blob: 7dd24cf44b49ac017ddd95ef3a24007fceb2cb6f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.brooklyn.core.typereg;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReadWriteLock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.catalog.BrooklynCatalog;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.catalog.CatalogItem;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.catalog.CatalogItem.CatalogItemType;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.internal.AbstractBrooklynObjectSpec;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.mgmt.ManagementContext;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.typereg.BrooklynTypeRegistry;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.typereg.RegisteredType;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.typereg.RegisteredType.TypeImplementationPlan;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.typereg.RegisteredTypeLoadingContext;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.catalog.internal.BasicBrooklynCatalog;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.catalog.internal.CatalogItemBuilder;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.catalog.internal.CatalogUtils;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.mgmt.ha.OsgiManager;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.mgmt.internal.ManagementContextInternal;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.typereg.BundleUpgradeParser.CatalogUpgrades;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.typereg.RegisteredTypes.RegisteredTypeNameThenBestFirstComparator;
import org.apache.brooklyn.test.Asserts;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.collections.MutableMap;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.collections.MutableSet;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.concurrent.Locks;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.exceptions.Exceptions;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.guava.Maybe;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.osgi.VersionedName;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.osgi.VersionedName.VersionedNameStringComparator;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.text.BrooklynVersionSyntax;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.text.Identifiers;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.text.Strings;
import org.osgi.framework.Bundle;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public class BasicBrooklynTypeRegistry implements BrooklynTypeRegistry {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BasicBrooklynTypeRegistry.class);
private ManagementContext mgmt;
private Map<String,Map<String,RegisteredType>> localRegisteredTypesAndContainingBundles = MutableMap.of();
* Thread synch model is pretty simple, as follows:
* - get a read lock on this if looking at localRegisteredTypesAndContainingBundles
* or any of the maps contained within;
* - get a write lock on this if changing the map above or any of the maps within.
* There is potential for finer grained locking to allow reads/writes of different inner
* maps but coordinating that is tricky and does not seem worth it.
private ReadWriteLock localRegistryLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();
private CatalogUpgrades catalogUpgrades;
public BasicBrooklynTypeRegistry(ManagementContext mgmt) {
this.mgmt = mgmt;
public Iterable<RegisteredType> getAll() {
return getMatching(Predicates.alwaysTrue());
private Iterable<RegisteredType> getAllWithoutCatalog(Predicate<? super RegisteredType> filter) {
// TODO optimisation? make indexes and look up?
Ordering<RegisteredType> typeOrder = Ordering.from(RegisteredTypeNameThenBestFirstComparator.INSTANCE);
return Locks.withLock(localRegistryLock.readLock(),
() -> localRegisteredTypesAndContainingBundles.values().stream().
flatMap(m -> { return typeOrder.sortedCopy(m.values()).stream(); }).filter(filter::apply).collect(Collectors.toList()) );
private Maybe<RegisteredType> getExactWithoutLegacyCatalog(String symbolicName, String version, RegisteredTypeLoadingContext constraint) {
RegisteredType item = Locks.withLock(localRegistryLock.readLock(),
()-> getBestValue(localRegisteredTypesAndContainingBundles.get(symbolicName+":"+version)) );
return RegisteredTypes.tryValidate(item, constraint);
private RegisteredType getBestValue(Map<String, RegisteredType> m) {
if (m==null) return null;
if (m.isEmpty()) return null;
if (m.size()==1) return m.values().iterator().next();
// get the highest version of first alphabetical - to have a canonical order
return m.get( Ordering.from(VersionedNameStringComparator.INSTANCE).min(m.keySet()) );
public Iterable<RegisteredType> getMatching(Predicate<? super RegisteredType> filter) {
Set<RegisteredType> result = MutableSet.of();
// keep name record also so we can remove legacy items that are superseded
Set<String> typeNamesFound = MutableSet.of();
for (RegisteredType rt: getAllWithoutCatalog(filter)) {
for (RegisteredType rt: Iterables.filter(
Iterables.transform(mgmt.getCatalog().getCatalogItemsLegacy(), RegisteredTypes.CI_TO_RT),
filter)) {
if (!typeNamesFound.contains(rt.getId())) {
// TODO ideally never come here, however
// legacy cataog currently still used for java-scanned annotations;
// hopefully that will be deprecated and removed in near future
// (probably after switch to osgi and using --
// though it would not be too hard for java scan code in CatalogClasspath.load to
// make TypeRegistry instances instead of CatalogItem, esp if we had YOML to write that plan)
//log.warn("Item '"+rt.getId()+"' not in type registry; only found in legacy catalog");
return result;
@SuppressWarnings({ "deprecation", "unchecked" })
private Maybe<RegisteredType> getSingle(String symbolicNameOrAliasIfNoVersion, final String versionFinal, final RegisteredTypeLoadingContext contextFinal) {
RegisteredTypeLoadingContext context = contextFinal;
if (context==null) context = RegisteredTypeLoadingContexts.any();
String version = versionFinal;
if (Strings.isBlank(version)) version = BrooklynCatalog.DEFAULT_VERSION;
if (!BrooklynCatalog.DEFAULT_VERSION.equals(version)) {
// normal code path when version is supplied
Maybe<RegisteredType> type = getExactWithoutLegacyCatalog(symbolicNameOrAliasIfNoVersion, version, context);
if (type.isPresent()) return type;
Predicate<RegisteredType> versionCheck;
if (BrooklynCatalog.DEFAULT_VERSION.equals(version)) {
// if version blank or default
versionCheck = Predicates.alwaysTrue();
} else {
// didn't find exact so will search against osgi version
versionCheck = RegisteredTypePredicates.versionOsgi(version);
Iterable<RegisteredType> types = getMatching(Predicates.and(
if (Iterables.isEmpty(types)) {
// look for alias if no exact symbolic name match AND no version is specified
types = getMatching(Predicates.and(
RegisteredTypePredicates.satisfies(context) ) );
// if there are multiple symbolic names then throw?
Set<String> uniqueSymbolicNames = MutableSet.of();
for (RegisteredType t: types) {
if (uniqueSymbolicNames.size()>1) {
String message = "Multiple matches found for alias '"+symbolicNameOrAliasIfNoVersion+"': "+uniqueSymbolicNames+"; "
+ "refusing to select any.";
return Maybe.absent(message);
if (!Iterables.isEmpty(types)) {
RegisteredType type = RegisteredTypes.getBestVersion(types);
if (type!=null) return Maybe.of(type);
// missing case is to look for exact version in legacy catalog
CatalogItem<?, ?> item = mgmt.getCatalog().getCatalogItemLegacy(symbolicNameOrAliasIfNoVersion, version);
if (item!=null)
return Maybe.of( RegisteredTypes.CI_TO_RT.apply( item ) );
return Maybe.absent("No matches for "+symbolicNameOrAliasIfNoVersion+
(Strings.isNonBlank(versionFinal) ? ":"+versionFinal : "")+
(contextFinal!=null ? " ("+contextFinal+")" : "") );
public RegisteredType get(String symbolicName, String version) {
return getSingle(symbolicName, version, null).orNull();
public RegisteredType get(String symbolicNameWithOptionalVersion, RegisteredTypeLoadingContext context) {
return getMaybe(symbolicNameWithOptionalVersion, context).orNull();
public Maybe<RegisteredType> getMaybe(String symbolicNameWithOptionalVersion, RegisteredTypeLoadingContext context) {
Maybe<RegisteredType> r1 = null;
if (RegisteredTypeNaming.isUsableTypeColonVersion(symbolicNameWithOptionalVersion) ||
// included through 0.12 so legacy type names are accepted (with warning)
CatalogUtils.looksLikeVersionedId(symbolicNameWithOptionalVersion)) {
String symbolicName = CatalogUtils.getSymbolicNameFromVersionedId(symbolicNameWithOptionalVersion);
String version = CatalogUtils.getVersionFromVersionedId(symbolicNameWithOptionalVersion);
r1 = getSingle(symbolicName, version, context);
if (r1.isPresent()) return r1;
Maybe<RegisteredType> r2 = getSingle(symbolicNameWithOptionalVersion, BrooklynCatalog.DEFAULT_VERSION, context);
if (r2.isPresent() || r1==null) return r2;
return r1;
public RegisteredType get(String symbolicNameWithOptionalVersion) {
return get(symbolicNameWithOptionalVersion, (RegisteredTypeLoadingContext)null);
public <SpecT extends AbstractBrooklynObjectSpec<?,?>> SpecT createSpec(RegisteredType type, @Nullable RegisteredTypeLoadingContext constraint, @Nullable Class<SpecT> specSuperType) {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(type, "type");
if (type.getKind()==RegisteredTypeKind.SPEC) {
return createSpec(type, type.getPlan(), type.getSymbolicName(), type.getVersion(), type.getSuperTypes(), constraint, specSuperType);
} else if (type.getKind()==RegisteredTypeKind.UNRESOLVED) {
if (constraint != null && constraint.getAlreadyEncounteredTypes().contains(type.getSymbolicName())) {
throw new UnsupportedTypePlanException("Cannot create spec from type "+type+" (kind "+type.getKind()+"), recursive reference following "+constraint.getAlreadyEncounteredTypes());
} else {
// try just-in-time validation
Collection<Throwable> validationErrors = mgmt.getCatalog().validateType(type, constraint);
if (!validationErrors.isEmpty()) {
throw new ReferencedUnresolvedTypeException(type, true, Exceptions.create(validationErrors));
type = mgmt.getTypeRegistry().get(type.getSymbolicName(), type.getVersion());
if (type==null || type.getKind()==RegisteredTypeKind.UNRESOLVED) {
throw new ReferencedUnresolvedTypeException(type);
return createSpec(type, constraint, specSuperType);
} else {
throw new UnsupportedTypePlanException("Cannot create spec from type "+type+" (kind "+type.getKind()+")");
@SuppressWarnings({ "deprecation", "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
private <SpecT extends AbstractBrooklynObjectSpec<?,?>> SpecT createSpec(
RegisteredType type,
TypeImplementationPlan plan,
@Nullable String symbolicName, @Nullable String version, Set<Object> superTypes,
@Nullable RegisteredTypeLoadingContext constraint, @Nullable Class<SpecT> specSuperType) {
// TODO type is only used to call to "transform"; we should perhaps change transform so it doesn't need the type?
if (constraint!=null) {
if (constraint.getExpectedKind()!=null && constraint.getExpectedKind()!=RegisteredTypeKind.SPEC) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot create spec with constraint "+constraint);
if (symbolicName != null && constraint.getAlreadyEncounteredTypes().contains(symbolicName)) {
// avoid recursive cycle
// TODO implement using java if permitted
constraint = RegisteredTypeLoadingContexts.withSpecSuperType(constraint, specSuperType);
Maybe<Object> result = TypePlanTransformers.transform(mgmt, type, constraint);
if (result.isPresent()) return (SpecT) result.get();
// fallback: look up in (legacy) catalog
// TODO remove once all transformers are available in the new style
CatalogItem item = symbolicName!=null ? (CatalogItem) mgmt.getCatalog().getCatalogItemLegacy(symbolicName, version) : null;
if (item==null) {
// if not in catalog (because loading a new item?) then look up item based on type
// (only really used in tests; possibly also for any recursive legacy transformers we might have to create a CI; cross that bridge when we come to it)
CatalogItemType ciType = CatalogItemType.ofTargetClass( (Class)constraint.getExpectedJavaSuperType() );
if (ciType==null) {
// throw -- not supported for non-spec types
item = CatalogItemBuilder.newItem(ciType,
symbolicName!=null ? symbolicName : Identifiers.makeRandomId(8),
version!=null ? version : BasicBrooklynCatalog.DEFAULT_VERSION)
try {
return (SpecT) BasicBrooklynCatalog.internalCreateSpecLegacy(mgmt, item, constraint.getAlreadyEncounteredTypes(), false);
} catch (Exception e) {
// for now, combine this failure with the original
try {
// above will throw -- so won't come here
throw new IllegalStateException("should have failed getting type resolution for "+symbolicName);
} catch (Exception e0) {
Set<Exception> exceptionsInOrder = MutableSet.of();
if (e0.toString().indexOf("none of the available transformers")>=0) {
// put the legacy exception first if none of the new transformers support the type
// (until the new transformer is the primary pathway)
} else {
throw Exceptions.create("Unable to instantiate "+(symbolicName==null ? "item" : symbolicName), exceptionsInOrder);
public <SpecT extends AbstractBrooklynObjectSpec<?, ?>> SpecT createSpecFromPlan(@Nullable String planFormat, Object planData, @Nullable RegisteredTypeLoadingContext optionalConstraint, @Nullable Class<SpecT> optionalSpecSuperType) {
return createSpec(RegisteredTypes.anonymousRegisteredType(RegisteredTypeKind.SPEC, new BasicTypeImplementationPlan(planFormat, planData)),
optionalConstraint, optionalSpecSuperType);
public <T> T createBean(RegisteredType type, @Nullable RegisteredTypeLoadingContext constraint, @Nullable Class<T> optionalResultSuperType) {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(type, "type");
if (type.getKind()!=RegisteredTypeKind.BEAN) {
if (type.getKind()==RegisteredTypeKind.UNRESOLVED) throw new ReferencedUnresolvedTypeException(type);
else throw new UnsupportedTypePlanException("Cannot create bean from type "+type+" (kind "+type.getKind()+")");
if (constraint!=null) {
if (constraint.getExpectedKind()!=null && constraint.getExpectedKind()!=RegisteredTypeKind.SPEC) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot create bean with constraint "+constraint);
if (constraint.getAlreadyEncounteredTypes().contains(type.getSymbolicName())) {
// avoid recursive cycle
// TODO create type using java if permitted?
// OR remove this creator from those permitted
constraint = RegisteredTypeLoadingContexts.withBeanSuperType(constraint, optionalResultSuperType);
T result = (T) TypePlanTransformers.transform(mgmt, type, constraint).get();
return result;
public <T> T createBeanFromPlan(String planFormat, Object planData, @Nullable RegisteredTypeLoadingContext optionalConstraint, @Nullable Class<T> optionalSuperType) {
return createBean(RegisteredTypes.anonymousRegisteredType(RegisteredTypeKind.BEAN, new BasicTypeImplementationPlan(planFormat, planData)),
optionalConstraint, optionalSuperType);
public <T> T create(RegisteredType type, @Nullable RegisteredTypeLoadingContext constraint, @Nullable Class<T> optionalResultSuperType) {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(type, "type");
return new RegisteredTypeKindVisitor<T>() {
@Override protected T visitBean() { return createBean(type, constraint, optionalResultSuperType); }
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
@Override protected T visitSpec() { return (T) createSpec(type, constraint, (Class)optionalResultSuperType); }
@Override protected T visitUnresolved() {
try {
// don't think there are valid times when this comes here?
// currently should only used for "templates" which are always for specs,
// but callers of that shouldn't be talking to type plan transformers,
// they should be calling to main BBTR methods.
// do it and alert just in case however.
// TODO remove if we don't see any warnings (or when we sort out semantics for template v app v allowed-unresolved better)
log.debug("Request for "+this+" to create UNRESOLVED kind "+type+"; trying as spec");
T result = visitSpec();
log.warn("Request to use "+this+" from UNRESOLVED state succeeded treating is as a spec");
log.debug("Trace for request to use "+this+" in UNRESOLVED state succeeding", new Throwable("Location of request to use "+this+" in UNRESOLVED state"));
return result;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Kind-agnostic create method only intended for used when the registered type declares its kind, which "+type+" does not, "
+ "and failed treating it as a spec: "+e, e);
public <T> T createFromPlan(Class<T> requiredSuperTypeHint, @Nullable String planFormat, Object planData, @Nullable RegisteredTypeLoadingContext optionalConstraint) {
if (AbstractBrooklynObjectSpec.class.isAssignableFrom(requiredSuperTypeHint)) {
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
T result = (T) createSpecFromPlan(planFormat, planData, optionalConstraint, (Class)requiredSuperTypeHint);
return result;
return createBeanFromPlan(planFormat, planData, optionalConstraint, requiredSuperTypeHint);
@Beta // API is stabilising
public void addToLocalUnpersistedTypeRegistry(RegisteredType type, boolean canForce) {
if (!type.getId().equals(type.getSymbolicName()+":"+type.getVersion()))"Registered type "+type+" has ID / symname mismatch");
() -> {
Map<String, RegisteredType> knownMatchingTypesByBundles = localRegisteredTypesAndContainingBundles.get(type.getId());
if (knownMatchingTypesByBundles==null) {
knownMatchingTypesByBundles = MutableMap.of();
localRegisteredTypesAndContainingBundles.put(type.getId(), knownMatchingTypesByBundles);
Set<String> oldContainingBundlesToRemove = MutableSet.of();
boolean newIsWrapperBundle = isWrapperBundle(type.getContainingBundle());
for (RegisteredType existingT: knownMatchingTypesByBundles.values()) {
String reasonForDetailedCheck = null;
boolean sameBundle = Objects.equals(existingT.getContainingBundle(), type.getContainingBundle());
boolean oldIsWrapperBundle = isWrapperBundle(existingT.getContainingBundle());
if (sameBundle || (oldIsWrapperBundle && newIsWrapperBundle)) {
// allow replacement (different plan for same type) if either
// it's the same bundle or the old one was a wrapper, AND
// either we're forced or in snapshot-land
if (!sameBundle) {
// if old is wrapper bundle, we have to to remove the old record
if (canForce) {
// may be forcing because of internal type validation, or of course user flag
log.debug("Addition of "+type+" to replace "+existingT+" allowed because force is on");
if (BrooklynVersionSyntax.isSnapshot(type.getVersion())) {
if (existingT.getContainingBundle()!=null) {
if (BrooklynVersionSyntax.isSnapshot(VersionedName.fromString(existingT.getContainingBundle()).getVersionString())) {
log.debug("Addition of "+type+" to replace "+existingT+" allowed because both are snapshot");
} else {
reasonForDetailedCheck = "the containing bundle "+existingT.getContainingBundle()+" is not a SNAPSHOT and addition is not forced";
} else {
// can this occur?
reasonForDetailedCheck = "the containing bundle of the type is unknown (cannot confirm it is snapshot)";
} else {
reasonForDetailedCheck = "the type is not a SNAPSHOT and addition is not forced";
} else if (oldIsWrapperBundle) {
reasonForDetailedCheck = type.getId()+" is in a named bundle replacing an item from an anonymous bundle-wrapped BOM, so definitions must be the same (or else give it a different version)";
} else if (newIsWrapperBundle) {
reasonForDetailedCheck = type.getId()+" is in an anonymous bundle-wrapped BOM replacing an item from a named bundle, so definitions must be the same (or else give it a different version)";
} else {
reasonForDetailedCheck = type.getId()+" is defined in different bundle";
assertSameEnoughToAllowReplacing(existingT, type, reasonForDetailedCheck);
log.debug("Inserting "+type+" into "+this+
(oldContainingBundlesToRemove.isEmpty() ? "" : " (removing entry from "+oldContainingBundlesToRemove+")"));
for (String oldContainingBundle: oldContainingBundlesToRemove) {
knownMatchingTypesByBundles.put(type.getContainingBundle(), type);
private boolean isWrapperBundle(String bundleNameVersion) {
if (bundleNameVersion==null) return true;
Maybe<OsgiManager> osgi = ((ManagementContextInternal)mgmt).getOsgiManager();
// if not osgi, everything is treated as a wrapper bundle
if (osgi.isAbsent()) return true;
VersionedName vn = VersionedName.fromString(bundleNameVersion);
Maybe<Bundle> b = osgi.get().findBundle(new BasicOsgiBundleWithUrl(vn.getSymbolicName(), vn.getOsgiVersionString(), null));
// if bundle not found it is an error or a race; we don't fail, but we shouldn't treat it as a wrapper
if (b.isAbsent()) return false;
return BasicBrooklynCatalog.isWrapperBundle(b.get());
* Allow replacing even of non-SNAPSHOT versions if plans are "similar enough";
* ie, forgiving some metadata changes.
* <p>
* This is needed when replacing an unresolved item with a resolved one or vice versa;
* the {@link RegisteredType#equals(Object)} check is too strict.
private boolean assertSameEnoughToAllowReplacing(RegisteredType oldType, RegisteredType type, String reasonForDetailedCheck) {
/* The bundle checksum check prevents swapping a different bundle at the same name+version.
* For SNAPSHOT and forced-updates, this method doesn't apply, so we can assume here that
* either the bundle checksums are the same,
* or it is a different bundle declaring an item which is already installed.
* <p>
* Thus if the containing bundle is the same, the items are necessarily the same,
* except for metadata we've mucked with (e.g. kind = unresolved).
* <p>
* If the containing bundle is different, it's possible someone is doing something sneaky.
* If bundles aren't anonymous wrappers, then we should disallow --
* e.g. a bundle BAR is declaring and item already declared by a bundle FOO.
* It is the latter case we have to check.
* In the latter case we want to fail unless the old item comes from a wrapper bundle.
* the only time this method
* applies where there might be differences in the item is if installing a bundle BAR which
* declares an item with same name and version as an item already installed by a bundle FOO.
* * uploading a bundle
* * uploading a BOM (no bundle) where the item it is defining is the same as one already defined
* (with the same non-SNAPSHOT version) bundle. So any changes to icons, plans, etc, should have already been caught;
* this only applies if the BOM/bundle is identical, and in that case the only field where the two types here
* could be different is the containing bundle metadata, viz. someone has uploaded an anonymous BOM twice.
if (!oldType.getVersionedName().equals(type.getVersionedName())) {
// different name - shouldn't even come here
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot add "+type+" to catalog; different "+oldType+" is already present ("+reasonForDetailedCheck+")");
if (Objects.equals(oldType.getContainingBundle(), type.getContainingBundle())) {
// if named bundles equal then contents must be the same (due to bundle checksum); bail out early
if (!samePlan(oldType, type)) {
String msg = "Cannot add "+type+" to catalog; different plan in "+oldType+" from same bundle "+
type.getContainingBundle()+" is already present and "+reasonForDetailedCheck;
"Plan being added is:\n"+type.getPlan()+"\n"+
"Plan already present is:\n"+oldType.getPlan() );
throw new IllegalStateException(msg);
if (oldType.getKind()!=RegisteredTypeKind.UNRESOLVED && type.getKind()!=RegisteredTypeKind.UNRESOLVED &&
!Objects.equals(oldType.getKind(), type.getKind())) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot add "+type+" to catalog; different kind in "+oldType+" from same bundle is already present and "+reasonForDetailedCheck);
return true;
// different bundles, either anonymous or same item in two named bundles
if (!samePlan(oldType, type)) {
// if plan is different, fail
String msg = "Cannot add "+type+" to catalog; it is different to "+oldType+", and "+reasonForDetailedCheck+" (throwing)";
"Plan being added from "+type.getContainingBundle()+" is:\n"+type.getPlan()+"\n"+
"Plan already present from "+oldType.getContainingBundle()+" is:\n"+oldType.getPlan() );
throw new IllegalStateException(msg);
if (oldType.getKind()!=RegisteredTypeKind.UNRESOLVED && type.getKind()!=RegisteredTypeKind.UNRESOLVED &&
!Objects.equals(oldType.getKind(), type.getKind())) {
// if kind is different and both resolved, fail
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot add "+type+" to catalog; it is a different kind to "+oldType+", and "
+ reasonForDetailedCheck);
// it is the same plan as a type in another bundle;
// previously we allowed only when the other bundle was a wrapper or no bundle
// (or it was forced - which was guaranteed to cause problems on rebind!);
// but now we always allow it, and we track which bundles things come from
return true;
private boolean samePlan(RegisteredType oldType, RegisteredType type) {
return RegisteredTypes.arePlansEquivalent(oldType, type);
/** removes registered type with the given ID from the local in-memory catalog
* (ignores bundle, deletes from all bundles if present in multiple;
* falls back to removing from legacy catalog if not known here in any bundles)
* @throws NoSuchElementException if not found */
@Beta // API stabilising
public void delete(VersionedName type) {
boolean changedLocally = Locks.withLock(localRegistryLock.writeLock(),
() -> {
boolean changed = (localRegisteredTypesAndContainingBundles.remove(type.toString()) != null);
if (changed) {
CatalogUpgrades.clearTypeInStoredUpgrades(mgmt, type);
return changed;
legacyDelete(type, changedLocally);
private void legacyDelete(VersionedName type, boolean alreadyDeletedLocally) {
// when we delete the legacy basic catalog, this method should simply do the following (as contract is to throw if can't delete)
// if (alreadyDeletedLocally) return;
// if (Strings.isBlank(type.getVersionString()) || BrooklynCatalog.DEFAULT_VERSION.equals(type.getVersionString())) {
// throw new IllegalStateException("Deleting items with unspecified version (argument DEFAULT_VERSION) not supported.");
// }
// throw new NoSuchElementException("No catalog item found with id "+type);
// but for now we should delete the CI - if it's a RT then CI deletion is optional
// (note that if a CI is added and validated, there is an RT created so there are both)
// if it was an RT that was added there is no CI. (and if the CI was added without vbalidation,
// there is no RT, and in this case we have to fail if the CI is not found.)
mgmt.getCatalog().deleteCatalogItem(type.getSymbolicName(), type.getVersionString(), false, !alreadyDeletedLocally);
/** removes the given registered type in the noted bundle;
* if not known in that bundle tries deleting from legacy catalog.
* @throws NoSuchElementException if not found */
public void delete(RegisteredType type) {
boolean changedLocally = Locks.withLock(localRegistryLock.writeLock(),
() -> {
Map<String, RegisteredType> m = localRegisteredTypesAndContainingBundles.get(type.getId());
if (m==null) return false;
RegisteredType removedItem = m.remove(type.getContainingBundle());
if (m.isEmpty()) {
CatalogUpgrades.clearTypeInStoredUpgrades(mgmt, type.getVersionedName());
if (removedItem==null) {
throw new NoSuchElementException("Requested to delete "+type+" from "+type.getContainingBundle()+", "
+ "but that type was not known in that bundle, it is in "+m.keySet()+" instead");
return true;
legacyDelete(type.getVersionedName(), changedLocally);
/** as {@link #delete(VersionedName)} */
@Beta // API stabilising
public void delete(String id) {
/** Deletes all items, for use when resetting management context */
public void clear() {
Locks.withLock(localRegistryLock.writeLock(), () -> {
catalogUpgrades = null;
public void storeCatalogUpgradesInstructions(CatalogUpgrades catalogUpgrades) {
this.catalogUpgrades = catalogUpgrades;
public CatalogUpgrades getCatalogUpgradesInstructions() {
return catalogUpgrades;