blob: 508b735b7ef3a54a72fff5eeac46d73a7e547acd [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.brooklyn.core.workflow;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.entity.EntityLocal;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.entity.EntitySpec;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.mgmt.Task;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.typereg.RegisteredType;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.entity.Dumper;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.entity.EntityAsserts;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.resolve.jackson.BeanWithTypePlanTransformer;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.resolve.jackson.BeanWithTypeUtils;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.sensor.Sensors;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.test.BrooklynAppUnitTestSupport;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.test.BrooklynMgmtUnitTestSupport;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.typereg.BasicTypeImplementationPlan;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.workflow.steps.appmodel.SetSensorWorkflowStep;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.workflow.steps.flow.LogWorkflowStep;
import org.apache.brooklyn.entity.stock.BasicApplication;
import org.apache.brooklyn.test.Asserts;
import org.apache.brooklyn.test.ClassLogWatcher;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.collections.MutableList;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.collections.MutableMap;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.collections.MutableSet;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.config.ConfigBag;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.exceptions.Exceptions;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.text.StringEscapes;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.text.Strings;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
public class WorkflowInputOutputExtensionTest extends BrooklynMgmtUnitTestSupport {
protected void loadTypes() {
public void testParameterReference() {
BasicApplication app = mgmt.getEntityManager().createEntity(EntitySpec.create(BasicApplication.class));
WorkflowEffector eff = new WorkflowEffector(ConfigBag.newInstance()
.configure(WorkflowEffector.EFFECTOR_NAME, "myWorkflow")
.configure(WorkflowEffector.EFFECTOR_PARAMETER_DEFS, MutableMap.of("p1", MutableMap.of("defaultValue", "p1v")))
.configure(WorkflowEffector.STEPS, MutableList.<Object>of()
.append("set-sensor p1 = ${p1}")
Task<?> invocation = app.invoke(app.getEntityType().getEffectorByName("myWorkflow").get(), null);
Object result = invocation.getUnchecked();
EntityAsserts.assertAttributeEquals(app, Sensors.newSensor(Object.class, "p1"), "p1v");
public void testMapOutputAndInputFromLastStep() {
doTestMapOutputAndInput(cfg -> {
List<Object> step = cfg.get(WorkflowEffector.STEPS);
step.add("let map result = { c: ${c}, d: ${d}, e: ${e} }");
cfg.put(WorkflowEffector.STEPS, step);
cfg.put(WorkflowEffector.OUTPUT, "${result}");
public void testMapOutputAndInputFromExplicitOutput() {
doTestMapOutputAndInput(cfg -> cfg.put(WorkflowEffector.OUTPUT,
MutableMap.of("c", "${c}", "d", "${d}", "e", "${e}") ));
public void doTestMapOutputAndInput(Consumer<ConfigBag> mod) {
BasicApplication app = mgmt.getEntityManager().createEntity(EntitySpec.create(BasicApplication.class));
ConfigBag cfg = ConfigBag.newInstance()
.configure(WorkflowEffector.EFFECTOR_NAME, "myWorkflow")
.configure(WorkflowEffector.STEPS, MutableList.<Object>of()
.append(MutableMap.of("s", "let map v = { x: { y: a }, z: b }", "id", "s1", "output", "${v}"))
.append("let c = ${x.y}") // reference output of previous step
.append("let d = ${v.z}") // reference workflow var
.append("let e = ${workflow.step.s1.output.z}") // reference explicit output step
// mod says how results are returned
WorkflowEffector eff = new WorkflowEffector(cfg);
Task<?> invocation = app.invoke(app.getEntityType().getEffectorByName("myWorkflow").get(), null);
Map result = (Map) invocation.getUnchecked();
Asserts.assertEquals(result.get("c"), "a");
Asserts.assertEquals(result.get("d"), "b");
Asserts.assertEquals(result.get("e"), "b");
public RegisteredType addBeanWithType(String typeName, String version, String plan) {
return BrooklynAppUnitTestSupport.addRegisteredTypeBean(mgmt, typeName, version,
new BasicTypeImplementationPlan(BeanWithTypePlanTransformer.FORMAT, plan));
ClassLogWatcher lastLogWatcher;
Object invokeWorkflowStepsWithLogging(List<Object> steps) throws Exception {
try (ClassLogWatcher logWatcher = new ClassLogWatcher(LogWorkflowStep.class)) {
lastLogWatcher = logWatcher;
BasicApplication app = mgmt.getEntityManager().createEntity(EntitySpec.create(BasicApplication.class));
WorkflowEffector eff = new WorkflowEffector(ConfigBag.newInstance()
.configure(WorkflowEffector.EFFECTOR_NAME, "myWorkflow")
.configure(WorkflowEffector.EFFECTOR_PARAMETER_DEFS, MutableMap.of("p1", MutableMap.of("defaultValue", "p1v")))
.configure(WorkflowEffector.STEPS, steps));
Task<?> invocation = app.invoke(app.getEntityType().getEffectorByName("myWorkflow").get(), null);
return invocation.getUnchecked();
// test complex object in an expression
public void testMapOutputAsComplexFreemarkerVar() throws Exception {
Object output = invokeWorkflowStepsWithLogging(MutableList.of(
"let map my_map = { x: 1 }",
MutableMap.of("s", "let my_map_copy = ${my_map}", "output", "${my_map_copy}")));
Asserts.assertEquals(output, MutableMap.of("x", 1));
public void testLetNullishRhsThenLhs() throws Exception {
Object output = invokeWorkflowStepsWithLogging(MutableList.of(
"let integer x = ${x} ?? 1",
MutableMap.of("s", "let x = ${x} ?? 2", "output", "${x}")));
Asserts.assertEquals(output, 1);
public void testLetTransformMaps() throws Exception {
Object output = invokeWorkflowStepsWithLogging(MutableList.of(
"let map a = { i: 1, z: { a: 1 } }",
"let map b = { ii: 2, z: { b: 2 } }",
"transform map x = ${a} ${b} | merge",
"return ${x}"));
Asserts.assertEquals(output, MutableMap.of("i", 1, "ii", 2, "z", MutableMap.of("b", 2)));
public void testLetTransformMapsDeep() throws Exception {
Object output = invokeWorkflowStepsWithLogging(MutableList.of(
"let map a = { i: 1, z: { a: 1 } }",
"let map b = { ii: 2, z: { b: 2 } }",
"transform map x = ${a} ${b} | merge deep",
"return ${x}"));
Asserts.assertEquals(output, MutableMap.of("i", 1, "ii", 2, "z", MutableMap.of("a", 1, "b", 2)));
public void testTransformMergeLists() throws Exception {
Object output = invokeWorkflowStepsWithLogging(MutableList.of(
"let list a = [ 1, 2 ]",
MutableMap.of("step", "let b", "value", MutableList.of(2, 3)),
"transform list x = ${a} ${b} | merge",
"return ${x}"));
Asserts.assertEquals(output, MutableList.of(1, 2, 2, 3));
public void testTransformMergeSets() throws Exception {
Object o1 = invokeWorkflowStepsWithLogging(MutableList.of(
"let list a = [ 1, 2 ]",
MutableMap.of("step", "let b", "value", MutableList.of(2, 3)),
"transform x = ${a} ${b} | merge set",
"return ${x}"));
Asserts.assertEquals(o1, MutableSet.of(1, 2, 3));
o1 = invokeWorkflowStepsWithLogging(MutableList.of(
"let list a = [ 1, 2 ]",
MutableMap.of("step", "let b", "value", MutableList.of(2, 3)),
"transform set x = ${a} ${b} | merge",
"return ${x}"));
Asserts.assertEquals(o1, MutableSet.of(1, 2, 3));
public void testTransformLaxMergeAllowsNull() throws Exception {
Object output = invokeWorkflowStepsWithLogging(MutableList.of(
"let list a = [ 1 ]",
"transform list x = ${a} ${b} | merge lax",
"return ${x}"));
Asserts.assertEquals(output, MutableList.of(1));
public void testSimpleTransforms() throws Exception {
Function<String,Object> transform = filter -> {
try {
return invokeWorkflowStepsWithLogging(MutableList.of(
"let list a = [ 1, 2 ]",
"transform x = ${a} | "+filter,
"return ${x}"));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw Exceptions.propagate(e);
Asserts.assertEquals(transform.apply("min"), 1);
Asserts.assertEquals(transform.apply("max"), 2);
Asserts.assertEquals(transform.apply("sum"), 3);
Asserts.assertEquals(transform.apply("size"), 2);
Asserts.assertEquals(transform.apply("average"), 1.5);
Asserts.assertEquals(transform.apply("first"), 1);
Asserts.assertEquals(transform.apply("last"), 2);
public void testTransformMergeLaxTrimRemovesNull() throws Exception {
Object output = invokeWorkflowStepsWithLogging(MutableList.of(
MutableMap.of("step", "let a", "value", MutableList.of(2, null)),
"transform list x = ${a} ${a[1]} | merge lax | trim",
"return ${x}"));
Asserts.assertEquals(output, MutableList.of(2));
public void testLetKey() throws Exception {
Object output = invokeWorkflowStepsWithLogging(MutableList.of(
"let map a = { i: 1 }",
"let integer a.ii = 2",
"return ${a}"));
Asserts.assertEquals(output, MutableMap.of("i", 1, "ii", 2));
public void testLetMathOps() throws Exception {
Object output = invokeWorkflowStepsWithLogging(MutableList.of(
"let double x = 99 / 0 ?? ${x} ?? 4 * 4 - 5 * 3",
"let integer x = ${x} * 8 / 2.0",
MutableMap.of("s", "let x = ${x} / 5", "output", "${x}")));
Asserts.assertEquals(output, 0.8);
public void testLetMathMode() throws Exception {
Object output = invokeWorkflowStepsWithLogging(MutableList.of(
MutableMap.of("s", "let x = 11 % 7 % 4", "output", "${x}")));
// should get 0, ie (11 % 7) % 4, not 11 % (7 % 4).
Asserts.assertEquals(output, 0);
public void testLetInterpolationMode() {
Consumer<Map<String,Object>> invoke = input -> { try {
invokeWorkflowStepsWithLogging(MutableList.of("let person = Anna",
"log NOTE: ${x}"));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw Exceptions.propagate(e);
} };
BiFunction<Map<String,Object>,String,String> assertLetGives = (input,expected) -> {
String note = Strings.removeFromStart(lastLogWatcher.getMessages().stream().filter(s -> s.startsWith("NOTE:")).findAny().get(), "NOTE: ");
Asserts.assertEquals(note, expected);
return note;
// disabled
assertLetGives.apply(MutableMap.of("step", "let x = \"${person}\"", "interpolation_mode", "disabled"), "\"${person}\"");
assertLetGives.apply(MutableMap.of("step", "let x = ${person}", "interpolation_mode", "disabled"), "${person}");
assertLetGives.apply(MutableMap.of("step", "let x", "value", "\"${person}\"", "interpolation_mode", "disabled"), "\"${person}\"");
// words forced
assertLetGives.apply(MutableMap.of("step", "let x = \"${person}\"", "interpolation_mode", "words"), "${person}");
assertLetGives.apply(MutableMap.of("step", "let x = \"Anna\"", "interpolation_mode", "words"), "Anna");
assertLetGives.apply(MutableMap.of("step", "let x = ${person}", "interpolation_mode", "words"), "Anna");
assertLetGives.apply(MutableMap.of("step", "let x", "value", "\"${person}\"", "interpolation_mode", "words"), "${person}");
// full forced
assertLetGives.apply(MutableMap.of("step", "let x = \"${person}\"", "interpolation_mode", "full"), "\"Anna\"");
assertLetGives.apply(MutableMap.of("step", "let x = \"Anna\"", "interpolation_mode", "full"), "\"Anna\"");
assertLetGives.apply(MutableMap.of("step", "let x = ${person}", "interpolation_mode", "full"), "Anna");
assertLetGives.apply(MutableMap.of("step", "let x", "value", "\"${person}\"", "interpolation_mode", "full"), "\"Anna\"");
// defaults - words for shorthand
assertLetGives.apply(MutableMap.of("step", "let x = ${person}"), "Anna");
assertLetGives.apply(MutableMap.of("step", "let x = \"${person}\""), "${person}");
assertLetGives.apply(MutableMap.of("step", "let x = \"Anna\""), "Anna");
// defaults - full for separate value
assertLetGives.apply(MutableMap.of("step", "let x", "value", "${person}"), "Anna");
assertLetGives.apply(MutableMap.of("step", "let x", "value", "\"${person}\""), "\"Anna\"");
public void testLetInterpolationErrorMode() {
Consumer<Map<String,Object>> invoke = input -> { try {
invokeWorkflowStepsWithLogging(MutableList.of("let person = Anna",
"log NOTE: ${x}"));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw Exceptions.propagate(e);
} };
BiFunction<Map<String,Object>,String,String> assertLetGives = (input,expected) -> {
String note = Strings.removeFromStart(lastLogWatcher.getMessages().stream().filter(s -> s.startsWith("NOTE:")).findAny().get(), "NOTE: ");
Asserts.assertEquals(note, expected);
return note;
// does nothing if value found
assertLetGives.apply(MutableMap.of("step", "let x = ${person}"), "Anna");
assertLetGives.apply(MutableMap.of("step", "let x = ${person}", "interpolation_errors", "fail"), "Anna");
assertLetGives.apply(MutableMap.of("step", "let x = ${person}", "interpolation_errors", "blank"), "Anna");
assertLetGives.apply(MutableMap.of("step", "let x = ${person}", "interpolation_errors", "ignore"), "Anna");
// but if value not found
Asserts.assertFailsWith(() -> assertLetGives.apply(MutableMap.of("step", "let x = ${unknown_person}"), "not-used"),
e -> Asserts.expectedFailureContains(e, "unknown_person"));
Asserts.assertFailsWith(() -> assertLetGives.apply(MutableMap.of("step", "let x = ${unknown_person}", "interpolation_errors", "fail"), "not-used"),
e -> Asserts.expectedFailureContains(e, "unknown_person"));
assertLetGives.apply(MutableMap.of("step", "let x = ${unknown_person}", "interpolation_errors", "blank"), "");
assertLetGives.apply(MutableMap.of("step", "let x = ${unknown_person}", "interpolation_errors", "ignore"), "${unknown_person}");
public void testLoadInterpolationMode() {
BiConsumer<String,Map<String,Object>> invoke = (otherVarName, input) -> { try {
"let person = Anna",
"let "+otherVarName+" = Other",
MutableMap.<String,Object>of("step", "load x = classpath://document-with-interpolated-expression.txt").add(input),
"log NOTE: ${x}"));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw Exceptions.propagate(e);
} };
BiFunction<Map<String,Object>,String,String> assertLoadWithOtherVarGives = (input,expected) -> {
invoke.accept("other", input);
String note = Strings.removeFromStart(lastLogWatcher.getMessages().stream().filter(s -> s.startsWith("NOTE:")).findAny().get(), "NOTE: ");
Asserts.assertEquals(note, expected);
return note;
BiFunction<Map<String,Object>,String,String> assertLoadWithoutOtherVarGives = (input,expected) -> {
invoke.accept("ignored", input);
String note = Strings.removeFromStart(lastLogWatcher.getMessages().stream().filter(s -> s.startsWith("NOTE:")).findAny().get(), "NOTE: ");
Asserts.assertEquals(note, expected);
return note;
assertLoadWithOtherVarGives.apply(null, "This is a test. Person is ${person} and other is ${other}.");
assertLoadWithOtherVarGives.apply(MutableMap.of("interpolation_mode", "disabled"), "This is a test. Person is ${person} and other is ${other}.");
assertLoadWithOtherVarGives.apply(MutableMap.of("interpolation_mode", "full"), "This is a test. Person is Anna and other is Other.");
assertLoadWithoutOtherVarGives.apply(null, "This is a test. Person is ${person} and other is ${other}.");
assertLoadWithoutOtherVarGives.apply(MutableMap.of("interpolation_mode", "disabled"), "This is a test. Person is ${person} and other is ${other}.");
assertLoadWithoutOtherVarGives.apply(MutableMap.of("interpolation_mode", "full"), "This is a test. Person is Anna and other is ${other}.");
assertLoadWithoutOtherVarGives.apply(MutableMap.of("interpolation_error", "fail"), "This is a test. Person is ${person} and other is ${other}.");
assertLoadWithoutOtherVarGives.apply(MutableMap.of("interpolation_mode", "disabled", "interpolation_errors", "fail"), "This is a test. Person is ${person} and other is ${other}.");
assertLoadWithoutOtherVarGives.apply(MutableMap.of("interpolation_mode", "full"), "This is a test. Person is Anna and other is ${other}.");
assertLoadWithoutOtherVarGives.apply(MutableMap.of("interpolation_mode", "full", "interpolation_errors", "ignore"), "This is a test. Person is Anna and other is ${other}.");
assertLoadWithoutOtherVarGives.apply(MutableMap.of("interpolation_mode", "full", "interpolation_errors", "blank"), "This is a test. Person is Anna and other is .");
Asserts.assertFailsWith(() -> assertLoadWithoutOtherVarGives.apply(MutableMap.of("interpolation_mode", "full", "interpolation_error", "fail"), "not-used"),
e -> Asserts.expectedFailureContains(e, "other"));
public void testInterpolationNotRecursiveSoDisablingWorks() throws Exception {
// outwith inputs, interpolation is not recursive. for inputs, it is permitted to be.
Object result = invokeWorkflowStepsWithLogging(MutableList.of("let person1 = Anna",
MutableMap.of("step", "let person2 = ${person1}", "interpolation_mode", "disabled"),
MutableMap.of("step", "log P2: ${person2}"),
MutableMap.of("step", "let person3 = ${person2}"),
MutableMap.of("step", "log P3: ${person3}"),
"return ${person3}"));
Asserts.assertEquals(result, "${person1}");
String p2 = Strings.removeFromStart(lastLogWatcher.getMessages().stream().filter(s -> s.startsWith("P2:")).findAny().get(), "P2: ");
Asserts.assertEquals(p2, "${person1}");
String p3 = Strings.removeFromStart(lastLogWatcher.getMessages().stream().filter(s -> s.startsWith("P3:")).findAny().get(), "P3: ");
Asserts.assertEquals(p3, "${person1}");
public void testLetQuoteVar() {
Consumer<String> invoke = input -> { try {
"let person = Anna",
"let note = "+input,
"log NOTE: ${note}"));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw Exceptions.propagate(e);
} };
BiFunction<String,String,String> assertLetGives = (input,expected) -> {
String note = Strings.removeFromStart(lastLogWatcher.getMessages().stream().filter(s -> s.startsWith("NOTE:")).findAny().get(), "NOTE: ");
Asserts.assertEquals(note, expected);
return note;
assertLetGives.apply("\"${person}\"", "${person}");
assertLetGives.apply("\"${person}\" is ${person}", "${person} is Anna");
assertLetGives.apply("\"${person} is\" ${person}", "${person} is Anna");
assertLetGives.apply("\"${person}\" is '${person}'", "${person} is ${person}");
assertLetGives.apply("\"${person}\" is '\"${person}\"'", "${person} is \"${person}\"");
assertLetGives.apply("\"${person}\" is 'person'", "${person} is person");
//Asserts.assertFails(() -> invoke.accept("\"${person}\" is ''person '"));
// now this is allowed as it will attempt to parse it as one big string if words do not parse
assertLetGives.apply("\"${person}\" is ''person '", "\"Anna\" is ''person '");
assertLetGives.apply("\"${person} is person \"", "${person} is person ");
Asserts.assertFails(() -> invoke.accept("\"\"${person}\" is person \""));
assertLetGives.apply("\"'${person}' is person \"", "'${person}' is person ");
assertLetGives.apply("\"\\\"${person}\\\" is person \"", "\"${person}\" is person ");
Asserts.assertFails(() -> invoke.accept("\"\\\"${person}\\\" is \"person \""));
assertLetGives.apply("\"\\\"${person}\" is \"person \"", "\"${person} is person ");
// if there are spaces inside the interpolated expression, don't use the quote strategy
assertLetGives.apply("${ person } is \"${person}\"", "Anna is \"Anna\"");
public void testSetSensorQuoteVar() {
Consumer<String> invoke = input -> { try {
"let person = Anna",
"set-sensor note = "+input,
"let note = ${entity.sensor.note}",
"log NOTE: ${note}"));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw Exceptions.propagate(e);
} };
BiFunction<String,String,String> assertSetSensorGives = (input,expected) -> {
String note = Strings.removeFromStart(lastLogWatcher.getMessages().stream().filter(s -> s.startsWith("NOTE:")).findAny().get(), "NOTE: ");
Asserts.assertEquals(note, expected);
return note;
assertSetSensorGives.apply("\"${person}\" is ${person}", "\"Anna\" is Anna");
assertSetSensorGives.apply("\"${person}\" is '${person}'", "\"Anna\" is 'Anna'");
assertSetSensorGives.apply("\"${person} is\" ${person}", "\"Anna is\" Anna");
assertSetSensorGives.apply("\"${person}\" is ''${person}''", "\"Anna\" is ''Anna''");
assertSetSensorGives.apply("\"${person}\" is 'person'", "\"Anna\" is 'person'");
assertSetSensorGives.apply("\"${person}\" is ''person '", "\"Anna\" is ''person '"); // doesn't fail because quotes preserved
assertSetSensorGives.apply("\"${person} is person \"", "Anna is person ");
Asserts.assertFails(() -> invoke.accept("\"\"${person}\" is person \""));
assertSetSensorGives.apply("\"'${person}' is person \"", "'Anna' is person ");
assertSetSensorGives.apply("\"\\\"${person}\\\" is person \"", "\"Anna\" is person ");
Asserts.assertFails(() -> invoke.accept("\"\\\"${person}\\\" is \"person \""));
assertSetSensorGives.apply("\"\\\"${person}\" is \"person \"", "\"\\\"Anna\" is \"person \"");
public void testTransformTrimString() throws Exception {
Object output = invokeWorkflowStepsWithLogging(MutableList.of(
"let person_spaces = \" Anna \"",
"let string person = ${person_spaces}",
"transform person_tidied = ${person_spaces} | trim",
"log PERSON: ${person}",
"log PERSON_TIDIED: ${person_tidied}"));
Asserts.assertEquals(lastLogWatcher.getMessages().stream().filter(s -> s.startsWith("PERSON:")).findAny().get(), "PERSON: Anna ");
Asserts.assertEquals(lastLogWatcher.getMessages().stream().filter(s -> s.startsWith("PERSON_TIDIED:")).findAny().get(), "PERSON_TIDIED: Anna");
private void assertLogMessageFor(String prefix, String value) {
Asserts.assertEquals(lastLogWatcher.getMessages().stream().filter(s -> s.startsWith(prefix+": ")).findAny().get(),
prefix+": "+value);
private Object let(String prefix, Object expression) throws Exception {
return invokeWorkflowStepsWithLogging(MutableList.of(
MutableMap.<String,Object>of("step", "let x1", "value", expression),
"let "+prefix+" x2 = ${x1}", "return ${x2}"));
private Object transform(String filter, Object expression) throws Exception {
boolean inline = expression instanceof String && Strings.isNonEmpty((String)expression) && ((String)expression).trim().equals(expression);
Map<String,Object> letStep = MutableMap.<String,Object>of("step", "let x1" + (inline ? " = "+expression : ""));
if (!inline) letStep.put("value", expression);
return invokeWorkflowStepsWithLogging(MutableList.of(letStep,
"transform x2 = ${x1} | "+filter, "return ${x2}"));
private void checkTransform(String prefix, Object expression, Object expectedResult) throws Exception {
Object out = transform(prefix, expression);
Asserts.assertEquals(out, expectedResult);
private void checkTransformBidi(String prefix, Object expression, String expectedResult) throws Exception {
Object out = transform(prefix, expression);
Object backIn = BeanWithTypeUtils.newYamlMapper(null, false, null, false).readValue((String) out, Object.class);
Asserts.assertEquals(backIn, expression);
Asserts.assertEquals(out, expectedResult, "YAML encoding (for whitespace) different to expected; interesting, but not a real fault");
static String q(String s) {
return StringEscapes.JavaStringEscapes.wrapJavaString(s);
public void testTransformYaml() throws Exception {
// null not permitted as return type; would be nice to support but not vital
// checkLetBidi("yaml string", null, "null");
checkTransform("yaml", 2, 2);
checkTransform("yaml", "2", 2);
checkTransform("yaml", q("2"), 2); //unwrapped once by shorthand, again by step
checkTransform("yaml", q(q("2")), "2"); //finally we get the string
checkTransform("yaml parse", 2, 2);
checkTransform("yaml parse", "2", 2);
checkTransform("yaml parse", q("2"), 2);
checkTransform("yaml parse", q(q("2")), "2");
checkTransform("yaml string", 2, "2");
checkTransform("yaml string", "2", "2");
checkTransform("yaml string", q("2"), "2");
checkTransform("yaml string", q(q("2")), "\"2\"");
checkTransform("yaml encode", 2, "2");
checkTransform("yaml encode", "2", "\"2\"");
checkTransform("yaml encode", q("2"), "\"2\"");
// for these especially the exact yaml is not significant, but included for interest
checkTransform("yaml encode", q(q("2")), "'\"2\"'");
checkTransformBidi("yaml encode", " ", "' '");
checkTransformBidi("yaml encode", "\n", "|2+\n\n"); // 2 is totally unnecessary but returned
checkTransformBidi("yaml encode", " \n ", "\" \\n \""); // double quotes used if spaces and newlines significant
checkTransform("yaml", "ignore \n---\n x: 1 \n", MutableMap.of("x", 1));
checkTransform("yaml parse", "ignore \n---\n x: 1 \n y: 2", MutableMap.of("x", 1, "y", 2));
checkTransform("yaml string", "ignore \n---\n x: 1 \n", " x: 1 \n");
checkTransformBidi("yaml encode", "ignore \n---\n x: 1 \n", "\"ignore \\n---\\n x: 1 \\n\"");
checkTransform("trim | yaml encode", "ignore \n---\n x: 1 \n", "\"ignore \\n---\\n x: 1\"");
checkTransform("yaml string | trim | yaml encode", "ignore \n---\n x: 1 \n", "\"x: 1\"");
checkTransform("json string | trim", "ignore \n---\n x: 1 \n", "ignore \n---\n x: 1");
checkTransformBidi("yaml string", MutableMap.of("a", 1), "a: 1");
checkTransformBidi("yaml string", MutableMap.of("a", MutableList.of(null), "x", "1"), "a:\n- null\nx: \"1\"");
checkTransform("yaml", MutableMap.of("x", 1), MutableMap.of("x", 1));
public void testTransformJson() throws Exception {
checkTransform("json", 2, 2);
checkTransform("json", "2", 2);
checkTransform("json", q("2"), 2); //unwrapped once by shorthand, again by step
checkTransform("json", q(q("2")), "2"); //finally we get the string
checkTransform("json parse", 2, 2);
checkTransform("json parse", "2", 2);
checkTransform("json parse", q("2"), 2);
checkTransform("json parse", q(q("2")), "2");
checkTransform("json string", 2, "2");
checkTransform("json string", "2", "2");
checkTransform("json string", q("2"), "2");
checkTransform("json string", q(q("2")), "\"2\"");
checkTransform("json encode", 2, "2");
checkTransform("json encode", "2", "\"2\"");
checkTransform("json encode", q("2"), "\"2\"");
// for these especially the exact yaml is not significant, but included for interest
checkTransform("json encode", q(q("2")), "\"\\\"2\\\"\"");
checkTransform("json string", " ", " ");
checkTransform("json string", "\n", "\n");
checkTransform("json string", " \n ", " \n ");
checkTransformBidi("json encode", " ", "\" \"");
checkTransformBidi("json encode", "\n", "\"\\n\"");
checkTransformBidi("json encode", " \n ", "\" \\n \"");
checkTransformBidi("json string", MutableMap.of("a", 1), "{\"a\":1}");
checkTransform("json encode", MutableMap.of("a", 1), "{\"a\":1}");
checkTransform("json string | json encode", MutableMap.of("a", 1), q("{\"a\":1}"));
checkTransformBidi("json string", MutableMap.of("a", MutableList.of(null), "x", "1"), "{\"a\":[null],\"x\":\"1\"}");
checkTransform("json", MutableMap.of("x", 1), MutableMap.of("x", 1));
public void testTransformBash() throws Exception {
checkTransform("bash", 2, q("2"));
checkTransform("bash encode", 2, q("2"));
checkTransform("bash", "2", q("2"));
checkTransform("bash", q("2"), q("2")); //unwrapped once by shorthand, again by step
checkTransform("bash", q(q("2")), q("\"2\"")); //finally we get the string
checkTransform("bash", "hello(n $o!)", "\"hello(n \\$o\"'!'\")\"");
checkTransform("bash", "two\nlines", "\"two\nlines\"");
checkTransform("bash", MutableMap.of("x", 1), q("{\"x\":1}"));
public static class MockObject {
String id;
String name;
public void testTransformYamlCoercion() throws Exception {
addBeanWithType("mock-object", "1", "type: " + MockObject.class.getName());
Object result = invokeWorkflowStepsWithLogging(MutableList.of(
MutableMap.<String, Object>of("step", "let x1", "value",
"ignore\n" +
"---\n" +
" id: x\n" +
" name: foo"),
"transform mock-object result = ${x1} | yaml",
"return ${result}"));
Asserts.assertThat(result, r -> r instanceof MockObject);
Asserts.assertEquals(((MockObject)result).id, "x");
Asserts.assertEquals(((MockObject)result).name, "foo");
public void testOutputYamlAndJson() throws Exception {
Object output = invokeWorkflowStepsWithLogging(MutableList.of(
"let map x = { i: [ 1, 'A' ] }",
"let map result = {}",
"transform result.y = ${x} | yaml string",
"transform result.j = ${x} | json string", // will give the stringified map
"transform result.j2 = ${result.j} | json string", // no change to the string
"transform result.e = ${x} | json encode",
"transform = ${x} | json string | json encode",
"transform map result.m0 = ${x} | json",
"transform map result.m1 = ${result.j} | json",
"return ${result}"));
String s = "{\"i\":[1,\"A\"]}";
Object m = MutableMap.of("i", MutableList.of(1, "A"));
Asserts.assertEquals(output, MutableMap.of("y", "i:\n- 1\n- A\n", "j", s,
"j2", s, "e", s, "es", q(s),
"m0", m, "m1", m));
String s0 = "{ i: [ 1, 'A' ] }";
output = invokeWorkflowStepsWithLogging(MutableList.of(
"let string x = "+ q(s0), // wrap to preserve the make the second thing in list be 'A' (including single quotes)
"let map result = {}",
"transform = ${x} | yaml", // parsing a string gives a map
"transform result.mp2 = ${} | yaml parse", // parsing a map has no effect
"transform = ${} | json", // json referencing a map has no discernable effect (though it serializes and deserializes)
"transform = ${x} | json string", // pass through
"transform result.ss0 = ${} | json encode", // encoding a string gives the double-stringified map, you can parse to get the string back
"transform result.ss1 = ${} | json encode", // stringifies
"transform result.ss2 = ${} | json string | json encode", // specifying string on non-string gives single encoding (again)
"return ${result}"));
Asserts.assertEquals(output, MutableMap.<String,Object>of("mp", m, "mp2", m, "mo", m,
"so", s0, "ss0", q(s0), "ss1", s, "ss2", q(s)));
// test complex object in an expression
public void testAccessLocalOutput() throws Exception {
Object output = invokeWorkflowStepsWithLogging(MutableList.of(
MutableMap.of("id" , "l1",
"step", "let x = ${x} + ${workflow.step.l1.output.prev} ?? 1",
"output", MutableMap.of("prev", "${x}")),
"log ${x}",
"step", "let x = ${x} + 2 * ${prev}",
"output", MutableMap.of("prev", "${x}")),
"log ${x}",
MutableMap.of("step" , "goto l1",
"condition", MutableMap.of("target", "${x}", "less-than", 10)),
"return ${workflow.step.l1.output.prev}"
Asserts.assertEquals(output, 4);
Asserts.assertEquals(lastLogWatcher.getMessages(), MutableList.of(
"1", "3", "4", "12"
public void testLoadData() throws Exception {
Object output = invokeWorkflowStepsWithLogging(MutableList.of(
"load x = classpath://hello-world.txt",
"return ${x}"));
Asserts.assertStringContains((String)output, "The file hello-world.war contains its source code.");
public void testSetSensorAtomicRequire() {
BasicApplication app = mgmt.getEntityManager().createEntity(EntitySpec.create(BasicApplication.class));
WorkflowEffector eff = new WorkflowEffector(ConfigBag.newInstance()
.configure(WorkflowEffector.EFFECTOR_NAME, "init")
.configure(WorkflowEffector.STEPS, MutableList.of(
"step", "set-sensor integer x = 0",
"require", MutableMap.of("when", "absent")
eff = new WorkflowEffector(ConfigBag.newInstance()
.configure(WorkflowEffector.EFFECTOR_NAME, "myWorkflow")
.configure(WorkflowEffector.STEPS, MutableList.of(
"let x = ${entity.sensor.x} ?? 0",
"let x2 = ${x} + 1",
"step", "set-sensor x = ${x2}",
"require", "${x}"
// fails with Absent exception if value required
Asserts.assertFailsWith(() -> app.invoke(app.getEntityType().getEffectorByName("myWorkflow").get(), null).getUnchecked(),
e -> {
Asserts.expectedFailureContains(e, "x", "non-absent requirement");
SetSensorWorkflowStep.SensorRequirementFailedAbsent e0 = (SetSensorWorkflowStep.SensorRequirementFailedAbsent) Exceptions.getFirstThrowableOfType(e, SetSensorWorkflowStep.SensorRequirementFailed.class);
return true;
// works if we require absent, and initializes it
app.invoke(app.getEntityType().getEffectorByName("init").get(), null).getUnchecked();
// fails with normal exception if we require absent when it isn't
Asserts.assertFailsWith(() -> app.invoke(app.getEntityType().getEffectorByName("init").get(), null).getUnchecked(),
e -> {
Asserts.expectedFailureContains(e, "x");
// value not in output, not any mention of absence
Asserts.expectedFailureDoesNotContain(e, "0", "absent");
// but value is in field
SetSensorWorkflowStep.SensorRequirementFailed e0 = Exceptions.getFirstThrowableOfType(e, SetSensorWorkflowStep.SensorRequirementFailed.class);
Asserts.assertEquals(e0.getSensorValue(), 0);
return true;
// subsequently works at least once, but probably gets some errors due to concurrency
List<Task<?>> tasks = MutableList.of();
int NUM = 100;
for (int i=0; i<NUM; i++) tasks.add(app.invoke(app.getEntityType().getEffectorByName("myWorkflow").get(), null));
long numErrors = -> {
return t.isError();
Integer numSuccess = app.sensors().get(Sensors.newIntegerSensor("x"));
if (numSuccess==0) tasks.iterator().next().getUnchecked(); // show failure if they all failed
Asserts.assertEquals(numErrors + numSuccess, NUM, "Tally mismatch, had "+numErrors+" errors when sensor showed "+numSuccess);
public void testSwitch() throws JsonProcessingException {
BasicApplication app = mgmt.getEntityManager().createEntity(EntitySpec.create(BasicApplication.class));
WorkflowEffector eff = new WorkflowEffector(ConfigBag.newInstance()
.configure(WorkflowEffector.EFFECTOR_NAME, "myWorkflow")
.configure(WorkflowEffector.EFFECTOR_PARAMETER_DEFS, MutableMap.of("x", null))
.configure(WorkflowEffector.STEPS, MutableList.<Object>of()
.append(MutableMap.of("step", "switch ${x}", "cases",
MutableMap.of("condition", "A", "step", "return Aaa"),
MutableMap.of("condition", "B", "step", "return Bbb"),
"return Zzz")))
eff.apply((EntityLocal) app);
Asserts.assertEquals(app.invoke(app.getEntityType().getEffectorByName("myWorkflow").get(), MutableMap.of("x", "A")).getUnchecked(), "Aaa");
Asserts.assertEquals(app.invoke(app.getEntityType().getEffectorByName("myWorkflow").get(), MutableMap.of("x", "B")).getUnchecked(), "Bbb");
Asserts.assertEquals(app.invoke(app.getEntityType().getEffectorByName("myWorkflow").get(), MutableMap.of("x", "C")).getUnchecked(), "Zzz");
public void testSwitchNoValueSingleDefaultCase() throws JsonProcessingException {
BasicApplication app = mgmt.getEntityManager().createEntity(EntitySpec.create(BasicApplication.class));
WorkflowEffector eff = new WorkflowEffector(ConfigBag.newInstance()
.configure(WorkflowEffector.EFFECTOR_NAME, "myWorkflow")
.configure(WorkflowEffector.EFFECTOR_PARAMETER_DEFS, MutableMap.of("x", null))
.configure(WorkflowEffector.STEPS, MutableList.<Object>of()
.append(MutableMap.of("step", "switch", "cases",
"return Zzz")))
eff.apply((EntityLocal) app);
Asserts.assertEquals(app.invoke(app.getEntityType().getEffectorByName("myWorkflow").get(), MutableMap.of("x", "A")).getUnchecked(), "Zzz");
public void testUtil() throws JsonProcessingException {
BasicApplication app = mgmt.getEntityManager().createEntity(EntitySpec.create(BasicApplication.class));
WorkflowEffector eff = new WorkflowEffector(ConfigBag.newInstance()
.configure(WorkflowEffector.EFFECTOR_NAME, "myWorkflow")
.configure(WorkflowEffector.EFFECTOR_PARAMETER_DEFS, MutableMap.of("x", null))
.configure(WorkflowEffector.STEPS, MutableList.<Object>of(
"set-sensor random = ${workflow.util.random}",
"set-sensor random2 = ${workflow.util.random}",
"set-sensor now = ${}",
"set-sensor now_utc = ${workflow.util.now_utc}",
"set-sensor now_instant = ${workflow.util.now_instant}",
"set-sensor now_stamp = ${workflow.util.now_stamp}",
"set-sensor now_iso = ${workflow.util.now_iso}",
"set-sensor now_nice = ${workflow.util.now_nice}"
eff.apply((EntityLocal) app);
app.invoke(app.getEntityType().getEffectorByName("myWorkflow").get(), null).getUnchecked();
EntityAsserts.assertAttribute(app, Sensors.newSensor(Double.class, "random"), x -> x>0);
EntityAsserts.assertAttribute(app, Sensors.newSensor(Double.class, "random2"), x -> x>0);
EntityAsserts.assertAttribute(app, Sensors.newSensor(Double.class, "random"), x -> !app.sensors().get(Sensors.newSensor(Double.class, "random2")).equals(x));
EntityAsserts.assertAttribute(app, Sensors.newSensor(Long.class, "now"), l -> l > System.currentTimeMillis() - 5*1000 && l <= System.currentTimeMillis());
EntityAsserts.assertAttribute(app, Sensors.newSensor(Long.class, "now_utc"), l -> l > System.currentTimeMillis() - 5*1000 && l <= System.currentTimeMillis());
EntityAsserts.assertAttribute(app, Sensors.newSensor(Instant.class, "now_instant"), l -> l.toEpochMilli() > System.currentTimeMillis() - 5*1000 && l.toEpochMilli() <= System.currentTimeMillis());
EntityAsserts.assertAttribute(app, Sensors.newSensor(String.class, "now_iso"), l -> l.startsWith("202") && l.endsWith("Z"));
EntityAsserts.assertAttribute(app, Sensors.newSensor(String.class, "now_nice"), l -> l.startsWith("202"));
EntityAsserts.assertAttribute(app, Sensors.newSensor(String.class, "now_stamp"), l -> l.startsWith("202"));