blob: b5662246cf7603f0590d6cb1d87efe542fb537b7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.internal.winrm;
import static org.apache.brooklyn.core.config.ConfigKeys.newConfigKey;
import static org.apache.brooklyn.core.config.ConfigKeys.newStringConfigKey;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.brooklyn.config.ConfigKey;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.config.ConfigKeys;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.config.MapConfigKey;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.entity.BrooklynConfigKeys;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.flags.SetFromFlag;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.time.Duration;
public interface WinRmTool {
/** Public-facing global config keys for Brooklyn are defined in ConfigKeys,
* and have this prefix prepended to the config keys in this class.
* These keys are detected from entity/global config and automatically applied to ssh executions. */
"static final initializer classload ordering problem");
ConfigKey<String> PROP_HOST = newStringConfigKey("host", "Host to connect to (required)", null);
ConfigKey<Integer> PROP_PORT = ConfigKeys.newIntegerConfigKey("port", "WinRM port to use when connecting to the remote machine");
ConfigKey<Boolean> USE_HTTPS_WINRM = ConfigKeys.newBooleanConfigKey("winrm.useHttps", "The parameter tells the machine sensors whether the winrm port is over https. If the parameter is true then 5986 will be used as a winrm port.", false);
ConfigKey<Integer> RETRIES_OF_NETWORK_FAILURES = ConfigKeys.newIntegerConfigKey("retriesOfNetworkFailures", "The parameter sets the number of retries for connection failures. If you use high value, consider taking care for the machine's network.", 4);
ConfigKey<Map<String,String>> ENVIRONMENT = MapConfigKey.builder(new TypeToken<Map<String,String>>() {})
.description("WinRM Environment variables").build();
* Flag which tells winrm whether to use Basic Authentication
* or Negotiate plus NTLM.
* winrm.useNtlm parameter could be a subject to change.
* TODO Winrm supports several authentication mechanisms so it would be better to replace it with a prioritised list of authentication mechanisms to try.
ConfigKey<Boolean> USE_NTLM = ConfigKeys.newBooleanConfigKey("winrm.useNtlm", "The parameter configures tells the machine sensors whether the winrm port is over https. If the parameter is true then 5986 will be used as a winrm port.", true);
ConfigKey<String> COMPUTER_NAME = ConfigKeys.newStringConfigKey("winrm.computerName", "Windows Computer Name to use for authentication.");
ConfigKey<String> PROP_USER = newStringConfigKey("user", "User to connect as", null);
ConfigKey<String> PROP_PASSWORD = newStringConfigKey("password", "Password to use to connect", null);
ConfigKey<String> OPERATION_TIMEOUT = newStringConfigKey("winrm.operationTimeout", "WinRM OperationTimeout. If no output is available before the wsman:OperationTimeout expires, " +
"the server MUST return a WSManFault with the Code attribute equal to \"2150858793\". When the client receives this fault, it will issue another Receive request. winrm4j also sets the tcp socket timeout to a rounded up value", "1m");
// TODO See SshTool#PROP_SSH_TRIES, where it was called "sshTries"; remove duplication? Merge into one well-named thing?
ConfigKey<Integer> PROP_EXEC_TRIES = ConfigKeys.newIntegerConfigKey(
"Max number of times to attempt WinRM operations",
ConfigKey<Duration> PROP_EXEC_RETRY_DELAY = newConfigKey(
"Max time between retries (backing off exponentially to this delay)",
// May be ignored by implementations that more efficiently copy the file.
ConfigKey<Integer> COPY_FILE_CHUNK_SIZE_BYTES = ConfigKeys.newIntegerConfigKey(
"Size of file chunks (in bytes) to be used when copying a file to the remote server",
ConfigKey<String> ADDITIONAL_CONNECTION_METADATA = newStringConfigKey("additional.connection.metadata",
"Can be used to pass additional custom data to the WinrmTool, which is especially useful " +
"if writing a bespoke tool implementation");
* @deprecated since 0.9.0; use {@link #executeCommand(List)} to avoid ambiguity between native command and power shell.
WinRmToolResponse executeScript(List<String> commands);
* @since 0.9.0
WinRmToolResponse executeCommand(List<String> commands);
WinRmToolResponse executePs(List<String> commands);
WinRmToolResponse copyToServer(InputStream source, String destination);