improve how yaml generated for "open in composer"

previously if there was a name set on the app and one set in the ui (and if there was a name set on the app the ui always inferred one!),
or any other duplicated keys etc, the yaml generated would duplicate the key and thus fail to load.

now the code tries to dedupe those fields.  it prefers the supplied yaml, in case there are comments etc,
and is smart about where/what it updates.

if errors are detected, the original yaml is preserved and any new fields prepended, with a warning,
and yaml text editor mode is targeted in the composer.  this helps with the case where the template deliberately contains comments or errors to be addressed.
diff --git a/ui-modules/utils/quick-launch/quick-launch.js b/ui-modules/utils/quick-launch/quick-launch.js
index e4b1a67..cf85869 100644
--- a/ui-modules/utils/quick-launch/quick-launch.js
+++ b/ui-modules/utils/quick-launch/quick-launch.js
@@ -177,21 +177,87 @@
             return yaml.safeDump(newApp);
-        function buildComposerYaml() {
+        function buildComposerYaml(validate) {
             if ($scope.yamlViewDisplayed) {
                 return angular.copy($scope.editorYaml);
             } else {
-                let newApp = {
-                    name: $ || $,
-                };
-                if ($scope.model.location) {
-                    newApp.location = $scope.model.location;
+                let planText = $ || "{}";
+                let result = {};
+                // this is set if we're able to parse the plan's text definition, and then:
+                // - we've had to override a field from the plan's text definition, because a value is set _and_ different; or
+                // - the plan's text definition is indented or JSON rather than YAML (not outdented yaml)
+                // and in either case we use the result _object_ ... 
+                // unless we didn't actually change anything, in which case this is ignored
+                let cannotUsePlanText = false;
+                if (validate) {
+                    result = yaml.safeLoad(planText);
+                    if (typeof result !== 'object') {
+                        throw "The plan is not a YAML map, but of type "+(typeof result);
+                    }
+                    if (! {
+                        throw "The plan does not have any services.";
+                    }
+                    for (const [k,v] of Object.entries(result) ) {
+                       if (planText.indexOf(k)!=0 && planText.indexOf('\n'+k+':')<0) {
+                          // plan is not outdented yaml, can't use its text mode
+                          cannotUsePlanText = true;
+                          break;
+                       }
+                    }
-                if ($scope.entityToDeploy[BROOKLYN_CONFIG]) {
-                    newApp[BROOKLYN_CONFIG] = $scope.entityToDeploy[BROOKLYN_CONFIG]
+                let newApp = {};
+                let newName = $ || $;
+                if (newName && newName != {
+           = newName;
+                    if ( {
+                        delete;
+                        cannotUsePlanText = true;
+                    }
-                // TODO if plan data has config in the root (unlikely) this will have errors
-                return yaml.safeDump(newApp) + "\n" + $;
+                let newLocation = $scope.model.location;
+                if (newLocation && newLocation != result.location) {
+                    newApp.location = newLocation;
+                    if (result.location) {
+                        delete result.location;
+                        cannotUsePlanText = true;
+                    }
+                }
+                let newConfig = $scope.entityToDeploy[BROOKLYN_CONFIG];
+                if (newConfig) {
+                    if (result[BROOKLYN_CONFIG]) {
+                        let oldConfig = result[BROOKLYN_CONFIG];
+                        let mergedConfig = angular.copy(oldConfig);
+                        for (const [k,v] of Object.entries(newConfig) ) {
+                            if (mergedConfig[k] != v) {
+                                cannotUsePlanText = true;
+                                mergedConfig[k] = v;
+                            }
+                        }
+                        if (cannotUsePlanText) {
+                            newApp[BROOKLYN_CONFIG] = mergedConfig;
+                            delete result[BROOKLYN_CONFIG];
+                        }
+                    } else {
+                        newApp[BROOKLYN_CONFIG] = newConfig;
+                    }
+                }
+                // prefer to use the actual yaml input, but if it's not possible
+                let tryMergeByConcatenate = 
+                    Object.keys(newApp).length ?
+                        (yaml.safeDump(newApp) + "\n" + ((validate && cannotUsePlanText) ? yaml.safeDump(result) : planText))
+                        : planText;
+                if (validate) {
+                    // don't think there's any way we'd wind up with invalid yaml but check to be sure
+                    yaml.safeLoad(tryMergeByConcatenate);
+                }
+                return tryMergeByConcatenate;
@@ -205,8 +271,19 @@
         function openComposer() {
-            window.location.href = '/brooklyn-ui-blueprint-composer/#!/graphical?'+
-                'yaml='+encodeURIComponent(buildComposerYaml());
+            try {
+              window.location.href = '/brooklyn-ui-blueprint-composer/#!/graphical?'+
+                'yaml='+encodeURIComponent(buildComposerYaml(true));
+            } catch (error) {
+              console.warn("Opening composer in YAML text editor mode because we cannot generate a model for this configuration:", error);
+              window.location.href = '/brooklyn-ui-blueprint-composer/#!/yaml?'+
+                'yaml='+encodeURIComponent(
+                    "# This plan may have items which require attention so is being opened in YAML text editor mode.\n"+
+                    "# The YAML was autogenerated by merging the plan with any values provided in UI, but issues were\n"+
+                    "# detected that mean it might not be correct. Please check the blueprint below carefully.\n"+
+                    "\n"+
+                    buildComposerYaml(false));
+            }
         function clearError() {