blob: eb2b2f2d971c1b04cb8fa0283eba770792e4af6f [file] [log] [blame]
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package org.apache.brooklyn.util.math;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
public class NumberMath<T extends Number> {
static final BigDecimal DEFAULT_TOLERANCE = new BigDecimal(0.00000001);
final T number;
final Class<T> desiredType;
final Function<Number, T> handlerForUncastableType;
final BigDecimal tolerance;
public NumberMath(T number) {
this(number, (Class<T>)number.getClass(), null);
/** callers can pass `Number` as second arg if they will accept any type; otherwise the input type is expected as the default */
public NumberMath(T number, Class<T> desiredType) {
this(number, desiredType, null);
public NumberMath(T number, Class<T> desiredType, Function<Number,T> handlerForUncastableType) {
this(number, desiredType, handlerForUncastableType, null);
public NumberMath(T number, Class<T> desiredType, Function<Number,T> handlerForUncastableType, BigDecimal tolerance) {
this.number = number;
this.desiredType = desiredType;
this.handlerForUncastableType = handlerForUncastableType==null ? (x -> { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot cast "+x+" to "+number.getClass()); }) : handlerForUncastableType;
this.tolerance = tolerance==null ? DEFAULT_TOLERANCE : null;
public BigDecimal asBigDecimal() { return asBigDecimal(number); }
public Optional<BigInteger> asBigIntegerWithinTolerance() { return asBigIntegerWithinTolerance(number); }
public <T extends Number> T asTypeForced(Class<T> desiredType) {
return asTypeFirstMatching(number, desiredType, y -> withinTolerance(y));
public <T extends Number> Optional<T> asTypeWithinTolerance(Class<T> desiredType, Number tolerance) {
return Optional.ofNullable(asTypeFirstMatching(number, desiredType, y -> withinTolerance(number, y, tolerance)));
public static boolean isPrimitiveWholeNumberType(Number number) {
return number instanceof Long || number instanceof Integer || number instanceof Short || number instanceof Byte;
public static boolean isPrimitiveFloatingPointType(Number number) {
return number instanceof Double || number instanceof Float;
public static boolean isPrimitiveNumberType(Number number) {
return isPrimitiveFloatingPointType(number) || isPrimitiveWholeNumberType(number);
public static BigDecimal asBigDecimal(Number number) {
if (number instanceof BigDecimal) return (BigDecimal) number;
if (isPrimitiveFloatingPointType(number)) return new BigDecimal(number.doubleValue());
if (isPrimitiveWholeNumberType(number)) return new BigDecimal(number.longValue());
if (number instanceof BigInteger) return new BigDecimal((BigInteger) number);
return new BigDecimal(""+number);
public Optional<BigInteger> asBigIntegerWithinTolerance(Number number) {
BigInteger candidate = asBigIntegerForced(number);
if (withinTolerance(candidate)) return Optional.of(candidate);
return Optional.empty();
public static BigInteger asBigIntegerForced(Number number) {
if (number instanceof BigInteger) return (BigInteger) number;
if (isPrimitiveWholeNumberType(number)) return BigInteger.valueOf(number.longValue());
return asBigDecimal(number).toBigInteger();
public static <T extends Number> T asTypeForced(Number x, Class<T> desiredType) {
return asTypeFirstMatching(x, desiredType, y -> withinTolerance(x, y, DEFAULT_TOLERANCE));
public static <T extends Number> Optional<T> asTypeWithinTolerance(Number x, Class<T> desiredType, Number tolerance) {
return Optional.ofNullable(asTypeFirstMatching(x, desiredType, y -> withinTolerance(x, y, tolerance)));
protected static <T extends Number> T asTypeFirstMatching(Number x, Class<T> desiredType, Predicate<T> check) {
if (desiredType.isAssignableFrom(Integer.class)) { T candidate = (T) (Object) x.intValue(); if (check!=null && check.test(candidate)) return candidate; }
if (desiredType.isAssignableFrom(Long.class)) { T candidate = (T) (Object) x.longValue(); if (check!=null && check.test(candidate)) return candidate; }
if (desiredType.isAssignableFrom(Double.class)) { T candidate = (T) (Object) x.doubleValue(); if (check!=null && check.test(candidate)) return candidate; }
if (desiredType.isAssignableFrom(Float.class)) { T candidate = (T) (Object) x.floatValue(); if (check!=null && check.test(candidate)) return candidate; }
if (desiredType.isAssignableFrom(Short.class)) { T candidate = (T) (Object) x.shortValue(); if (check!=null && check.test(candidate)) return candidate; }
if (desiredType.isAssignableFrom(Byte.class)) { T candidate = (T) (Object) x.byteValue(); if (check!=null && check.test(candidate)) return candidate; }
if (desiredType.isAssignableFrom(BigInteger.class)) { T candidate = (T) asBigIntegerForced(x); if (check!=null && check.test(candidate)) return candidate; }
if (desiredType.isAssignableFrom(BigDecimal.class)) { T candidate = (T) asBigDecimal(x); if (check!=null && check.test(candidate)) return candidate; }
return null;
public boolean withinTolerance(Number b) {
return withinTolerance(number, b, tolerance);
public static boolean withinTolerance(Number a, Number b, Number tolerance) {
return asBigDecimal(a).subtract(asBigDecimal(b)).abs().compareTo(asBigDecimal(tolerance)) <= 0;
// from
// In Java, there are two types of casting:
// Widening Casting (automatically) - converting a smaller type to a larger type size
// byte -> short -> char -> int -> long -> float -> double
// Narrowing Casting (manually) - converting a larger type to a smaller size type
// double -> float -> long -> int -> char -> short -> byte
protected T attemptCast(Number candidate) {
Optional<T> result = asTypeWithinTolerance(candidate, desiredType, tolerance);
if (result.isPresent()) return result.get();
return handlerForUncastableType.apply(candidate);
protected T attemptUnary(Function<Long,Long> intFn, Function<Double,Double> doubleFn, Function<BigInteger,BigInteger> bigIntegerFn, Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> bigDecimalFn) {
if (isPrimitiveWholeNumberType(number)) return attemptCast(intFn.apply(number.longValue()));
if (isPrimitiveNumberType(number)) return attemptCast(doubleFn.apply(number.doubleValue()));
if (number instanceof BigInteger) return attemptCast(bigIntegerFn.apply((BigInteger)number));
if (number instanceof BigDecimal) return attemptCast(bigDecimalFn.apply((BigDecimal)number));
return attemptCast(bigDecimalFn.apply(asBigDecimal()));
protected T attemptBinary(T rhs, @Nullable BiFunction<Long,Long,Long> intFn, BiFunction<Double,Double,Double> doubleFn, @Nullable BiFunction<BigInteger,BigInteger,BigInteger> bigIntegerFn, BiFunction<BigDecimal,BigDecimal,BigDecimal> bigDecimalFn) {
if (isPrimitiveWholeNumberType(number) && isPrimitiveWholeNumberType(rhs) && intFn!=null) return attemptCast(intFn.apply(number.longValue(), rhs.longValue()));
if (isPrimitiveNumberType(number) && isPrimitiveNumberType(rhs)) return attemptCast(doubleFn.apply(number.doubleValue(), rhs.doubleValue()));
if (number instanceof BigInteger && bigIntegerFn!=null) {
BigInteger rhsI = asBigIntegerWithinTolerance(rhs).orElse(null);
if (rhsI!=null) return attemptCast(bigIntegerFn.apply((BigInteger) number, rhsI));
if (number instanceof BigDecimal) {
return attemptCast(bigDecimalFn.apply((BigDecimal) number, asBigDecimal(rhs)));
return attemptCast(bigDecimalFn.apply(asBigDecimal(), asBigDecimal(rhs)));
protected T attemptBinaryWithDecimalPrecision(T rhs, BiFunction<Double,Double,Double> doubleFn, BiFunction<BigDecimal,BigDecimal,BigDecimal> bigDecimalFn) {
return attemptBinary(rhs, null, doubleFn, null, bigDecimalFn);
public static <T extends Number> T pairwise(BiFunction<NumberMath<T>,T,T> fn, T ...rhsAll) {
T result = rhsAll[0];
for (T rhs: rhsAll) result = fn.apply(new NumberMath<T>(result),rhs);
return result;
public T abs() { return attemptUnary(x -> x<0 ? -x : x, x -> x<0 ? -x : x, BigInteger::abs, BigDecimal::abs); }
public T negate() { return attemptUnary(x -> -x, x -> -x, BigInteger::negate, BigDecimal::negate); }
public T add(T rhs) { return attemptBinary(rhs, (x,y) -> x+y, (x,y) -> x+y, BigInteger::add, BigDecimal::add); }
public T subtract(T rhs) { return attemptBinary(rhs, (x,y) -> x-y, (x,y) -> x-y, BigInteger::subtract, BigDecimal::subtract); }
public T multiply(T rhs) { return attemptBinary(rhs, (x,y) -> x*y, (x,y) -> x*y, BigInteger::multiply, BigDecimal::multiply); }
public T divide(T rhs) { return attemptBinaryWithDecimalPrecision(rhs, (x,y) -> x/y, BigDecimal::divide); }
public T max(T rhs) { return attemptBinary(rhs, (x,y) -> x>y ? x : y, (x,y) -> x>y ? x : y, BigInteger::max, BigDecimal::max); }
public T min(T rhs) { return attemptBinary(rhs, (x,y) -> x<y ? x : y, (x,y) -> x<y ? x : y, BigInteger::min, BigDecimal::min); }