comments on snakeyaml version bump
diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml
index 1b130c7..5c2395b 100644
--- a/pom.xml
+++ b/pom.xml
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
         <jakarta.mail.version>1.6.5</jakarta.mail.version> <!-- used by karaf -->
         <!-- double-check downstream projects before changing jackson version -->
-        <cxf.version>3.4.10</cxf.version>
+        <cxf.version>3.4.10</cxf.version>  <!-- 3.5.7 is the latest using java 8, but untested; 3.6 and 4 use 11; 3.5 and earlier all use snakeyaml 1.x but for our purposes seem to work with 2.x -->
         <httpcomponents.httpclient.version>4.5.13</httpcomponents.httpclient.version> <!-- To match apache-cxf-3.4.10-features.xml -->
         <httpcomponents.httpcore.version>4.4.15</httpcomponents.httpcore.version> <!-- To match cxf -->
         <!-- @deprecated since 0.11 -->
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@
         <groovy.version>2.4.21</groovy.version> <!-- 2.4 seems to be an LTS; later versions switch to using a pom not a jar for groovy all, then in 4 to using modules and hosted at apache rather than codehaus; note the groovy-eclipse-complier versions below -->
         <groovy-eclipse-compiler.version>2.9.1-01</groovy-eclipse-compiler.version>  <!-- see -->
-        <snakeyaml.version>2.2</snakeyaml.version> <!-- should match: cxf-parent, jackson-dataformat-yaml (both of which seem to update regularly) -->
+        <snakeyaml.version>2.2</snakeyaml.version> <!-- should match: cxf-parent, jackson-dataformat-yaml; jackson is easy, but cxf have dropped support for java 8 -->
         <snakeyaml.jclouds.version>1.26</snakeyaml.jclouds.version> <!-- jclouds 2.4 imports this; used for exclusion; yaml in jclouds might be broken as we are long past this -->
         <!-- Next version of swagger requires changes to how path mapping and scanner injection are done. -->