blob: e35517d3d88cab88d1ffb8235611b2a4e9897bc3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.location.Location;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.location.LocationDefinition;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.mgmt.ManagementContext;
import org.apache.brooklyn.location.jclouds.BlobStoreContextFactoryImpl;
import org.apache.brooklyn.location.jclouds.JcloudsLocation;
import org.apache.brooklyn.location.jclouds.JcloudsLocationCustomizer;
import org.apache.brooklyn.location.jclouds.LocationCustomizerDelegate;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.config.ConfigBag;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.exceptions.FatalConfigurationRuntimeException;
import org.jclouds.blobstore.BlobStore;
import org.jclouds.blobstore.BlobStoreContext;
import org.jclouds.blobstore.domain.Blob;
import org.jclouds.blobstore.domain.StorageMetadata;
import org.jclouds.compute.ComputeService;
import org.jclouds.compute.domain.ComputeMetadata;
import org.jclouds.compute.domain.Hardware;
import org.jclouds.compute.domain.Image;
import org.jclouds.compute.domain.NodeMetadata;
import org.jclouds.compute.domain.Template;
import org.jclouds.compute.options.TemplateOptions;
* Convenience for listing Cloud Compute and BlobStore details.
* <p>
* For fuller functionality, consider instead the jclouds CLI or Ruby Fog CLI.
* <p>
* The advantage of this utility is that it piggie-backs off the {@code} credentials,
* so requires less additional credential configuration. It also gives brooklyn-specific information,
* such as which image will be used by default in a given cloud.
public abstract class CloudExplorerSupport implements Callable<Void> {
private ManagementContext managementContext;
public static final String ALL_LOCATIONS_DESC =
"All locations (i.e. all locations in for which there are credentials)";
public boolean allLocations;
public static final String LOCATION_DESC =
"A location spec (e.g. referring to a named location in file)";
public String location;
public static final String AUTOCONFIRM_DESC = "Automatically answer yes to any questions";
public boolean autoconfirm = false;
protected PrintStream stdout = System.out;
protected PrintStream stderr = System.err;
protected InputStream stdin =;
public CloudExplorerSupport(ManagementContext managementContext, boolean allLocations, String location, boolean autoconfirm) {
this.managementContext = managementContext;
this.allLocations = allLocations;
this.location = location;
this.autoconfirm = autoconfirm;
protected abstract void doCall(JcloudsLocation loc, String indent) throws Exception;
public Void call() throws Exception {
List<JcloudsLocation> locs = Lists.newArrayList();
if (location != null && allLocations) {
throw new FatalConfigurationRuntimeException("Must not specify --location and --all-locations");
} else if (location != null) {
JcloudsLocation loc = (JcloudsLocation) managementContext.getLocationRegistry().getLocationManaged(location);
} else if (allLocations) {
// Find all named locations that point at different target clouds
Map<String, LocationDefinition> definedLocations = managementContext.getLocationRegistry().getDefinedLocations(true);
for (LocationDefinition locationDef : definedLocations.values()) {
Location loc = managementContext.getLocationManager().createLocation(
managementContext.getLocationRegistry().getLocationSpec(locationDef).get() );
if (loc instanceof JcloudsLocation) {
boolean found = false;
for (JcloudsLocation existing : locs) {
if (equalTargets(existing, (JcloudsLocation) loc)) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
locs.add((JcloudsLocation) loc);
} else {
throw new FatalConfigurationRuntimeException("Must specify one of --location or --all-locations");
// TODO consider using to replace/supplement this formatting,
// here and elsewhere in this class
for (JcloudsLocation loc : locs) {
stdout.println("Location {");
stdout.println("\tprovider: "+loc.getProvider());
stdout.println("\tdisplayName: "+loc.getDisplayName());
stdout.println("\tidentity: "+loc.getIdentity());
if (loc.getEndpoint() != null) stdout.println("\tendpoint: "+loc.getEndpoint());
if (loc.getRegion() != null) stdout.println("\tregion: "+loc.getRegion());
try {
doCall(loc, "\t");
} finally {
return null;
protected boolean equalTargets(JcloudsLocation loc1, JcloudsLocation loc2) {
return Objects.equal(loc1.getProvider(), loc2.getProvider())
&& Objects.equal(loc1.getIdentity(), loc2.getIdentity())
&& Objects.equal(loc1.getEndpoint(), loc2.getEndpoint())
&& Objects.equal(loc1.getRegion(), loc2.getRegion());
public static abstract class ComputeExploration extends CloudExplorerSupport {
protected abstract void doCall(ComputeService computeService, String indent) throws Exception;
public ComputeExploration(ManagementContext managementContext, boolean allLocations, String location,
boolean autoconfirm) {
super(managementContext, allLocations, location, autoconfirm);
protected void doCall(JcloudsLocation loc, String indent) throws Exception {
ComputeService computeService = loc.getComputeService();
doCall(computeService, indent);
public static class ListInstances extends ComputeExploration {
public static final String NAME = "list-instances";
public static final String DESCRIPTION = "list instances";
public ListInstances(ManagementContext managementContext, boolean allLocations, String location,
boolean autoconfirm) {
super(managementContext, allLocations, location, autoconfirm);
protected void doCall(ComputeService computeService, String indent) throws Exception {
Set<? extends ComputeMetadata> instances = computeService.listNodes();
stdout.println(indent+"Instances {");
for (ComputeMetadata instance : instances) {
public static class ListImages extends ComputeExploration {
public static final String NAME = "list-images";
public static final String DESCRIPTION = "list images";
public ListImages(ManagementContext managementContext, boolean allLocations, String location,
boolean autoconfirm) {
super(managementContext, allLocations, location, autoconfirm);
protected void doCall(ComputeService computeService, String indent) throws Exception {
Set<? extends Image> images = computeService.listImages();
stdout.println(indent+"Images {");
for (Image image : images) {
public static class ListHardwareProfiles extends ComputeExploration {
public static final String NAME = "list-hardware-profiles";
public static final String DESCRIPTION = "list hardware profiles";
public ListHardwareProfiles(ManagementContext managementContext, boolean allLocations, String location,
boolean autoconfirm) {
super(managementContext, allLocations, location, autoconfirm);
protected void doCall(ComputeService computeService, String indent) throws Exception {
Set<? extends Hardware> hardware = computeService.listHardwareProfiles();
stdout.println(indent+"Hardware Profiles {");
for (Hardware image : hardware) {
public static class GetImage extends ComputeExploration {
public static final String NAME = "get-image";
public static final String DESCRIPTION = "get image details for one or more imageIds";
public static final String ARGUMENT_NAME = "imageIds";
public static final String ARGUMENT_DESC = "IDs of the images to retrieve";
private List<String> names;
public GetImage(ManagementContext managementContext, boolean allLocations, String location,
boolean autoconfirm, List<String> arguments) {
super(managementContext, allLocations, location, autoconfirm);
names = arguments;
protected void doCall(ComputeService computeService, String indent) throws Exception {
for (String imageId : names) {
Image image = computeService.getImage(imageId);
if (image == null) {
stdout.println(indent+"Image "+imageId+" {");
public static class ComputeDefaultTemplate extends CloudExplorerSupport {
public static final String NAME = "default-template";
public static final String DESCRIPTION = "compute default template";
public ComputeDefaultTemplate(ManagementContext managementContext, boolean allLocations, String location,
boolean autoconfirm) {
super(managementContext, allLocations, location, autoconfirm);
protected void doCall(JcloudsLocation loc, String indent) throws Exception {
ComputeService computeService = loc.getComputeService();
ConfigBag setup = loc.config().getBag();
JcloudsLocationCustomizer customizersDelegate = LocationCustomizerDelegate.newInstance(loc.getManagementContext(), setup);
Template template = loc.buildTemplate(computeService, setup, customizersDelegate);
Image image = template.getImage();
Hardware hardware = template.getHardware();
org.jclouds.domain.Location location = template.getLocation();
TemplateOptions options = template.getOptions();
stdout.println(indent+"Default template {");
stdout.println(indent+"\tImage: "+image);
stdout.println(indent+"\tHardware: "+hardware);
stdout.println(indent+"\tLocation: "+location);
stdout.println(indent+"\tOptions: "+options);
public static class TerminateInstances extends ComputeExploration {
public static final String NAME = "terminate-instances";
public static final String DESCRIPTION = "terminate instances for one or more instance IDs";
public static final String ARGUMENT_NAME = "instanceIds";
public static final String ARGUMENT_DESC = "IDs of the instances to terminate";
private List<String> names;
public TerminateInstances(ManagementContext managementContext, boolean allLocations, String location,
boolean autoconfirm, List<String> names) {
super(managementContext, allLocations, location, autoconfirm);
this.names = names;
protected void doCall(ComputeService computeService, String indent) throws Exception {
for (String instanceId : names) {
NodeMetadata instance = computeService.getNodeMetadata(instanceId);
if (instance == null) {
stderr.println(indent+"Cannot terminate instance; could not find "+instanceId);
} else {
boolean confirmed = confirm(indent, "terminate "+instanceId+" ("+instance+")");
if (confirmed) {
public static abstract class Blobstore extends CloudExplorerSupport {
public Blobstore(ManagementContext managementContext, boolean allLocations, String location,
boolean autoconfirm) {
super(managementContext, allLocations, location, autoconfirm);
protected abstract void doCall(org.jclouds.blobstore.BlobStore blobstore, String indent) throws Exception;
protected void doCall(JcloudsLocation loc, String indent) throws Exception {
BlobStoreContext context = BlobStoreContextFactoryImpl.INSTANCE.newBlobStoreContext(loc);
try {
org.jclouds.blobstore.BlobStore blobStore = context.getBlobStore();
doCall(blobStore, indent);
} finally {
public static class BlobstoreListContainers extends Blobstore {
public static final String NAME = "list-containers";
public static final String DESCRIPTION = "list containers";
public BlobstoreListContainers(ManagementContext managementContext, boolean allLocations, String location,
boolean autoconfirm) {
super(managementContext, allLocations, location, autoconfirm);
protected void doCall(BlobStore blobstore, String indent) throws Exception {
Set<? extends StorageMetadata> containers = blobstore.list();
stdout.println(indent+"Containers {");
for (StorageMetadata container : containers) {
public static class BlobstoreListContainer extends Blobstore {
public static final String NAME = "list-container";
public static final String DESCRIPTION = "list container details for one or more container names";
public static final String ARGUMENT_NAME = "container-names";
public static final String ARGUMENT_DESC = "names of the containers to list";
private List<String> names;
public BlobstoreListContainer(ManagementContext managementContext, boolean allLocations, String location,
boolean autoconfirm, List<String> names) {
super(managementContext, allLocations, location, autoconfirm);
this.names = names;
protected void doCall(BlobStore blobStore, String indent) throws Exception {
for (String containerName : names) {
Set<? extends StorageMetadata> contents = blobStore.list(containerName);
stdout.println(indent+"Container "+containerName+" {");
for (StorageMetadata content : contents) {
public static class GetBlob extends Blobstore {
public static final String NAME = "blob";
public static final String DESCRIPTION = "list blob details for a given container and blob";
public static final String CONTAINER_ARGUMENT_NAME = "--container";
public static final String CONTAINER_ARGUMENT_DESC = "name of the container of the blob";
public static final String BLOB_ARGUMENT_NAME = "--blob";
public static final String BLOB_ARGUMENT_DESC = "name of the blob in the container";
public String container;
public String blob;
public GetBlob(ManagementContext managementContext, boolean allLocations, String location, boolean autoconfirm,
String container, String blob) {
super(managementContext, allLocations, location, autoconfirm);
this.container = container;
this.blob = blob;
protected void doCall(BlobStore blobStore, String indent) throws Exception {
Blob content = blobStore.getBlob(container, blob);
stdout.println(indent+"Blob "+container+" : " +blob +" {");
stdout.println(indent+"\tHeaders {");
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : content.getAllHeaders().entries()) {
stdout.println(indent+"\t\t"+entry.getKey() + " = " + entry.getValue());
stdout.println(indent+"\tmetadata : "+content.getMetadata());
stdout.println(indent+"\tpayload : "+ Streams.readFullyStringAndClose(content.getPayload().openStream()));
protected boolean confirm(String msg, String indent) throws Exception {
if (autoconfirm) {
stdout.println(indent+"Auto-confirmed: "+msg);
return true;
} else {
stdout.println(indent+"Enter y/n. Are you sure you want to "+msg);
int in =;
boolean confirmed = (Character.toLowerCase(in) == 'y');
if (confirmed) {
stdout.println(indent+"Confirmed; will "+msg);
} else {
stdout.println(indent+"Declined; will not "+msg);
return confirmed;