, stream_user_data(rhs->stream_user_data) {
// NOTE: fields in rhs should be reset because RPC could fail before
// setting all the fields to next call and _current_call.OnComplete
// will behave incorrectly.
rhs->need_feedback = false;
rhs->peer_id = INVALID_SOCKET_ID;
rhs->stream_user_data = NULL;
Controller::Call::~Call() {
CHECK(sending_sock.get() == NULL);
void Controller::Call::Reset() {
nretry = 0;
need_feedback = false;
enable_circuit_breaker = false;
begin_time_us = 0;
stream_user_data = NULL;
void Controller::set_timeout_ms(int64_t timeout_ms) {
if (timeout_ms <= 0x7fffffff) {
_timeout_ms = timeout_ms;
_real_timeout_ms = timeout_ms;
} else {
_timeout_ms = 0x7fffffff;
LOG(WARNING) << "timeout_ms is limited to 0x7fffffff (roughly 24 days)";
void Controller::set_backup_request_ms(int64_t timeout_ms) {
if (timeout_ms <= 0x7fffffff) {
_backup_request_ms = timeout_ms;
} else {
_backup_request_ms = 0x7fffffff;
LOG(WARNING) << "backup_request_ms is limited to 0x7fffffff (roughly 24 days)";
void Controller::set_max_retry(int max_retry) {
if (max_retry > MAX_RETRY_COUNT) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Retry count can't be larger than "
<< MAX_RETRY_COUNT << ", round it to "
_max_retry = MAX_RETRY_COUNT;
} else {
_max_retry = max_retry;
void Controller::set_log_id(uint64_t log_id) {
_inheritable.log_id = log_id;
bool Controller::Failed() const {
return FailedInline();
std::string Controller::ErrorText() const {
return _error_text;
void StartCancel(CallId id) {
bthread_id_error(id, ECANCELED);
void Controller::StartCancel() {
LOG(FATAL) << "You must call brpc::StartCancel(id) instead!"
" because this function is racing with ~Controller() in "
" asynchronous calls.";
static const char HEX_ALPHA[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
void Controller::AppendServerIdentiy() {
if (_server == NULL) {
if (is_security_mode()) {
_error_text.reserve(_error_text.size() + MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH * 2 + 2);
char ipbuf[64];
int len = snprintf(ipbuf, sizeof(ipbuf), "%s:%d",
butil::my_ip_cstr(), _server->listen_address().port);
unsigned char digest[MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH];
MD5((const unsigned char*)ipbuf, len, digest);
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(digest); ++i) {
_error_text.push_back(HEX_ALPHA[digest[i] & 0xF]);
_error_text.push_back(HEX_ALPHA[digest[i] >> 4]);
} else {
butil::string_appendf(&_error_text, "[%s:%d]",
butil::my_ip_cstr(), _server->listen_address().port);
inline void UpdateResponseHeader(Controller* cntl) {
if (cntl->request_protocol() == PROTOCOL_HTTP ||
cntl->request_protocol() == PROTOCOL_H2) {
if (cntl->ErrorCode() != EHTTP) {
// Set the related status code
} // else assume that status code is already set along with EHTTP.
if (cntl->server() != NULL) {
// Override HTTP body at server-side to conduct error text
// to the client.
// The client-side should preserve body which may be a piece
// of useable data rather than error text.
void Controller::SetFailed(const std::string& reason) {
_error_code = -1;
if (!_error_text.empty()) {
_error_text.push_back(' ');
if (_current_call.nretry != 0) {
butil::string_appendf(&_error_text, "[R%d]", _current_call.nretry);
} else {
if (_span) {
void Controller::SetFailed(int error_code, const char* reason_fmt, ...) {
if (error_code == 0) {
CHECK(false) << "error_code is 0";
error_code = -1;
_error_code = error_code;
if (!_error_text.empty()) {
_error_text.push_back(' ');
if (_current_call.nretry != 0) {
butil::string_appendf(&_error_text, "[R%d]", _current_call.nretry);
} else {
const size_t old_size = _error_text.size();
if (_error_code != -1) {
butil::string_appendf(&_error_text, "[E%d]", _error_code);
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, reason_fmt);
butil::string_vappendf(&_error_text, reason_fmt, ap);
if (_span) {
_span->AnnotateCStr(_error_text.c_str() + old_size, 0);
void Controller::CloseConnection(const char* reason_fmt, ...) {
if (_error_code == 0) {
_error_code = ECLOSE;
if (!_error_text.empty()) {
_error_text.push_back(' ');
if (_current_call.nretry != 0) {
butil::string_appendf(&_error_text, "[R%d]", _current_call.nretry);
} else {
const size_t old_size = _error_text.size();
if (_error_code != -1) {
butil::string_appendf(&_error_text, "[E%d]", _error_code);
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, reason_fmt);
butil::string_vappendf(&_error_text, reason_fmt, ap);
if (_span) {
_span->AnnotateCStr(_error_text.c_str() + old_size, 0);
bool Controller::IsCanceled() const {
SocketUniquePtr sock;
return (Socket::Address(_current_call.peer_id, &sock) != 0);
class RunOnCancelThread {
RunOnCancelThread(google::protobuf::Closure* cb, bthread_id_t id)
: _cb(cb), _id(id) {}
static void* RunThis(void* arg) {
return NULL;
void Run() {
CHECK_EQ(0, bthread_id_unlock_and_destroy(_id));
delete this;
google::protobuf::Closure* _cb;
bthread_id_t _id;
int Controller::RunOnCancel(bthread_id_t id, void* data, int error_code) {
if (error_code == 0) {
// Called from Controller::ResetNonPods upon Controller's Reset or
// destruction, we just call the callback in-place.
CHECK_EQ(0, bthread_id_unlock_and_destroy(id));
return 0;
// Called from Socket::SetFailed, should be infrequent.
// To make sure Socket::SetFailed is never blocked, we run the callback
// in a new thread.
RunOnCancelThread* arg = new RunOnCancelThread(
static_cast<google::protobuf::Closure*>(data), id);
bthread_t th;
CHECK_EQ(0, bthread_start_urgent(&th, NULL, RunOnCancelThread::RunThis, arg));
return 0;
void Controller::NotifyOnCancel(google::protobuf::Closure* callback) {
if (NULL == callback) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Parameter `callback' is NLLL";
ClosureGuard guard(callback);
if (_oncancel_id != INVALID_BTHREAD_ID) {
LOG(FATAL) << "NotifyCancel a single call more than once!";
SocketUniquePtr sock;
if (Socket::Address(_current_call.peer_id, &sock) != 0) {
// Connection already broken
if (bthread_id_create(&_oncancel_id, callback, RunOnCancel) != 0) {
PLOG(FATAL) << "Fail to create bthread_id";
sock->NotifyOnFailed(_oncancel_id); // Always succeed
void Join(CallId id) {
void JoinResponse(CallId id) {
static void HandleTimeout(void* arg) {
bthread_id_t correlation_id = { (uint64_t)arg };
bthread_id_error(correlation_id, ERPCTIMEDOUT);
void Controller::OnVersionedRPCReturned(const CompletionInfo& info,
bool new_bthread, int saved_error) {
// TODO(gejun): Simplify call-ending code.
// Intercept previous calls
while ( != _correlation_id && != current_id()) {
if (_unfinished_call && get_id(_unfinished_call->nretry) == {
if (!FailedInline()) {
// Continue with successful backup request.
// Complete failed backup request.
_unfinished_call->OnComplete(this, _error_code, info.responded, false);
delete _unfinished_call;
_unfinished_call = NULL;
// Ignore all non-backup requests and failed backup requests.
_error_code = saved_error;
CHECK_EQ(0, bthread_id_unlock(;
if ((!_error_code && _retry_policy == NULL) ||
_current_call.nretry >= _max_retry) {
goto END_OF_RPC;
if (_error_code == EBACKUPREQUEST) {
// Reset timeout if needed
int rc = 0;
if (timeout_ms() >= 0) {
rc = bthread_timer_add(
HandleTimeout, (void*)_correlation_id.value);
if (rc != 0) {
SetFailed(rc, "Fail to add timer");
goto END_OF_RPC;
if (!SingleServer()) {
if (_accessed == NULL) {
_accessed = ExcludedServers::Create(
std::min(_max_retry, RETRY_AVOIDANCE));
if (NULL == _accessed) {
SetFailed(ENOMEM, "Fail to create ExcludedServers");
goto END_OF_RPC;
// _current_call does not end yet.
CHECK(_unfinished_call == NULL); // only one backup request now.
_unfinished_call = new (std::nothrow) Call(&_current_call);
if (_unfinished_call == NULL) {
SetFailed(ENOMEM, "Fail to new Call");
goto END_OF_RPC;
return IssueRPC(butil::gettimeofday_us());
} else {
auto retry_policy = _retry_policy ? _retry_policy : DefaultRetryPolicy();
if (retry_policy->DoRetry(this)) {
// The error must come from _current_call because:
// * we intercepted error from _unfinished_call in OnVersionedRPCReturned
// * ERPCTIMEDOUT/ECANCELED are not retrying error by default.
CHECK_EQ(current_id(), << "error_code=" << _error_code;
if (!SingleServer()) {
if (_accessed == NULL) {
_accessed = ExcludedServers::Create(
std::min(_max_retry, RETRY_AVOIDANCE));
if (NULL == _accessed) {
SetFailed(ENOMEM, "Fail to create ExcludedServers");
goto END_OF_RPC;
_current_call.OnComplete(this, _error_code, info.responded, false);
// Clear http responses before retrying, otherwise the response may
// be mixed with older (and undefined) stuff. This is actually not
// done before r32008.
if (_http_response) {
// Retry backoff.
bthread::TaskGroup* g = bthread::tls_task_group;
int64_t backoff_time_us = retry_policy->GetBackoffTimeMs(this) * 1000L;
if (backoff_time_us > 0 &&
backoff_time_us < _deadline_us - butil::gettimeofday_us()) {
// No need to do retry backoff when the backoff time is longer than the remaining rpc time.
if (retry_policy->CanRetryBackoffInPthread() ||
(g && !g->is_current_pthread_task())) {
} else {
LOG(WARNING) << "`CanRetryBackoffInPthread()' returns false, "
"skip retry backoff in pthread.";
return IssueRPC(butil::gettimeofday_us());
if (new_bthread && !FLAGS_usercode_in_coroutine) {
// [ Essential for -usercode_in_pthread=true ]
// When -usercode_in_pthread is on, the reserved threads (set by
// -usercode_backup_threads) may all block on bthread_id_lock in
// ProcessXXXResponse(), until the id is unlocked or destroyed which
// is run in a new thread when new_bthread is true. However since all
// workers are blocked, the created bthread will never be scheduled
// and result in deadlock.
// Make the id unlockable before creating the bthread fixes the issue.
// When -usercode_in_pthread is false, this also removes some useless
// waiting of the bthreads processing responses.
// Note[_done]: callid is destroyed after _done which possibly takes
// a lot of time, stop useless locking
// Note[cid]: When the callid needs to be destroyed in done->Run(),
// it does not mean that it will be destroyed directly in done->Run(),
// conversely the callid may still be locked/unlocked for many times
// before destroying. E.g. in slective channel, the callid is referenced
// by multiple sub-done and only destroyed by the last one. Calling
// bthread_id_about_to_destroy right here which makes the id unlockable
// anymore, is wrong. On the other hand, the combo channles setting
// FLAGS_DESTROY_CID_IN_DONE to true must be aware of
// -usercode_in_pthread and avoid deadlock by their own (TBR)
if ((FLAGS_usercode_in_pthread || _done != NULL/*Note[_done]*/) &&
!has_flag(FLAGS_DESTROY_CID_IN_DONE)/*Note[cid]*/) {
// No need to join this bthread since RPC caller won't wake up
// (or user's done won't be called) until this bthread finishes
bthread_t bt;
bthread_attr_t attr = (FLAGS_usercode_in_pthread ?
_tmp_completion_info = info;
if (bthread_start_background(&bt, &attr, RunEndRPC, this) != 0) {
LOG(FATAL) << "Fail to start bthread";
} else {
if (_done != NULL/*Note[_done]*/ &&
!has_flag(FLAGS_DESTROY_CID_IN_DONE)/*Note[cid]*/) {
void* Controller::RunEndRPC(void* arg) {
Controller* c = static_cast<Controller*>(arg);
return NULL;
inline bool does_error_affect_main_socket(int error_code) {
// Errors tested in this function are reported by pooled connections
// and very likely to indicate that the server-side is down and the socket
// should be health-checked.
return error_code == ECONNREFUSED ||
error_code == ENETUNREACH ||
error_code == EHOSTUNREACH ||
error_code == EINVAL/*returned by connect ""*/;
//Note: A RPC call is probably consisted by several individual Calls such as
// retries and backup requests. This method simply cares about the error of
// this very Call (specified by |error_code|) rather than the error of the
// entire RPC (specified by c->FailedInline()).
void Controller::Call::OnComplete(
Controller* c, int error_code/*note*/, bool responded, bool end_of_rpc) {
if (stream_user_data) {
stream_user_data->DestroyStreamUserData(sending_sock, c, error_code, end_of_rpc);
stream_user_data = NULL;
if (sending_sock != NULL) {
if (error_code != 0) {
if (enable_circuit_breaker) {
butil::gettimeofday_us() - begin_time_us);
switch (c->connection_type()) {
// Set main socket to be failed for connection refusal of streams.
// "single" streams are often maintained in a separate SocketMap and
// different from the main socket as well.
if (c->_stream_creator != NULL &&
does_error_affect_main_socket(error_code) &&
(sending_sock == NULL || sending_sock->id() != peer_id)) {
// NOTE: Not reuse pooled connection if this call fails and no response
// has been received through this connection
// Otherwise in-flight responses may come back in future and break the
// assumption that one pooled connection cannot have more than one
// message at the same time.
if (sending_sock != NULL && (error_code == 0 || responded)) {
if (!sending_sock->is_read_progressive()) {
// Normally-read socket which will not be used after RPC ends,
// safe to return. Notice that Socket::is_read_progressive may
// differ from Controller::is_response_read_progressively()
// because RPC possibly ends before setting up the socket.
} else {
// Progressively-read socket. Should be returned when the read
// ends. The method handles the details.
// fall through
if (sending_sock != NULL) {
// Check the comment in CONNECTION_TYPE_POOLED branch.
if (!sending_sock->is_read_progressive()) {
if (c->_stream_creator == NULL) {
} else {
if (does_error_affect_main_socket(error_code)) {
// main socket should die as well.
// NOTE: main socket may be wrongly set failed (provided that
// short/pooled socket does not hold a ref of the main socket).
// E.g. an in-parallel RPC sets the peer_id to be failed
// -> this RPC meets ECONNREFUSED
// -> main socket gets revived from HC
// -> this RPC sets main socket to be failed again.
if (ELOGOFF == error_code) {
SocketUniquePtr sock;
if (Socket::Address(peer_id, &sock) == 0) {
// Block this `Socket' while not closing the fd
if (need_feedback) {
const LoadBalancer::CallInfo info =
{ begin_time_us, peer_id, error_code, c };
// Release the `Socket' we used to send/receive data
void Controller::EndRPC(const CompletionInfo& info) {
if (_timeout_id != 0) {
_timeout_id = 0;
// End _current_call and _unfinished_call.
if ( == current_id() || == _correlation_id) {
if (_current_call.sending_sock != NULL) {
_remote_side = _current_call.sending_sock->remote_side();
_local_side = _current_call.sending_sock->local_side();
if (_unfinished_call != NULL) {
// When _current_call is successful, mark _unfinished_call as
// EBACKUPREQUEST, we can't use 0 because the server possibly
// never respond, we can't use ERPCTIMEDOUT because _current_call
// is sent after _unfinished_call which is not necessarily timedout
// When _current_call is error, mark _unfinished_call with the
// same error. This is not accurate as well, but we have to end
// _unfinished_call with some sort of error anyway.
const int err = (_error_code == 0 ? EBACKUPREQUEST : _error_code);
_unfinished_call->OnComplete(this, err, false, false);
delete _unfinished_call;
_unfinished_call = NULL;
// TODO: Replace this with stream_creator.
_current_call.OnComplete(this, _error_code, info.responded, true);
} else {
// Even if _unfinished_call succeeded, we don't use EBACKUPREQUEST
// (which gets punished in LALB) for _current_call because _current_call
// is sent after _unfinished_call, it's just normal that _current_call
// does not respond before _unfinished_call.
if (_unfinished_call == NULL) {
CHECK(false) << "A previous non-backup request responded, cid="
<< << " current_cid=" << current_id()
<< " initial_cid=" << _correlation_id
<< " stream_user_data=" << _current_call.stream_user_data
<< " sending_sock=" << _current_call.sending_sock.get();
_current_call.OnComplete(this, ECANCELED, false, false);
if (_unfinished_call != NULL) {
if (_unfinished_call->sending_sock != NULL) {
_remote_side = _unfinished_call->sending_sock->remote_side();
_local_side = _unfinished_call->sending_sock->local_side();
// TODO: Replace this with stream_creator.
if (get_id(_unfinished_call->nretry) == {
this, _error_code, info.responded, true);
} else {
CHECK(false) << "A previous non-backup request responded";
_unfinished_call->OnComplete(this, ECANCELED, false, true);
delete _unfinished_call;
_unfinished_call = NULL;
if (_stream_creator) {
_stream_creator = NULL;
// Clear _error_text when the call succeeded, otherwise a successful
// call with non-empty ErrorText may confuse user.
if (!_error_code) {
// RPC finished, now it's safe to release `LoadBalancerWithNaming'
if (_span) {
// Submit the span if we're in async RPC. For sync RPC, the span
// is submitted after Join() to get a more accurate resuming timestamp.
if (_done) {
// No need to retry or can't retry, just call user's `done'.
const CallId saved_cid = _correlation_id;
if (_done) {
if (!FLAGS_usercode_in_pthread || _done == DoNothing()/*Note*/) {
// Note: no need to run DoNothing in backup thread when pthread
// mode is on. Otherwise there's a tricky deadlock:
// void SomeService::CallMethod(...) { // -usercode_in_pthread=true
// ...
// channel.CallMethod(...., brpc::DoNothing());
// brpc::Join(cntl.call_id());
// ...
// }
// Join is not signalled when the done does not Run() and the done
// can't Run() because all backup threads are blocked by Join().
const bool destroy_cid_in_done = has_flag(FLAGS_DESTROY_CID_IN_DONE);
// NOTE: Don't touch this Controller anymore, because it's likely to be
// deleted by done.
if (!destroy_cid_in_done) {
// Make this thread not scheduling itself when launching new
// bthreads, saving signalings.
// FIXME: We're assuming the calling thread is about to quit.
CHECK_EQ(0, bthread_id_unlock_and_destroy(saved_cid));
} else {
RunUserCode(RunDoneInBackupThread, this);
} else {
// OnRPCEnd for sync RPC is called in Channel::CallMethod to count in
// latency of the context-switch.
// Check comments in above branch on bthread_about_to_quit.
CHECK_EQ(0, bthread_id_unlock_and_destroy(saved_cid));
void Controller::RunDoneInBackupThread(void* arg) {
void Controller::DoneInBackupThread() {
// OnRPCEnd for sync RPC is called in Channel::CallMethod to count in
// latency of the context-switch.
const CallId saved_cid = _correlation_id;
const bool destroy_cid_in_done = has_flag(FLAGS_DESTROY_CID_IN_DONE);
// NOTE: Don't touch fields of controller anymore, it may be deleted.
if (!destroy_cid_in_done) {
CHECK_EQ(0, bthread_id_unlock_and_destroy(saved_cid));
void Controller::SubmitSpan() {
const int64_t now = butil::cpuwide_time_us();
if (_span->local_parent()) {
Span::Submit(_span, now);
_span = NULL;
void Controller::HandleSendFailed() {
if (!FailedInline()) {
SetFailed("Must be SetFailed() before calling HandleSendFailed()");
LOG(FATAL) << ErrorText();
const CompletionInfo info = { current_id(), false };
// NOTE: Launch new thread to run the callback in an asynchronous call
// (and done is not allowed to run in-place)
// Users may hold a lock before asynchronus CallMethod returns and
// grab the same lock inside done->Run(). If done->Run() is called in the
// same stack of CallMethod, the code is deadlocked.
// We don't need to run the callback in new thread in a sync call since
// the created thread needs to be joined anyway before end of CallMethod.
const bool new_bthread = (_done != NULL && !is_done_allowed_to_run_in_place());
OnVersionedRPCReturned(info, new_bthread, _error_code);
void Controller::IssueRPC(int64_t start_realtime_us) {
_current_call.begin_time_us = start_realtime_us;
// If has retry/backup request,we will recalculate the timeout,
if (_real_timeout_ms > 0) {
_real_timeout_ms -= (start_realtime_us - _begin_time_us) / 1000;
// Clear last error, Don't clear _error_text because we append to it.
_error_code = 0;
// Make versioned correlation_id.
// call_id : unversioned, mainly for ECANCELED and ERPCTIMEDOUT
// call_id + 1 : first try.
// call_id + 2 : retry 1
// ...
// call_id + N + 1 : retry N
// All ids except call_id are versioned. Say if we've sent retry 1 and
// a failed response of first try comes back, it will be ignored.
const CallId cid = current_id();
// Intercept IssueRPC when _sender is set. Currently _sender is only set
// by SelectiveChannel.
if (_sender) {
if (_sender->IssueRPC(start_realtime_us) != 0) {
return HandleSendFailed();
CHECK_EQ(0, bthread_id_unlock(cid));
// Pick a target server for sending RPC
_current_call.need_feedback = false;
_current_call.enable_circuit_breaker = has_enabled_circuit_breaker();
SocketUniquePtr tmp_sock;
if (SingleServer()) {
// Don't use _current_call.peer_id which is set to -1 after construction
// of the backup call.
const int rc = Socket::Address(_single_server_id, &tmp_sock);
if (rc != 0 || (!is_health_check_call() && !tmp_sock->IsAvailable())) {
SetFailed(EHOSTDOWN, "Not connected to %s yet, server_id=%" PRIu64,
endpoint2str(_remote_side).c_str(), _single_server_id);
tmp_sock.reset(); // Release ref ASAP
return HandleSendFailed();
_current_call.peer_id = _single_server_id;
} else {
LoadBalancer::SelectIn sel_in =
{ start_realtime_us, true,
has_request_code(), _request_code, _accessed };
LoadBalancer::SelectOut sel_out(&tmp_sock);
const int rc = _lb->SelectServer(sel_in, &sel_out);
if (rc != 0) {
std::ostringstream os;
DescribeOptions opt;
opt.verbose = false;
_lb->Describe(os, opt);
SetFailed(rc, "Fail to select server from %s", os.str().c_str());
return HandleSendFailed();
_current_call.need_feedback = sel_out.need_feedback;
_current_call.peer_id = tmp_sock->id();
// NOTE: _remote_side must be set here because _pack_request below
// may need it (e.g. http may set "Host" to _remote_side)
// Don't set _local_side here because tmp_sock may be not connected
// here.
_remote_side = tmp_sock->remote_side();
if (_stream_creator) {
_current_call.stream_user_data =
_stream_creator->OnCreatingStream(&tmp_sock, this);
if (FailedInline()) {
return HandleSendFailed();
// remote_side can't be changed.
CHECK_EQ(_remote_side, tmp_sock->remote_side());
Span* span = _span;
if (span) {
if (_current_call.nretry == 0) {
} else {
span->Annotate("Retrying %s",
// Handle connection type
if (_connection_type == CONNECTION_TYPE_SINGLE ||
_stream_creator != NULL) { // let user decides the sending_sock
// in the callback(according to connection_type) directly
// TODO(gejun): Setting preferred index of single-connected socket
// has two issues:
// 1. race conditions. If a set perferred_index is overwritten by
// another thread, the response back has to check protocols one
// by one. This is a performance issue, correctness is unaffected.
// 2. thrashing between different protocols. Also a performance issue.
} else {
int rc = 0;
if (_connection_type == CONNECTION_TYPE_POOLED) {
rc = tmp_sock->GetPooledSocket(&_current_call.sending_sock);
} else if (_connection_type == CONNECTION_TYPE_SHORT) {
rc = tmp_sock->GetShortSocket(&_current_call.sending_sock);
} else {
SetFailed(EINVAL, "Invalid connection_type=%d", (int)_connection_type);
return HandleSendFailed();
if (rc) {
SetFailed(rc, "Fail to get %s connection",
return HandleSendFailed();
// Remember the preferred protocol for non-single connection. When
// the response comes back, InputMessenger calls the right handler
// w/o trying other protocols. This is a must for (many) protocols that
// can't be distinguished from other protocols w/o ambiguity.
// Set preferred_index of main_socket as well to make it easier to
// debug and observe from /connections.
if (tmp_sock->preferred_index() < 0) {
if (_tos > 0) {
if (is_response_read_progressively()) {
// Tag the socket so that when the response comes back, the parser will
// stop before reading all body.
// Handle authentication
const Authenticator* using_auth = NULL;
if (_auth != NULL) {
// Only one thread will be the winner and get the right to pack
// authentication information, others wait until the request
// is sent.
int auth_error = 0;
if (_current_call.sending_sock->FightAuthentication(&auth_error) == 0) {
using_auth = _auth;
} else if (auth_error != 0) {
SetFailed(auth_error, "Fail to authenticate, %s",
return HandleSendFailed();
// Make request
butil::IOBuf packet;
SocketMessage* user_packet = NULL;
_pack_request(&packet, &user_packet, cid.value, _method, this,
_request_buf, using_auth);
// TODO: PackRequest may accept SocketMessagePtr<>?
SocketMessagePtr<> user_packet_guard(user_packet);
if (FailedInline()) {
// controller should already be SetFailed.
if (using_auth) {
// Don't forget to signal waiters on authentication
return HandleSendFailed();
timespec connect_abstime;
timespec* pabstime = NULL;
if (_connect_timeout_ms > 0) {
if (_deadline_us >= 0) {
connect_abstime = butil::microseconds_to_timespec(
std::min(_connect_timeout_ms * 1000L + start_realtime_us,
} else {
connect_abstime = butil::microseconds_to_timespec(
_connect_timeout_ms * 1000L + start_realtime_us);
pabstime = &connect_abstime;
Socket::WriteOptions wopt;
wopt.id_wait = cid;
wopt.abstime = pabstime;
wopt.pipelined_count = _pipelined_count;
wopt.auth_flags = _auth_flags;
wopt.ignore_eovercrowded = has_flag(FLAGS_IGNORE_EOVERCROWDED);
wopt.write_in_background = write_to_socket_in_background();
int rc;
size_t packet_size = 0;
if (user_packet_guard) {
if (span) {
packet_size = user_packet_guard->EstimatedByteSize();
rc = _current_call.sending_sock->Write(user_packet_guard, &wopt);
} else {
packet_size = packet.size();
rc = _current_call.sending_sock->Write(&packet, &wopt);
if (span) {
if (_current_call.nretry == 0) {
} else {
span->Annotate("Requested(%lld) [%d]",
(long long)packet_size, _current_call.nretry + 1);
if (using_auth) {
// For performance concern, we set authentication to immediately
// after the first `Write' returns instead of waiting for server
// to confirm the credential data
CHECK_EQ(0, bthread_id_unlock(cid));
void Controller::set_auth_context(const AuthContext* ctx) {
if (_auth_context != NULL) {
LOG(FATAL) << "Impossible! This function is supposed to be called "
"only once when verification succeeds in server side";
// Ownership is belong to `Socket' instead of `Controller'
_auth_context = ctx;
int Controller::HandleSocketFailed(bthread_id_t id, void* data, int error_code,
const std::string& error_text) {
Controller* cntl = static_cast<Controller*>(data);
if (!cntl->is_used_by_rpc()) {
// Cannot destroy the call_id before RPC otherwise an async RPC
// using the controller cannot be joined and related resources may be
// destroyed before done->Run() running in another bthread.
// The error set will be detected in Channel::CallMethod and fail
// the RPC.
cntl->SetFailed(error_code, "Cancel call_id=%" PRId64
" before CallMethod()", id.value);
return bthread_id_unlock(id);
const int saved_error = cntl->ErrorCode();
if (error_code == ERPCTIMEDOUT) {
cntl->SetFailed(error_code, "Reached timeout=%" PRId64 "ms @%s",
} else if (error_code == EBACKUPREQUEST) {
cntl->SetFailed(error_code, "Reached backup timeout=%" PRId64 "ms @%s",
} else if (!error_text.empty()) {
cntl->SetFailed(error_code, "%s", error_text.c_str());
} else {
cntl->SetFailed(error_code, "%s @%s", berror(error_code),
struct OnVersionedRPCReturnedArgs {
bthread_id_t id;
Controller* cntl;
int error;
auto func = [](void* p) -> void* {
std::unique_ptr<OnVersionedRPCReturnedArgs> args(static_cast<OnVersionedRPCReturnedArgs*>(p));
CompletionInfo info = { args->id, false };
args->cntl->OnVersionedRPCReturned(info, true, args->error);
return NULL;
auto* args = new OnVersionedRPCReturnedArgs{ id, cntl, saved_error };
bthread_t tid;
// RetryPolicy may block current bthread, so start a new bthread to run OnVersionedRPCReturned
if (!cntl->_retry_policy || bthread_start_background(&tid, NULL, func, args) != 0) {
return 0;
CallId Controller::call_id() {
butil::atomic<uint64_t>* target =
uint64_t loaded = target->load(butil::memory_order_relaxed);
if (loaded) {
const CallId id = { loaded };
return id;
// Optimistic locking.
CallId cid = { 0 };
// The range of this id will be reset in Channel::CallMethod
CHECK_EQ(0, bthread_id_create2(&cid, this, HandleSocketFailed));
if (!target->compare_exchange_strong(loaded, cid.value,
butil::memory_order_relaxed)) {
cid.value = loaded;
return cid;
void Controller::SaveClientSettings(ClientSettings* s) const {
s->timeout_ms = _timeout_ms;
s->backup_request_ms = _backup_request_ms;
s->max_retry = _max_retry;
s->tos = _tos;
s->connection_type = _connection_type;
s->request_compress_type = _request_compress_type;
s->log_id = log_id();
s->has_request_code = has_request_code();
s->request_code = _request_code;
void Controller::ApplyClientSettings(const ClientSettings& s) {
set_flag(FLAGS_REQUEST_CODE, s.has_request_code);
_request_code = s.request_code;
int Controller::sub_count() const {
int n = _pchan_sub_count;
if (_sender) {
n += !!GetSubControllerOfSelectiveChannel(_sender, 0);
return n;
const Controller* Controller::sub(int index) const {
if (_pchan_sub_count > 0 && _done != NULL) {
return GetSubControllerOfParallelChannel(_done, index);
if (_sender != NULL) {
return GetSubControllerOfSelectiveChannel(_sender, index);
return NULL;
uint64_t Controller::trace_id() const { return _span ? _span->trace_id() : 0; }
uint64_t Controller::span_id() const { return _span ? _span->span_id() : 0; }
void* Controller::session_local_data() {
if (_session_local_data) {
return _session_local_data;
if (_server) {
SimpleDataPool* pool = _server->_session_local_data_pool;
if (pool) {
_session_local_data = pool->Borrow();
return _session_local_data;
return NULL;
void Controller::HandleStreamConnection(Socket *host_socket) {
if (_request_stream == INVALID_STREAM_ID) {
SocketUniquePtr ptr;
if (!FailedInline()) {
if (Socket::Address(_request_stream, &ptr) != 0) {
if (!FailedInline()) {
SetFailed(EREQUEST, "Request stream=%" PRIu64 " was closed before responded",
} else if (_remote_stream_settings == NULL) {
if (!FailedInline()) {
SetFailed(EREQUEST, "The server didn't accept the stream");
if (FailedInline()) {
if (_remote_stream_settings != NULL) {
Stream* s = (Stream*)ptr->conn();
// TODO: Need more security advices from professionals.
// TODO: Is percent encoding better?
void WebEscape(const std::string& source, std::string* output) {
output->reserve(source.length() + 10);
for (size_t pos = 0; pos != source.size(); ++pos) {
switch (source[pos]) {
case '&': output->append("&amp;"); break;
case '\"': output->append("&quot;"); break;
case '\'': output->append("&apos;"); break;
case '<': output->append("&lt;"); break;
case '>': output->append("&gt;"); break;
default: output->push_back(source[pos]); break;
std::string WebEscape(const std::string& source) {
std::string output;
WebEscape(source, &output);
return output;
void Controller::reset_sampled_request(SampledRequest* req) {
delete _sampled_request;
_sampled_request = req;
void Controller::set_stream_creator(StreamCreator* sc) {
if (_stream_creator) {
LOG(FATAL) << "A StreamCreator has been set previously";
_stream_creator = sc;
Controller::CreateProgressiveAttachment(StopStyle stop_style) {
if (has_progressive_writer()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "One controller can only have one ProgressiveAttachment";
return NULL;
if (_request_protocol != PROTOCOL_HTTP) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Only http supports ProgressiveAttachment now";
return NULL;
if (_current_call.sending_sock == NULL) {
LOG(ERROR) << "sending_sock is NULL";
return NULL;
SocketUniquePtr httpsock;
if (stop_style == FORCE_STOP) {
_wpa.reset(new ProgressiveAttachment(
httpsock, http_request().before_http_1_1()));
return _wpa;
void Controller::ReadProgressiveAttachmentBy(ProgressiveReader* r) {
if (r == NULL) {
LOG(FATAL) << "Param[r] is NULL";
if (!is_response_read_progressively()) {
return r->OnEndOfMessage(
butil::Status(EINVAL, "Can't read progressive attachment from a "
"controller without calling "
"response_will_be_read_progressively() before"));
if (_rpa == NULL) {
return r->OnEndOfMessage(
butil::Status(EINVAL, "ReadableProgressiveAttachment is NULL"));
if (has_progressive_reader()) {
return r->OnEndOfMessage(
butil::Status(EPERM, "%s can't be called more than once",
return _rpa->ReadProgressiveAttachmentBy(r);
void Controller::set_mongo_session_data(MongoContext* data) {
_mongo_session_data = data;
bool Controller::is_ssl() const {
Socket* s = _current_call.sending_sock.get();
return s != NULL && s->is_ssl();
x509_st* Controller::get_peer_certificate() const {
Socket* s = _current_call.sending_sock.get();
return s ? s->GetPeerCertificate() : NULL;
int Controller::GetSockOption(int level, int optname, void* optval, socklen_t* optlen) {
Socket* s = _current_call.sending_sock.get();
if (s) {
return getsockopt(s->fd(), level, optname, optval, optlen);
} else {
errno = EBADF;
return -1;
void Controller::CallAfterRpcResp(const google::protobuf::Message* req, const google::protobuf::Message* res) {
if (_after_rpc_resp_fn) {
_after_rpc_resp_fn(this, req, res);
_after_rpc_resp_fn = nullptr;
#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
typedef sig_t SignalHandler;
typedef sighandler_t SignalHandler;
static volatile bool s_signal_quit = false;
static SignalHandler s_prev_sigint_handler = NULL;
static SignalHandler s_prev_sigterm_handler = NULL;
static SignalHandler s_prev_sighup_handler = NULL;
static void quit_handler(int signo) {
s_signal_quit = true;
if (SIGINT == signo && s_prev_sigint_handler) {
if (SIGTERM == signo && s_prev_sigterm_handler) {
if (SIGHUP == signo && s_prev_sighup_handler) {
static pthread_once_t register_quit_signal_once = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;
static void RegisterQuitSignalOrDie() {
// Not thread-safe.
SignalHandler prev = signal(SIGINT, quit_handler);
if (prev != SIG_DFL &&
prev != SIG_IGN) { // shell may install SIGINT of background jobs with SIG_IGN
"Fail to register SIGINT, abort");
s_prev_sigint_handler = prev;
LOG(WARNING) << "SIGINT was installed with " << prev;
if (FLAGS_graceful_quit_on_sigterm) {
prev = signal(SIGTERM, quit_handler);
if (prev != SIG_DFL &&
prev != SIG_IGN) { // shell may install SIGTERM of background jobs with SIG_IGN
"Fail to register SIGTERM, abort");
s_prev_sigterm_handler = prev;
LOG(WARNING) << "SIGTERM was installed with " << prev;
if (FLAGS_graceful_quit_on_sighup) {
prev = signal(SIGHUP, quit_handler);
if (prev != SIG_DFL &&
prev != SIG_IGN) { // shell may install SIGHUP of background jobs with SIG_IGN
"Fail to register SIGHUP, abort");
s_prev_sighup_handler = prev;
LOG(WARNING) << "SIGHUP was installed with " << prev;
bool IsAskedToQuit() {
pthread_once(&register_quit_signal_once, RegisterQuitSignalOrDie);
return s_signal_quit;
void AskToQuit() {
class DoNothingClosure : public google::protobuf::Closure {
void Run() { }
google::protobuf::Closure* DoNothing() {
return butil::get_leaky_singleton<DoNothingClosure>();
KVMap& Controller::SessionKV() {
if (_session_kv == nullptr) {
_session_kv.reset(new KVMap);
return *_session_kv.get();
#define BRPC_SESSION_END_MSG "Session ends."
#define BRPC_REQ_ID "@rid"
#define BRPC_KV_SEP "="
void Controller::FlushSessionKV(std::ostream& os) {
if (_session_kv == nullptr || _session_kv->Count() == 0) {
const std::string* pRID = nullptr;
if (!request_id().empty()) {
pRID = &request_id();
if (FLAGS_log_as_json) {
if (pRID) {
os << "\"" BRPC_REQ_ID "\":\"" << *pRID << "\",";
os << "\"M\":\"" BRPC_SESSION_END_MSG "\"";
for (auto it = _session_kv->Begin(); it != _session_kv->End(); ++it) {
os << ",\"" << it->first << "\":\"" << it->second << '"';
} else {
if (pRID) {
os << BRPC_REQ_ID BRPC_KV_SEP << *pRID << " ";
for (auto it = _session_kv->Begin(); it != _session_kv->End(); ++it) {
os << ' ' << it->first << BRPC_KV_SEP << it->second;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Controller::LogPrefixDummy& p) {
return os;
void Controller::DoPrintLogPrefix(std::ostream& os) const {
const std::string* pRID = nullptr;
if (!request_id().empty()) {
pRID = &request_id();
if (pRID) {
if (FLAGS_log_as_json) {
os << BRPC_REQ_ID "\":\"" << *pRID << "\",";
} else {
os << BRPC_REQ_ID BRPC_KV_SEP << *pRID << " ";
if (FLAGS_log_as_json) {
os << "\"M\":\"";
} // namespace brpc