blob: a792c70880b530da42963e355b49425dd725a8c8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package org.apache.brooklyn.util.javalang.coerce;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.collections.MutableList;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.collections.MutableSet;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.collections.QuorumCheck;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.collections.QuorumCheck.QuorumChecks;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.exceptions.Exceptions;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.guava.Maybe;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.guava.TypeTokens;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.text.StringEscapes.JavaStringEscapes;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.text.Strings;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.time.Duration;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.time.Time;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.time.Timestamp;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.yaml.Yamls;
public class CommonAdaptorTypeCoercions {
// It might be nice to support key=value syntax when trying to parse things as maps.
// We have never supported this, but a bug in testng made it look like we did.
// This flags relevant areas of code and tests
public static final boolean PARSE_MAPS_WITH_EQUALS_SYMBOL = false;
@Beta public static final double DELTA_FOR_COERCION = 0.000001;
private final TypeCoercerExtensible coercer;
public CommonAdaptorTypeCoercions(TypeCoercerExtensible coercer) {
this.coercer = coercer;
public CommonAdaptorTypeCoercions registerAllAdapters() {
return this;
/** Registers an adapter for use with type coercion. Returns any old adapter registered for this pair. */
public synchronized <A,B> Function<? super A,B> registerAdapter(Class<A> sourceType, Class<B> targetType, Function<? super A,B> fn) {
return coercer.registerAdapter(sourceType, targetType, fn);
/** Registers an adapter for use with type coercion. nameAndOrder is of the form NUM-NAME with the natural order prevailing (ordered by NUM numerically),
* eg 1-x before 2-x before 9-x before 11-x;
* negative indexed orders are processed after, with -1-x before -2-x before -11-x */
public synchronized void registerAdapter(String nameAndOrder, TryCoercer coerceFn) {
coercer.registerAdapter(nameAndOrder, coerceFn);
public void registerStandardAdapters() {
registerAdapter(CharSequence.class, String.class, new Function<CharSequence,String>() {
public String apply(CharSequence input) {
return input.toString();
registerAdapter(byte[].class, String.class, new Function<byte[],String>() {
public String apply(byte[] input) {
return new String(input);
registerAdapter(Collection.class, Set.class, new Function<Collection,Set>() {
public Set apply(Collection input) {
return Sets.newLinkedHashSet(input);
registerAdapter(Collection.class, List.class, new Function<Collection,List>() {
public List apply(Collection input) {
return Lists.newArrayList(input);
registerAdapter(String.class, InetAddress.class, new Function<String,InetAddress>() {
public InetAddress apply(String input) {
return Networking.getInetAddressWithFixedName(input);
registerAdapter(String.class, HostAndPort.class, new Function<String,HostAndPort>() {
public HostAndPort apply(String input) {
return HostAndPort.fromString(input);
registerAdapter(String.class, UserAndHostAndPort.class, new Function<String,UserAndHostAndPort>() {
public UserAndHostAndPort apply(String input) {
return UserAndHostAndPort.fromString(input);
registerAdapter(String.class, Cidr.class, new Function<String,Cidr>() {
public Cidr apply(String input) {
return new Cidr(input);
registerAdapter(String.class, URL.class, new Function<String,URL>() {
public URL apply(String input) {
try {
return new URL(input);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw Exceptions.propagate(e);
registerAdapter(URL.class, String.class, new Function<URL,String>() {
public String apply(URL input) {
return input.toString();
registerAdapter(String.class, URI.class, new Function<String,URI>() {
public URI apply(String input) {
return Strings.isNonBlank(input) ? URI.create(input) : null;
registerAdapter(URI.class, String.class, new Function<URI,String>() {
public String apply(URI input) {
return input.toString();
registerAdapter(Object.class, Duration.class, new Function<Object,Duration>() {
public Duration apply(final Object input) {
return org.apache.brooklyn.util.time.Duration.of(input);
registerAdapter(Integer.class, AtomicLong.class, new Function<Integer,AtomicLong>() {
@Override public AtomicLong apply(final Integer input) {
return new AtomicLong(input);
registerAdapter(Long.class, AtomicLong.class, new Function<Long,AtomicLong>() {
@Override public AtomicLong apply(final Long input) {
return new AtomicLong(input);
registerAdapter(String.class, AtomicLong.class, new Function<String,AtomicLong>() {
@Override public AtomicLong apply(final String input) {
return new AtomicLong(Long.parseLong(input.trim()));
registerAdapter(Integer.class, AtomicInteger.class, new Function<Integer,AtomicInteger>() {
@Override public AtomicInteger apply(final Integer input) {
return new AtomicInteger(input);
registerAdapter(String.class, AtomicInteger.class, new Function<String,AtomicInteger>() {
@Override public AtomicInteger apply(final String input) {
return new AtomicInteger(Integer.parseInt(input.trim()));
/** This always returns a {@link Double}, cast as a {@link Number};
* however primitives and boxers get exact typing due to call in #stringToPrimitive */
registerAdapter(String.class, Number.class, new Function<String,Number>() {
public Number apply(String input) {
return Double.valueOf(input);
registerAdapter(BigDecimal.class, Double.class, new Function<BigDecimal,Double>() {
public Double apply(BigDecimal input) {
return checkValidForConversion(input, input.doubleValue());
registerAdapter(BigInteger.class, Long.class, new Function<BigInteger,Long>() {
public Long apply(BigInteger input) {
return input.longValueExact();
registerAdapter(BigInteger.class, Integer.class, new Function<BigInteger,Integer>() {
public Integer apply(BigInteger input) {
return input.intValueExact();
registerAdapter(String.class, BigDecimal.class, new Function<String,BigDecimal>() {
public BigDecimal apply(String input) {
return new BigDecimal(input);
registerAdapter(Double.class, BigDecimal.class, new Function<Double,BigDecimal>() {
public BigDecimal apply(Double input) {
return BigDecimal.valueOf(input);
registerAdapter(String.class, BigInteger.class, new Function<String,BigInteger>() {
public BigInteger apply(String input) {
return new BigInteger(input);
registerAdapter(Long.class, BigInteger.class, new Function<Long,BigInteger>() {
public BigInteger apply(Long input) {
return BigInteger.valueOf(input);
registerAdapter(Integer.class, BigInteger.class, new Function<Integer,BigInteger>() {
public BigInteger apply(Integer input) {
return BigInteger.valueOf(input);
registerAdapter(String.class, Date.class, new Function<String,Date>() {
public Date apply(final String input) {
return Time.parseDate(input);
registerAdapter(String.class, Instant.class, new Function<String,Instant>() {
public Instant apply(final String input) {
return Time.parseDate(input).toInstant();
registerAdapter(String.class, Timestamp.class, new Function<String,Timestamp>() {
public Timestamp apply(final String input) {
return new Timestamp(input);
registerAdapter(Date.class, Timestamp.class, new Function<Date,Timestamp>() {
public Timestamp apply(final Date input) {
return new Timestamp(input);
registerAdapter(Instant.class, Timestamp.class, new Function<Instant,Timestamp>() {
public Timestamp apply(final Instant input) {
return new Timestamp(input);
registerAdapter(String.class, QuorumCheck.class, new Function<String,QuorumCheck>() {
public QuorumCheck apply(final String input) {
return QuorumChecks.of(input);
registerAdapter(Integer.class, QuorumCheck.class, new Function<Integer,QuorumCheck>() {
public QuorumCheck apply(final Integer input) {
return QuorumChecks.of(input);
registerAdapter(Collection.class, QuorumCheck.class, new Function<Collection,QuorumCheck>() {
public QuorumCheck apply(final Collection input) {
return QuorumChecks.of(input);
registerAdapter(String.class, TimeZone.class, new Function<String,TimeZone>() {
public TimeZone apply(final String input) {
return TimeZone.getTimeZone(input);
registerAdapter(Long.class, Date.class, new Function<Long,Date>() {
public Date apply(final Long input) {
return new Date(input);
registerAdapter(Integer.class, Date.class, new Function<Integer,Date>() {
public Date apply(final Integer input) {
return new Date(input);
registerAdapter(String.class, Predicate.class, new Function<String,Predicate>() {
public Predicate apply(final String input) {
switch (input) {
case "alwaysFalse" : return Predicates.alwaysFalse();
case "alwaysTrue" : return Predicates.alwaysTrue();
case "isNull" : return Predicates.isNull();
case "notNull" : return Predicates.notNull();
default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot convert string '" + input + "' to predicate");
registerAdapter(String.class, Path.class, new Function<String,Path>() {
public Path apply(final String input) {
return Paths.get(input);
public static double checkValidForConversion(BigDecimal input, double candidate) {
if (input.subtract(BigDecimal.valueOf(candidate)).abs().compareTo(BigDecimal.valueOf(DELTA_FOR_COERCION))>0) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Decimal value out of range; cannot convert "+ input +" to double");
return candidate;
public void registerRecursiveIterableAdapters() {
// these refer to the coercer to recursively coerce;
// they throw if there are errors (but the registry apply loop will catch and handle),
// as currently the registry does not support Maybe or opting-out
registerAdapter(Iterable.class, String[].class, new Function<Iterable, String[]>() {
public String[] apply(@Nullable Iterable list) {
if (list == null) return null;
String[] result = new String[Iterables.size(list)];
int count = 0;
for (Object element : list) {
result[count++] = coercer.coerce(element, String.class);
return result;
registerAdapter(Iterable.class, Integer[].class, new Function<Iterable, Integer[]>() {
public Integer[] apply(@Nullable Iterable list) {
if (list == null) return null;
Integer[] result = new Integer[Iterables.size(list)];
int count = 0;
for (Object element : list) {
result[count++] = coercer.coerce(element, Integer.class);
return result;
registerAdapter(Iterable.class, int[].class, new Function<Iterable, int[]>() {
public int[] apply(@Nullable Iterable list) {
if (list == null) return null;
int[] result = new int[Iterables.size(list)];
int count = 0;
for (Object element : list) {
result[count++] = coercer.coerce(element, int.class);
return result;
public void registerClassForNameAdapters() {
registerAdapter(String.class, Class.class, new Function<String,Class>() {
public Class apply(final String input) {
try {
return Class.forName(input);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw Exceptions.propagate(e);
public void registerCollectionJsonAdapters() {
registerAdapter("20-strings-to-collections", new CoerceStringToCollections());
/** Does a rough coercion of the string to the indicated Collection or Map type.
* Only looks at generics enough to choose the right parser.
* Expects the caller {@link TypeCoercerExtensible} to recurse inside the collection/map.
public static class CoerceStringToCollections implements TryCoercer {
public <T> Maybe<T> tryCoerce(Object input, TypeToken<T> type) {
if (!(input instanceof String)) return null;
String inputS = (String)input;
Class<? super T> rawType = TypeTokens.getRawRawType(type);
if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(rawType)) {
TypeToken<?> parameters[] = TypeTokens.getGenericParameterTypeTokensWhenUpcastToClassRaw(type, Collection.class);
Maybe<?> resultM = null;
Collection<?> result = null;
if (parameters.length==1 && TypeTokens.isAssignableFromRaw(CharSequence.class, parameters[0])) {
// for list of strings, use special parse
result = JavaStringEscapes.unwrapJsonishListStringIfPossible(inputS);
} else {
// any other type, use YAMLish parse
resultM = JavaStringEscapes.tryUnwrapJsonishList(inputS);
result = (Collection<?>) resultM.orNull();
if (result==null) {
if (resultM!=null) return Maybe.Absent.castAbsent(resultM);
return null;
if (rawType.isAssignableFrom(MutableList.class)) {
return Maybe.of((T) MutableList.copyOf(result).asUnmodifiable());
if (rawType.isAssignableFrom(MutableSet.class)) {
return Maybe.of((T) MutableSet.copyOf(result).asUnmodifiable());
if (rawType.isInstance(result)) {
return Maybe.of((T) result);
// the type is not a collection we can deal with
return null;
if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(rawType)) {
Function<String,Maybe<Map<?,?>>> parseYaml = (in) -> {
try {
return Maybe.of(Yamls.getAs( Yamls.parseAll(in), Map.class ));
} catch (Exception e) {
return Maybe.absent(new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot parse string as map with flexible YAML parsing; "+
(e instanceof ClassCastException ? "yaml treats it as a string" :
(e instanceof IllegalArgumentException && Strings.isNonEmpty(e.getMessage())) ? e.getMessage() :
""+e) ));
Maybe<Map<?, ?>> r1 = null;
// implement it here if we support it. could perhaps simply replace with ": " ?
// but ideally want more sophisticated quote processing and splitting
throw new IllegalStateException("Parsing maps with equals not currently supported");
// first try wrapping in braces if needed
if (!inputS.trim().startsWith("{") && (inputS.contains(": "))) {
r1 = parseYaml.apply("{ "+inputS+" }");
if (r1.isPresent()) return (Maybe<T>) r1;
// fall back to parsing without braces, e.g. if it's multiline
Maybe<Map<?, ?>> r2 = parseYaml.apply(inputS);
if (r2.isPresent()) return (Maybe<T>) r2;
// absent - prefer the first error if it wasn't multiline
return (Maybe<T>) ((r1!=null && inputS.indexOf('\n')==-1) ? r1 : r2);
// NB: previously we supported this also, when we did json above;
// yaml support is better as it supports quotes (and better than json because it allows dropping quotes)
// snake-yaml, our parser, also accepts key=value -- although i'm not sure this is strictly yaml compliant;
// our tests will catch it if snake behaviour changes, and we can reinstate this
// (but note it doesn't do quotes; see for that):
// return ImmutableMap.copyOf(Splitter.on(",").trimResults().omitEmptyStrings().withKeyValueSeparator("=").split(input));
// other types not supported here
return null;