blob: 0ccbe5cfa43f11f9267cb844fd27b6fe6d9a61f3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.config;
import static;
import java.util.ConcurrentModificationException;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonAutoDetect;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonAutoDetect.Visibility;
import org.apache.brooklyn.config.ConfigKey;
import org.apache.brooklyn.config.ConfigKey.HasConfigKey;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.config.ConfigKeys;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.collections.MutableMap;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.flags.TypeCoercions;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.exceptions.Exceptions;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.guava.Maybe;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.javalang.JavaClassNames;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Stores config in such a way that usage can be tracked.
* Either {@link ConfigKey} or {@link String} keys can be inserted;
* they will be stored internally as strings.
* It is recommended to use {@link ConfigKey} instances to access,
* although in some cases (such as setting fields from flags, or copying a map)
* it may be necessary to mark things as used, or put, when only a string key is available.
* <p>
* This bag is order-preserving and thread-safe except where otherwise indicated,
* currently by synching on this instance (but that behaviour may change).
* <p>
* @author alex
@JsonAutoDetect(fieldVisibility = Visibility.ANY, isGetterVisibility = Visibility.NONE, getterVisibility = Visibility.NONE, setterVisibility = Visibility.NONE)
public class ConfigBag {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ConfigBag.class);
/** an immutable, empty ConfigBag */
public static final ConfigBag EMPTY = new ConfigBag().setDescription("immutable empty config bag").seal();
protected String description;
private Map<String,Object> config;
private final Map<String,Object> unusedConfig;
private final boolean live;
private boolean sealed = false;
/** creates a new ConfigBag instance, empty and ready for population */
public static ConfigBag newInstance() {
return new ConfigBag();
* Creates an instance that is backed by a "live map" (e.g. storage in a datagrid).
* The order-preserving nature of this class is only guaranteed if the
* provided storage has those properties. External modifications to the store can cause
* {@link ConcurrentModificationException} to be thrown, here or elsewhere.
public static ConfigBag newLiveInstance(Map<String,Object> storage) {
return new ConfigBag(checkNotNull(storage, "storage map must be specified"));
public static ConfigBag newInstance(Map<?, ?> config) {
ConfigBag result = new ConfigBag();
return result;
/** creates a new ConfigBag instance which includes all of the supplied ConfigBag's values,
* but which tracks usage separately (already used values are marked as such,
* but uses in the original set will not be marked here, and vice versa) */
public static ConfigBag newInstanceCopying(final ConfigBag configBag) {
return new ConfigBag().copy(configBag).setDescription(configBag.getDescription());
/** creates a new ConfigBag instance which includes all of the supplied ConfigBag's values,
* plus an additional set of &lt;ConfigKey,Object&gt; or &lt;String,Object&gt; pairs
* <p>
* values from the original set which are used here will be marked as used in the original set
* (note: this applies even for values which are overridden and the overridden value is used);
* however subsequent uses in the original set will not be marked here
public static ConfigBag newInstanceExtending(final ConfigBag parentBag) {
return new ConfigBagExtendingParent(parentBag);
/** @see #newInstanceExtending(ConfigBag) */
private static class ConfigBagExtendingParent extends ConfigBag {
ConfigBag parentBag;
private ConfigBagExtendingParent(ConfigBag parentBag) {
this.parentBag = parentBag;
public void markUsed(String key) {
if (parentBag!=null)
/** As {@link #newInstanceExtending(ConfigBag)} but also putting the supplied values. */
public static ConfigBag newInstanceExtending(final ConfigBag configBag, Map<?,?> optionalAdditionalValues) {
return newInstanceExtending(configBag).putAll(optionalAdditionalValues);
/** @deprecated since 0.7.0, not used; kept only for rebind compatibility where the inner class is used
* (now replaced by a static class above) */
@Beta @Deprecated
private static ConfigBag newInstanceWithInnerClass(final ConfigBag configBag, Map<?,?> optionalAdditionalValues) {
return new ConfigBag() {
public void markUsed(String key) {
public ConfigBag() {
config = new LinkedHashMap<String,Object>();
unusedConfig = new LinkedHashMap<String,Object>();
live = false;
private ConfigBag(Map<String,Object> storage) {
this.config = storage;
unusedConfig = new LinkedHashMap<String,Object>();
live = true;
public ConfigBag setDescription(String description) {
if (sealed)
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot set description to '"+description+"': this config bag has been sealed and is now immutable.");
this.description = description;
return this;
/** optional description used to provide context for operations */
public String getDescription() {
return description;
/** current values for all entries
* @return non-modifiable map of strings to object */
public synchronized Map<String,Object> getAllConfig() {
return MutableMap.copyOf(config).asUnmodifiable();
/** current values for all entries in a map where the keys are converted to {@link ConfigKey} instances */
public synchronized Map<ConfigKey<?>, ?> getAllConfigAsConfigKeyMap() {
Map<ConfigKey<?>,Object> result = MutableMap.of();
for (Map.Entry<String,Object> entry: config.entrySet()) {
result.put(ConfigKeys.newConfigKey(Object.class, entry.getKey()), entry.getValue());
return result;
/** Returns the internal map containing the current values for all entries;
* for use where the caller wants to modify this directly and knows it is safe to do so
* <p>
* Accesses to the returned map must be synchronized on this bag if the
* thread-safe behaviour is required. */
public Map<String,Object> getAllConfigMutable() {
if (live) {
// TODO sealed no longer works as before, because `config` is the backing storage map.
// Therefore returning it is dangerous! Even if we were to replace our field with an immutable copy,
// the underlying datagrid's map would still be modifiable. We need a way to switch the returned
// value's behaviour to sealable (i.e. wrapping the returned map).
return (sealed) ? MutableMap.copyOf(config).asUnmodifiable() : config;
} else {
return config;
/** current values for all entries which have not yet been used
* @return non-modifiable map of strings to object */
public synchronized Map<String,Object> getUnusedConfig() {
return MutableMap.copyOf(unusedConfig).asUnmodifiable();
/** Returns the internal map containing the current values for all entries which have not yet been used;
* for use where the caller wants to modify this directly and knows it is safe to do so
* <p>
* Accesses to the returned map must be synchronized on this bag if the
* thread-safe behaviour is required. */
public Map<String,Object> getUnusedConfigMutable() {
return unusedConfig;
public ConfigBag putAll(Map<?,?> addlConfig) {
if (addlConfig==null) return this;
for (Map.Entry<?,?> e: addlConfig.entrySet()) {
putAsStringKey(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
return this;
public ConfigBag putAll(ConfigBag addlConfig) {
if (addlConfig!=null) {
putStringKey(k, v, !addlConfig.unusedConfig.containsKey(k));
return this;
public void forEach(BiConsumer<String,Object> action) {
public <T> ConfigBag putIfAbsent(ConfigKey<T> key, T value) {
return putIfAbsent(MutableMap.of(key, value));
public ConfigBag putAsStringKeyIfAbsent(Object key, Object value) {
return putIfAbsent(MutableMap.of(key, value));
public synchronized ConfigBag putIfAbsent(Map<?, ?> propertiesToSet) {
if (propertiesToSet==null)
return this;
for (Map.Entry<?, ?> entry: propertiesToSet.entrySet()) {
Object key = entry.getKey();
if (key instanceof HasConfigKey<?>)
key = ((HasConfigKey<?>)key).getConfigKey();
if (key instanceof ConfigKey<?>) {
if (!containsKey((ConfigKey<?>)key))
putAsStringKey(key, entry.getValue());
} else if (key instanceof String) {
if (!containsKey((String)key))
putAsStringKey(key, entry.getValue());
} else {
return this;
public ConfigBag putIfAbsent(ConfigBag addlConfig) {
return putIfAbsent(addlConfig.getAllConfig());
public <T> T put(ConfigKey<T> key, T value) {
return (T) putStringKey(key.getName(), value);
public <T> ConfigBag putIfNotNull(ConfigKey<T> key, T value) {
if (value!=null) put(key, value);
return this;
public <T> ConfigBag putIfAbsentAndNotNull(ConfigKey<T> key, T value) {
if (value!=null) putIfAbsent(key, value);
return this;
/** as {@link #put(ConfigKey, Object)} but returning this ConfigBag for fluent-style coding */
public <T> ConfigBag configure(ConfigKey<T> key, T value) {
putStringKey(key.getName(), value);
return this;
public <T> ConfigBag configureStringKey(String key, T value) {
putStringKey(key, value);
return this;
protected synchronized void putAsStringKey(Object key, Object value) {
if (key instanceof HasConfigKey<?>) key = ((HasConfigKey<?>)key).getConfigKey();
if (key instanceof ConfigKey<?>) key = ((ConfigKey<?>)key).getName();
if (key instanceof String) {
putStringKey((String)key, value);
} else {
protected void logInvalidKey(Object key) {
String message = (key == null ? "Invalid key 'null'" : "Invalid key type "+key.getClass().getCanonicalName()+" ("+key+")") +
" being used for configuration, ignoring";
log.debug(message, new Throwable("Source of "+message));
/** recommended to use {@link #put(ConfigKey, Object)} but there are times
* (e.g. when copying a map) where we want to put a string key directly
public synchronized Object putStringKey(String key, Object value) {
if (sealed)
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot insert "+key+"="+value+": this config bag has been sealed and is now immutable.");
boolean isNew = !config.containsKey(key);
boolean isUsed = !isNew && !unusedConfig.containsKey(key);
Object old = config.put(key, value);
if (!isUsed)
unusedConfig.put(key, value);
return old;
protected synchronized Object putStringKey(String key, Object value, boolean valueBeingSetIsAlreadyUsed) {
if (!valueBeingSetIsAlreadyUsed) {
return putStringKey(key, value);
if (sealed) {
if (Objects.equal(value, config.get(key))) return value;
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot insert " + key + "=" + value + ": this config bag has been sealed and is now immutable.");
Object old = config.put(key, value);
return old;
public Object putStringKeyIfHasValue(String key, Maybe<?> value) {
if (value.isPresent())
return putStringKey(key, value.get());
return null;
public Object putStringKeyIfNotNull(String key, Object value) {
if (value!=null)
return putStringKey(key, value);
return null;
public boolean containsKey(HasConfigKey<?> key) {
return containsKey(key.getConfigKey());
public boolean containsKey(ConfigKey<?> key) {
boolean found = containsKey(key.getName());
if (!found) {
for (String deprecatedName : key.getDeprecatedNames()) {
found = containsKey(deprecatedName);
if (found) break;
return found;
public synchronized boolean containsKey(String key) {
return config.containsKey(key);
/** returns the value of this config key, falling back to its default (use containsKey to see whether it was contained);
* also marks it as having been used (use peek to prevent marking as used)
public <T> T get(ConfigKey<T> key) {
return get(key, true);
/** gets a value from a string-valued key or null; ConfigKey is preferred, but this is useful in some contexts (e.g. setting from flags) */
public Object getStringKey(String key) {
return getStringKeyMaybe(key).orNull();
/** gets a {@link Maybe}-wrapped value from a string-valued key; ConfigKey is preferred, but this is useful in some contexts (e.g. setting from flags) */
public @Nonnull Maybe<Object> getStringKeyMaybe(String key) {
return getStringKeyMaybe(key, true);
/** gets a {@link Maybe}-wrapped value from a key, inferring the type of that key (e.g. {@link ConfigKey} or {@link String}) */
public Maybe<Object> getObjKeyMaybe(Object key) {
if (key instanceof HasConfigKey<?>) key = ((HasConfigKey<?>)key).getConfigKey();
if (key instanceof ConfigKey<?>) {
return getKeyMaybeUncoercedIfPresent((ConfigKey<?>)key, true);
} else if (key instanceof String) {
return getStringKeyMaybe((String)key, true);
} else {
return Maybe.absent();
/** gets a {@link Maybe}-wrapped value from a key, inferring the type of that key (e.g. {@link ConfigKey} or {@link String}) */
private Maybe<Object> getRawObjKeyMaybe(Object key) {
if (key instanceof HasConfigKey<?>) key = ((HasConfigKey<?>)key).getConfigKey();
if (key instanceof ConfigKey<?>) {
return this.getRawKeyMaybe((ConfigKey<?>)key, true);
} else if (key instanceof String) {
return this.getRawStringKeyMaybe((String)key, true);
} else {
return Maybe.absent();
/** Puts into this bag the raw value for the given key in the given bag, if it was present. */
public <T> ConfigBag copyKey(ConfigBag source, ConfigKey<T> key) {
return copyKeyAs(source, key, key);
/** Puts into this bag the raw value for the given key in the given bag, if it was present. */
public <T> ConfigBag copyKeys(ConfigBag source, ConfigKey<T> ...keys) {
for (ConfigKey<T> key : keys) {
copyKey(source, key);
return this;
/** As {@link #copyKey(ConfigBag, ConfigKey)} but allowing a different key name to be used when writing here. */
public <T> ConfigBag copyKeyAs(ConfigBag source, ConfigKey<T> sourceKey, ConfigKey<T> targetKey) {
Maybe<Object> sourceValue = source.getRawKeyMaybe(sourceKey, true);
if (sourceValue.isPresent()) {
put(targetKey, (T) sourceValue.get());
return this;
/** like get, but without marking it as used */
public <T> T peek(ConfigKey<T> key) {
return get(key, false);
/** returns the first key in the list for which a value is explicitly set, then defaulting to defaulting value of preferred key */
public synchronized <T> T getFirst(ConfigKey<T> preferredKey, ConfigKey<T> ...otherCurrentKeysInOrderOfPreference) {
if (containsKey(preferredKey))
return get(preferredKey);
for (ConfigKey<T> key: otherCurrentKeysInOrderOfPreference) {
if (containsKey(key))
return get(key);
return get(preferredKey);
* Convenience for @see #getWithDeprecation(ConfigKey[], ConfigKey...).
* @deprecated since 0.12.0; instead define deprecated names on key, see {@link ConfigKey#getDeprecatedNames()}
public Object getWithDeprecation(ConfigKey<?> key, ConfigKey<?> ...deprecatedKeys) {
return getWithDeprecation(new ConfigKey[] { key }, deprecatedKeys);
* Returns the value for the first key in the list for which a value is set,
* warning if any of the deprecated keys have a value which is different to that set on the first set current key
* (including warning if a deprecated key has a value but no current key does).
* @deprecated since 0.12.0; instead define deprecated names on key, see {@link ConfigKey#getDeprecatedNames()}
public synchronized Object getWithDeprecation(ConfigKey<?>[] currentKeysInOrderOfPreference, ConfigKey<?> ...deprecatedKeys) {
// Get preferred key (or null)
ConfigKey<?> preferredKeyProvidingValue = null;
Object result = null;
boolean found = false;
for (ConfigKey<?> key: currentKeysInOrderOfPreference) {
if (containsKey(key)) {
preferredKeyProvidingValue = key;
result = get(preferredKeyProvidingValue);
found = true;
// Check if any deprecated keys are set
ConfigKey<?> deprecatedKeyProvidingValue = null;
Object deprecatedResult = null;
boolean foundDeprecated = false;
for (ConfigKey<?> deprecatedKey: deprecatedKeys) {
Object x = null;
boolean foundX = false;
if (containsKey(deprecatedKey)) {
x = get(deprecatedKey);
foundX = true;
if (foundX) {
if (found) {
if (!Objects.equal(result, x)) {
log.warn("Conflicting value from deprecated key " +deprecatedKey+", value "+x+
"; using preferred key "+preferredKeyProvidingValue+" value "+result);
} else {"Deprecated key " +deprecatedKey+" ignored; has same value as preferred key "+preferredKeyProvidingValue+" ("+result+")");
} else if (foundDeprecated) {
if (!Objects.equal(result, x)) {
log.warn("Conflicting values from deprecated keys: using " +deprecatedKeyProvidingValue+" instead of "+deprecatedKey+
" (value "+deprecatedResult+" instead of "+x+")");
} else {"Deprecated key " +deprecatedKey+" ignored; has same value as other deprecated key "+preferredKeyProvidingValue+" ("+deprecatedResult+")");
} else {
// new value, from deprecated key
log.warn("Deprecated key " +deprecatedKey+" detected (supplying value "+x+"), "+
"; recommend changing to preferred key '"+currentKeysInOrderOfPreference[0]+"'; this will not be supported in future versions");
deprecatedResult = x;
deprecatedKeyProvidingValue = deprecatedKey;
foundDeprecated = true;
if (found) {
return result;
} else if (foundDeprecated) {
return deprecatedResult;
} else {
return currentKeysInOrderOfPreference[0].getDefaultValue();
protected <T> T get(ConfigKey<T> key, boolean markUsed) {
// TODO for now, no evaluation -- maps / closure content / other smart (self-extracting) keys are NOT supported
// (need a clean way to inject that behaviour, as well as desired TypeCoercions)
// this method, and the coercion, is not synchronized, nor does it need to be, because the "get" is synchronized.
Maybe<Object> val = getKeyMaybeUncoercedIfPresent(key, markUsed);
return coerceFirstNonNullKeyValue(key, val.orNull());
/** If the key is set, return the type-correct (coerced) value, but not any default; otherwise returns absent */
public <T> Maybe<T> ifPresent(ConfigKey<T> key) {
Maybe<Object> val = getKeyMaybeUncoercedIfPresent(key, true);
if (val.isAbsent()) return ((Maybe<T>)val);
return Maybe.of(coerceFirstNonNullKeyValue(key, val.get()));
/** returns the first non-null value to be the type indicated by the key, or the keys default value if no non-null values are supplied */
public static <T> T coerceFirstNonNullKeyValue(ConfigKey<T> key, Object ...values) {
for (Object o: values) {
if (o != null) {
try {
return TypeCoercions.coerce(o, key.getTypeToken());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw Exceptions.propagate("Error resolving "+key.getName()+" value "+o+" as "+key.getTypeToken()+": "+e, e);
try {
return TypeCoercions.coerce(key.getDefaultValue(), key.getTypeToken());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw Exceptions.propagate("Error resolving "+key.getName()+" default value "+key.getDefaultValue()+" as "+key.getTypeToken()+": "+e, e);
protected Object getStringKey(String key, boolean markUsed) {
return getStringKeyMaybe(key, markUsed).orNull();
private synchronized Maybe<Object> getKeyMaybeInternal(ConfigKey<?> key, Function<String, Maybe<Object>> getKey) {
Maybe<Object> val = getKey.apply(key.getName());
String firstDeprecatedName = null;
Maybe<Object> firstDeprecatedVal = null;
for (String deprecatedName : key.getDeprecatedNames()) {
Maybe<Object> deprecatedVal = getKey.apply(deprecatedName);
if (deprecatedVal.isPresent()) {
if (val.isPresent()) {
if (!Objects.equal(val.get(), deprecatedVal.get())) {
log.warn("Conflicting value for key "+key+" from deprecated name '"+deprecatedName+"'; "
+ "using value from preferred name "+key.getName());
} else {
log.warn("Duplicate value for key "+key+" from deprecated name '"+deprecatedName+"'; "
+ "using same value from preferred name "+key.getName());
} else if (firstDeprecatedVal != null && firstDeprecatedVal.isPresent()) {
if (!Objects.equal(firstDeprecatedVal.get(), deprecatedVal.get())) {
log.warn("Conflicting value for key "+key+" from deprecated name '"+deprecatedName+"'; "
+ "using earlier deprecated name "+firstDeprecatedName);
} else {
log.warn("Duplicate value for key "+key+" from deprecated name '"+deprecatedName+"'; "
+ "using same value from earlier depreated name "+key.getName());
} else {
// new value, from deprecated name
log.warn("Value for key "+key+" found with deprecated name '"+deprecatedName+"'; "
+ "recommend changing to preferred name '"+key.getName()+"'; this will not be supported in future versions");
firstDeprecatedName = deprecatedName;
firstDeprecatedVal = deprecatedVal;
return val.isPresent() ? val : (firstDeprecatedVal != null && firstDeprecatedVal.isPresent() ? firstDeprecatedVal : val);
private synchronized Maybe<Object> getRawKeyMaybe(ConfigKey<?> key, boolean markUsed) {
return getKeyMaybeInternal(key, name -> getRawStringKeyMaybe(name, markUsed));
* @return Unresolved configuration value. May be overridden to provide resolution - @see {@link ResolvingConfigBag#getStringKeyMaybe(String, boolean)}
protected synchronized Maybe<Object> getKeyMaybeUncoercedIfPresent(ConfigKey<?> key, boolean markUsed) {
return getKeyMaybeInternal(key, name -> getStringKeyMaybe(name, markUsed));
private synchronized Maybe<Object> getRawStringKeyMaybe(String key, boolean markUsed) {
if (config.containsKey(key)) {
if (markUsed) markUsed(key);
return Maybe.of(config.get(key));
return Maybe.absent();
* @return Unresolved configuration value. May be overridden to provide resolution - @see {@link ResolvingConfigBag#getStringKeyMaybe(String, boolean)}
protected synchronized Maybe<Object> getStringKeyMaybe(String key, boolean markUsed) {
return getRawStringKeyMaybe(key, markUsed);
/** indicates that a string key in the config map has been accessed */
public synchronized void markUsed(String key) {
public synchronized void clear() {
if (sealed)
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot clear this config bag has been sealed and is now immutable.");
public ConfigBag removeAll(ConfigKey<?> ...keys) {
for (ConfigKey<?> key: keys) remove(key);
return this;
public synchronized void remove(ConfigKey<?> key) {
public ConfigBag removeAll(Iterable<String> keys) {
for (String key: keys) remove(key);
return this;
public synchronized void remove(String key) {
if (sealed)
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot remove "+key+": this config bag has been sealed and is now immutable.");
public ConfigBag copy(ConfigBag other) {
// ensure locks are taken in a canonical order to prevent deadlock
if (other==null) {
synchronized (this) {
return copyWhileSynched(other);
if (System.identityHashCode(other) < System.identityHashCode(this)) {
synchronized (other) {
synchronized (this) {
return copyWhileSynched(other);
} else {
synchronized (this) {
synchronized (other) {
return copyWhileSynched(other);
protected ConfigBag copyWhileSynched(ConfigBag other) {
if (sealed)
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot copy "+other+" to "+this+": this config bag has been sealed and is now immutable.");
if (other!=null) {
markAll(Sets.difference(other.getAllConfig().keySet(), other.getUnusedConfig().keySet()));
return this;
public synchronized int size() {
return config.size();
public synchronized boolean isEmpty() {
return config.isEmpty();
public ConfigBag markAll(Iterable<String> usedFlags) {
for (String flag: usedFlags)
return this;
public synchronized boolean isUnused(ConfigKey<?> key) {
return unusedConfig.containsKey(key.getName());
/** makes this config bag immutable; any attempts to change subsequently
* (apart from marking fields as used) will throw an exception
* <p>
* copies will be unsealed however
* <p>
* returns this for convenience (fluent usage) */
public ConfigBag seal() {
sealed = true;
if (live) {
// TODO How to ensure sealed?!
} else {
config = getAllConfig();
return this;
* Whether this config bag is "sealed" (i.e. whether no more modifications can be made to it).
* This method is for information only - it should not be overridden to try to change the
* semantics, as internal methods access the (private) field directly.
protected final boolean isSealed() {
return sealed;
// TODO why have both this and mutable
/** @see #getAllConfigMutable() */
public Map<String, Object> getAllConfigRaw() {
return getAllConfigMutable();
public String toString() {
return JavaClassNames.simpleClassName(this)+"["+getAllConfigRaw()+"]";